970 resultados para floating assets
Kalajoen pääuomassa on tehty suuria vesistöjärjestelyjä 1900-luvun alusta aina 2000-luvulle asti. Jokiuomaa ja sen virtaamia on muutettu mm. tulvasuojelun, voimatalouden ja uiton edistämiseksi. Merkittävimmät vesistöjärjestelyt ovat olleet Kalajoen säännöttäminen vuosina 1903–1910, Niemelänkylän pengerrys vuosina 1955–1960, Kalajoen vesistötaloussuunnitelma 1960–1970-luvulla, Kalajoen keskiosan järjestely vuosina 1967–1988, Alavieskan tulvasuojelu vuosina 1990–1992 ja Juurikosken kunnostus vuosina 2004–2005. 1970-luvunlopulta lähtien vesistöjärjestelyiden lupamääräyksiin alettiin sisällyttää velvoitteita tarkkailla hankkeiden vaikutuksia veden laatuun, kalastoon ja kalastukseen. Lisäksi aiheutetun haitan kompensoimiseksi alettiin määrätä toimenpiteitä, kuten kalaistutuksia ja kunnostustoimenpiteitä. Lupamääräykset ovat sisältäneet myös velvoitteita tarkkailla kompensaatiotoimenpiteiden tuloksellisuutta. Kalajoella valtio on ollut selvästi merkittävin toimija vesistöjärjestelyissä ja on ollut luvanhaltijana pääosassa hankkeista. Lisäksi valtio on kaikkien Kalajoen vesistön säännöstelyjen luvanhaltija. Näin ollen valtio on vastannut myös hankkeisiin liittyvistä velvoitetarkkailuista ja kompensaatiotoimenpiteistä. Merkittävimmät kompensaatiotoimenpiteet ovat olleet 4,7 miljoonan yksikesäisen vaellussiian istuttaminen vuosina 1981–2010, Kalajoen kunnostaminen mm. ravun ja nahkiaisen lisääntymisedellytysten parantamiseksi vuosina 1999–2004 ja 30 000 sukukypsän ravun istuttaminen vuosina 2003–2006. Tässä raportissa on tehty yhteenveto Kalajoen tarkkailututkimuksista vuosilta 1978–2010. Niiden perusteella on arvioitu, kuinka vesistörakentamishankkeet ja säännöstely sekä niihin liittyvät kompensaatiotoimenpiteet ovat vaikuttaneet rapu-, nahkiais- ja kalakantoihin sekä Kalajokeen niiden elinympäristönä. Lisäksi käytettävissä olevan aineiston puitteissa on arvioitu muiden tekijöiden vaikutusta rapu-, nahkiais- ja kalakantoihin.
Intellectual assets have attained continuous attention in the academic field, as they are vital sources of competitive advantage and organizational performance in the contemporary knowledge intensive business environment. Intellectual capital measurement is quite thoroughly addressed in the accounting literature. However, the purpose of the measurement is to support the management of intellectual assets, but the reciprocal relationship between measurement and management has not been comprehensively considered in the literature. The theoretical motivation for this study rose from this paradox, as in order to maximise the effectiveness of knowledge management the two initiatives need to be closely integrated. The research approach of this interventionist case study is constructive. The objective is to develop the case organization’s knowledge management and intellectual capital measurement in a way that they would be closely integrated and the measurement would support the management of intellectual assets. The case analysis provides valuable practical considerations about the integration and related issues as the case company is a knowledge intensive organization in which the know-how of the employees is the central competitive asset and therefore, the management and measurement of knowledge are essential for its future success. The results suggest that the case organization is confronting challenges in managing knowledge. In order to appropriately manage knowledge processes and control the related risks, support from intellectual capital measurement is required. However, challenges in measuring intellectual capital, especially knowledge, could be recognized in the organization. By reflecting the knowledge management situation and the constructed strategy map, a new intellectual measurement system was developed for the case organization. The construction of the system as well as its indicators can be perceived to contribute to the literature, emphasizing of the importance of properly considering the organization’s knowledge situation in developing an intellectual capital measurement system.
Data is the most important asset of a company in the information age. Other assets, such as technology, facilities or products can be copied or reverse-engineered, employees can be brought over, but data remains unique to every company. As data management topics are slowly moving from unknown unknowns to known unknowns, tools to evaluate and manage data properly are developed and refined. Many projects are in progress today to develop various maturity models for evaluating information and data management practices. These maturity models come in many shapes and sizes: from short and concise ones meant for a quick assessment, to complex ones that call for an expert assessment by experienced consultants. In this paper several of them, made not only by external inter-organizational groups and authors, but also developed internally at a Major Energy Provider Company (MEPC) are juxtaposed and thoroughly analyzed. Apart from analyzing the available maturity models related to Data Management, this paper also selects the one with the most merit and describes and analyzes using it to perform a maturity assessment in MEPC. The utility of maturity models is two-fold: descriptive and prescriptive. Besides recording the current state of Data Management practices maturity by performing the assessments, this maturity model is also used to chart the way forward. Thus, after the current situation is presented, analysis and recommendations on how to improve it based on the definitions of higher levels of maturity are given. Generally, the main trend observed was the widening of the Data Management field to include more business and “soft” areas (as opposed to technical ones) and the change of focus towards business value of data, while assuming that the underlying IT systems for managing data are “ideal”, that is, left to the purely technical disciplines to design and maintain. This trend is not only present in Data Management but in other technological areas as well, where more and more attention is given to innovative use of technology, while acknowledging that the strategic importance of IT as such is diminishing.
Modern machine structures are often fabricated by welding. From a fatigue point of view, the structural details and especially, the welded details are the most prone to fatigue damage and failure. Design against fatigue requires information on the fatigue resistance of a structure’s critical details and the stress loads that act on each detail. Even though, dynamic simulation of flexible bodies is already current method for analyzing structures, obtaining the stress history of a structural detail during dynamic simulation is a challenging task; especially when the detail has a complex geometry. In particular, analyzing the stress history of every structural detail within a single finite element model can be overwhelming since the amount of nodal degrees of freedom needed in the model may require an impractical amount of computational effort. The purpose of computer simulation is to reduce amount of prototypes and speed up the product development process. Also, to take operator influence into account, real time models, i.e. simplified and computationally efficient models are required. This in turn, requires stress computation to be efficient if it will be performed during dynamic simulation. The research looks back at the theoretical background of multibody dynamic simulation and finite element method to find suitable parts to form a new approach for efficient stress calculation. This study proposes that, the problem of stress calculation during dynamic simulation can be greatly simplified by using a combination of floating frame of reference formulation with modal superposition and a sub-modeling approach. In practice, the proposed approach can be used to efficiently generate the relevant fatigue assessment stress history for a structural detail during or after dynamic simulation. In this work numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the proposed approach in practice. The results show that approach is applicable and can be used as proposed.
Osuuspankit ovat jäsenten omistamia yrityksiä, joiden perimmäinen tarkoitus on voiton maksimoinnin sijaan edistää omistajajäsenten hyvinvointia. Tilikauden ylijäämästä osa tarvitaan osuuspankin käyttöön, mutta osuustoiminnan periaatteiden mukaan jäljelle jäävää ylijäämää tulisi jakaa jäsenille suhteessa jäsenen käyttämiin palveluihin. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kuvata ja ymmärtää, miten ylijäämän jako toteutetaan osuuspankeissa. Ongelman ratkaisemiseksi kerättiin kvalitatiivinen haastatteluaineisto, joka analysoitiin faktanäkökulmasta. Tutkimuksessa selvisi, että ylijäämää jaetaan jäsenille OP -ryhmän yhtenäisen bonustason verran ja loput ylijäämästä jätetään vahvistamaan pankin tasetta. Tutkimuksen perusteella pankit voisivat kehittää bonusjärjestelmäänsä siten, että menestyvät pankit voisivat halutessaan jakaa enemmän ylijäämää jäsenilleen.
Työssä suunniteltiin uittonippujen sidonnan koneellistamiseksi tarvittavan sidontalangan käsittelylaitteisto. Sen toiminnalliset pääkomponentit ovat langan ohjauskouru, syöttölaite sekä solminta- ja katkaisulaitteet. Lisäksi työssä tehtiin koneelliseen sidontaan sopivan sidontalangan määrityksiä.
In this work the implementation of the active magnetic bearing control system in a single FPGA is studied. Requirements for the full magnetic bearing control system are reviewed. Different control methods for active magnetic bearings are described shortly. Flux and the current base controllers are implemented in a FPGA. Suitability of the con-trollers for a low-cost magnetic bearing application is studied. Floating-point arithmetic’s are used in the controllers to ease designing burden and improve calculation precision. Per-formance of the flux controller is verified with simulations.
The thesis presents the concept of intellectual capital and its effect on pharmaceutical industry and insitutional investors' decision making. Intellectual capital is also demonstrated by examples from two cases.
Ulosotolla tarkoitetaan velallisen tuloon ja omaisuuteen kohdistuvaa pakkotäytäntöönpanoa laiminlyötyjen maksujen ja muiden velvoitteiden hoitamiseksi. Ensisijaisesti ulosmittaus tapahtuu velallisen julkisesta omaisuudesta. Mikäli velallinen on keinotekoisia järjestelyjä hyödyntäen siirtänyt omaisuuttaan lähipiirin omistukseen toimien silti tosiasiallisen omistajan tavoin, voidaan omaisuus ulosmitata Ulosottokaaren 4:14 §:n perusteella. Tutkimuksessa on esitelty keinotekoisiin järjestelyihin liittyviä piirteitä ja niiden käsittelyä ulosotossa. Kyseessä on lainopillinen tutkimus, jossa on myös käytetty oikeustapauksia ja tilastoja antamaan syvyyttä ja selvyyttä aiheeseen. Tutkimuksessa saatiin selville, että keinotekoisilla järjestelyillä on paljon yhteistä velallisen rikosten ja keinotekoisten järjestelyn kanssa. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin myös, että asianosaisten oikeuksien toteutumiseen pakkotäytäntöönpanossa on kohdistettava erityistä huomiota. Lisäksi todettiin, että ulosottomenettelyn summaarisen luonteen vuoksi tutkinnallisesti haastavat keinotekoiset järjestelyt on järkevää tarvittaessa siirtää erikoisperinnän käsiteltäväksi. Erikoisperintä toimii ulosottolaitoksen tutkinnallisena osastona tapauksille, joihin normaalissa täytäntöönpanossa eivät riittäisi aika ja resurssit. Keinotekoisia järjestelyjä tutkittaessa kokonaisarvionti ja asianmukainen huolellisuus on tärkeää. Pelkät yksittäiset tunnusmerkit ja indisiot järjestelyn keinotekoisuudesta eivät ole riittäviä sen sivuuttamiseksi. Tutkimuksen perusteella on todettavissa, että keinotekoisen järjestelyn sivuuttamiseen ei lähdetä helposti, koska vaarana on asianosaisten oikeuksien loukkaaminen. Säännös keinotekoisista järjestelyistä on tutkimuksen perusteella erittäin tärkeä ulosottotoimen uskottavuuden turvaamiseksi.
A morphological and cell culture study from nasal mucosa of dogs was performed in order to establish a protocol to obtain a cell population committed to neuronal lineage, as a proposal for the treatment of traumatic and degenerative lesions in these animals, so that in the future these results could be applied to the human species. Twelve mongrel dogs of 60-day aged pregnancy were collected from urban pound dogs in São Paulo. Tissue from cribriform ethmoidal lamina of the fetuses was collected at necropsy under sterile conditions around 1h to 2h postmortem by uterine sections and sections from the fetal regions described above. Isolated cells of this tissue were added in DMEM/F-12 medium under standard conditions of incubation (5% CO², >37ºC). Cell culture based on isolated cells from biopsies of the olfactory epithelium showed rapid growth when cultured for 24 hours, showing phase-bright sphere cells found floating around the fragments, attached on culture flasks. After 20 days, a specific type of cells, predominantly ellipsoids or fusiform cells was characterized in vitro. The indirect immunofluorescence examination showed cells expressing markers of neuronal precursors (GFAP, neurofilament, oligodendrocyte, and III â-tubulin). The cell proliferation index showed Ki67 immunostaining with a trend to label cell groups throughout the apical region, while PCNA immunostaining label predominantly cell groups lying above the basal lamina. The transmission electron microscopy from the olfactory epithelium of dogs revealed cells with electron-dense cytoplasm and preserving the same distribution as those of positive cell staining for PCNA. Metabolic activity was confirmed by presence of euchromatin in the greatest part of cells. All these aspects give subsidies to support the hypothesis about resident progenitor cells among the basal cells of the olfactory epithelium, committed to renewal of these cell populations, especially neurons.
Despite the fact that the literature on mergers and acquisitions is extensive, relatively little effort has been made to examine the relationship between the acquiring firms’ financial slack and short-term post-takeover announcement abnormal stock returns. In this study, the case is made that the financial slack of a firm is not only an outcome of past business and financing activities but it also may affect the quality of acquisition decisions. We will hypothesize that the level of financial slack in a firm is negatively associated with the abnormal returns following acquisition announcements because slack reduces managerial discipline over the use of corporate funds and also because it may give rise to managerial self-serving behavior. In this study, financial slack is measured in terms of three financial statements ratios: leverage ratio, cash and equivalents to total assets ratio and free cash flow to total assets ratio. The data used in this paper is collected from two main sources. A list comprising 90 European acquisition announcements is retrieved from Thomson One Banker database. The stock price data and financial statements information for the respective firms is collected using Datastream. Our empirical analysis is two-fold. First, we conduct a two-sample t-test where we find that the most slack-rich firms experience lower abnormal returns than the most slack-poor firms in the event window [-1, +1], significant at 5% risk level. Second, we perform a cross sectional regression for sample firms using three financial statements ratios to explain cumulative abnormal returns (CAR). We find that leverage shows a statistically significant positive relationship with cumulative abnormal returns in event window [-1; +1] (significance 5%). Moreover, cash to total assets ratio showed a weak negative relationship with CAR (significant at 10%) in event window [-1; +1]. We conclude that our hypothesis for the inverse relationship between slack and abnormal returns receives empirical support. Based on the results of the event study we get empirical support for the hypothesis that the capital markets expect the acquisitions undertaken by slack-rich firms to more likely be driven by managerial self-serving behavior and hubris than do those undertaken by slackpoor firms, signaling possible agency problems and behavioral biases.
Kirjallisuustyönä toteutettu kandidaatintyö käsittelee omaisuudenhallinnan merkitystä keskittyen erityisesti teollisuusyrityksien näkökulmiin. Työn tavoitteena on selvittää ja havainnollistaa yleisesti omaisuuden hallinnan merkitystä ja keinoja yritysten näkökulmasta. Työssä perehdytään omaisuudenhallinnan käsitteistöön ja aspekteihin joilla on välitön tai välillinen vaikutus omaisuuden hallinnan tarkoituksen kannalta. Lähestytään teollisuusyritysten omaisuuden hallintaa tuoreimpien tutkimusten ja uusinta omaisuudenhallintaan tarkoitettua PAS-55 standardia apuna käyttäen. Selvitetään miksi omaisuuden hallintaan on tärkeää panostaa ja mitä seurauksia on sitoa tai olla sitomatta voimavaroja omaisuuden hallinnan toimiin. Lopussa kootaan omaisuuden hallinnalliset keinot/toimet tiivistettyyn kokonaisuuteen ja selvennämme mitä vaikutuksia niistä yleisesti arvioidessa on. Arvioimme myös PAS 55 standardin käytettävyyttä teollisuusyrityksen omaisuuden hallintaa toteuttaessa.
This thesis studies intellectual property right (also: IPR) strategies from the perspective of high growth startup companies. Due to technology development and intellectualization of business, large part of companies’ assets are nowadays intangible. At the same time, the importance of protection instruments designed to protect these intangible assets, intellectual property rights, is increasing. Utilization of these instruments, however, requires understanding of the functioning of the IPR system, as well as financial resources. Startup companies aiming for growth need to be able compete with more established companies also in relation to intangible assets, but they might not have the required knowledge ot resources to fully utilize IPRs in their business. This research aims to understand what are the benefits a startup company can have from protecting their IPRs, and how can the company achieve those benefits. Based on a review of previous literature, altogether 11 benefits of IPR registration were recognized. To answer to the research questions, six half-structured interviews were conducted with experts form different fields, all with experience in working with startup companies and IPR issues. The interviews were analyzed using different methods of qualitative data analysis, mainly derived from grounded theory and case study methods. As a result, out of the 11 benefits recognized from earlier literature, 8 were recognized to be relevant for startup companies. The most central benefits were recognized to be linked with the financial lifecycle of the startup company, including increasing credibility of the startup and stimulating an investment. In addition it was noticed, that startup companies are mainly able to utilize these benefits at later stages of their lifecycle. However, to be able to utilize the benefits at later stages, the startup company needs to be aware of the functioning of the IPR system and might need to apply for appropriate protection already early on. As a result of this study, a three-step model was formed to describe different levels of IPR utilization. The first level of the model represents the minimum level of understanding that every startup company should have regarding IPRs. The second level views IPR strategy from a risk management perspective, including securing the minimum protection of the company’s own IPRs, contract management and establishing processes for handling IPR issues. The last stage reflects strategic use of IPRs. At this third stage intellectual property rights have a central role in the startup company’s business, and they are used in the company’s value creation.
Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena on perehtyä osingon ja omien osakkeiden hankinnan eroihin varojenjakokeinoina ja erityisesti tarkastella niihin liittyviä veroseuraamuksia. Veroseuraamuksia arvioidaan niin listaamattomista, kuin listatuista yhtiöistä saaduista varoista ja niitä selvennetään laskuesimerkein. Näiden lisäksi tutkielmassa käsitellään peitellyn osingon säännöksen soveltamista erityisesti omien osakkeiden hankintaan liittyen. Peiteltyyn osinkoon liittyvät ennakkopäätökset, joita tutkielmassa esitellään runsaasti, ovat avain asemassa säännöksen soveltamisen ymmärtämisessä. Koska tutkielman perustana on voimassa olevan oikeuden sisältö ja tarkoituksena on tulkita lainsäädäntöä, on kyseessä lainopillinen tutkimus. Tutkielmassa todetaan osingon ja omien osakkeiden hankinnan olevan toistensa kaltaisia varojenjakokeinoja, kun asiaa katsotaan osakeyhtiölain näkökulmasta. Kun asiaa tarkastellaan verotuksen näkökulmasta, lainsäädäntö kannustaa yleensä jakamaan osinkoa etenkin listaamattomista yhtiöistä. Pörssiyhtiöissä myös omien osakkeiden hankinta voi olla tarkoituksen mukainen keino saada varoja yhtiöstä.
This research analyzes e-tailer business model formulation and the role of information technology in enabling value creation from the point of view of an e-tailer. The thesis explains the value creation dynamics and the components of an e-tailer business model and further illustrates how information technology enables value creation throughout the different components of e-tailer business models. The theoretical part of the thesis describes the sources of value creation in virtual markets through evaluating the explanatory value of traditional strategic management theories. The theoretical part advances to present an integrated model of the value creation mechanisms in the virtual markets and further describes the components of an e-tailer business model. The role of information technology in e-tailer business models are represented by illustrating how it is able to add value throughout the activities and processes of the e-tailer business model. The empirical descriptive qualitative single-case research focuses on demonstrating how a global retailer of consumer goods operates the different components in its business model. The findings indicate that information technology plays a considerable role in all the components of an e-tailer business model and should not be treated solely as a supporting business function, but rather as one of the most valuable assets in enabling successful e-tailing operations.