912 resultados para expenditure constraint


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A nonlinear finite element analysis was carried out to investigate the viscoplastic deformation of solder joints in a ball grid array (BGA) package under temperature cycle. The effects of constraint on print circuit board (PCB) and stiffness of substrate on the deformation behaviour of the solder joints were also studied. A relative damage stress was adopted to analyze the potential failure sites in the solder joints. The results indicated that high inelastic strain and strain energy density were developed in the joints close to the package center. On the other hand, high constraint and high relative damage stress were associated with the joint closest to the edge of the silicon chip. The joint closest to the edge of the silicon chip was regarded as the most susceptible failure site if cavitation instability is the dominant failure mechanism. Increase the external constraint on the print circuit board (PCB) causes a slight increase in stress triaxiality (m/eq) and relative damage stress in the joint closest to the edge of silicon die. The relative damage stress is not sensitive to the Young’s modulus of the substrate.


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A comparison of relay power minimisation subject to received signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at the receiver and SNR maximisation subject to the total transmitted power of relays for a typical wireless network with distributed beamforming is presented. It is desirable to maximise receiver quality-of-service (QoS) and also to minimise the cost of transmission in terms of power. Hence, these two optimisation problems are very common and have been addressed separately in the literature. It is shown that SNR maximisation subject to power constraint and power minimisation subject to SNR constraint yield the same results for a typical wireless network. It proves that either one of the optimisation approaches is sufficient.


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In moderate to high sea states, the effectiveness of ship fin stabilizers can severely deteriorate due to nonlinear effects arising from unsteady hydrodynamic characteristics of the fins: dynamic stall. These nonlinear effects take the form of a hysteresis, and they become very significant when the effective angle of attack of the fins exceeds a certain threshold angle. Dynamic stall can result in a complete loss of control action depending on how much the fins exceed the threshold angle. When this is detected, it is common to reduce the gain of the controller that commands the fins. This approach is cautious and tends to reduce performance when the conditions leading to dynamic stall disappear. An alternative approach for preventing the effects while keeping high performance, consists of estimating the effective angle of attack and set a conservative constraint on it as part of the control objectives. In this paper, we investigate the latter approach, and propose the use of a model predictive control (MPC) to prevent the development of these nonlinear effects by considering constraints on both the mechanical angle of the fins and the effective angle of attack.


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In this note, we present a method to characterize the degradation in performance that arises in linear systems due to constraints imposed on the magnitude of the control signal to avoid saturation effects. We do this in the context of cheap control for tracking step signals.


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Most urban dwelling Australians take secure and safe water supplies for granted. That is, they have an adequate quantity of water at a quality that can be used by people without harm from human and animal wastes, salinity and hardness or pollutants from agriculture and manufacturing industries. Australia wide urban and peri-urban dwellers use safe water for all domestic as well as industrial purposes. However, this is not the situation remote regions in Australia where availability and poor quality water can be a development constraint. Nor is it the case in Sri Lanka where people in rural regions are struggling to obtain a secure supply of water, irrespective of it being safe because of the impact of faecal and other contaminants. The purposes of this paper are to overview: the population and environmental health challenges arising from the lack of safe water in rural and remote communities; response pathways to address water quality issues; and the status of and need for integrated catchment management (ICM) in selected remote regions of Australia and vulnerable and lagging rural regions in Sri Lanka. Conclusions are drawn that focus on the opportunity for inter-regional collaborations between Australia and Sri Lanka for the delivery of safe water through ICM.


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In this paper, we propose a framework for joint allocation and constrained control design of flight controllers for Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS). The actuator configuration is used to map actuator constraint set into the space of the aircraft generalised forces. By constraining the demanded generalised forces, we ensure that the allocation problem is always feasible; and therefore, it can be solved without constraints. This leads to an allocation problem that does not require on-line numerical optimisation. Furthermore, since the controller handles the constraints, and there is no need to implement heuristics to inform the controller about actuator saturation. The latter is fundamental for avoiding Pilot Induced Oscillations (PIO) in remotely operated UAS due to the rate limit on the aircraft control surfaces.


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Introduction Given the known challenges of obtaining accurate measurements of small radiation fields, and the increasing use of small field segments in IMRT beams, this study examined the possible effects of referencing inaccurate field output factors in the planning of IMRT treatments. Methods This study used the Brainlab iPlan treatment planning system to devise IMRT treatment plans for delivery using the Brainlab m3 microMLC (Brainlab, Feldkirchen, Germany). Four pairs of sample IMRT treatments were planned using volumes, beams and prescriptions that were based on a set of test plans described in AAPM TG 119’s recommendations for the commissioning of IMRT treatment planning systems [1]: • C1, a set of three 4 cm volumes with different prescription doses, was modified to reduce the size of the PTV to 2 cm across and to include an OAR dose constraint for one of the other volumes. • C2, a prostate treatment, was planned as described by the TG 119 report [1]. • C3, a head-and-neck treatment with a PTV larger than 10 cm across, was excluded from the study. • C4, an 8 cm long C-shaped PTV surrounding a cylindrical OAR, was planned as described in the TG 119 report [1] and then replanned with the length of the PTV reduced to 4 cm. Both plans in each pair used the same beam angles, collimator angles, dose reference points, prescriptions and constraints. However, one of each pair of plans had its beam modulation optimisation and dose calculation completed with reference to existing iPlan beam data and the other had its beam modulation optimisation and dose calculation completed with reference to revised beam data. The beam data revisions consisted of increasing the field output factor for a 0.6 9 0.6 cm2 field by 17 % and increasing the field output factor for a 1.2 9 1.2 cm2 field by 3 %. Results The use of different beam data resulted in different optimisation results with different microMLC apertures and segment weightings between the two plans for each treatment, which led to large differences (up to 30 % with an average of 5 %) between reference point doses in each pair of plans. These point dose differences are more indicative of the modulation of the plans than of any clinically relevant changes to the overall PTV or OAR doses. By contrast, the maximum, minimum and mean doses to the PTVs and OARs were smaller (less than 1 %, for all beams in three out of four pairs of treatment plans) but are more clinically important. Of the four test cases, only the shortened (4 cm) version of TG 119’s C4 plan showed substantial differences between the overall doses calculated in the volumes of interest using the different sets of beam data and thereby suggested that treatment doses could be affected by changes to small field output factors. An analysis of the complexity of this pair of plans, using Crowe et al.’s TADA code [2], indicated that iPlan’s optimiser had produced IMRT segments comprised of larger numbers of small microMLC leaf separations than in the other three test cases. Conclusion: The use of altered small field output factors can result in substantially altered doses when large numbers of small leaf apertures are used to modulate the beams, even when treating relatively large volumes.


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Purpose The purpose of this review is to address important methodological issues related to conducting accelerometer-based assessments of physical activity in free-living individuals. Methods We review the extant scientific literature for empirical information related to the following issues: product selection, number of accelerometers needed, placement of accelerometers, epoch length, and days of monitoring required to estimate habitual physical activity. We also discuss the various options related to distributing and collecting monitors and strategies to enhance compliance with the monitoring protocol. Results No definitive evidence exists currently to indicate that one make and model of accelerometer is more valid and reliable than another. Selection of accelerometer therefore remains primarily an issue of practicality, technical support, and comparability with other studies. Studies employing multiple accelerometers to estimate energy expenditure report only marginal improvements in explanatory power. Accelerometers are best placed on hip or the lower back. Although the issue of epoch length has not been studied in adults, the use of count cut points based on 1-min time intervals maybe inappropriate in children and may result in underestimation of physical activity. Among adults, 3–5 d of monitoring is required to reliably estimate habitual physical activity. Among children and adolescents, the number of monitoring days required ranges from 4 to 9 d, making it difficult to draw a definitive conclusion for this population. Face-to-face distribution and collection of accelerometers is probably the best option in field-based research, but delivery and return by express carrier or registered mail is a viable option. Conclusion Accelerometer-based activity assessments requires careful planning and the use of appropriate strategies to increase compliance.


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With measurement of physical activity becoming more common in clinical practice, it is imperative that healthcare professionals become more knowledgeable about the different methods available to objectively measure physical activity behaviour. Objective measures do not rely on information provided by the patient, but instead measure and record the biomechanical or physiological consequences of performing physical activity, often in real time. As such, objective measures are not subject to the reporting bias or recall problems associated with self-report methods. The purpose of this article was to provide an overview of the different methods used to objectively measure physical activity in clinical practice. The review was delimited to heart rate monitoring, accelerometers and pedometers since their small size, low participant burden and relatively low cost make these objective measures appropriate for use in clinical practice settings. For each measure, strengths and weakness were discussed; and whenever possible, literature-based examples of implementation were provided.


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OBJECTIVES: To compare the classification accuracy of previously published RT3 accelerometer cut-points for youth using energy expenditure, measured via portable indirect calorimetry, as a criterion measure. DESIGN: Cross-sectional cross-validation study. METHODS: 100 children (mean age 11.2±2.8 years, 61% male) completed 12 standardized activities trials (3 sedentary, 5 lifestyle and 4 ambulatory) while wearing an RT3 accelerometer. V˙O2 was measured concurrently using the Oxycon Mobile portable calorimeter. Cut-points by Vanhelst (VH), Rowlands (RW), Chu (CH), Kavouras (KV) and the RT3 manufacturer (RT3M) were used to classify PA intensity as sedentary (SED), light (LPA), moderate (MPA) or vigorous (VPA). Classification accuracy was evaluated using the area under the Receiver Operating Characteristic curve (ROC-AUC) and weighted Kappa (κ). RESULTS: For moderate-to-vigorous PA (MVPA), VH, KV and RW exhibited excellent accuracy classification (ROC-AUC≥0.90), while the CH and RT3M exhibited good classification accuracy (ROC-AUC>0.80). Classification accuracy for LPA was fair to poor (ROC-AUC<0.76). For SED, VH exhibited excellent classification accuracy (ROC-AUC>0.90), while RW, CH, and RT3M exhibited good classification accuracy (ROC-AUC>0.80). Kappa statistics ranged from 0.67 (VH) to 0.55 (CH). CONCLUSIONS: All cut-points provided acceptable classification accuracy for SED and MVPA, but limited accuracy for LPA. On the basis of classification accuracy over all four levels of intensity, the use of the VH cut-points is recommended.


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Background Accelerometers have become one of the most common methods of measuring physical activity (PA). Thus, validity of accelerometer data reduction approaches remains an important research area. Yet, few studies directly compare data reduction approaches and other PA measures in free-living samples. Objective To compare PA estimates provided by 3 accelerometer data reduction approaches, steps, and 2 self-reported estimates: Crouter's 2-regression model, Crouter's refined 2-regression model, the weighted cut-point method adopted in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES; 2003-2004 and 2005-2006 cycles), steps, IPAQ, and 7-day PA recall. Methods A worksite sample (N = 87) completed online-surveys and wore ActiGraph GT1M accelerometers and pedometers (SW-200) during waking hours for 7 consecutive days. Daily time spent in sedentary, light, moderate, and vigorous intensity activity and percentage of participants meeting PA recommendations were calculated and compared. Results Crouter's 2-regression (161.8 +/- 52.3 minutes/day) and refined 2-regression (137.6 +/- 40.3 minutes/day) models provided significantly higher estimates of moderate and vigorous PA and proportions of those meeting PA recommendations (91% and 92%, respectively) as compared with the NHANES weighted cut-point method (39.5 +/- 20.2 minutes/day, 18%). Differences between other measures were also significant. Conclusions When comparing 3 accelerometer cut-point methods, steps, and self-report measures, estimates of PA participation vary substantially.


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The effects of crack depth (a/W) and specimen width W on the fracture toughness and ductile±brittle transition have been investigated using three-point bend specimens. Finite element analysis is employed to obtain the stress-strain fields ahead of the crack tip. The results show that both normalized crack depth (a/W) and specimen width (W) affect the fracture toughness and ductile±brittle fracture transition. The measured crack tip opening displacement decreases and ductile±brittle transition occurs with increasing crack depth (a/W) from 0.1 to 0.2 and 0.3. At a fixed a/W (0.2 or 0.3), all specimens fail by cleavage prior to ductile tearing when specimen width W increases from 25 to 40 and 50 mm. The lower bound fracture toughness is not sensitive to crack depth and specimen width. Finite element analysis shows that the opening stress in the remaining ligament is elevated with increasing crack depth or specimen width due to the increase of in-plane constraint. The average local cleavage stress is dependent on both crack depth and specimen width but its lower bound value is not sensitive to constraint level. No fixed distance can be found from the cleavage initiation site to the crack tip and this distance increases gradually with decreasing inplane constraint.


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This paper presents a framework for the design of a joint motion controller and a control allocation strategy for dynamic positioning of marine vehicles. The key aspects of the proposed designs are a systematic approach to deal with actuator saturation and to inform the motion controller about saturation. The proposed system uses a mapping that translates the actuator constraint sets into constraint sets at the motion controller level. Hence, while the motion controller addresses the constraints, the control allocation algorithm can solve an unconstrained optimisation problem. The constrained control design is approached using a multivariable anti-wind-up strategy for strictly proper controllers. This is applicable to the implementation of PI and PID type of motion controllers.


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Background Wearable monitors are increasingly being used to objectively monitor physical activity in research studies within the field of exercise science. Calibration and validation of these devices are vital to obtaining accurate data. This article is aimed primarily at the physical activity measurement specialist, although the end user who is conducting studies with these devices also may benefit from knowing about this topic. Best Practices Initially, wearable physical activity monitors should undergo unit calibration to ensure interinstrument reliability. The next step is to simultaneously collect both raw signal data (e.g., acceleration) from the wearable monitors and rates of energy expenditure, so that algorithms can be developed to convert the direct signals into energy expenditure. This process should use multiple wearable monitors and a large and diverse subject group and should include a wide range of physical activities commonly performed in daily life (from sedentary to vigorous). Future Directions New methods of calibration now use "pattern recognition" approaches to train the algorithms on various activities, and they provide estimates of energy expenditure that are much better than those previously available with the single-regression approach. Once a method of predicting energy expenditure has been established, the next step is to examine its predictive accuracy by cross-validating it in other populations. In this article, we attempt to summarize the best practices for calibration and validation of wearable physical activity monitors. Finally, we conclude with some ideas for future research ideas that will move the field of physical activity measurement forward.


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Purpose Most studies that use either a single exercise session, exercise training, or a cross-sectional design have failed to find a relationship between exercise and plasma lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] concentrations. However, a few studies investigating the effects of longer and/or more strenuous exercise have shown elevated Lp(a) concentrations, possibly as an acute-phase reactant to muscle damage. Based on the assumption that greater muscle damage would occur with exercise of longer duration, the purpose of the present study was to determine whether exercise of longer duration would increase Lp(a) concentration and creatine kinase. (CK) activity more than exercise of shorter duration. Methods Ten endurance-trained men (mean +/- SD: age, 27 +/- 6 yr; maximal oxygen consumption [(V)over dotO(2max)], 57 +/- 7 mL(.)kg(-1) min(-1)) completed two separate exercise sessions at 70% (V)over dotO(2max). One session required 900 kcal of energy expenditure (60 +/- 6 min), and the other required 1500 kcal (112 +/- 12 min). Fasted blood samples were taken immediately before (0-pre), immediately after (0-post), 1 d after (1-post), and 2 d after (2-post) each exercise session. Results CK activity increased after both exercise sessions (mean +/- SE; 800 kcal: 0-pre 55 +/- 11, 1-post 168 +/- 64 U(.)L(-1.)min(-1); 1500 kcal: 0-pre 51 +/- 5, 1-post 187 +/- 30, 2-post 123 +/- 19 U(.)L(-1.)min(-1); P < 0.05). However, median Lp(a) concentrations were not altered by either exercise session (800 kcal: 0-pre 5.0 mg(.)dL(-1), 0-post 3.2 mg(.)dL(-1), 1-post 4.0 mg(.)dL(-1), 2-post 3.4 mg(.)dL(-1); 1500 kcal: 0-pre 5.8 mg(.)dL(-1), 0-post 4.3 mg(.)dL(-1), 1-post 3.2 mg(.)dL(-1), 2-post 5.3 mg(.)dL(-1)). In addition, no relationship existed between exercise-induced changes in CK activity and Lp(a) concentration (800 kcal: r = -0.26; 1500 kcal: r = -0.02). Conclusion These results suggest that plasma Lp(a) concentration will not increase in response to minor exercise-induced muscle damage in endurance-trained runners.