991 resultados para agonista PPAR-alfa
Successful pregnancy depends on well coordinated developmental events involving both maternal and embryonic components. Although a host of signaling pathways participate in implantation, decidualization, and placentation, whether there is a common molecular link that coordinates these processes remains unknown. By exploiting genetic, molecular, pharmacological, and physiological approaches, we show here that the nuclear transcription factor peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) delta plays a central role at various stages of pregnancy, whereas maternal PPARdelta is critical to implantation and decidualization, and embryonic PPARdelta is vital for placentation. Using trophoblast stem cells, we further elucidate that a reciprocal relationship between PPARdelta-AKT and leukemia inhibitory factor-STAT3 signaling pathways serves as a cell lineage sensor to direct trophoblast cell fates during placentation. This novel finding of stage-specific integration of maternal and embryonic PPARdelta signaling provides evidence that PPARdelta is a molecular link that coordinates implantation, decidualization, and placentation crucial to pregnancy success. This study is clinically relevant because deferral of on time implantation leads to spontaneous pregnancy loss, and defective trophoblast invasion is one cause of preeclampsia in humans.
OBJECTIVE: Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor beta/delta (PPARbeta/delta) is the predominant PPAR subtype in cardiac cells and plays a prominent role in the regulation of cardiac lipid metabolism. However, the role of PPARbeta/delta activators in cardiac hypertrophy is not yet known. METHODS AND RESULTS: In cultured neonatal rat cardiomyocytes, the selective PPARbeta/delta activator L-165041 (10 micromol/L) inhibited phenylephrine (PE)-induced protein synthesis ([(3)H]leucine uptake), induction of the fetal-type gene atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) and cardiac myocyte size. Induction of cardiac hypertrophy by PE stimulation also led to a reduction in the transcript levels of both muscle-type carnitine palmitoyltransferase (50%, P<0.05) and pyruvatedehydrogenase kinase 4 (30%, P<0.05), and these changes were reversed in the presence of the PPARbeta/delta agonist L-165041. Stimulation of neonatal rat cardiomyocytes with PE and embryonic rat heart-derived H9c2 cells with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) enhanced the expression of the nuclear factor (NF)-kappaB-target gene monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 (MCP-1). The induction of MCP-1 was reduced in the presence of L-165041, suggesting that this compound prevented NF-kappaB activation. Electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA) revealed that L-165041 significantly decreased LPS-stimulated NF-kappaB binding activity in H9c2 myotubes. Finally, coimmunoprecipitation studies showed that L-165041 strongly enhanced the physical interaction between PPARbeta/delta and the p65 subunit of NF-kappaB, suggesting that increased association between these two proteins is the mechanism responsible for antagonizing NF-kappaB activation by PPARbeta/delta activators. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that PPARbeta/delta activation inhibits PE-induced cardiac hypertrophy and LPS-induced NF-kappaB activation.
AIMS: More than two billion people worldwide are deficient in key micronutrients. Single micronutrients have been used at high doses to prevent and treat dietary insufficiencies. Yet the impact of combinations of micronutrients in small doses aiming to improve lipid disorders and the corresponding metabolic pathways remains incompletely understood. Thus, we investigated whether a combination of micronutrients would reduce fat accumulation and atherosclerosis in mice. METHODS AND RESULTS: Lipoprotein receptor-null mice fed with an original combination of micronutrients incorporated into the daily chow showed reduced weight gain, body fat, plasma triglycerides, and increased oxygen consumption. These effects were achieved through enhanced lipid utilization and reduced lipid accumulation in metabolic organs and were mediated, in part, by the nuclear receptor PPARα. Moreover, the micronutrients partially prevented atherogenesis when administered early in life to apolipoprotein E-null mice. When the micronutrient treatment was started before conception, the anti-atherosclerotic effect was stronger in the progeny. This finding correlated with decreased post-prandial triglyceridaemia and vascular inflammation, two major atherogenic factors. CONCLUSION: Our data indicate beneficial effects of a combination of micronutritients on body weight gain, hypertriglyceridaemia, liver steatosis, and atherosclerosis in mice, and thus our findings suggest a novel cost-effective combinatorial micronutrient-based strategy worthy of being tested in humans.
Lipophilic compounds such as retinoic acid and long-chain fatty acids regulate gene transcription by activating nuclear receptors such as retinoic acid receptors (RARs) and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs). These compounds also bind in cells to members of the family of intracellular lipid binding proteins, which includes cellular retinoic acid-binding proteins (CRABPs) and fatty acid binding proteins (FABPs). We previously reported that CRABP-II enhances the transcriptional activity of RAR by directly targeting retinoic acid to the receptor. Here, potential functional cooperation between FABPs and PPARs in regulating the transcriptional activities of their common ligands was investigated. We show that adipocyte FABP and keratinocyte FABP (A-FABP and K-FABP, respectively) selectively enhance the activities of PPARgamma and PPARbeta, respectively, and that these FABPs massively relocate to the nucleus in response to selective ligands for the PPAR isotype which they activate. We show further that A-FABP and K-FABP interact directly with PPARgamma and PPARbeta and that they do so in a receptor- and ligand-selective manner. Finally, the data demonstrate that the presence of high levels of K-FABP in keratinocytes is essential for PPARbeta-mediated induction of differentiation of these cells. Taken together, the data establish that A-FABP and K-FABP govern the transcriptional activities of their ligands by targeting them to cognate PPARs in the nucleus, thereby enabling PPARs to exert their biological functions.
RATIONALE: Although dietary fatty acids are a major fuel for the heart, little is known about the direct effects of dietary fatty acids on gene regulation in the intact heart. OBJECTIVE: To study the effect of dietary fatty acids on cardiac gene expression and explore the functional consequences. METHODS AND RESULTS: Oral administration of synthetic triglycerides composed of one single fatty acid altered cardiac expression of numerous genes, many of which are involved in the oxidative stress response. The gene most significantly and consistently upregulated by dietary fatty acids encoded Angiopoietin-like protein (Angptl)4, a circulating inhibitor of lipoprotein lipase expressed by cardiomyocytes. Induction of Angptl4 by the fatty acid linolenic acid was specifically abolished in peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)beta/delta(-/-) and not PPARalpha(-/-) mice and was blunted on siRNA-mediated PPARbeta/delta knockdown in cultured cardiomyocytes. Consistent with these data, linolenic acid stimulated binding of PPARbeta/delta but not PPARalpha to the Angptl4 gene. Upregulation of Angptl4 resulted in decreased cardiac uptake of plasma triglyceride-derived fatty acids and decreased fatty acid-induced oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation. In contrast, Angptl4 deletion led to enhanced oxidative stress in the heart, both after an acute oral fat load and after prolonged high fat feeding. CONCLUSIONS: Stimulation of cardiac Angptl4 gene expression by dietary fatty acids and via PPARbeta/delta is part of a feedback mechanism aimed at protecting the heart against lipid overload and consequently fatty acid-induced oxidative stress.
OBJECTIVE: Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) is a secretory hormone displaying diuretic, natriuretic, and vasorelaxant activities. Recently, its lipolytic activity has been reported. Since the expression of ANP in adipose tissue has not been documented, we used real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) to investigate the expression of ANP in human adipose tissue and preadipocytes. RESEARCH METHODS AND PROCEDURES: RNA was extracted from the human adipose tissue of severely obese premenopausal women as well as from human preadipocytes. For human preadipocytes, two cell systems were investigated: the human preadipose immortalized (Chub-S7) cells, a well-characterized human preadipose cell line, and primary preadipocytes derived from the stromal vascular fraction of the human adipose tissue. We measured the mRNA of ANP, of corin (a transmembrane serine protease involved in the conversion of pro-ANP to ANP) and of uncoupling protein 2 (UCP2; a control gene known to be ubiquitously expressed). The expression of ANP was also investigated using immunofluorescence and radioimmunoassay in Chub-S7 cells and human primary preadipocytes in culture. RESULTS: Our results indicate that ANP and corin are expressed at the mRNA level in human adipose tissue and preadipocytes. Immunofluorescence experiments demonstrated that pro-ANP was expressed in Chub-S7 cells. In addition, ANP secretion could be measured in Chub-S7 cells and human primary preadipocytes in culture. Rosiglitazone, a selective peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor type gamma (PPAR-gamma) agonist promoting adipocyte differentiation, was found to modulate both ANP expression and secretion in preadipocytes. DISCUSSION: Our findings suggest the existence of an autocrine/paracrine system for ANP in the human adipose tissue whose implications in lipolysis and cardiovascular function need to be further explored.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da imunocastração e da suplementação com ractopamina na qualidade do lombo suíno processado com sal e tripolifosfato de sódio. Os tratamentos consistiram de condição sexual dos suínos (fêmeas, machos castrados fisicamente e imunocastrados) e suplementação ou não com ractopamina na dieta de terminação. Os cortes de lombos submetidos ao processamento com tripolifosfato de sódio e sal foram avaliados quanto aos parâmetros físico-químicos, microbiológicos e sensoriais. Não houve interação entre condição sexual e ractopamina nas características do lombo cru. A adição de ractopamina na dieta aumentou a força de cisalhamento dos lombos crus. Também não houve efeito da condição sexual nem da ractopamina na perda de peso por exsudação e no teor proteico dos lombos. Lombos de animais imunocastrados apresentaram menor perda de peso por cocção, enquanto lombos de animais não suplementados com ractopamina apresentaram maior umidade do que os dos suplementados. O processamento diminuiu a força de cisalhamento dos cortes, que foi menor nos animais imunocastrados sem suplementação com ractopamina. A imunocastração proporcionou lombos com altos valores de a* e L*. Diferenças na aparência e na textura dos lombos suínos, independentemente da condição sexual e da ractopamina, não são percebidas pelos consumidores, o que mostra que o processamento padroniza os cortes.
Retinoic acid-the active metabolite of vitamin A-influences biological processes by activating the retinoic acid receptor (RAR). In this issue, Schug et al. (2007) demonstrate that retinoic acid also activates the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor beta/delta (PPARbeta/delta). Remarkably, retinoic acid signaling through RAR or PPARbeta/delta-which depends on cytoplasmic retinoic acid transporters-commits the cell to opposite fates, apoptosis or survival, respectively.
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää, miten valtionomistajuus vaikuttaa yrityksen suorituskykyyn suomalaisissa pörssinoteeratuissa valtionyhtiöissä, joissa valtio toimii pää- tai osaomistajana. Suorituskykyä tutkitaan kandella eri menetelmällä. Ensin tutkitaan osaketuottoja Jensenin alfan avulla, jonka jälkeen suoritetaan tilinpäätöstunnuslukujen toimialavertailu. Tutkimuksen teoriaosuudessa esitetään yksityistämisen tuottamia etuja yrityksen taloudelliseen suorituskykyyn, sekä myöskin valtionomistajuuden tuottamia etuja. Lisäksi teoriaosuudessa käsitellään aikaisempien empiiristen tutkimusten tuloksia valtionomistajuuden vaikutuksista. Tämän tutkimuksen empiirisessä osiossa käytettävä data on saatu osakedatan osalta Datastreamista ja tilinpäätöstunnuslukujen osalta Balance Consulting Oy:ltä. Kokonaisosakedataa koskeva tutkimus Jensenin alfalla ei osoittanut valtionyhtiöiden toimivan tehottomasti, vaan osoitti yritysten kyenneen tuottamaan epänormaaleja tuottoja riskitasoonsa nähden. Vuositasolle pilkotun datan analysointi sen sijaan tuotti useita negatiivisia alfoja yrityksille eli merkkejä tehottomuudesta tiettyinä vuosina. Lisäksi tilinpäätöstunnuslukujen analysointi osoitti osan valtionyhtiöistä olleen pääosin omaa toimialaansa tehottomampia, kun taas osa kykenipäihittämään toimialansa.
A acerola (Malpighia glabra L.) é uma das principais fontes naturais de vitamina C e, também, excelente fonte de carotenóides. O potencial vitamínico destes pigmentos e sua possível associação com o processo de carcinogênese têm despertado grande interesse na química e estabilidade dos carotenóides em alimentos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do processo industrial de congelamento da polpa de acerola, praticado em pequena empresa do município de Fortaleza-CE, visando à manutenção da estabilidade dos carotenóides durante a estocagem da mesma. Os carotenóides foram determinados na polpa recém-processada não congelada (controle) e nas polpas congeladas em álcool -20ºC, estocadas por onze meses. Após quatro meses de estocagem, o conteúdo de beta-caroteno da polpa congelada apresentou redução significativa de 20%, em relação ao conteúdo da polpa-controle (7,09 µg/g), sem alteração significativa após esse período. A beta-criptoxantina (1,7µg/g de polpa) foi reduzida em 37% após o primeiro mês de estocagem, mantendo estes teores estáveis até o décimo primeiro mês, quando totalizou uma perda de 62%. O alfa-caroteno foi encontrado em pequenas quantidades. Quanto ao potencial vitamínico, a polpa-controle apresentou 1338 UI/100g, correspondendo, aproximadamente, a 25% das recomendações diárias de vitamina A /100g de polpa para uma pessoa adulta. Este potencial foi mantido até o terceiro mês de estocagem, quando houve uma redução de 20%, sem alteração significativa após este período.
As frutíferas de clima temperado apresentam o fenômeno da dormência. Na saída da dormência, há a conversão do amido para açúcares solúveis, como substrato para a retomada de crescimento na primavera. Visando à maior compreensão da fisiologia das plantas em respostas a eventos, como as variações climáticas, estresses e problemas de adaptação, desenvolveu-se este trabalho, no Laboratório de Fisiologia Vegetal da Embrapa Clima Temperado, com o objetivo de descrever uma metodologia para a determinação das concentrações dos açúcares solúveis (frutose, sorbitol, alfa-glicose, beta-glicose e sacarose), em tecidos vegetais de frutíferas, via cromatografia gasosa. O cromatógrafo utilizado para as análises dos açúcares por essa metodologia é o GAS CHROMATOGRAPH e a coluna do tipo Packed Column J. K. de 3,2mm de diâmetro por 2m de comprimento, empacotada com Silicone SE-52 Uniport HP 80/100 mesh. Através da cromatografia gasosa, obtêm-se eficiência e resolução cromatográfica, para análises de açúcares solúveis, sendo, desta forma, vantajoso e executável esse tipo de análise pelo método descrito.
Este trabajo se diseñó para evaluar el Trastorno Antisocial de la Personalidad del DSM-III en presos, mediante una entrevista semiestructurada y una escala auto-informada, construida a partir de los criterios del trastorno. El elevado coeficiente de acuerdo interevaluadores (0,80) muestra que los criterios son muy fiables y operativos a efectos del diagnóstico. La escala auto-informada es aceptablemente sensible (88,23%) y específica (89,06%) respecto al trastorno antisocial de la personalidad. La consistencia interna alfa también se reveló muy elevada (0,92) y la escala tiene un alto valor discriminante frente a variables sociodemográficas y de índole penitenciaria.
Se realiza un análisis de componentes principales de las escalas de Excitación y Ansiedad del SAI-E a fin de derivar subescalas que proporcionen mejor y más información sobre el contenido del cuestionario. Los factores obtenidos mantienen una gran afinidad con los resultados de Chambless. Las subescalas de Excitación se encuentran muy correlacionadas con las variables de frecuencia de coito, frecuencia de masturbación y con un listado de variedad de conductas sexuales (Bentler). Las subescalas de Ansiedad muestran correlaciones negativas con las variables sexuales anteriores. La fiabilidad alfa de las subescalas derivadas factorialmente es aceptable.
The present study tests the relationships between the three frequently used personality models evaluated by the Temperament Character Inventory-Revised (TCI-R), Neuroticism Extraversion Openness Five Factor Inventory – Revised (NEO-FFI-R) and Zuckerman-Kuhlman Personality Questionnaire-50- Cross-Cultural (ZKPQ-50-CC). The results were obtained with a sample of 928 volunteer subjects from the general population aged between 17 and 28 years old. Frequency distributions and alpha reliabilities with the three instruments were acceptable. Correlational and factorial analyses showed that several scales in the three instruments share an appreciable amount of common variance. Five factors emerged from principal components analysis. The first factor was integrated by A (Agreeableness), Co (Cooperativeness) and Agg-Host (Aggressiveness-Hostility), with secondary loadings in C (Conscientiousness) and SD (Self-directiveness) from other factors. The second factor was composed by N (Neuroticism), N-Anx (Neuroticism-Anxiety), HA (Harm Avoidance) and SD (Self-directiveness). The third factor was integrated by Sy (Sociability), E (Extraversion), RD (Reward Dependence), ImpSS (Impulsive Sensation Seeking) and NS (novelty Seeking). The fourth factor was integrated by Ps (Persistence), Act (Activity), and C, whereas the fifth and last factor was composed by O (Openness) and ST (Self- Transcendence). Confirmatory factor analyses indicate that the scales in each model are highly interrelated and define the specified latent dimension well. Similarities and differences between these three instruments are further discussed.
Circadian clocks, present in organisms leaving in a rhythmic environment, constitute the mechanisms allowing anticipation and adaptation of behavior and physiology in response to these environmental variations. As a consequence, most aspects of metabolism and behavior are under the control of this circadian clock. At a molecular level, in all the studied species, the rhythmic expression of the genes involved are generated by interconnected transcriptional and translational feedback loops. In mammals, the heterodimer composed of BMAL1 and its partners CLOCK or NPAS2 constitutes a transcriptional activator regulating transcription of Per and Cry genes. These genes encode for repressors of the activity of BMAL1:CLOCK or BMAL1: NPAS2 heterodimers, thus closing a negative feedback loop that generates rhythms of approximately 24 hours. The aim of my doctoral work consisted in the investigation of the role of circadian clock in the regulation of different aspects of mouse metabolism through the rhythmic activation of signaling pathways. First, we showed that one way how the circadian clock exerts its function as an oscillator is through the regulation of mRNA translation. Indeed, we present evidence showing that circadian clock influences the temporal translation of a subset of mRNAs involved in ribosome biogenesis by controlling the transcription of translation initiation factors as well as the clock-dependent rhythmic activation of signaling pathways involved in their regulation. Moreover, the circadian oscillator regulates the transcription of ribosomal protein mRNAs and ribosomal RNAs. Thus the circadian clock exerts a major role in coordinating transcription and translation steps underlying ribosome biogenesis. In the second part, we showed the involvement of the circadian clock in lipid metabolism. Indeed, the three PAR bZip transcription factors DBP, TEF and HLF, are regulated by the molecular clock and play key roles in the control of lipid metabolism. Here we present evidence concerning the circadian expression and activity of PPARα via the circadian transcription of genes involved in the release of fatty acids, natural ligands of PPARα. It leads to the rhythmic activation of PPARα itself which could then play its role in the transcription of genes encoding proteins involved in lipid, cholesterol and glucose metabolism. In addition, we considered the possible role of lipid transporters, here SCP2, in the modulation of circadian activation of signaling pathways such as TORC1, PPARα and SREBP, linked to metabolism, and its feedback on the circadian clock. In the last part of this work, we studied the effects of these circadian clock-orchestrated pathways in physiology, as clock disruptions have been shown to be linked to metabolic disorders. We performed in vivo experiments on genetically and high-fat induced obese mice devoid of functional circadian clock. The results obtained showed that clock disruption leads to impaired triglycerides and glucose homeostasis in addition to insulin secretion and sensitivity. -- Les rythmes circadiens, présents chez tout organisme vivant dans un environnement rythmique, constituent l'ensemble de mécanismes permettant des réponses comportementales et physiologiques anticipées et adaptées aux variations environnementales. De ce fait, la plupart des aspects liés au métabolisme et au comportement de ces organismes apparaissent être sous le contrôle de l'horloge circadienne contrôlant ces rythmes. Au niveau moléculaire, dans toutes les espèces étudiées, l'expression rythmique de gènes impliqués sont générés par l'interconnexion de boucles de contrôle transcriptionnelles et traductionnelles. Chez les mammifères, l'hétérodimère composé de BMAL1 et de ses partenaires CLOCK ou NPAS2 constitue un activateur transcriptionnel régulant la transcription des gènes Per et Cry. Ces gènes codent pour des répresseurs de l'activité des hétérodimères BMAL1:CLOCK ou BMAL1:NPAS2. Cela a pour effet de fermer la boucle négative, générant ainsi des rythmes d'environ 24 heures. Le but de mon travail de thèse a consisté en l'investigation du rôle de l'horloge circadienne dans la régulation de certains aspects du métabolisme chez la souris via la régulation de l'activation rythmique des voies de signalisation. Nous avons tout d'abord montré que l'horloge circadienne exerce sa fonction d'oscillateur notamment au niveau de la régulation de la traduction des ARNm. En effet, nous présentons des preuves montrant que l'horloge circadienne influence la traduction temporelle d'un groupe d'ARNm impliqués dans la biogénèse des ribosomes en contrôlant la transcription de facteurs d'initiation de la traduction ainsi que l'activation rythmique des voies de signalisation qui sont impliquées dans leur régulation. De plus, l'oscillateur circadien régule la transcription d'ARNm codant pour les protéines ribosomales et d'ARN ribosomaux. De cette façon, l'horloge circadienne exerce un rôle majeur dans la coordination des étapes de transcription et traduction permettant la biogénèse des ribosomes. Dans la deuxième partie, nous montrons les implications de l'horloge circadienne dans le métabolisme des lipides. En effet, DBP, TEF et HLF, trois facteurs de transcription de la famille des PAR bZip qui sont régulés par l'horloge circadienne, jouent un rôle clé dans le contrôle du métabolisme des lipides par l'horloge circadienne. Nous apportons ici des preuves concernant l'expression et l'activité rythmiques de PPARα via la transcription circadienne de gènes impliqués dans le relargage d'acides gras, ligands naturels de PPARα, conduisant à l'activation circadienne de PPARα lui-même, pouvant ainsi jouer son rôle de facteur de transcription de gènes codant pour des protéines impliquées dans le métabolisme des lipides, du cholestérol et du glucose. De plus, nous nous sommes penchés sur le rôle possible de transporteurs de lipides, ici SCP2, dans la modulation de l'activation circadienne de voies de signalisation, telles que TORC1, PPARα et SREBP, qui sont liées au métabolisme, ainsi que son impact sur l'horloge elle-même. Dans la dernière partie de ce travail, nous avons étudié les effets de l'activation de ces voies de signalisation régulées par l'horloge circadienne dans le contexte physiologique puisqu'il a été montré que la perturbation de l'horloge pouvait être associée à des désordres métaboliques. Pour ce faire, nous avons fait des expériences in vivo sur des souris déficientes pour l'horloge moléculaire pour lesquelles l'obésité est induite génétiquement ou induite par la nourriture riche en lipides. Les résultats que nous obtenons montrent des dérèglements au niveau de l'homéostasie des triglycérides et du glucose ainsi que sur l'expression et la réponse à l'insuline.