937 resultados para skin tag
Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Kurzer Abriß der revolutionären Erhebungen in Sizilien (mit Schwerpunkt auf dem 19. Jahrhundert)
The present report describes a real-time PCR-based procedure to reliably determine the quantity of Leishmania amastigotes in relation to the amount of host tissue in histological skin sections from canine and equine cases of cutaneous leishmaniasis. The novel diagnostic Leishmania-PCR has a detection limit of <0.02 amastigotes per μg tissue, which corresponds well to the detection limit of immunohistochemistry and is far beyond that of conventional histology. Our results emphasise the importance of PCR to complement routine histology of cutaneous leishmaniasis cases, particularly in laboratories in which no immunohistochemical assay is available.
Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Warnung vor der Wahl reaktionärer Wahlmänner
BACKGROUND: Learning surgical skills in the operating room may be a challenge for medical students. Therefore, more approaches using simulation to enable students to develop their practical skills are required. OBJECTIVES: We hypothesized that (1) there would be a need for additional surgical training for medical students in the pre-final year, and (2) our basic surgery skills training program using fresh human skin would improve medical students' surgical skills. DESIGN: We conducted a preliminary survey of medical students to clarify the need for further training in basic surgery procedures. A new approach using simulation to teach surgical skills on human skin was set up. The procedural skills of 15 randomly selected students were assessed in the operating room before and after participation in the simulation, using Objective Structured Assessment of Technical Skills. Furthermore, subjective assessment was performed based on students' self-evaluation. The data were analyzed using SPSS, version 21 (SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL). SETTING: The study took place at the Inselspital, Bern University Hospital. PARTICIPANTS: A total of 186 pre-final-year medical students were enrolled into the preliminary survey; 15 randomly selected medical students participated in the basic surgical skills training course on the fresh human skin operating room. RESULTS: The preliminary survey revealed the need for a surgical skills curriculum. The simulation approach we developed showed significant (p < 0.001) improvement for all 12 surgical skills, with mean cumulative precourse and postcourse values of 31.25 ± 5.013 and 45.38 ± 3.557, respectively. The self-evaluation contained positive feedback as well. CONCLUSION: Simulation of surgery using human tissue samples could help medical students become more proficient in handling surgical instruments before stepping into a real surgical situation. We suggest further studies evaluating our proposed teaching method and the possibility of integrating this simulation approach into the medical school curriculum.
Skunks are becoming increasingly popular as pets. As such, they often undergo a variety of surgical procedures. Two pet skunks undergoing a dermatological examination, including skin biopsy, were anaesthetised with a combination of dexmedetomidine (0.02 mg/kg), butorphanol (0.3 mg/kg), and alfaxalone (4 mg/kg), all administered intramuscularly. Anaesthesia was characterised by rapid onset, absence of detectable side effects and fast recovery after atipamezole administration. Biopsies and toe-pinch did not elicit cardiorespiratory responses, nor did it result in movements or lightening of the anaesthetic depth. Both skunks recovered uneventfully, and showed normal appetite and regular defecation within eight hours following surgery. However, both the animals experienced mild hypothermia at recovery. The dexmedetomidine-alfaxalone-butorphanol combination produced satisfactory anaesthesia in the two skunks, object of this report. This anaesthetic protocol may be used in this species to provide immobility, myorelaxation, unconsciousness and analgesia during skin biopsy or other minor surgical procedures.
Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Aufruf der Berliner Volkspartei zur Wahlenthaltung als Ausdruck des Protestes gegen das am 30. Mai 1849 eingeführte Dreiklassenwahlrecht. Bekanntmachung gleichlautender Beschlüsse des Köthener, Frankfurter und Königsberger Kongresses
Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Attentatsversuch auf Friedrich Wilhelm IV. in Berlin durch einen ehemaligen Feuerwerker der Garde-Artillerie namens Sefeloge (ohne politisches Motiv). Der König wurde am linken Unterarm verletzt
Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Kritik an der Schaffung der Konstabler-Schutzmannschaften: Mit der Erfüllung der Märzforderungen allein ist die Macht des Polizei- und Militärstaates Preußen noch nicht gebrochen. Eine Reorganisation der Polizei hat nicht stattgefunden, im Gegenteil wurde die Zahl der Gendarmen noch um 2000 Mann erhöht. Es steht im Belieben der Polizei, jede Versammlung und jede Demonstration ohne Angabe von Gründen aufzulösen. Aufruf zur Beschränkung der polizeilichen Befugnisse
Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Befürwortung jüdischer Bestrebungen einer Auswanderung nach Amerika (mit durchaus antisemitischem Hintergrund)
Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Erzherzog Johann ist der Vollender des Werkes der deutschen Einheit und Freiheit, das von Kaiser Joseph II. begonnen wurde, welcher " ... schon vor mehr denn 50 Jahren seinem Volke ... die Pforten der Freiheit öffnen wollte ... ". Dargestellt im Topos der Wiederauferstehung Josephs II., der seinem Neffen Ratschläge erteilt. Mit antiklerikaler Zielrichtung
Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Jeder einzelne Nationalgardist soll per Handschlag beteuern, "Ruhe und Ordnung zu erhalten und gegen Unruhestifter mit entschiedener Kraft aufzutreten" um ungestörte Verhandlungen der gewählten Deputierten des Reichstages zu gewährleisten
BACKGROUND This first-in-human proof-of-concept study aimed to check whether safety and preclinical results obtained by intratumoral administration of BQ788, an endothelin receptor B (EDNRB) antagonist, can be repeated in human melanoma patients. METHODS Three patients received a single intralesional BQ788 application of 3 mg. After 3-7 days, the lesions were measured and removed for analysis. The administered dose was increased to a cumulative dosage of 8 mg in patient 4 (4 × 2.0 mg, days 0-3; lesion removed on day 4) and to 10 mg in patient 5 (3 × 3.3 mg, days 0, 3, and 10; lesion removed after 14 days). Control lesions were simultaneously treated with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS). All samples were processed and analyzed without knowledge of the clinical findings. RESULTS No statistical evaluation was possible because of the number of patients (n = 5) and the variability in the mode of administration. No adverse events were observed, regardless of administered dose. All observations were in accordance with results obtained in preclinical studies. Accordingly, no difference in degree of tumor necrosis was detected between BQ788- and PBS-treated samples. In addition, both EDNRB and Ki67 showed decreased expression in patients 2 and 5 and, to a lesser extent, in patient 1. Similarly, decreased expression of EDNRB mRNA in patients 2 and 5 and of BCL2A1 and/or PARP3 in patients 2, 3, and 5 was found. Importantly, semiquantitatively scored immunohistochemistry for CD31 and CD3 revealed more blood vessels and lymphocytes, respectively, in BQ788-treated tumors of patients 2 and 4. Also, in all patients, we observed inverse correlation in expression levels between EDNRB and HIF1A. Finally, in patient 5 (the only patient treated for longer than 1 week), we observed inhibition in lesion growth, as shown by size measurement. CONCLUSION The intralesional applications of BQ788 were well tolerated and showed signs of directly and indirectly reducing the viability of melanoma cells.
Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Wiedereroberung Venetiens durch österreichische Truppen; Zernierung der Stadt Venedig