939 resultados para capacity planning and investment


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The resilience of mangroves is dependent on their regeneration capacity. Patchy mid-19th century clearing dramatically affected this capacity, creating stable vegetated and unvegetated states in a fragmented temperate mangrove ecosystem. Mechanisms of mediation between states were tested by monitoring the survival and growth of planted mangrove seedlings and propagules on formerly forested bare mudflats and inside patches of existing forest. Survival (1 to 76%) and growth (-0.83 to 10.45 mm mo-1 increase in plant height) of seedlings was affected by (1) differing levels of exposure found at varying proximities to remnant forest and (2) differing inundation regimes both within and between sites that were randomly selected from locations that varied in aspect relative to prevailing winds. Increases in hydrodynamic energy within and between sites corresponded to a decrease in survival that was much more pronounced at locations that were exposed to prevailing winds. Growth rates were also generally lower at sites in exposed locations, but inundation regime was a more important determinant within sites, where growth was reduced at lower heights on the shore. Results suggest that stability of the bare mudflat state (caused by historical clearance of the mangrove forest) is dependent on level of exposure to hydrodynamic energy, and a return to a forested state is more likely where this exposure is lower. These results have implications for planning and implementing mangrove restoration projects and illustrate the role that physical factors can play in determining the resilience of disturbed temperate mangrove ecosystems.


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BACKGROUND: Health professionals need to be integrated more effectively in clinical research to ensure that research addresses clinical needs and provides practical solutions at the coal face of care. In light of limited evidence on how best to achieve this, evaluation of strategies to introduce, adapt and sustain evidence-based practices across different populations and settings is required. This project aims to address this gap through the co-design, development, implementation, evaluation, refinement and ultimately scale-up of a clinical research engagement and leadership capacity building program in a clinical setting with little to no co-ordinated approach to clinical research engagement and education.

METHODS/DESIGN: The protocol is based on principles of research capacity building and on a six-step framework, which have previously led to successful implementation and long-term sustainability. A mixed methods study design will be used. Methods will include: (1) a review of the literature about strategies that engage health professionals in research through capacity building and/or education in research methods; (2) a review of existing local research education and support elements; (3) a needs assessment in the local clinical setting, including an online cross-sectional survey and semi-structured interviews; (4) co-design and development of an educational and support program; (5) implementation of the program in the clinical environment; and (6) pre- and post-implementation evaluation and ultimately program scale-up. The evaluation focuses on research activity and knowledge, attitudes and preferences about clinical research, evidence-based practice and leadership and post implementation, about their satisfaction with the program. The investigators will evaluate the feasibility and effect of the program according to capacity building measures and will revise where appropriate prior to scale-up.

DISCUSSION: It is anticipated that this clinical research engagement and leadership capacity building program will enable and enhance clinically relevant research to be led and conducted by health professionals in the health setting. This approach will also encourage identification of areas of clinical uncertainty and need that can be addressed through clinical research within the health setting.


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Institutions of all shapes and sizes are investing significant sums to expand their portfolio of online and hybrid courses without specific institutional priorities in mind, often resulting in a mix of arbitrary, sub-scale offerings. This creates an unsustainably expensive disconnect between the institution’s online portfolio (largely steered by unit-level interests and capacity) and its overarching interest in using technology to increase access, improve student success, and grow revenue. This guide is designed to help institutional leaders prioritize scarce resources devoted to online and hybrid course development toward the most promising available opportunities. By targeting specific curricular "gaps," institutions can improve retention, reduce time-to-degree, regain or expand their share of currently enrolled student credit hours, or even attract new students to existing programs.


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in this anicle we measure the impact of public sector capital and investment on economic growth. Initially, traditional growth accounting regressions are run for a cross-country data set. A simple endogenous growth model is then constructed in order to take into account the determinants of labor, private capital and public capital. In both cases, public capital is a separate argument of the production function. An additional data-set constructed with quarterly American data was used in the estimations of the growth mode!. The results indicate lhat public capital and public investment play a significant role in determining growth rates and have a significant impact on capital and labor returns. Furthermore, the impact of public investment on productivity growth was found to be positive and always significant for bolh samples. Hence. in a fully optimizing modelo we confmn previous results in the literature that lhe failure of public investment to keep pace with output growlh during the Seventies and Eighties may have played a major role in the slowdown of lhe productivity growth in the period. Anolher main outcome concems the output elasticity wilh respect to public capital. The coefficiem estimates are always positive and significant but magnitudes depend on each of lhe two data set used.


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o presente trabalho é um estudo de caso que tem por objetivo avaliar se a implementação da prática empresarial Gestão de Projetos na empresa pública Dataprev - Empresa de Tecnologia e Informações da Previdência Social, avançou rumo à flexibilização organizacional. Demandas do contexto governamental e previdenciário na direção da adoção de modelo de gestão que viesse a privilegiar a flexibilidade organizacional na administração pública contribuíram para que, em junho de 2000, a Dataprev desse início à implementação da prática Gestão de Projetos, visando alavancar e sedimentar gestão orientada a resultados voltados, principalmente, à qualidade e prontidão dos serviços/produtos. o estudo em questão foi realizado por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica, levantamento documental e aplicação de questionário em gerentes patrocinadores e líderes dos projetos cadastrados no Sistema Gestão de Projetos da Empresa, no período de junho de 2000 a julho de 2003. o questionário aplicado abordou seis aspectos considerados críticos para avaliação do nível de maturidade da Gestão de Projetos segundo adaptação ao modelo de maturidade de Harold Kerzner, na direção de uma prática bem sucedida que considera como resultados competitivos prazo, custo e qualidade. Os fatores abordados e que dão sustentação a essa prática são apoio gerencial, cultura, metodologia/processos, tecnologia/ferramenta e capacitação. Considerando que o desempenho dos projetos na Dataprev, no que diz respeito ao cumprimento de prazos, não atingiu patamares elevados, impactando tanto na qualidade, quanto nos custos, e tendo em vista a ocorrência de situações próprias da gestão pública, na qual prevaleceu a descontinuidade administrativa, devido a sucessivas mudanças na direção da Empresa, limitações orçamentárias prejudicando os investimentos necessários, a cultura com predominância de relações hierárquicas e departamentalizadas e a pouca visão estratégica com foco em resultados e alinhamento às necessidades do cliente, pode-se dizer que a Dataprev avançou pouco rumo à flexibilização. Na percepção dos respondentes ao questionário há. evidências de que, quanto ao nível de maturidade, a empresa está saindo da fase embrionária para, agora, iniciar o seu processo de crescimento. Apesar de ter sido inovadora ao elaborar uma metodologia e construir uma ferramenta própria de planejamento, acompanhamento e avaliação dos projetos, não foi suficiente para garantir resultados mais exitosos. Na ausência das condições necessárias para dar sustentação à gestão tais como o necessário comprometimento por parte dos patrocinadores, de cultura voltada para a responsabilização e compartilhamento e investimento na capacitação de seus profissionais, prevaleceu por meio do controle na execução dos projetos, a cultura da nonna e do poder, reforçando posturas próprias do modelo tecnoburocrático. Hoje percebe-se na empresa que essas condições facilitadoras estão mais asseguradas, o que já torna possível a transformação do discurso em realidade e remete a uma reflexão de que Gestão de Projetos e Flexibilização Organizacional são interdependentes e, portanto, devem caminhar juntas para o alcance da eficácia organizacional. Do discurso à realidade. Atualmente a Dataprev encontra-se em processo de mudança implantando escritório de projetos, estrutura horizontalizada em uma das diretorias e construindo o seu Planejamento Estratégico Participativo 2004/2007.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Report some of the changes in production and consumption occurring in the state of São Paulo. through the restructuring in motion systems, logistics and standards and taxation, as well as the impacts on urban spaces through new economic dynamics, imposed by the demands of corporate, is the purpose of this article. The decentralization of production and consumption towards the interior was made possible by the combination of hierarchical and ordered some basic elements such as technological innovations (ways and means of transport) and organizational (logistics, standards and taxation) which optimized the flow territorial state São Paulo. It is noteworthy, therefore: 1) the improvement of logistics as a strategy, planning and management of transport, storage and communications (including the granting of public services to private), 2) the technological improvement and expansion of motion systems (infrastructure, means of transport) and 3) the systems of rules and regulations through taxation and deregulation affect the circulatory system of a given space. Thus, both systems aims to disentangle the economic flows (goods, services, information, capital and people) and provide a more fluid territorial. The impacts on the State of São Paulo, mainly through its economic dynamics, revert positively and negatively, by changing the way one thinks and performs planning.


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This chapter studies a two-level production planning problem where, on each level, a lot sizing and scheduling problem with parallel machines, capacity constraints and sequence-dependent setup costs and times must be solved. The problem can be found in soft drink companies where the production process involves two interdependent levels with decisions concerning raw material storage and soft drink bottling. Models and solution approaches proposed so far are surveyed and conceptually compared. Two different approaches have been selected to perform a series of computational comparisons: an evolutionary technique comprising a genetic algorithm and its memetic version, and a decomposition and relaxation approach. © 2008 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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Includes Bibliography


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Includes bibliography