Constrained predictive control of ship fin stabilizers to prevent dynamic stall

Autoria(s): Perez, Tristan; Goodwin, Graham C.



In moderate to high sea states, the effectiveness of ship fin stabilizers can severely deteriorate due to nonlinear effects arising from unsteady hydrodynamic characteristics of the fins: dynamic stall. These nonlinear effects take the form of a hysteresis, and they become very significant when the effective angle of attack of the fins exceeds a certain threshold angle. Dynamic stall can result in a complete loss of control action depending on how much the fins exceed the threshold angle. When this is detected, it is common to reduce the gain of the controller that commands the fins. This approach is cautious and tends to reduce performance when the conditions leading to dynamic stall disappear. An alternative approach for preventing the effects while keeping high performance, consists of estimating the effective angle of attack and set a conservative constraint on it as part of the control objectives. In this paper, we investigate the latter approach, and propose the use of a model predictive control (MPC) to prevent the development of these nonlinear effects by considering constraints on both the mechanical angle of the fins and the effective angle of attack.






Perez, Tristan & Goodwin, Graham C. (2008) Constrained predictive control of ship fin stabilizers to prevent dynamic stall. Control Engineering Practice, 16(4), pp. 482-494.


Copyright 2006 Elsevier Ltd.

This is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in Control Engineering Practice. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in Control Engineering Practice, [VOL 16, ISSUE 4, (2008)] DOI: 10.1016/j.conengprac.2006.02.016


School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science; Science & Engineering Faculty

Palavras-Chave #Ship roll stabilization #Model predictive control #Dynamic stall #Fin stabilizers

Journal Article