991 resultados para Tunnel lining.


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The structural, thermal, chemisorptive, and electronic properties of Ce on Pt{111} are studied by photoemission, Auger spectroscopy, scanning tunnel microscope (STM), and low-energy electron diffraction (LEED). Stranski-Krastanov-like growth of low-density Ce layers is accompanied by substantial valence charge transfer from Ce to Pt: in line with this, the measured dipole moment and polarizability of adsorbed Ce at low coverages are 7.2 x 10(-30) C m and similar to 1.3x10(-29) m(3), respectively. Pt-Ce intermixing commences at similar to 400 K and with increasing temperature a sequence of five different ordered surface alloys evolves. The symmetry, periodicities, and rotational epitaxy observed by LEED are in good accord with the STM data which reveal the true complexity of the system. The Various bimetallic surface phases are based on growth of crystalline Pt5Ce, a hexagonal layer structure consisting of alternating layers of Pt2Ce and Kagome nets of Pt atoms. This characteristic ABAB layered arrangement of the surface alloys is clearly imaged, and chemisorption data permit a distinction to be made between the more reactive Pt2Ce layer and the less reactive Pt Kagome net. Either type of layer can appear at the surface as the terminating structure, thicker films exhibiting unit mesh parameters characteristic of the bulk alloy.


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We investigate by numerical EM simulation the potential communication channel capacity of a reverberant environment using the time reversal approach, excited at 2.4 GHz by ON-OFF keyed RF pulse excitation. It is shown that approximately 725 1.25MHz propagation channels can be allocated with the cavity contains a 4×4 ? or 1×1 ? LOS obstruction positioned between the transceiver antenna and the time reversal unit. Furthermore the results show that two co-located transceiver dipoles separated by a spacing of 3?/4 can successfully resolve a 10ns pulse. Our findings suggest that different independent channels with identical operating frequency can be realized in an enclosed environment such as ventilation duct or underground tunnel. This suggests that there is a possibility of implementing a parallel channel radio link with the minimum inter-antenna spacing of 3?/4 between the transceivers in a rich multipath environment. © 2012 IEEE.


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Broadcast spawning invertebrates that live in shallow, high-energy coastal habitats are subjected to oscillatory water motion that creates unsteady flow fields above the surface of animals. The frequency of the oscillatory fluctuations is driven by the wave period, which will influence the stability of local flow structures and may affect fertilization processes. Using an oscillatory water tunnel, we quantified the percentage of eggs fertilized on or near spawning green sea urchins, Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis. Eggs were sampled in the water column, wake eddy, substratum and aboral surface under a range of different periods (T = 4.5 – 12.7 s) and velocities of oscillatory flow. The root-mean-square wave velocity (rms(uw)) was a good predictor of fertilization in oscillatory flow, although the root-mean-square of total velocity (rms(u)), which incorporates all the components of flow (current, wave and turbulence), also provided significant predictions. The percentage of eggs fertilized varied between 50 – 85% at low flows (rms(uw) < 0.02 m s-1), depending on the location sampled, but declined to below 10% for most locations at higher rms(uw). The water column was an important location for fertilization with a relative contribution greater than that of the aboral surface, especially at medium and high rms(uw) categories. We conclude that gametes can be successfully fertilized on or near the parent under a range of oscillatory flow conditions.


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The understanding of rock breaking and chipping due to the TBM cutter disks mechanism in deep tunnels is considered in this paper. The interest stems from the use of TBMs for the excavation of long Trans-Alpine tunnels. Some tests that simulate the disk cutter action at the tunnel face by means of an indenter, acting on a rock specimen are proposed. The rock specimen is confined through a flat-jack and a confinement-free area on one side of the specimen simulates the formation of a groove near the indenter, like it occurs in TBM excavation conditions. Results show a limited influence of the confinement stress versus the thrust increment required for breaking the rock between the indenter and the free side of the specimen. Numerical modelling of the cutter disk action on confined material has also been carried out in order to investigate further aspects of the fracture initiation. Also in this case the importance of the relative position between disk cutter and groove is pointed out. © 2006 Springer-Verlag.


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The screw conveyor system plays a fundamental role during the EPB tunnelling operations for the tunnel face pressure control. On the other hand, the use of additives such chemical foams is even more applied in order to extend the EPB technology to the cohesionless soils. Despite the extensive use of the EPB technique in urban environment, little knowledge exists in the understanding of the behavior of such conditioned soil during the excavation operations. At the Turin University of Technology the Tunnelling and Underground Space Centre, in the mainframe of a wider research on soil conditioning, has developed an experimental apparatus that simulates the extraction phase with screw conveyor from a pressurized tank. In this paper the apparatus is presented and the results of a first series of tests carried out on sand are discussed. © 2007 Taylor & Francis Group.


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To clarify some aspects of rock destruction with a disc acting on a high confined tunnel face, a series of tests were carried out to examine fracture mechanisms under an indenter that simulates the tunnel boring machine (TBM) tool action, in the presence of an adjacent groove, when a state of stress (lateral confinement) is imposed on a rock sample. These tests proved the importance of carefully establishing the optimal distance of grooves produced by discs acting on a confined surface, and the value (as a mere order of magnitude) of the increase of the thrust to produce the initiation of chip formation, as long as the confinement pressure becomes greater. © University of Science and Technology Beijing and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011.


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Soil conditioning consists of mixing and remolding the natural material during the mechanical excavation of tunnels, generally at low depth, with additives, in order to obtain suitable properties of plasticity and consistency for the excavated material, so becoming able to apply a counterpressure against natural earth pressure and groundwater flow towards the excavation chamber. The assessment and the control of the soil parameters and of machine performance are fundamental for a regular and safe excavation, also with regards to surface stability. This paper mainly focus on testing approach aimed to the proper soil conditioning with EPB shields, whose results have been validated at real scale. The influence of the water content and the amount of conditioning foam has been studied by the Authors. A proper definition of conditioning parameters can allow to extend the application field of Earth Pressure Balance (EPB) tunnel machines to various grain soil distribution, even in weak rock formations (e.g. siltstone or flysch). Importance of conditioning is reflected also on the possibility of a proper spoil disposal or better for its reuse.


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An underground work (such as a tunnel or a cavern) has many, well known, environmental qualities such as: no physical barriers crossing the land, less maintenance costs than an analogous surface structure, less expenses for heating and conditioning; a localized emission of noise, gas, dust during operation and, finally, a better protection against seismic actions.
It cannot be forgotten, anyway, that some negative environmental features are present such as, for example, : perturbation, pollution and drainage of the groundwater; settlements; disposal of waste rock.
In the paper the above mentioned concepts are discussed and analysed to give a global overview of all this aspects.


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Considering that TBMs are nowadays used for long Trans-Alpine tunnels, the
understanding of rock breaking and chipping due to TBM cutter disks mechanism, for deep tunnelling operations, becomes very interesting. In this paper, the results from carried out laboratory tests that simulate the disk cutter action at the rock tunnel face by means of an indentation tool, acting on a rock
specimen with proper size, and the related three-dimensional and two-dimensional numerical modelling are proposed. The developed numerical models simulate the different test conditions (applied load, boundary conditions) allowing the analysis of the stresses distributions along possible breaking planes.
The influence of a confinement-free area on one side of the specimen, simulating the formation of a groove near the tool, is pointed out.
The obtained results from numerical modelling put in evidence a satisfactory agreement with the experimental observations.


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Simultaneous non-invasive visualization of blood vessels and nerves in patients can be obtained in the eye. The retinal vasculature is a target of many retinopathies. Inflammation, readily manifest by leukocyte adhesion to the endothelial lining, is a key pathophysiological mechanism of many retinopathies, making it a valuable and ubiquitous target for disease research. Leukocyte fluorography has been extensively used in the past twenty years; however, fluorescent markers, visualization techniques, and recording methods have differed between studies. The lack of detailed protocol papers regarding leukocyte fluorography, coupled with lack of uniformity between studies, has led to a paucity of standards for leukocyte transit (velocity, adherence, extravasation) in the retina. Here, we give a detailed description of a convenient method using acridine orange (AO) and a commercially available scanning laser ophthalmoscope (SLO, HRA-OCT Spectralis) to view leukocyte behavior in the mouse retina. Normal mice are compared to mice with acute and chronic inflammation. This method can be readily adopted in many research labs.


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Recent experimental results definitively showed, for the first time, optical radiation mediated by the slow mode surface plasmon polariton of metal-oxide-metal tunnel junctions. Here, dispersion curves for this mode are calculated. They are consistent with first-order grating coupling to light at the energies of the experimental emission peaks. The curves are then used to analyze second-order and high-energy (> 2.35 eV) grating coupling of the polaritons to radiation. Finally, variation of slow mode damping as a function of energy is used to explain qualitatively the relative experimental peak emission intensities and the absence of radiation peaks above 2.35 eV.


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Two mechanisms of conduction were identified from temperature dependent (120 K-340 K) DC electrical resistivity measurements of composites of poly(c-caprolactone) (PCL) and multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs). Activation of variable range hopping (VRH) occurred at lower temperatures than that for temperature fluctuation induced tunneling (TFIT). Experimental data was in good agreement with the VRH model in contrast to the TFIT model, where broadening of tunnel junctions and increasing electrical resistivity at T > T-g is a consequence of a large difference in the coefficients of thermal expansion of PCL and MWCNTs. A numerical model was developed to explain this behavior accounting for a thermal expansion effect by supposing the large increase in electrical resistivity corresponds to the larger relative deformation due to thermal expansion associated with disintegration of the conductive MWCNT network. MWCNTs had a significant nucleating effect on PCL resulting in increased PCL crystallinity and an electrically insulating layer between MWCNTs. The onset of rheological percolation at similar to 0.18 vol% MWCNTs was clearly evident as storage modulus, G' and complex viscosity, vertical bar eta*vertical bar increased by several orders of magnitude. From Cole-Cole and Van Gurp-Palmen plots, and extraction of crossover points (G(c)) from overlaying plots of G' and G '' as a function of frequency, the onset of rheological percolation at 0.18 vol% MWCNTs was confirmed, a similar MWCNT loading to that determined for electrical percolation. 


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Using the Otto geometry of attenuated total reflection (prism-air gap-sample), front illuminated PtSi/Si Schottky barrier detectors are shown to exhibit enhanced photocurrent at surface plasmon resonance in the near infrared region. Correlation of the measured photocurrent with the calculated transmittance of light into the Si substate is demonstrated. The transmittance, which is due to surface plasmon re-radiation, is the optical parameter of principal importance in photosignal generation since the photon energies used here are greater than the silicon intrinsic bandgap. The results presented here indicate clearly the important features in optimizing surface plasmon enhancement in photodetection both above and below the silicon absorption edge.