970 resultados para teaching degree


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The variations of unit cell parameters and crystallite size of nine PEEK samples treated at various temperatures have been studied by using Wide-Angle X-ray Diffraction (WAXD), The results indicate a decrease in unit cell parameter a,b and c but an increase in crystallite size L(hkl) With the increase beat treatment temperature. Based on X-ray scattering intensity theory and using the graphic multipeak resolution method, the formula of degree of crystallinity (W-c,W-X) for PEEK is derived. The results calculated are compatible with the density measurement and calorimetry.


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Job Burnout has been a focus of the Occupational Stress Research. As a typical,helping occupation, teacher has attracted widely attention and researches in the areas of pedagogy and psychology. The special subgroup of teacher, headmasters who are the elites of the Basic Education, is ignored. The research about principals’ Job Burnout is nearly blank after analyzing related documents and information. With the development of the society, people pay more and more attention to the education and put more demands on the headmasters, especially middle-school principals. They are required not only to be good educators, who are equipped with all the inner qualities as a teacher, but also good managers. So the main purpose of this research was to compare the principal group with ordinary teacher group, and reveal underling factors, such as background variables and psychological protection variables. A representative sample of Wenzhou middle school principals sized 192 and a sample of middle school teacher sized 302 were sampled from various schools. The educational version of burnout inventory, self consistency scale, and interpersonal trust scale were administrated to the two samples, together with some demographic variables of interest. The applicability and equivalence of the three instruments used in this study were checked. Based on well-established reliability and cross-sample congruence of measures, the difference between principals and teachers was test. Then the contributing factors were analysis gradually. The five background variables were examined one by one in the two samples separately. A multiple covariance analysis was conducted to test whether there remained any difference between these two samples on the variables of interest. Regression analysis was used to further control the effect of self harmony and interpersonal trust to test the difference between two samples. Mediating analysis was conducted to build the relationship among the three constructs. The main results of the research were stated as following: 1. The internal consistency coefficients of all the scales were good, and no difference exited between the two groups. The measurement equivalence of three instruments was established well. The measures could be applied to and comparing the two samples. 2. The self-harmony, and interpersonal trust of principals were better than the ordinary middle-school teachers. Job Burnout of principals was significant lower than teachers. 3. Demographic variables like the gender, age groups, income levels, disricts, and the type of school, were important influencing factors. The difference patterns of the variables on these five variables in two samples had similarity and distinction. 4. After controlling the background variables, there remained significant difference between principals and teachers on the variables of interest. 5. Job Burnout negatively correlated with self-harmony and interpersonal trust. That is to say,the lower the degree of self-harmony and interpersonal are, the serious of the Job Burnout is, The correlation between the self-harmony and the interpersonal trust was positive. 6. After statistically controlling the background variables and psychological variables, there still exited significant difference between two groups of this study. Also, self harmony and interpersonal trust were significant protection predictors to different aspect of job burnout. 7. Mediating analysis was conducted to the residual score of the three constructs after controlling the five variables and group membership. Self harmony partially mediated the relationship between interpersonal trust and job burnout. That is, interpersonal trust had indirect effect to burnout mediated by self harmony, also had direct effect to burnout.


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Objectives:To investigate stressor and stress level,coping styles and mental health of male nursing undergraduates in clinical practice;To find out the factors that influence mental health of male nursing undergraduates in clinical practice and to put forward some suggestions to improve the mental health status of male nursing undergraduates. Methods: After doing many literaturere search both at home and abroad,I gather further consulting many nursing undergraduates in clinical practice,Finally I formulate the “Nursing Student's Clinical Stressor Scale”.80 male nursing ungraduates from Bengbu Medical Colledge were recruited. While 140 female nursing ungraduates who were in clinical practice in the same period of time were taken as a comparative group.The following questionnaire package including a background questionnair,Nursing Student's Clinical Stressor Scale NSCSS,Simplified Coping Style Questionnaire SCSQ,The Symptom Checklist 90 SCL-90 were distributed and collected together in the 14th week during the clinical practice.Of the 220 questionnaires were distributed and 198 were found to valid,the valid callback rate was 92%.The endudeed 77 were male and 121 were female .Statistices analysis was performed by SPSS13.0 and AMOS5.0 software. Results: 1.25% of male nursing undergraduates had a higher level of stress, mainly from employment,major,working nature,working contents and so on.Compared with female nursing undergraduates,male nursing undergraduates underwent a higher pressure in the employment and the profession aspect,but lower in their insufficient knowledge and ability.There was a significant negative correlation between the male undergraduates’ stress level and their satisfaction degree to clinical nursing teaching and the professional title of the clinical teachers,but it was positively correlated with their family monthly income. Stress level of female nursing undergraduates positively related with the number of children in their families,but negatively correlated with their family monthly income; 2.Male nursing undergraduates' coping style both positive and negative coping styles were adopted by male nursing undergraduates but mean at while positive coping styles.The positive coping styles adopted by male nursing undergraduates were significantly lower than that adopted by female nursing undergraduates; 3.The scores of depression,interpersonal sensitivity and anxiety in male nursing undergraduates were significantly higher than those of the nationwide youths norm.Alist all subscales scores of male nursing group were more than those of female nursing undergraduates except for fear subscale. Mental health of male nursing undergraduates was inversly correlated with the professional title of the clinical teachers and satisfaction of their majors; 4.Among male nursing undergraduates,the total score of stress and most subscale(except working nature and working contents,employment)scores of stress were positively correlated with the negative coping styles.The scores of stress level was positively correlated with the scores of SCL-90,Negative coping styles was positively correlated with the scores of SCL-90 among male nursing undergraduates,while positive coping styles were inversly correlated with most subscales(except phobic,paranoia,psychoticism)scores of SCL-90. Conclusions: 1.25% male nursing undergraduates have a higher level of stress,which is from employment, profession,working nature and working contents,financial difficulties and so on.The coping styles adopted by male nursing undergraduates were mainly positive coping styles.The mental health of male nursing undergraduates were lower; 2.Different genders have significant differences between stressors, coping style and mental health; 3.Stress,coping style,satisfaction degree to clinical nursing teaching and the professional title of the clinical teachers are predietors of mental health among male nursing undergraduates.


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Transfer of learning is one of the major concepts in educational psychology. As cognitive psychology develops, many researchers have found that transfer plays an important part in problem solving, and the awareness of the similarity of related problems is important in transfer. So they become more interested in researching the problem of transfer. But in the literature of transfer research, it has been found that many researchers do not hold identical conclusions about the influence of awareness of related problems during problem solving transfer. This dissertation is written on the basic of much of sub-research work, such as looking up literature concerning transfer of problem solving research, comparing the results of research work done recently and experimental researches. The author of this dissertation takes middle school students as subjects, geometry as materials, and adopts factorial design in his experiments. The influence of awareness of related problems on problem solving transfer is examined from three dimensions which are the degree of difficulty of transfer problems, the level of awareness of related problems and the characteristics of subjects themselves. Five conclusions have been made after the experimental research: (1) During the process of geometry problem solving, the level of awareness of related problems is one of the major factors that influence the effect of problem solving transfer. (2) Either more difficult or more easy of the transfer problems will hinder the influence of awareness of related problems during problem solving transfer, and the degree of difficulty of the transfer problems have interactions with the level of awareness of related problems in affecting transfer. (3) During geometry problems solving transfer, the level of awareness of related problems has interactions with the degree of student achievement. Compared with the students who have lower achievement, the influence of the level of the awareness is bigger in the students who have higher achievement. (4) There is positive correlation between geometry achievement and reasoning ability of the middle school students. The student who has higher reasoning ability has higher geometry achievement, while the level of awareness is raised, the transfer achievement of both can be raised significantly. (5) There is positive correlation between geometry achievement and cognitive style of the middle school students. The student who has independent field tendency of cognitive style has higher geometry achievement, while the level of awareness is raised, the transfer achievement of both can be raised significantly. At the end of the dissertation, the researcher offers two proposals concerning Geometry teaching on the basis of the research findings.


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This thesis presents a new high level robot programming system. The programming system can be used to construct strategies consisting of compliant motions, in which a moving robot slides along obstacles in its environment. The programming system is referred to as high level because the user is spared of many robot-level details, such as the specification of conditional tests, motion termination conditions, and compliance parameters. Instead, the user specifies task-level information, including a geometric model of the robot and its environment. The user may also have to specify some suggested motions. There are two main system components. The first component is an interactive teaching system which accepts motion commands from a user and attempts to build a compliant motion strategy using the specified motions as building blocks. The second component is an autonomous compliant motion planner, which is intended to spare the user from dealing with "simple" problems. The planner simplifies the representation of the environment by decomposing the configuration space of the robot into a finite state space, whose states are vertices, edges, faces, and combinations thereof. States are inked to each other by arcs, which represent reliable compliant motions. Using best first search, states are expanded until a strategy is found from the start state to a global state. This component represents one of the first implemented compliant motion planners. The programming system has been implemented on a Symbolics 3600 computer, and tested on several examples. One of the resulting compliant motion strategies was successfully executed on an IBM 7565 robot manipulator.


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An understanding of research is important to enable nurses to provide evidencebasedcare. However, undergraduate nursing students often find research a challenging subject. The purpose of this paper is to present an evaluation of the introduction of podcasts in an undergraduate research module to enhance research teaching linkages between the theoretical content and research in practice and improve the level of student support offered in a blended learning environment. Two cohorts of students (n=228 and n=233) were given access to a series of 5 “guest speaker” podcasts made up of presentations and interviews with research experts within Edinburgh Napier. These staff would not normally have contact with students on this module, but through the podcasts were able to share their research expertise and methods with our learners. The main positive results of the podcasts suggest the increased understanding achieved by students due to the multi-modal delivery approach, a more personal student/tutor relationship leading to greater engagement, and the effective use of materials for revision and consolidation purposes. Negative effects of the podcasts centred around problems with the technology, most often difficulty in downloading and accessing the material. This paper contributes to the emerging knowledge base of podcasting in nurse education by demonstrating how podcasts can be used to enhance research-teaching linkages and raises the question of why students do not exploit the opportunities for mobile learning.


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Developing learning, teaching and assessment strategies that foster ongoing engagement and provide inspiration to academic staff is a particular challenge. This paper demonstrates how an institutional learning, teaching and assessment strategy was developed and a ‘dynamic’ strategy created in order to achieve the ongoing enhancement of the quality of the student learning experience. The authors use the discussion of the evolution, development and launch of the Strategy and underpinning Resource Bank to reflect on the hopes and intentions behind the approach; firstly the paper will discuss the collaborative and iterative approach taken to the development of an institutional learning, teaching and assessment strategy; and secondly, the development of open access educational resources to underpin the strategy. The paper then outlines staff engagement with the resource bank and positive outcomes which have been identified to date, identifies the next steps in achieving the ambition behind the strategy and outlines the action research and fuller evaluation which will be used to monitor progress and ensure responsive learning at institutional level.


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Seven regional networking events, aimed at supporting and developing ‘early stage’ novice university bioscience teachers were held across the UK. These workshops allowed 230 participants to reflect on teaching styles, learn about Higher Education Academy resources and discuss strategies to deal with a range of teaching situations. Post-event feedback was sought, and the results are presented in this paper. Feedback on the events was overwhelmingly positive, highlighting the need for such events to support the development of new teachers in higher education. Institutional training varies and these opportunities for sharing experiences, asking questions, networking and reflection on teaching practice were highly regarded. Most participants felt more confident about their teaching and believed that students were more directly engaged in their teaching after attending the events. Recommendations for support of this category of teacher include provision of discipline-specific events, opportunity for local area networking and support for the development of reflective practice in teaching and learning.


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T. G. Williams, J.J. Rowland, and Lee M.H., Robotic Assembly of Naturally Varying Food Items via Teaching by Example, 9th Int. Symp. on Intelligent Robotic Systems (SIRS 2001), July 2001, France, pp133-142.


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T. G. Williams, J.J. Rowland, and Lee M.H., Teaching from Examples in Assembly and Manipulation of Snack Food Ingredients by Robot, Proc. IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Robots and Systems (IROS 2001), Nov., 2001, pp2300-2305.


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T. G. Williams, J.J. Rowland, Lee M.H. and M.J. Neal Teaching by Example in Food Assembly by Robot, Proc. 2000 IEEE Int. Conf. On Robotics and Automation, San Francisco, April 2000, pp3247-52.


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X. Wang, J. Yang, R. Jensen and X. Liu, 'Rough Set Feature Selection and Rule Induction for Prediction of Malignancy Degree in Brain Glioma,' Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, vol. 83, no. 2, pp. 147-156, 2006.