929 resultados para acceptance


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Hintergrund und Fragestellung: Die korrekte intraoperative Positionierung und Einstellung eines mobilen Bildverstrkers (auch C-Bogen) kann zurzeit theoretisch mit Hilfe von Lehrbchern erlernt, am Gert selbst aber nur ohne visuelle Rckmeldung, d.h. ohne ein zur Ausrichtung korrespondierendes Rntgenbild, trainiert werden. Hieraus ergibt sich die Fragestellung, inwiefern das Training der Handhabung und richtigen Einstellung des C-Bogens in verschiedenen Operationsszenarien durch ein C-Bogen Simulationssystem als Teil eines CBT-Systems (Computer Based Training) untersttzt werden kann. Methoden: In Kooperation mit rzten aus Unfallchirurgie und Radiologie wurde das computer-basierte Trainingssystem virtX entwickelt. virtX kann dem Nutzer verschiedene Aufgaben zur Einstellung eines C-Bogens stellen und die Ausfhrung und das Ergebnis bewerten. Die Aufgaben knnen mit Hilfe eines Autorensystems erstellt und vom Trainierenden in verschiedenen Modi erfllt werden: im rein virtuellen Modus oder im kombinierten virtuell-realen Modus. Im rein virtuellen Modus steuert der Nutzer den virtuellen C-Bogen in einem virtuellen OP-Saal mittels einer grafisch-interaktiven Benutzungsoberflche. Im virtuell-realen Modus hingegen wird die Ausrichtung eines realen C-Bogens erfasst und auf den virtuellen C-Bogen bertragen. Whrend der Aufgabenerfllung kann der Benutzer zu jeder Zeit ein realittsnahes, virtuelles Rntgenbild erzeugen und dabei alle Parameter wie Blendenstellung, Rntgenintensitt, etc. wie bei einem realen C-Bogen steuern. virtX wurde auf einem dreitgigen Kurs fr OP-Personal mit 120 Teilnehmern eingesetzt und auf der Basis von Fragebgen evaluiert. Ergebnisse: Von den Teilnehmern gaben 79 einen ausgefllten Evaluations-Fragebogen ab. Das Durchschnittsalter der 62 weiblichen und 15 mnnlichen Teilnehmer (zwei o.A.) lag bei 34 9 Jahren, die Berufserfahrung bei 8,3 7,6 Jahren. 18 Personen (23%) gaben an, gelegentlich mit einem C-Bogen zu arbeiten, 61 (77%) arbeiteten regelmig damit. ber 83% der befragten Teilnehmer empfanden virtX als eine sinnvolle Ergnzung zur herkmmlichen Ausbildung am C-Bogen. Das virtuelle Rntgen wurde mit einer Zustimmung von 91% der befragten Teilnehmer als besonders wichtig fr das Verstndnis der Arbeitsweise eines C-Bogens beurteilt. Ebenso erhielt der kombinierte virtuell-reale Modus mit 84% Zustimmung einen vergleichsweise hohen Stellenwert. Schlussfolgerung: Die Befragung zeichnet ein positives Bild der Akzeptanz des virtX-System als substanzielle Ergnzung zur herkmmlichen Ausbildung am C-Bogen.


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Depuis longtemps, le Soleil est vu comme une source renouvelable dintrt pour combler nos besoins en nergie. Or, le cot prohibitif de lnergie solaire a jusqu maintenant rendu celle-ci peu utilise. Pour accrotre son adoption, il faut absolument rendre son cot concurrentiel avec celui des nergies fossiles. Pour cela, plusieurs possibilits existent. Lune delles est lutilisation dun systme optique pour concentrer la lumire. Cette thse prsente donc une solution base sur la conception dun nouveau type de concentrateur solaire de basse-moyenne concentration fait de polymre dans le but de rduire son cot de fabrication. Les performances de ce systme compact utilisant des microlentilles ont ensuite t amliores par lajout dun gradient dindice de rfraction dans la matrice polymrique. Une analyse sommaire du cot de lnergie produite par de tels dispositifs permet ensuite de conclure que les systmes dvelopps dans le cadre de ce projet de recherche ont un potentiel commercial. Pour cette raison, le concept le plus prometteur bas sur lutilisation dun gradient dindice afin daccrotre les performances a fait tat du dpt dune demande de brevet.


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Tese de doutoramento, Cirurgia Geral (Medicina), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina, 2014


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Supervisionada, Educao (Mestrado em Ensino de Histria e Geografia no 3 Ciclo do Ensino Bsico e Ensino Secundrio), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educao, 2014


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The development of town planning education in the United Kingdom can be traced back over at least sixty years and has always enjoyed a close relationship with practitioners, employers and the professional body, the Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI). In order to ensure an intake of sufficient quality to a growing profession, the Institute offered its own exams until the 1980s and then initiated the current system of accrediting both undergraduate and postgraduate programmes of study. This system of accreditation emphasises the importance of relevant knowledge, skills and values as well as core and specialised studies. The vocational nature of town planning requires that graduates have the breadth of understanding as well as the practical skills in order to practice effectively. Thus accredited courses have over time developed strong links with employers and practitioners. Rapid developments in the scope and range of planning, and the skills needed to work in it, have reflected changes in public policy and growing number of agencies concerned with the built environment. The system of regular quinquennial visits to accredit courses has helped ensure that this acceptance of change has become part of the culture of planning schools.


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Relatrio da Prtica de Ensino Supervisionada, Mestrado em Ensino de Fsica e de Qumica no 3 Ciclo do Ensino Bsico e no Ensino Secundrio, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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Tese de doutoramento, Lingustica (Lingustica Aplicada), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2015


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The role of tourism in delivering wider economic legacies is strongly stated in recent national tourism policy documents. The Olympic Games are envisaged to have the legacy impact of 4 million extra visitors and 50,000 extra jobs over 4 years (DCMS (2011). Government Tourism Policy, p. 15). This paper considers the nature of Olympic tourism and the possible contribution of the Cultural Olympiad to developing a cultural tourism legacy. It does this by investigating local perceptions of culture and local cultural enactments in the London Borough of Hackney, one of the five boroughs surrounding the Olympic Park. This research shows that local cultural enactments and programming connected to the Olympics are largely motivated by a wider social agenda. They are funded by a wide variety of arts, social and youth programmes and largely reflect initiatives and projects that were already in place in the Borough. While there is an acceptance that cultural events might stimulate the visitor economy, specific discourses around tourism and tourists are not expressed by the people engaged in the local process.


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Purpose This paper aims to propose the global nation product equity model (GNPE) to measure global consumers equity of a product that a country produces, especially a nations cultural products (i.e. culducts). The model also examines the significant difference of GNPE depending on a cultural diffusion level. GNPE model proposes that depending on the level of peoples recognition/acceptance/preference of a culture from another country (i.e. cultural diffusion level), the equity of a product from that country could be different in different countries. As variables that affect GNPE, global nation product equity in general, global nation product equity of a product category and nation cultural equity are included in the model. Design/methodology/approach To test the model, this study developed Hallyu (Korean cultural diffusion)-related Korean culducts and measured global consumers equity for the Korean culducts. In all, 351 surveys were collected from China, France, England and the USA. Findings The results show the significantly different equities and relationships among equities depending on the level of Hallyu diffusion in each country. Therefore, Korea is suggested to focus on different equities in different countries. Originality/value This research proposed a new model that extends the previous brand equity models to non-branded products (i.e. cultural products). This model proposed new variables that affect equity of a product mentioned above and suggests different equities to improve in different countries depending on their level of cultural diffusion. Also, this cross-cultural study suggests a direction of culduct design, distribution and promotion strategies in the global market.


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Meeting European emissions targets is reliant on innovative renewable technologies, particularly renewable heat from heat pumps. Heat pump performance is driven by Carnot efficiency and optimum performance requires the lowest possible space heating flow temperatures leading to greater sensitivity to poor design, installation and operation. Does sufficient training and installer capacity exist for this technology? This paper situates the results of heat pump field trial performance in a socio-technical context, identifying how far installer competence requirements are met within the current vocational education and training (VET) system and considers possible futures. Few UK installers have formal heat pump qualifications at National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) level 3 and heat pump VET is generally through short-course provision where the structure of training is largely unregulated with no strict adherence to a common syllabus or a detailed training centre specification. Prerequisites for short-course trainees, specifically the demand for heating system knowledge based on metric design criteria, is limited and proof of experience is an accepted alternative to formal educational qualifications. The lack of broader educational content and deficiencies in engineering knowledge will have profound negative impacts on both the performance and market acceptance of heat pumps. Possible futures to address this problem are identified.


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Na indstria farmacutica, a limpeza dos equipamentos e superfcies muito importante no processo de fabrico/embalagem dos produtos farmacuticos. Possveis resduos contaminantes devem ser removidos dos equipamentos e das superfcies envolvidas no processo. De acordo com as Boas Prticas de Fabrico (GMP), os procedimentos de limpeza e os mtodos analticos usados para determinar as quantidades de resduos devem ser validados. O mtodo analtico combinado com o mtodo de amostragem utilizado na colheita de amostras deve ser sujeito a um ensaio de recovery. Neste trabalho apresenta-se uma estratgia inovadora para a validao de limpeza de formas farmacuticas semi-slidas. Prope-se o uso de um mtodo de amostragem que consiste na colheita direta de amostra aps o seu fabrico, sendo a anlise de resduos feita directamente nesta amostra. Os produtos escolhidos para a avaliao da estratgia foram dois medicamentos dermatolgicos, apresentados na forma de pomada e produzidos numa unidade de fabrico de vrios produtos, pela Schering Plough Farma/ Merck Sharp & Dohme (Cacm, Portugal). Como mtodos analticos para a quantificao dos resduos, utilizaram-se mtodos validados por via espectrofotomtrica (HPLC), usados na anlise do produto acabado. A validao de limpeza foi avaliada atravs da anlise de uma quantidade conhecida de pomada (produto B (*)), usando o mtodo de anlise da pomada fabricada anteriormente (produto A (*)), de modo a verificar-se a existncia ou no de agente de limpeza e substncias ativas deixadas aps a limpeza do produto A, e vice-versa. As concentraes residuais das substncias ativas e do agente de limpeza encontradas aps a limpeza foram nulas, ou seja, inferiores ao limite de deteo (LOD), sendo que o critrio de aceitao da limpeza utilizado foi de 6,4 x 10-4 mg/g para a substncia ativa 1 (*); 1,0 x 10-2 mg/g para a substncia ativa 2 (*); 1,0 x 10-3 mg/g para a substncia ativa 3 (*) e de 10 ppm para o agente de limpeza. No ensaio de recovery, obtiveram-se resultados acima de 70% para todas as substncias ativas e para o agente de limpeza nas duas pomadas. Antes de se proceder a este ensaio de recovery, houve a necessidade de ajustar as condies cromatogrficas dos mtodos analticos de ambos os produtos e do agente de limpeza, por forma a obter-se valores da conformidade do sistema (fator de tailling e de resoluo) de acordo com as especificaes. A preciso dos resultados, reportada como desvio padro relativo (RSD), deu abaixo de 2,0%, excepto nos ensaios que envolvem a substncia ativa 3, cuja especificao inferior a 10,0%. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que os procedimentos de limpeza usados na unidade de fabrico em causa so eficazes, eliminando assim a existncia de contaminao cruzada.


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Dissertao de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administrao do Porto para a obteno do grau de Mestre em Marketing Digital, sob orientao de Mestre Antnio da Silva Vieira.


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)


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Dissertao de Mestrado, Tecnologia e Segurana Alimentar, 02 de Junho de 2014, Universidade dos Aores.


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Dissertao apresentada ao Instituto Politcnico do Porto para obteno do Grau de Mestre em Gesto das Organizaes, Ramo de Gesto de Empresas Orientado pela Prof. Doutora Maria Joo Martins Ferreira Major, Prof. Associada, ISCTE Business School - IUL