914 resultados para Walls.
For my freshman Jan Plan at Colby I painted a mural in Runnals Union illustrating a William Blake poem. This effort began a four year painting project which I pursued my sophomore and junior years by finishing the Hall of the Machines in Runnals and by commencing the Paper Wall in Roberts. As a Senior Scholar, I've continued my undertaking by painting eleven more panels. Eight of these are in the Paper Wall and the other three are in the Spa in Miller Library. In my wallpainting up until this year my major interest has been in a strong two-dimentional design created by color juxtaposition. Over these two semesters I've developed a greater concern with the role of color value contrasts in achieving a sense of three-dimensional space. As one views my paintings in chronological order, he can see that gradually colors become less intense, value contrasts more effective, and subject matter becomes based on observation rather than imagination. Please judge my achievement solely on observation of the walls in these three rooms as this paper is only a very brief catalogue of works and the slides are not the best reproductions.
In the UK, urban river basins are particularly vulnerable to flash floods due to short and intense rainfall. This paper presents potential flood resilience approaches for the highly urbanised Wortley Beck river basin, south west of the Leeds city centre. The reach of Wortley Beck is approximately 6km long with contributing catchment area of 30km2 that drain into the River Aire. Lower Wortley has experienced regular flooding over the last few years from a range of sources, including Wortley Beck and surface and ground water, that affects properties both upstream and downstream of Farnley Lake as well as Wortley Ring Road. This has serious implications for society, the environment and economy activity in the City of Leeds. The first stage of the study involves systematically incorporating Wortley Beck’s land scape features on an Arc-GIS platform to identify existing green features in the region. This process also enables the exploration of potential blue green features: green spaces, green roofs, water retention ponds and swales at appropriate locations and connect them with existing green corridors to maximize their productivity. The next stage is involved in developing a detailed 2D urban flood inundation model for the Wortley Beck region using the CityCat model. CityCat is capable to model the effects of permeable/impermeable ground surfaces and buildings/roofs to generate flood depth and velocity maps at 1m caused by design storm events. The final stage of the study is involved in simulation of range of rainfall and flood event scenarios through CityCat model with different blue green features. Installation of other hard engineering individual property protection measures through water butts and flood walls are also incorporated in the CityCat model. This enables an integrated sustainable flood resilience strategy for this region.
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar os esforços em estruturas tridimensionais de edificios altos, quando submetidos a carregamentos horizontais e verticais. A estrutura é idealizada como um conjunto de pilares, paredes e vigas podendo ser dispostos de uma maneira assimétrica no plano da laje e variarem suas propriedades geométricas ao longo da altura. A análise é feita pelo método dos deslocamentos. Admite-se que as lajes em cada nível dos pavimentos tenham o funcionamento de diafragma rígido. São utilizados elementos de barra para representação das vigas e pilares. Para a determinação dos esforços em paredes resistentes são apresentados vários elementos obtidos pela analogia de pórticos. Tais elementos são incorporados ao programa possuindo uma formulação bem simples.
Esta pesquisa visa o estudo de características físicas e mecânicas de solos subtropicais, para aplicação na construção de habitações de baixo custo, abordando-se principalmente a técnica de construção com paredes monolíticas compactadas. A opçao pelo estudo do solo, realizado sem a adição de estabilizantes fisico-químicos, baseia-se no fato de que a mesma nem sempre é necessária, embora seja vital em alguns casos. Através da revisão de literatura, são ressaltadas as propriedades dos solos consideradas importantes para construção deste tipo de moradia, bem como os fatores envolvidos na durabilidade da mesma. Foi realizado o estudo de jazidas de solos, pertencentes a algumas das unidades geotécnicas da região metropolitana de Porto Alegre, levando-se sempre em conta este tipo de aplicação. Para tanto, são realizados ensaios laboratoriais de caracterização física dos solos, bem como de comportamento mecânico, testando-se resistência à compressão simples e à erosão, e absorção por capilaridade. Além disso, é feita a análise qualitativa da durabilidade de blocos compactados frente a exposição ao tempo. Estes blocos visam simular a condição de pequenos segmentos de paredes. Os resultados obtidos são analisados e comparados com as recomendações da prática deste tipo de construção, avaliando-se a validade das mesmas para o caso de solos tropicais e subtropicais
Na construção civil, nos países em desenvolvimento como a Bolívia, continua-se usando técnicas e materiais na execução de paredes, similar a décadas passadas. Os painéis de gesso reforçados com fibra de vidro são uma alternativa de simplificação e agilização na execução das paredes internas não portantes. A presente dissertação objetiva mostrar a viabilidade técnica e econômica dos painéis para paredes internas, na Bolívia; para tanto realizou-se uma avaliação dos recursos disponíveis (gesso), com relação às reservas, produção e custos. A técnica adotada na produção dos painéis é a de pré-mistura, que permite a moldagem dos painéis manual ou mecanicamente com equipamentos simples e de baixo custo. O estudo do compósito de gesso reforçado com fibra de vidro (GRG) foi realizado com gesso brasileiro e com gesso boliviano, verificando-se o seu comportamento mecânico com diferentes teores de fibra de vidro. Verificou-se aumento da resistência a tração na flexão e diminuição da resistência a compressão com o aumento do teor de fibra de vidro. A avaliação do comportamento mecânico dos painéis foi feita através dos ensaios de impacto (corpo mole e corpo duro). Nos ensaios de corpo mole, verificou-se aumento da resistência com o aumento do teor de fibra de vidro. Os teores de 0,75% e 1,5% se mostraram suficientes para que os painéis de GRG satisfaçam os requisitos de desempenho para divisórias internas respectivamente para o gesso brasileiro e boliviano. O comportamento dos painéis nos ensaios de impacto de corpo duro foi satisfatório, tanto para painéis com fibra como para painéis sem fibra de vidro. No estudo preliminar de custos, verificou-se uma redução em torno de 36% para os painéis de GRG em relação às paredes intemas tradicionalmente usadas na Bolívia.
Nesse trabalho abordam-se de maneira geral a diversas características e propriedades dos materiais que influem na penetração da água em fachadas de alvenaria. Analiza-se os principais mecanismos de infiltraçao da água bem como o comportamento da água sobre a superfície das fachadas. Uma análise também é feita com respeito a determinação do grau de exposição da fachada. Com o fim de avaliar o desempenho de fachadas de alvenaria, com relação a sua resistência a penetração da chuva, utiliza-se a metodologia de desempenho. Faz-se uma aplicação prática para as condições de Porto Alegre, apresentando-se os resultados obtidos.
The Internet has taken the world by storm. It has eliminated the barriers of technology, and unlocked the doors to electronic commerce and the 'Virtual Economy'. It has given us a glimpse into the future of 'Business' itself, and it has created a bewildering variety of choices in our personal and professional lives. It has taken on a life of its own, and we are all frantically trying to keep up. Many overwhelmed companies are asking questions like: 'What should our Internet Strategy be?' Or 'How do we put our business on the Internet like everybody else is doing?' or 'How do we use this thing to make money without spending any?'. These questions may seem reasonable on the surface, but they miss the point because they focus on the technologies rather than the core issues of conducting day-to-day business. The Internet can indeed offer fast returns in marketing reach, speed, director consumer sales and so on, and many companies are using it to good advantage, but the highest and best use of any such technology is to support, enhance and even re-invent the fundamentals of general business practice. When the initial excitement is over, and companies gain experience and confidence with the new business models, this larger view will begin to assert itself. Companies will then start to position their 'Internet Strategies' in context of where the business world itself is going over time, and how they can prepare for what is to come. Until now, the business world has been very fragmented, its collective progress limited (in part) by the inability to communicate within and between companies. Now that the technical remedy seems to be at hand and standards are beginning to emerge, we are starting to see a trend toward consolidation, cooperation, and economic synergy. Companies are improving their internal business processes with Intranets, and Electronic Commerce initiatives have sprung up using EDI, the World Wide Web, E-Mail, secure credit card payments and other tools. Companies are using the Internet to talk to each other and to sell their goods and services to the end consumer. Like Berlin, the walls are coming down because they have to. Electronic 'Communities of Common Interest' are beginning to surface, with the goal of supporting and aligning similar industries (such as Government, Insurance, Transportation and Health care) or similar business functions (such as Purchasing, Payments, and Human Resources). As these communities grow and mature, their initial scope will broaden and their spheres of influence will expand. They will begin to overlap into other communities, creating a synergistic effect and reshaping the conduct of business. The business world will undergo a gradual evolution toward globalization, driven by economic imperatives and natural selection in the marketplace, and facilitated by Electronic Commerce and Internet technologies. The business world 'beyond 2000' will have a substantially different look and feel than that which we see today.
A growing awareness of the modern society about the direct relationship between a growing global community with increasing total industrial activities on one hand and various environmental problems and a natural limitation of natural resources on the other hand set the base for sustainable or “green” approaches within the supply chain. This paper therefore will look at the issue of “Green Logistics” which seeks to reduce the environmental impact of logistics activities by taking into account functions such as recycling, waste and carbon emission reduction and the use of alternative sources of energy. In order to analyze how these approaches and ideas are being perceived by the system as a whole two models from the area of prospective and scenario planning are being used and described to identify the main drivers and tendencies within the system in order to create feasible hypothesis. Using the URCA/CHIVAS model allows us to identify the driver variables out of a high number of variables that best describe the system “Green Logistics”. Followed by the analysis of the actor’s strategies in the system with the Mactor model it is possible to reduce the complexity of a completely holistic system to a few key drivers that can be analyzed further on. Here the implications of URCA/CHIVAS and Mactor are being used to formulate hypotheses about the perception of Green Logistics and its successful implementation among logistics decision makers by an online survey. This research seeks to demonstrate the usefulness of scenario planning to a highly complex system observing it from all angles and extracting information about the relevant factors of it. The results of this demonstration indicate that there are drivers much beyond the factory walls that need to be considered when implementing successfully a system such as Green Logistics.
O insider trading é ilícito de elevado potencial danoso, pois impacta não só as pessoas diretamente relacionadas com a operação realizada com a informação privilegiada, mas também o mercado de capitais como um todo, afetando a confiança dos investidores. É importante, portanto, a repressão severa do ilícito nas esferas administrativa, civil e penal, destacando-se o papel regulador da Comissão de Valores Mobiliários, enquanto representante da intervenção do poder estatal no âmbito do mercado de capitais. Não obstante, para a responsabilização pelo ilícito do insider trading, deve-se exigir um conjunto probatório robusto, ainda que apenas indiciário. A utilização de uma espécie de muralha segregadora, se minimiza situações de conflito de interesses ao evitar o acesso amplo a informações relevantes não divulgadas ao mercado, não é, por si só, capaz de excluir responsabilidade por eventual insider trading. Importante ter cuidado com construções teóricas, como a da “mente corporativa”, capazes de esvaziar de utilidade barreiras como uma Chinese Wall. Impossível transpor a teoria do domínio do fato à apuração de ilícitos de insider trading.
R.R.M. de Sousa et al. Nitriding in cathodic cage of stainless steel AISI 316: Influence of sample position. Vacuum, [s.l.], n.83, 2009. Disponivel em:
Building design is an effective way to achieve HVAC energy consumption reduction. However, this potentiality is often neglected by architects due to the lack of references to support design decisions. This works intends to propose architectural design guidelines for energy efficiency and thermal performance of Campus/UFRN buildings. These guidelines are based on computer simulations results using the software DesignBuilder. The definition of simulation models has begun with envelope variables, partially done after a field study of thirteen buildings at UFRN/Campus. This field study indicated some basic envelope patterns that were applied in simulation models. Occupation variables were identified with temperature and energy consumption monitoring procedures and a verification of illumination and equipment power, both developed at the Campus/UFRN administration building. Three simulation models were proposed according to different design phases and decisions. The first model represents early design decisions, simulating the combination of different types of geometry with three levels of envelope thermal performance. The second model, still as a part of early design phase, analyses thermal changes between circulation halls lateral and central and office rooms, as well as the heat fluxes and monthly temperatures in each circulation hall. The third model analyses the influence of middle-design and detail design decisions on energy consumption and thermal performance. In this model, different solutions of roofs, shading devices, walls and external colors were simulated. The results of all simulation models suggest a high influence of thermal loads due to the incidence of solar radiation on windows and surfaces, which highlights the importance of window shading devices, office room orientation and absorptance of roof and walls surfaces
In recent years, sulfated polysaccharides (SP) from marine algae have emerged as an important class of natural biopolymers with potential pharmacology applications. Among these, SP isolated from the cell walls of red algae have been study due to their anticoagulant,antithrombotic and anti-inflammatory activities. In the present study, three sulfated polysaccharides fractions denominated F1.5v, F2.0v and F3.0v were obtained from seaweed G. caudate by proteolysis followed to acetone fractionation. Gel electrophoresis using 0.05 M 1,3-diaminopropane-acetate buffer, pH 9,0, stained with 0.1% toluidine blue, showed the presence of SP in all fractions. The chemical analysis demonstrated that all the fractions are composed mainly of galactose. These compounds were evaluated in anticoagulant, antioxidant and antiproliferative activities. In anticoagulant activity evaluated through aPTT and PT tests, no one fractions presented anticoagulant activity at tested concentrations (0.1 mg/mL; 1.0 mg/mL; 2.0 mg/mL).The antioxidant activities of the three fractions were evaluated by the following in vitro systems: Total antioxidant capacity, superoxide and hydroxyl radical scavenging, ferrous chelating activity and reducing power. The fractions were found to have different levels of antioxidant activity in the systems tested. F1.5v shows the highest activity, especially in the ferrous chelating system, with 70% of ferrous inhibiting at 1.0 mg.mL-1. Finally, all the fractions showed dose-dependent antiproliferative activity against HeLa cells. The fractions F1.5v and F2.0v presented the highest antiproliferative activity at 2.0 mg/mL with 42.7% and 37.0% of inhibition, respectively. Ours results suggests that the sulfated polysaccharides from seaweed G. caudata are promising compounds in antioxidant and/or antitumor therapy
In recent years, sulfated polysaccharides from marine algae have emerged as an important class of natural biopolymers with potential application in human and veterinary health care, while taking advantage of the absence of potential risk of contamination by animal viruses. Among these, fucans isolated from the cell walls of marine brown alga have been study due to their anticoagulant, antithrombotic, anti-inflammatory and antiviral activities. These biological effects of fucans have been found to depend on the degree of sulfation and molecular size of the polysaccharide chains. In the present study, we examined structural features of a fucan extracted from brown alga Dictyota menstrualis and its effect on the leukocyte migration to the peritoneum. The sulfated polysaccharides were extracted from the brown seaweed by proteolytic digestion, followed by sequential acetone precipitation producing 5 fractions. Gel lectrophoresis using 0.05 M 1,3-diaminopropane-acetate buffer, pH 9.0, stained with 0.1% toluidine blue, showed the presence of sulfated polysaccharides in all fractions. The chemical analyses demonstrated that all fractions are composed mainly of fucose, xylose, galactose, uronic acid, and sulfate. Electrophoresis in agarose gel in three different buffers demonstrated that the fraction 2.0v have only one population of fucan. This compound was purify by exclusion molecular. It has shown composition of fucose, xilose, sulfate and uronic acid in molar ration of 1.0: 1.7: 1.1: 0.5 respectively. The effect of this heterofucan on the leukocyte migration was observed 6h after zymozan (mg/g) administration into the peritoneum. The heterofucan showed higher antimigratory activity, it decrease the migration of leukocyte in 83.77% to peritoneum. The results suggest that this fucan is a new antimigratory compound with potential pharmacological appications
Sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) is a plant from Poaceae family that has an impressive ability to accumulate sucrose in the stalk, making it a significant component of the economy of many countries. About 100 countries produce sugarcane in an area of 22 million hectares worldwide. For this reason, many studies have been done using sugarcane as a plant model in order to improve production. A change in gravity may be one kind of abiotic stress, since it generates rapid responses after stimulation. In this work we decided to investigate the possible morphophysiological, biochemical and molecular changes resulting from microgravity. Here, we present the contributions of an experiment where sugarcane plants were submitted to microgravity flight using a vehicle VSB-30, a sounding rocket developed by Aeronautics and Space Institute teams, in cooperation with the German Space Agency. Sugarcane plants with 10 days older were submitted to a period of six minutes of microgravity using the VSB-30 rocket. The morphophysiological analyses of roots and leaves showed that plants submitted to the flight showed changes in the conduction tissues, irregular pattern of arrangement of vascular bundles and thickening of the cell walls, among other anatomical changes that indicate that the morphology of the plants was substantially influenced by gravitational stimulation, besides the accumulation of hydrogen peroxide, an important signaling molecule in stress conditions. We carried out RNA extraction and sequencing using Illumina platform. Plants subjected to microgravity also showed changes in enzyme activity. It was observed an increased in superoxide dismutase activity in leaves and a decreased in its activity in roots as well as for ascorbate peroxidase activity. Thus, it was concluded that the changes in gravity were perceived by plants, and that microgravity environment triggered changes associated with a reactive oxygen specie signaling process. This work has helped the understanding of how the gravity affects the structural organization of the plants, by comparing the anatomy of plants subjected to microgravity and plants grown in 1g gravity
This work had to verify the influence of massará, while mortar component, in the process of formation of saltpeter in cementitious plaster walls of buildings. The massará is a ceramic material, texture areno usually found in large volumes argillaceous sediments in Teresina, Piaui State capital, which is associated with the Portland cement mortar form for fixing and finishing in construction. Saltpeter or flowering is a pathology that happens in gypsum wallboard, which invariably reaction between soluble salts present in materials, water and oxygen. This pathology, supposedly credited to massará caused its use to suffer significant reduction in the market of the buildings. Verify this situation with particular scientific rigor is part of the proposal of this work. Grading tests Were performed, consistency limits (LL, LP and IP), determination of potential hydrogen, capacity Exchange (CTC), electrical conductivity (EC), x-ray fluorescence (FRX) and x-ray diffraction (DRX). Massará analysed samples in number six, including sample plastering salitrado presented potential hydrogen medium 5.7 in water and 5.2 on KCl n and electrical conductivity (EC), equal to zero. These results pointed to the affirmative that massará is a material that does not provide salinity content that can be taken into consideration. It is therefore concluded that the material analyzed not competing, at least with respect to the presence of soluble salts, for the formation of saltpeter