964 resultados para onshore AC grid


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O Brasil apresenta-se como um grande produtor e exportador de suco de frutas cítricas. Esta situação, no entanto, é sustentada pelos Estados do Sul, Sudeste e Nordeste do País, onde se concentram os cultivos e as indústrias de processamento. As regiões Norte e Centro-Oeste pouco participam na oferta de frutas cítricas, sendo que a produção é insuficiente para atender ao consumo interno, (PASSOS, 1990). No Estado do Acre, a citricultura ainda tem pequena expressão econômica, sendo que até 1986 a maior parte das laranjas, tangerinas e limões era oriunda de plantios de pés francos. Desde então, o incentivo à formação de novos plantios, utilizando mudas enxertadas de cultivares introduzidas, vem propiciando aumentos na produção e melhoria da qualidade dos frutos. De maneira geral, pode-se dizer que o Estado do Acre apresenta boas condições para o cultivo de citros, com algumas limitações no que se refere à baixa fertilidade dos solos e à existência de um período de estiagem de junho a setembro.


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O alho é a quarta hortaliça em importância econômica para o Brasil (Filgueira 1982), e o seu cultivo continua em expansão, porém, apresentando de modo geral rendimentos baixos. Segundo Galli et al (1968), citado por Mascarenhas et al (1985), as principais causas desses baixos rendimentos são as doenças causadas por fungos. No Estado do Acre, além das condições climáticas favoráveis às doenças fúngicas, a baixa produtividade deve-se à falta de práticas culturais e fórmulas de adubação adequadas para a cultura. Todos esses fatores são imperativos na pesquisa do alho para essa região. O alho é bastante exigente em nutrientes, principalmente o fósforo e o nitrogênio, e os solos do Acre na sua maioria necessitam de correção de fertilidade, sendo este outro fator limitante a produção de alho, já que os insumos disponíveis no mercado alcançam preços proibitivos e os produtores de hortaliças geralmente não dispõem de muitos recursos financeiros. Segundo Moura et al (1982), o emprego de leguminosas como biofertilizantes proporciona entre outras vantagens a melhoria das propriedades físicas e químicas do solo. A incorporação da matéria orgânica que resulta em húmus e a mineralização do nitrogênio e outros elementos, tem como consequência o aumento do rendimento das culturas.


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Descrição das áreas de estudos; Descrição dos métodos; Descrição botânica, fitoquímica e farmacológica; Ecologia e biologia reprodutiva; Estrutura da população; forma de exploração e rendimento de casca; Baneficiamento do produto; Cronograma e ciclo da exploração; Monitoramento e mitigação do impacto ambiental.


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Os estudos dos insetos associados às culturas agrícolas e florestais são dinâmicos, em função da evolução dos sistemas de cultivo, do avanço da fronteira agrícola, da introdução de novas pragas e da resistência aos produtos químicos historicamente aplicados. Nesse contexto, os avanços nos estudos dos insetos-praga periodicamente precisam ser integrados em publicações de referência, que permitam fácil acesso a esses conhecimentos. Assim, o objetivo desta publicação é documentar o ataque de lagartas do gênero Lonomia, popularmente conhecidas como lagartas-de-fogo, causando intensa desfolha em cultivos de seringueira (Hevea brasiliensis) no Acre. Há um grande número de trabalhos publicados sobre esse gênero, no que tange aos problemas acarretados pelo contato direto de pessoas com as lagartas, provocando acidentes hemorrágicos graves, dependendo da área lesionada e da extensão do contato. No entanto, não havia relatos dessas lagartas causando intenso desfolhamento em seringais de cultivo, ocasionando prejuízos econômicos. A partir da intensificação do cultivo, surtos populacionais de insetos, considerados pragas secundárias em muitas culturas, podem acontecer com mais frequência, necessitando de conhecimento e estratégias de manejo que visem ao monitoramento, distribuição e controle de populações de insetos no Estado do Acre, a fim de prevenir surtos populacionais de pragas e, consequentemente, prejuízos elevados aos produtores acrianos.


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Rodway, S. (2005). The date and authorship of Culhwch ac Olwen: a reassessment. Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies. 49, pp.21-44. RAE2008


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Hincks, R. (2007). 'Heb fenthyca cymaint a sill ar neb o ieithoedd y byd': Cymysgiaith a Phuryddiaeth, gyda Golwg Neilltuol ar y Gymraeg yn y Bedwaredd Ganrif ar Bymtheg ac ar Ddechrau'r Ugeinfed Ganrif. Aberystwyth: Adran y Gymraeg, Prifysgol Cymru Aberystwyth.


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Grid cells in the dorsal segment of the medial entorhinal cortex (dMEC) show remarkable hexagonal activity patterns, at multiple spatial scales, during spatial navigation. How these hexagonal patterns arise has excited intense interest. It has previously been shown how a selforganizing map can convert firing patterns across entorhinal grid cells into hippocampal place cells that are capable of representing much larger spatial scales. Can grid cell firing fields also arise during navigation through learning within a self-organizing map? A neural model is proposed that converts path integration signals into hexagonal grid cell patterns of multiple scales. This GRID model creates only grid cell patterns with the observed hexagonal structure, predicts how these hexagonal patterns can be learned from experience, and can process biologically plausible neural input and output signals during navigation. These results support a unified computational framework for explaining how entorhinal-hippocampal interactions support spatial navigation.


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Dual-layer frequency-selective subwavelength grid polarizers on thin-film dielectric substrates are proposed for THz and sub-THz applications. The dual-layer grids possess enhanced (squared) polarizing efficiency at a sequence of discrete frequencies in reflection and within extended frequency bands in transmission as compared to conventional single grids.


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A massive change is currently taking place in the manner in which power networks are operated. Traditionally, power networks consisted of large power stations which were controlled from centralised locations. The trend in modern power networks is for generated power to be produced by a diverse array of energy sources which are spread over a large geographical area. As a result, controlling these systems from a centralised controller is impractical. Thus, future power networks will be controlled by a large number of intelligent distributed controllers which must work together to coordinate their actions. The term Smart Grid is the umbrella term used to denote this combination of power systems, artificial intelligence, and communications engineering. This thesis focuses on the application of optimal control techniques to Smart Grids with a focus in particular on iterative distributed MPC. A novel convergence and stability proof for iterative distributed MPC based on the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers is derived. Distributed and centralised MPC, and an optimised PID controllers' performance are then compared when applied to a highly interconnected, nonlinear, MIMO testbed based on a part of the Nordic power grid. Finally, a novel tuning algorithm is proposed for iterative distributed MPC which simultaneously optimises both the closed loop performance and the communication overhead associated with the desired control.


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The work presented in this thesis covers four major topics of research related to the grid integration of wave energy. More specifically, the grid impact of a wave farm on the power quality of its local network is investigated. Two estimation methods were developed regarding the flicker level Pst generated by a wave farm in relation to its rated power as well as in relation to the impedance angle ψk of the node in the grid to which it is connected. The electrical design of a typical wave farm design is also studied in terms of minimum rating for three types of costly pieces of equipment, namely the VAr compensator, the submarine cables and the overhead line. The power losses dissipated within the farm's electrical network are also evaluated. The feasibility of transforming a test site into a commercial site of greater rated power is investigated from the perspective of power quality and of cables and overhead line thermal loading. Finally, the generic modelling of ocean devices, referring here to both wave and tidal current devices, is investigated.


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There has been an increased use of the Doubly-Fed Induction Machine (DFIM) in ac drive applications in recent times, particularly in the field of renewable energy systems and other high power variable-speed drives. The DFIM is widely regarded as the optimal generation system for both onshore and offshore wind turbines and has also been considered in wave power applications. Wind power generation is the most mature renewable technology. However, wave energy has attracted a large interest recently as the potential for power extraction is very significant. Various wave energy converter (WEC) technologies currently exist with the oscillating water column (OWC) type converter being one of the most advanced. There are fundemental differences in the power profile of the pneumatic power supplied by the OWC WEC and that of a wind turbine and this causes significant challenges in the selection and rating of electrical generators for the OWC devises. The thesis initially aims to provide an accurate per-phase equivalent circuit model of the DFIM by investigating various characterisation testing procedures. Novel testing methodologies based on the series-coupling tests is employed and is found to provide a more accurate representation of the DFIM than the standard IEEE testing methods because the series-coupling tests provide a direct method of determining the equivalent-circuit resistances and inductances of the machine. A second novel method known as the extended short-circuit test is also presented and investigated as an alternative characterisation method. Experimental results on a 1.1 kW DFIM and a 30 kW DFIM utilising the various characterisation procedures are presented in the thesis. The various test methods are analysed and validated through comparison of model predictions and torque-versus-speed curves for each induction machine. Sensitivity analysis is also used as a means of quantifying the effect of experimental error on the results taken from each of the testing procedures and is used to determine the suitability of the test procedures for characterising each of the devices. The series-coupling differential test is demonstrated to be the optimum test. The research then focuses on the OWC WEC and the modelling of this device. A software model is implemented based on data obtained from a scaled prototype device situated at the Irish test site. Test data from the electrical system of the device is analysed and this data is used to develop a performance curve for the air turbine utilised in the WEC. This performance curve was applied in a software model to represent the turbine in the electro-mechanical system and the software results are validated by the measured electrical output data from the prototype test device. Finally, once both the DFIM and OWC WEC power take-off system have been modeled succesfully, an investigation of the application of the DFIM to the OWC WEC model is carried out to determine the electrical machine rating required for the pulsating power derived from OWC WEC device. Thermal analysis of a 30 kW induction machine is carried out using a first-order thermal model. The simulations quantify the limits of operation of the machine and enable thedevelopment of rating requirements for the electrical generation system of the OWC WEC. The thesis can be considered to have three sections. The first section of the thesis contains Chapters 2 and 3 and focuses on the accurate characterisation of the doubly-fed induction machine using various testing procedures. The second section, containing Chapter 4, concentrates on the modelling of the OWC WEC power-takeoff with particular focus on the Wells turbine. Validation of this model is carried out through comparision of simulations and experimental measurements. The third section of the thesis utilises the OWC WEC model from Chapter 4 with a 30 kW induction machine model to determine the optimum device rating for the specified machine. Simulations are carried out to perform thermal analysis of the machine to give a general insight into electrical machine rating for an OWC WEC device.


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Shallow-water tropical reefs and the deep sea represent the two most diverse marine environments. Understanding the origin and diversification of this biodiversity is a major quest in ecology and evolution. The most prominent and well-supported explanation, articulated since the first explorations of the deep sea, holds that benthic marine fauna originated in shallow, onshore environments, and diversified into deeper waters. In contrast, evidence that groups of marine organisms originated in the deep sea is limited, and the possibility that deep-water taxa have contributed to the formation of shallow-water communities remains untested with phylogenetic methods. Here we show that stylasterid corals (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa: Stylasteridae)--the second most diverse group of hard corals--originated and diversified extensively in the deep sea, and subsequently invaded shallow waters. Our phylogenetic results show that deep-water stylasterid corals have invaded the shallow-water tropics three times, with one additional invasion of the shallow-water temperate zone. Our results also show that anti-predatory innovations arose in the deep sea, but were not involved in the shallow-water invasions. These findings are the first robust evidence that an important group of tropical shallow-water marine animals evolved from deep-water ancestors.


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This paper presents a new partial two-player game, called the cannibal animal game, which is a variant of Tic-Tac-Toe. The game is played on the infinite grid, where in each round a player chooses and occupies free cells. The first player Alice can occupy a cell in each turn and wins if she occupies a set of cells, the union of a subset of which is a translated, reflected and/or rotated copy of a previously agreed upon polyomino P (called an animal). The objective of the second player Bob is to prevent Alice from creating her animal by occupying in each round a translated, reflected and/or rotated copy of P. An animal is a cannibal if Bob has a winning strategy, and a non-cannibal otherwise. This paper presents some new tools, such as the bounding strategy and the punching lemma, to classify animals into cannibals or non-cannibals. We also show that the pairing strategy works for this problem.


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Presentamos una propuesta para trabajar los fractales en educación secundaria. Proponemos el uso de los fractales como medio para que los alumnos repasen y trabajen, de una forma original y creativa, otros conceptos geométricos del currículo relacionados con los fractales. Durante el taller mostraremos una idea intuitiva de fractal así como el modo de construir algunos de ellos de manera sencilla y entretenida. En las construcciones utilizaremos materiales accesibles y de fácil manejo como el papel, la regla, el compás y las tijeras.