993 resultados para Special regime


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A “Unidade de Estudo de Mastites em Pequenos Ruminantes”, formalmente constituída no âmbito do Programa Nacional de Re-equipamento Científico, da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, vem dar corpo ao trabalho de colaboração de diversas equipas de investigação que se têm debruçado sobre a problemática das infecções intramamárias em pequenos ruminantes, nos seus aspectos de saúde animal, saúde pública veterinária e qualidade e segurança alimentar. Tem como principal objectivo criar condições para o desenvolvimento de trabalhos de investigação e divulgação científica que contribuam para reduzir a prevalência de mastites em pequenos ruminantes e assim melhorar a produção e a qualidade do leite, favorecendo produtores de leite, produtores de queijo e consumidores. Entre os trabalhos já realizados, pela equipa científica, destaca-se o isolamento e identificação de agentes etiológicos de mastite em ovelhas e estudos epidemiológicos relativos a esta afecção, o estudo de factores de virulência nas bactérias mais relevantes, o estudo dos mecanismos de infecção e a resposta imunológica local e sistémica do hospedeiro. O estudo da etiologia e da fisiopatologia da mastite ovina, com o objectivo de compreender a modulação da resposta imunitária da glândula mamária, poderá contribuir para o desenvolvimento de métodos de controlo com base na estimulação da resposta imunitária, alternativos ao uso de antibióticos.


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The work presented in this Ph.D thesis was developed in the context of complex network theory, from a statistical physics standpoint. We examine two distinct problems in this research field, taking a special interest in their respective critical properties. In both cases, the emergence of criticality is driven by a local optimization dynamics. Firstly, a recently introduced class of percolation problems that attracted a significant amount of attention from the scientific community, and was quickly followed up by an abundance of other works. Percolation transitions were believed to be continuous, until, recently, an 'explosive' percolation problem was reported to undergo a discontinuous transition, in [93]. The system's evolution is driven by a metropolis-like algorithm, apparently producing a discontinuous jump on the giant component's size at the percolation threshold. This finding was subsequently supported by number of other experimental studies [96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101]. However, in [1] we have proved that the explosive percolation transition is actually continuous. The discontinuity which was observed in the evolution of the giant component's relative size is explained by the unusual smallness of the corresponding critical exponent, combined with the finiteness of the systems considered in experiments. Therefore, the size of the jump vanishes as the system's size goes to infinity. Additionally, we provide the complete theoretical description of the critical properties for a generalized version of the explosive percolation model [2], as well as a method [3] for a precise calculation of percolation's critical properties from numerical data (useful when exact results are not available). Secondly, we study a network flow optimization model, where the dynamics consists of consecutive mergings and splittings of currents flowing in the network. The current conservation constraint does not impose any particular criterion for the split of current among channels outgoing nodes, allowing us to introduce an asymmetrical rule, observed in several real systems. We solved analytically the dynamic equations describing this model in the high and low current regimes. The solutions found are compared with numerical results, for the two regimes, showing an excellent agreement. Surprisingly, in the low current regime, this model exhibits some features usually associated with continuous phase transitions.


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Klimowski’s graphic novel, Robot, was commissioned by the Adam Mickiewicz Institute in Warsaw to mark Poland’s Presidency of the European Union’s Cultural Programme in 2011. Self Made Hero and Timof Comiks published the book simultaneously in the UK and Poland. Klimowski adapted and translated Stanisław Lem’s short fiction ‘The sanatorium of Dr Vliperdius’ (1977), aiming to develop a new position for illustration and the graphic novel aside from mainstream graphic novels and literature, and a new approach to visual bookmaking. The project proved to be an artistic challenge: Lem often proclaimed his disapproval of adaptations of his work, dismissing even Andrei Tarkovsky’s film adaptation (1972) of his novel Solaris (1961). Produced in collaboration with Danusia Schejbal, Robot features a diptych form, counter-pointing (both formally and conceptually) two contrasting stories. The first is a colourful parable describing a totalitarian and autocratic regime that must be vanquished, the second a monochromatic dialectic on philosophy, humanism and mechanisation. Klimowski and Schejbal’s publication is intended to challenge stereotypes and established styles and formulas associated with the production of graphic novels. Much emphasis was laid upon the depiction of space and location, artificiality and realism. Silence and the suspension of linear time were also strong features of the artists’ investigations. These qualities were recognised and discussed by the media, in particular by a panel of critics on Polish Television’s Cultural Channel, in the most respected comics blog, Zeszyty Komiksowe (http://zeszytykomiksowe.org/recenzja_robot, 2012), and by Monika Malkowskain in the national newspaper Rzeczpospolita (2011). The artists gave a special talk at the Science Museum, London, during the Robot Festival ‘Robotville’ (December 2011). Lem, one of the world’s leading writers of science fiction, was featured throughout the year in the UK on stage, cinema and in literary events (Barbican Centre London, British Library, Science Museum London).


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The Portuguese Association of Automatic Control (APCA) organizes, every two years, the Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control. Its 6th edition (Controlo 2004) was held from 7 to 9 June, 2004 at the University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal, by its Centre for Intelligent Systems (CSI). CONTROLO 2004 International Program Committee (IPC) has decided, from the very start, to ask for submission of full draft papers, to encourage special sessions with well-defined themes, and for student papers. All papers have been reviewed by three separate reviewers. From the 122 contributions submitted, the IPC selected 89 oral papers, 20 special session papers, and 5 student posters. CONTROLO 2004 Technical Programme consists of 33 oral sessions (5 being special sessions) and 1 poster session, covering a broad range of control topics, both from theory and applications. The programme also includes three plenary lectures, given by leading experts in the field, Professors Ricardo Sanz, João Miranda Lemos and Rolf Isermann.


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The IFAC International Conference on Intelligent Control Systems and Signal Processing (ICONS 2003) was organized under the auspices of the recently founded IFAC Technical Committee on Cognition and Control, and it was the first IFAC event specifically devoted to this theme. Recognizing the importance of soft-computing techniques for fields covered by other IFAC Technical Committees, ICONS 2003 was a multi-track Conference, co-sponsored by four additional Technical Committees: Computers for Control, Optimal Control, Control in Agriculture, and Modelling, Identification and Signal Processing. The Portuguese Society for Automatic Control (APCA) hosted ICONS 2003, which was held at the University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal.


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Rapid developments in microelectronics and computer science continue to fuel new opportunities for real-time control engineers. The ever-increasing system complexity and sophistication, environmental legislation, economic competition, safety and reliability constitute some of the driving forces for the research themes presented at the IFAC Workshop on Algorithms and Architectures for Real-Time Control (AARTC'2000). The Spanish Society for Automatic Control hosted AARTC'2000, which was held at Palma de Maiorca, Spain, from 15 to 17 May. This workshop was the sixth in the series.


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Artigo científico sobre a economia agrária do Algarve, desde o Pombalismo a Setembrismo, publicado na revista «ESTUDOS III», editada pela Universidade do Algarve, em 2009.


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Artigo sobre as causas da decadência da cidade de Tavira a partir do séc. XVII até ao séc. XIX.


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A presente dissertação pretende aprofundar o conhecimento da casa nobre do Algarve e de Loulé em particular, inserida num contexto nacional de produção artística do antigo regime. Propõe uma abordagem que, para além da identificação e interpretação dos edifícios ainda existentes na região, incide sobre dois estudos de casos apresentados de forma monográfica. Desenvolve-se em torno das questões da encomenda enquanto imagem histórico-social, autoria, formalização de fachadas, distribuição funcional do espaço interior e contexto urbano, buscando a génese formal, numa tentativa de confirmação da sua raiz de filiação erudita.


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Tese de Doutoramento, História da Arte Moderna, Unidade de Ciências Exactas e Humanas, Universidade do Algarve, 1999


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Geomática – Ramo de Ciências da Informação Geográfica, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Instituto Superior de Engenharia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015


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Relatório da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, Ensino de História e Geografia no 3.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e Ensino Secundário, Universidade de Lisboa, 2013