1000 resultados para 1205 Teoría de números
A morosidade é problema crônico do Judiciário brasileiro, tendo já sido objeto de incontáveis estudos. Igualmente numerosas são as medidas adotadas para atacar o problema, incluindo o reconhecimento do direito fundamental à razoável duração do processo e metas de diversos órgãos judiciais. O Supremo Tribunal Federal não é exceção: os ministros convivem constantemente com a morosidade e já adotaram diversas medidas para vencê-la ou ao menos mitigá-la. A FGV DIREITO RIO reconhece o valor de tais iniciativas e, como forma de apoio incondicional ao STF, produziu o presente relatório, o terceiro do projeto Supremo em Números. O objetivo é dar aos ministros as informações necessárias para viabilizar as iniciativas mencionadas de combate à morosidade. O tempo é um fator crucial para qualquer Tribunal. Nesse relatório mostramos em detalhes o que o tempo significa para o Supremo.
O IV Relatório Supremo em Números aborda a relação entre o Ministério Público e o Supremo Tribunal Federal, analisando as atuações do MP como autor em ações originárias, em ações constitucionais e em sede de recurso na mais alta corte do país. As análises incluirão processos nos quais são partes a procuradoria-Geral da República (PGR), os órgãos do Ministério Público Federal (MPF) e do Ministério Público Estadual (MPE).
O presente estudo buscou traçar o panorama dos casos de dengue no estado de São Paulo (por municípios) e também dentro da cidade de São Paulo (por bairros). O objetivo principal é consolidar diferentes fontes de dados para propiciar informações qualificadas para tomada de decisão.
A criação dos números fracionários se deu em um determinado momento que os números naturais não eram mais suficientes para moderar as situações do dia a dia. Assim, os números naturais expressam a idéia de quantidade e os números fracionários a de quantidade e medida. É nesse sentido que o número fracionário é representado por a/b, onde a é a quantidade e b a medida. As frações expressam dois tipos de grandezas (coisas que podemos contar ou medir, como por exemplo, massa, temperatura, tempo): contínuas e discretas. Na sala de aula, as frações deveriam ser trabalhadas, em um primeiro momento, a partir da observação, manipulação e comparação. E só posteriormente o professor poderia trabalhar os aspectos formais do assunto. As frações expressam diversas idéias matemáticas na tentativa de representar situações do cotidiano, algumas dessas ideias são: partição (parcela), quociente (resultado de uma divisão), medida, probabilidade e número (a/b). Cumpre, ainda, acrescentar que as frações equivalentes são aquelas que representam ou significam um mesmo resultado.
Neste trabalho estudamos várias construções do sistema dos números reais. Antes porém, começamos por abordar a evolução do conceito de número, destacando três diferentes aspectos da evolução do conceito de número real. Relacionado com este tema, dedicamos dois capítulos, deste trabalho, à apresentação das teorias que consideramos assumir maior importância, nomeadamente: a construção do sistema dos números reais por cortes na recta ou secções no conjunto dos números racionais, avançada por Dedekind, e a construção do número real como classe de equivalência de sucessões fundamentais de números racionais, ideia protagonizada por Cantor. Posteriormente, e de uma forma mais sintetizada do que nas anteriores, apresentamos outras construções, onde procuramos clarificar a ideia fundamental subjacente ao conceito de número real. Finalmente utilizamos o método axiomático com o intuito de mostrar a unicidade do sistema dos números reais, isto é, concluir finalmente que existe um corpo completo e ordenado, e apenas um a menos de um isomorfismo, do conjunto dos números reais.
The social balance is turning into an instrument capable of identifying the Organizational Commitment socio-environmental. The objective of the Social Balance is to present the application of company resources on socio-environmental investments internally and externally. The research was developed based on the Balance Social and Sheet from Alumina North Brazil S / A, ALUNORTE, for fiscal years 2008 and 2009, with the purpose of describing the finding of the Balance Social and Sheet from ALUNORTE about social responsibility. To validate the proposal were doing comparisons between accounting and financial datas from Alunorte and Y.Yamada, in order to highlight what they say and indicators confirm the privileges of the first against second
The present thesis is an analysis of Adrien-Marie Legendre s works on Number Theory, with a certain emphasis on his 1830 edition of Theory of Numbers. The role played by these works in their historical context and their influence on the development of Number Theory was investigated. A biographic study of Legendre (1752-1833) was undertaken, in which both his personal relations and his scientific productions were related to certain historical elements of the development of both his homeland, France, and the sciences in general, during the 18th and 19th centuries This study revealed notable characteristics of his personality, as well as his attitudes toward his mathematical contemporaries, especially with regard to his seemingly incessant quarrels with Gauss about the priority of various of their scientific discoveries. This is followed by a systematic study of Lagrange s work on Number Theory, including a comparative reading of certain topics, especially that of his renowned law of quadratic reciprocity, with texts of some of his contemporaries. In this way, the dynamics of the evolution of his thought in relation to his semantics, the organization of his demonstrations and his number theoretical discoveries was delimited. Finally, the impact of Legendre s work on Number Theory on the French mathematical community of the time was investigated. This investigation revealed that he not only made substantial contributions to this branch of Mathematics, but also inspired other mathematicians to advance this science even further. This indeed is a fitting legacy for his Theory of Numbers, the first modern text on Higher Arithmetic, on which he labored half his life, producing various editions. Nevertheless, Legendre also received many posthumous honors, including having his name perpetuated on the Trocadéro face of the Eiffel Tower, which contains a list of 72 eminent scientists, and having a street and an alley in Paris named after him
In Mathematics literature some records highlight the difficulties encountered in the teaching-learning process of integers. In the past, and for a long time, many mathematicians have experienced and overcome such difficulties, which become epistemological obstacles imposed on the students and teachers nowadays. The present work comprises the results of a research conducted in the city of Natal, Brazil, in the first half of 2010, at a state school and at a federal university. It involved a total of 45 students: 20 middle high, 9 high school and 16 university students. The central aim of this study was to identify, on the one hand, which approach used for the justification of the multiplication between integers is better understood by the students and, on the other hand, the elements present in the justifications which contribute to surmount the epistemological obstacles in the processes of teaching and learning of integers. To that end, we tried to detect to which extent the epistemological obstacles faced by the students in the learning of integers get closer to the difficulties experienced by mathematicians throughout human history. Given the nature of our object of study, we have based the theoretical foundation of our research on works related to the daily life of Mathematics teaching, as well as on theorists who analyze the process of knowledge building. We conceived two research tools with the purpose of apprehending the following information about our subjects: school life; the diagnosis on the knowledge of integers and their operations, particularly the multiplication of two negative integers; the understanding of four different justifications, as elaborated by mathematicians, for the rule of signs in multiplication. Regarding the types of approach used to explain the rule of signs arithmetic, geometric, algebraic and axiomatic , we have identified in the fieldwork that, when multiplying two negative numbers, the students could better understand the arithmetic approach. Our findings indicate that the approach of the rule of signs which is considered by the majority of students to be the easiest one can be used to help understand the notion of unification of the number line, an obstacle widely known nowadays in the process of teaching-learning
The present study describes theoretical practical relationships between development and application of activities in Mathematics education. It s proposed a methodological approach to Mathematics in the first grade of Ensino Médio, supported by an experiment involving Irrational Numbers education by using constructive activities, applied obeying an educational sequence. Constructivism is used as an important theoretical reference in teaching learning process of Mathematics. The methodological intervention was done with two classes of students of the first grade of Ensino Médio, in two public schools, a state one and a federal one, located on the city of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. The development, application and testing of the activities used on this experiment led us to think more profoundly about the value of constructivism ideas and understand that the use of activities that obey an educational sequence favors the learning. It s also discussed the research results, commented on a way to contribute to the advances of the proposal and it s more constant use. The participation and testing of the students were analyzed and judged using Skemp s Instrumental Understanding and Relational Understanding concepts. The results of the research were considered good, so we believe this methodological intervention can be used more frequently in the classes of Ensino Médio and also be applied to teachers in courses of initial education and continuous formation
The present dissertation analyses Leonhard Euler´s early mathematical work as Diophantine Equations, De solutione problematum diophanteorum per números íntegros (On the solution of Diophantine problems in integers). It was published in 1738, although it had been presented to the St Petersburg Academy of Science five years earlier. Euler solves the problem of making the general second degree expression a perfect square, i.e., he seeks the whole number solutions to the equation ax2+bx+c = y2. For this purpose, he shows how to generate new solutions from those already obtained. Accordingly, he makes a succession of substitutions equating terms and eliminating variables until the problem reduces to finding the solution of the Pell Equation. Euler erroneously assigns this type of equation to Pell. He also makes a number of restrictions to the equation ax2+bx+c = y and works on several subthemes, from incomplete equations to polygonal numbers
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This work presents a proposal of a methodological change to the teaching and learning of the complex numbers in the Secondary education. It is based on the inquiries and difficulties of students detected in the classrooms about the teaching of complex numbers and a questioning of the context of the mathematics teaching - that is the reason of the inquiry of this dissertation. In the searching for an efficient learning and placing the work as a research, it is presented a historical reflection of the evolution of the concept of complex numbers pointing out their more relevant focuses, such as: symbolic, numeric, geometrical and algebraic ones. Then, it shows the description of the ways of the research based on the methodology of the didactic engineering. This one is developed from the utilization of its four stages, where in the preliminary analysis stage, two data surveys are presented: the first one is concerning with the way of presenting the contents of the complex numbers in math textbooks, and the second one is concerning to the interview carried out with High school teachers who work with complex numbers in the practice of their professions. At first, in the analysis stage, it is presented the prepared and organized material to be used in the following stage. In the experimentation one, it is presented the carrying out process that was made with the second year High school students in the Centro Federal de Educação tecnológica do Rio Grande do Norte CEFET-RN. At the end, it presents, in the subsequent and validation stages, the revelation of the obtained results from the observations made in classrooms in the carrying out of the didactic sequence, the students talking and the data collection
This work presents a contribution for the studies reffering to the use of the History of Mathematics focusing on the improvement of the Teaching and Learning Process. It considers that the History of Matematics, as a way of giving meaning to the discipline and improve the quality of the Teaching and Learning Process. This research focuses on the questions of the students, classified in three categories of whys: the chronological, the logical and the pedagogical ones. Therefore, it is investigated the teaching of the Complex Numbers, from the questions of the students of the Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica do Rio Grande do Norte (Educational Institution of Professional and Technology Education from Rio Grande do Norte). The work has the following goals: To classify and to analyse the questions of the students about the Complex Numbers in the classes of second grade of the High School, and to collate with the pointed categories used by Jones; To disccus what are the possible guidings that teachers of Mathematics can give to these questions; To present the resources needed to give support to the teacher in all things involving the History of Mathematics. Finally, to present a bibliographic research, trying to reveal supporting material to the teacher, with contents that articulate the Teaching of Mathematics with the History of Mathematics. It was found that the questionings of the pupils reffers more to the pedagogical whys, and the didatic books little contemplate other aspects of the history and little say about the sprouting and the evolution of methods of calculations used by us as well