992 resultados para 143-870A
An apparent defect suppression effect has been observed in InP through an investigation of deep level defects in different semi-insulating (SI) InP materials. Quality improvement of SI-InP based on the defect suppression mechanism is presented.
Low-temperature-grown GaAs (LT-GaAs) of 1-um thickness was grown at 250 degrees C on semi-insulating GaAs (001) substrate using EPI GEN-II solid-source MBE system. The sample was then in situ annealed for 10 min at 600 degrees C under As-rich condition. THz emitters were fabricated on this LTGaAs with three different photoconductive dipole antenna gaps of 1-mm, 3-mm, and 5-mm, respectively. The spectral bandwidth of 2.75 THz was obtaind with time domain spectroscopy. It is found that THz emission efficiency is increased with decreasing antenna gap. Two carrier lifetimes, 0.469 ps and 3.759 ps, were obtained with time-resolved transient reflection-type pump-probe spectroscopy.
InN films with electron concentration ranging from n similar to 10(17) to 10(20) cm(-3) grown by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) and molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) were investigated by variable-temperature photoluminescence and absorption measurements. The energy positions of absorption edge as well as photoluminescence peak of these InN samples with electron concentration above 10(18) cm(-3) show a distinct S-shape temperature dependence. With a model of potential fluctuations caused by electron-impurity interactions, the behavior can be quantitatively explained in terms of exciton freeze-out in local potential minima at sufficiently low temperatures, followed by thermal redistribution of the localized excitons when the band gap shrinks with increasing temperature. The exciton localization energy sigma (loc) is found to follow the n (5/12) power relation, which testifies to the observed strong localization effects in InN with high electron concentrations.
Kerberos是一个成熟的产品,广泛应用于金融、邮电、保险等行业.但仍存在一些隐患,例如:重放攻击、密码猜测、会话中选择明文攻击等等.该文针对Kerberos系统登录时可能遭到密码猜测,即所谓的离线字典攻击(Off line Dictionary Attack)的问题,提出一种基于椭圆曲线的零知识证明方法对系统进行改进,并给出相应的协议.
Ontologies play a core role to provide shared knowledge models to semantic-driven applications targeted by Semantic Web. Ontology metrics become an important area because they can help ontology engineers to assess ontology and better control project management and development of ontology based systems, and therefore reduce the risk of project failures. In this paper, we propose a set of ontology cohesion metrics which focuses on measuring (possibly inconsistent) ontologies in the context of dynamic and changing Web. They are: Number of Ontology Partitions (NOP), Number of Minimally Inconsistent Subsets (NMIS) and Average Value of Axiom Inconsistencies (AVAI). These ontology metrics are used to measure ontological semantics rather than ontological structure. They are theoretically validated for ensuring their theoretical soundness, and further empirically validated by a standard test set of debugging ontologies. The related algorithms to compute these ontology metrics also are discussed. These metrics proposed in this paper can be used as a very useful complementarity of existing ontology cohesion metrics.
基于黄土高原及周边地区74个气象站1952-2001年降水量数据,计算各站年降水量线性趋势系数,利用ArcGIS地统计模块普通Kriging插值法生成黄土高原地区1952-2001年年降水量和年降水量线性趋势表面,分析年降水量、年降水量线性趋势表面时空分布特征与10年尺度降水量带动态变化。结果表明,黄土高原地区1952-2001年平均年降水量(426.69±67.85)mm,年降水量和年降水量线性趋势存在显著时空分异;年降水量由西向东线性增加,从南到北二次曲线递减,总体上东南西北方向递减;10年尺度平均年降水量减少趋势明显,递减率-10.019 mm/10 a,期间累计减少1227.33 mm;200,400,600 mm降水线南移,干旱半干旱区面积不显著扩大,湿润半湿润区显著缩小,气候呈干旱化趋势;年降水量线性趋势系数从-4.10 mm/a到4.46 mm/a,平均-0.98 mm/a,降水量呈增加趋势地区面积16.36万km2,呈减少趋势地区面积46.27万km2,分占黄土高原地区总面积26.12%和73.88%。
目前激光衍射法(laser diffraction method,LD)逐步被用于土壤颗粒粒径分布(particle size distribution, PSD)的分析,为了对比LD法和吸管法测定东北黑土区土壤PSD的差异性,采用LD法和吸管法分别对东北黑土区宾州河流域36个土壤剖面不同层次178个土壤样品的PSD值进行了测定与分析。结果表明,同吸管法相比,LD法低估了土壤的黏粒含量,平均低估幅度19.69%,而高估了土壤的粉粒和砂粒含量,平均高估幅度分别为14.66%和5.13%。LD法所得PSD结果依据美国土壤质地分类制判定的土壤质地,相对于吸管法总体由粉黏质偏向粉砂质方向。建立了LD法与吸管法测定PSD结果的转换模型,将LD法测定的PSD结果利用转换模型校正后,其测定的各土壤粒级同吸管法相比,准确度达96.97%~98.71%,判定土壤质地的准确率也达83.15%。
试验研究了不同施肥处理对小麦产量及肥料、水分利用率的影响。结果表明:氮磷配施对产量的贡献率最高,产量达5 099.8 kg/hm2,增产率达21.5%,较氮、磷肥单施产量分别增产14.0%和18.4%,具有正交互效应;单施有机肥较NM、PM、NPM增产率分别达到6.63%、4.12%、11.3%。化肥配施可显著提高旱地小麦的肥料利用率和水分利用效率,氮磷有机肥配施肥料氮、磷肥的利用率分别较氮、磷肥单施提高1.71和12.55个百分点;氮磷配施可同时提高氮肥、磷肥肥效,此时氮贡献率为15.53%,磷贡献率达12.26%,且水分利用率提高了24.1%,耗水系数降低了17.57%。