925 resultados para Sic matrix composites


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Increased pulse wave velocity (PWV) is a marker of aortic stiffness and an independent predictor of mortality. Matrix Gla-protein (MGP) is a vascular calcification inhibitor that needs vitamin K to be activated. Inactive MGP, known as desphospho-uncarboxylated MGP (dp-ucMGP), can be measured in plasma and has been associated with various cardiovascular markers, cardiovascular outcomes, and mortality. In this study, we hypothesized that high levels of dp-ucMGP are associated with increased PWV. We recruited participants via a multicenter family-based cross-sectional study in Switzerland. Dp-ucMGP was quantified in plasma by sandwich ELISA. Aortic PWV was determined by applanation tonometry using carotid and femoral pulse waveforms. Multiple regression analysis was performed to estimate associations between PWV and dp-ucMGP adjusting for age, renal function, and other cardiovascular risk factors. We included 1001 participants in our analyses (475 men and 526 women). Mean values were 7.87±2.10 m/s for PWV and 0.43±0.20 nmol/L for dp-ucMGP. PWV was positively associated with dp-ucMGP both before and after adjustment for sex, age, body mass index, height, systolic and diastolic blood pressure (BP), heart rate, renal function, low- and high-density lipoprotein, glucose, smoking status, diabetes mellitus, BP and cholesterol lowering drugs, and history of cardiovascular disease (P≤0.01). In conclusion, high levels of dp-ucMGP are independently and positively associated with arterial stiffness after adjustment for common cardiovascular risk factors, renal function, and age. Experimental studies are needed to determine whether vitamin K supplementation slows arterial stiffening by increasing MGP carboxylation.


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In this paper we describe a new Mueller matrix (MM) microscope that generalizes and makes quantitative the polarized light microscopy technique. In this instrument all the elements of the MU are simultaneously determined from the analysis in the frequency domain of the time-dependent intensity of the light beam at every pixel of the camera. The variations in intensity are created by the two compensators continuously rotating at different angular frequencies. A typical measurement is completed in a little over one minute and it can be applied to any visible wavelength. Some examples are presented to demonstrate the capabilities of the instrument.


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Viimeiset vuosikymmenet ovat olleet voimakasta kansainvälistymisen aikaa liiketoiminnassa, jonka myötä globaalista hankinnasta on tullut yhä enenevässä määrin hyvin merkittävä osa yritysten hankintastrategiaa. Kansainvälisten hankintapäätösten tekeminen vaatii yritykseltä kansainvälistymisen asteesta riippuen taloudellisia-, ajallisia- ja henkilöresursseja. Suhteessa näihin panoksiin nähden kansainvälisestä hankinnasta on saavutettavissa merkittäviä etuja, joista tärkeimpiä ovat kustannussäästöt, kilpailuetu sekä laatu- ja teknologiaedut. Projektiluontoisessa liiketoiminnassa hankintastrategian muodostamiseen ja hankintaprosesseihin vaikuttavat yksittäisten projektien ominaisuudet ja niille asetetut tavoitteet. Projektitoiminnassa hankintastrategian mukauttaminen kulloinkin vallitseviin olosuhteisiin, tavoitteisiin ja asiakkaiden tarpeisiin on projektien onnistumisen kannalta tärkeää. Tutkielman teoriaosassa tarkasteltiin projektihankintaprosesseja sekä projekteihin perustuvan liiketoiminnan ominaispiirteitä ja niiden vaikutuksia hankintaan. Teorian keskeisimpänä asiakokonaisuutena on kansain-välinen hankintastrategia osana yrityksen kokonaisvaltaista hankinta-strategiaa. Globaalia hankintastrategiaa on tarkasteltu investointien, kilpailuedun, strategian muodostuksen, motiivien ja esteiden sekä sen eri komponenttien osalta. Empiiriaosassa tutkittiin tutkielman case –yrityksen ja toimeksiantajan, Joptek Oy Compositesin hankinnan nykytilaa sekä kansainvälisen hankintastrategian eri osa-alueita. Haastattelun avulla suoritetun tutkimuksen mukaan Joptek Oy:n liiketoimintaympäristö edellyttää yrityksen entistä aktiivisempaa panostamista kansainväliseen hankintaan. Projektiliiketoiminnassa kansainvälisen hankintastrategian muodostamisessa on pyrittävä yrityksen tarpeisiin vastaaviin räätälöityihin ratkaisuihin, huomioiden erillisten projektien muutokset ja riskitekijät.


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En este trabajo se presenta un estudio químico y estructural de las capas metálicas de Pt y TaSix utilizadas como puerta catalítica en sensores de gas de alta temperatura basados en dispositivos MOS de SiC. Para ello se han depositado capas de diferentes espesores sobre substratos de Si. Los resultados muestran que con la reducción del espesor de Pt y con un recocido se consigue aumentar la rugosidad de las capas de puerta, lo que debería aumentar la sensibilidad y la velocidad de respuesta de los dispositivos que las incorporasen. Otro efecto del recocido es la transformación química del material de la puerta que, para capas delgadas de Pt con TaSix, produce la transformación total Pt en Pt2Ta, lo que podría afectar a las características catalíticas de la puerta. Los primeros resultados eléctricos indican que, a pesar de que las capas de Pt empleadas son gruesas y compactas, los diodos MOS túnel de SiC son sensibles a los gases CO y NO2, aunque presentan una velocidad de respuesta bastante lenta.


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Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are major executors of extracellular matrix remodeling and, consequently, play key roles in the response of cells to their microenvironment. The experimentally accessible stem cell population and the robust regenerative capabilities of planarians offer an ideal model to study how modulation of the proteolytic system in the extracellular environment affects cell behavior in vivo. Genome-wide identification of Schmidtea mediterranea MMPs reveals that planarians possess four mmp-like genes. Two of them (mmp1 and mmp2) are strongly expressed in a subset of secretory cells and encode putative matrilysins. The other genes (mt-mmpA and mt-mmpB) are widely expressed in postmitotic cells and appear structurally related to membrane-type MMPs. These genes are conserved in the planarian Dugesia japonica. Here we explore the role of the planarian mmp genes by RNA interference (RNAi) during tissue homeostasis and regeneration. Our analyses identify essential functions for two of them. Following inhibition of mmp1 planarians display dramatic disruption of tissues architecture and significant decrease in cell death. These results suggest that mmp1 controls tissue turnover, modulating survival of postmitotic cells. Unexpectedly, the ability to regenerate is unaffected by mmp1(RNAi). Silencing of mt-mmpA alters tissue integrity and delays blastema growth, without affecting proliferation of stem cells. Our data support the possibility that the activity of this protease modulates cell migration and regulates anoikis, with a consequent pivotal role in tissue homeostasis and regeneration. Our data provide evidence of the involvement of specific MMPs in tissue homeostasis and regeneration and demonstrate that the behavior of planarian stem cells is critically dependent on the microenvironment surrounding these cells. Studying MMPs function in the planarian model provides evidence on how individual proteases work in vivo in adult tissues. These results have high potential to generate significant information for development of regenerative and anti cancer therapies.


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Bone engineering is a rapidly developing area of reconstructive medicine where bone inducing factors and/or cells are combined with a scaffold material to regenerate the structure and function of the original tissue. The aim of this study was to compare the suitability of different macroporous scaffold types for bone engineering applications. The two scaffold categories studied were a) the mechanically strong and stable titanium fiber meshes and b) the elastic and biodegradable porous polymers. Furthermore, bioactive modifications were applied to these basic scaffold types, and their effect on the osteogenic responses was evaluated in cell culture and ectopic bone formation studies. The osteogenic phenotype of cultured cell-scaffold constructs was heightened with a sol-gel derived titania coating, but not with a mixed titania-silica coating. The latter coating also resulted in delayed ectopic bone formation in bone marrow stromal cell seeded scaffolds. However, the better bone contact in early implantation times and more even bone tissue distribution at later times indicated enhanced osteoconductivity of both the coated scaffold types. Overall, the most promising bone engineering results were obtained with titania coated fiber meshes. Elastic and biodegradable poly(ε-caprolactone/D,L-lactide) based scaffolds were also developed in this study. The degradation rates of the scaffolds in vitro were governed by the hydrophilicity of the polymer matrix, and the porous architecture was controlled by the amount and type of porogen used. A continuous phase macroporosity was obtained using a novel CaCl2 • 6H2O porogen. Dynamic culture conditions increased cell invasion, but decreased cell numbers and osteogenicity, within the scaffolds. Osteogenic differentiation in static cultures and ectopic bone formation in cell seeded scaffolds were enhanced in composites, with 30 wt-% of bioactive glass filler.


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Organizations gain resources, skills and technologies to find out the ultimate mix of capabilities to be a winner in the competitive market. These are all important factors that need to be taken into account in organizations operating in today's business environment. So far, there are no significant studies on the organizational capabilities in the field of PSM. The literature review shows that the PSM capabilities need to be studied more comprehensively. This study attempts to reveal and fill this gap by providing the PSM capability matrix that identifies the key PSM capabilities approached from two angles: there are three primary PSM capabilities and nine subcapabilities and, moreover, the individual and organizational PSM capabilities are identified and evaluated. The former refers to the PSM capability matrix of this study which is based on the strategic and operative PSM capabilities that complement the economic ones, while the latter relates to the evaluation of the PSM capabilities, such as the buyer profiles of individual PSM capabilities and the PSMcapability map of the organizational ones. This is a constructive case study. The aim is to define what the purchasing and supply management capabilities are and how they can be evaluated. This study presents a PSM capability matrix to identify and evaluate the capabilities to define capability gaps by comparing the ideal level of PSM capabilities to the realized ones. The research questions are investigated with two case organizations. This study argues that PSM capabilities can be classified into three primary categories with nine sub-categories and, thus, a PSM capability matrix with four evaluation categories can be formed. The buyer profiles are moreover identified to reveal the PSM capability gap. The resource-based view (RBV) and dynamic capabilities view (DCV) are used to define the individual and organizational capabilities. The PSM literature is also used to define the capabilities. The key findings of this study are i) the PSM capability matrix to identify the PSM capabilities, ii) the evaluation of the capabilities to define PSM capability gaps and iii) the presentation of the buyer profiles to identify the individual PSM capabilities and to define the organizational PSM capabilities. Dynamic capabilities are also related to the PSM capability gap. If a gap is identified, the organization can renew their PSM capabilities and, thus, create mutual learning and increase their organizational capabilities. And only then, there is potential for dynamic capabilities. Based on this, the purchasing strategy, purchasing policy and procedures should be identified and implemented dynamically.


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The objective of the thesis was to explore the nature and characteristics of customer-related internal communication in a global industrial matrix organization during a specific customer relationship, and how it could be improved. The theoretical part of the study views the field of the concepts of intra-organizational information and knowledge sharing. The theoretical part also views the internal communications influences to customer relationships, its problematic, and the suggestions to improve internal communication in literature. The empirical part of the study was conducted with the Content Analysis and the Social Network Analysis as research methods. The data was collected by interviews and a questionnaire. Internal communication was observed first generally within the organization from the point of view of a certain business, and secondly, during a specific customer relationship at personal level and at departmental level. The results of the study describe the nature and characteristics of internal communication in the organization. The results give 13 suggestions for improving internal communication in the organization. Although the study has been done in one specific organization, it also offers insights for other organizations as well as managers to improve their internal communication.


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La vitesse de l'onde de pouls (VOP) est la méthode pour mesurer la rigidité artérielle la plus répandue et la plus validée. C'est aussi un prédicteur indépendant de la mortalité. La Matrix Gla- protein (MGP) est une protein qui inhibe les calcifications vasculaires. MGP nécessite une enzyme dérivée de la vitamine K pour être activée, à l'instar de certains facteurs de coagulation. La forme inactive de MGP, connue sous le terme de « desphospho-uncarboxylated MGP » (dp-ucMGP), peut-être mesurée dans le plasma. Plus les apports de vitamine K sont importants plus les taux de dp-ucMGP diminue. Les taux de dp-ucMGP ont déjà été étudiés et associés à différents marqueurs cardiovasculaires (CV), aux événements CV et à la mortalité. Dans notre travail de recherche nous avons émis l'hypothèse que des taux élevés de dp-ucMGP seraient associés à une VOP élevée. Nous avons recruté les participants à travers une étude multicentrique suisse (SKIPOGH). Le processus de recrutement ciblait des familles dans lesquelles plusieurs membres étaient d'accord de participer. Nous avons mesuré la dp-ucMGP plasmatique grâce à la méthode immuno-enzymatique « ELISA ». Concernant la VOP, nous avons mesuré les ondes de pression au niveau carotidien et fémorale grâce à un tonomètre et calculer la vitesse de leurs propagations. Par la suite nous avons utilisé un modèle de régression linéaire multiple afin de déterminer le lien entre la VOP et dp- ucMGP. Le modèle était ajusté pour l'âge, la fonction rénale et les risques CV classiques. Nous avons inclut 1001 participants dans les analyses (475 hommes et 526 femmes). La valeur moyenne de la VOP était de 7.87 ± 2.10 (m/s) et celle de dp-ucMGP de 0.43 ± 0.20 (nmol/L). La VOP était positivement et significativement associée à dp-ucMGP avant comme après ajustement pour le sexe, l'âge, l'indice de masse corporel, la taille, la pression artérielle systolique et diastolique, la fréquence cardiaque, la fonction rénale, les taux de cholestérol (LDL, HDL), la glycémie, la consommation de tabac, la présence d'un diabète, l'utilisation de médicaments antihypertenseurs ou hypolipémiants et la présence d'antécédents CV (P<0.01). En conclusion, des taux élevés de dp-ucMGP sont positivement et indépendamment associés à la rigidité artérielle après ajustement pour les facteurs de risques CV traditionnels, la fonction rénale et l'âge. Des études expérimentales sont nécessaires afin de déterminer si une supplémentation en vitamine K permet de ralentir l'avancement de la rigidité artérielle grâce à son activation de la MGP.


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Reversed phase liquid chromatography (RPLC) coupled to mass spectrometry (MS) is the gold standard technique in bioanalysis. However, hydrophilic interaction chromatography (HILIC) could represent a viable alternative to RPLC for the analysis of polar and/or ionizable compounds, as it often provides higher MS sensitivity and alternative selectivity. Nevertheless, this technique can be also prone to matrix effects (ME). ME are one of the major issues in quantitative LC-MS bioanalysis. To ensure acceptable method performance (i.e., trueness and precision), a careful evaluation and minimization of ME is required. In the present study, the incidence of ME in HILIC-MS/MS and RPLC-MS/MS was compared for plasma and urine samples using two representative sets of 38 pharmaceutical compounds and 40 doping agents, respectively. The optimal generic chromatographic conditions in terms of selectivity with respect to interfering compounds were established in both chromatographic modes by testing three different stationary phases in each mode with different mobile phase pH. A second step involved the assessment of ME in RPLC and HILIC under the best generic conditions, using the post-extraction addition method. Biological samples were prepared using two different sample pre-treatments, i.e., a non-selective sample clean-up procedure (protein precipitation and simple dilution for plasma and urine samples, respectively) and a selective sample preparation, i.e., solid phase extraction for both matrices. The non-selective pretreatments led to significantly less ME in RPLC vs. HILIC conditions regardless of the matrix. On the contrary, HILIC appeared as a valuable alternative to RPLC for plasma and urine samples treated by a selective sample preparation. Indeed, in the case of selective sample preparation, the compounds influenced by ME were different in HILIC and RPLC, and lower and similar ME occurrence was generally observed in RPLC vs. HILIC for urine and plasma samples, respectively. The complementary of both chromatographic modes was also demonstrated, as ME was observed only scarcely for urine and plasma samples when selecting the most appropriate chromatographic mode.


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This review has tried to collect and correlate all the various equations for the g matrix of strong field d5 systems obtained from different basis sets using full electron and hole formalism calculations. It has corrected mistakes found in the literature and shown how the failure to properly take in symmetry boundary conditions has produced a variety of apparently inconsistent equations in the literature. The review has reexamined the problem of spin-orbit interaction with excited t4e states and finds that the earlier reports that it is zero in octahedral symmetry is not correct. It has shown how redefining what x, y, and z are in the principal coordinate system simplifies, compared to previous methods, the analysis of experimental g values with the equations.


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Bioactive glasses are surface-active ceramic materials which support and accelerate bone growth in the body. During the healing of a bone fracture or a large bone defect, fixation is often needed. The aim of this thesis was to determine the dissolution behaviour and biocompatibility of a composite consisting of poly(ε-caprolactone-co-DL-lactide) and bioactive glass (S53P4). In addition the applicability as an injectable material straight to a bone defect was assessed. In in vitro tests the dissolution behaviour of plain copolymer and composites containing bioactive glass granules was evaluated, as well as surface reactivity and the material’s capability to form apatite in simulated body fluid (SBF). The human fibroblast proliferation was tested on materials in cell culture. In in vivo experiments, toxicological tests, material degradation and tissue reactions were tested both in subcutaneous space and in experimental bone defects. The composites containing bioactive glass formed a unified layer of apatite on their surface in SBF. The size and amount of glass granules affected the degradation of polymer matrix, as well the material’s surface reactivity. In cell culture on the test materials the human gingival fibroblasts proliferated and matured faster compared with control materials. In in vitro tests a connective tissue capsule was formed around the specimens, and became thinner in the course of time. Foreign body cell reactions in toxicological tests were mild. In experimental bone defects the specimens with a high concentration of small bioactive glass granules (<45 μm) formed a dense apatite surface layer that restricted the bone ingrowth to material. The range of large glass granules (90-315 μm) with high concentrations formed the best bonding with bone, but slow degradation on the copolymer restricted the bone growth only in the superficial layers. In these studies, the handling properties of the material proved to be good and tissue reactions were mild. The reactivity of bioactive glass was retained inside the copolymer matrix, thus enabling bone conductivity with composites. However, the copolymer was noticed to degradate too slowly compared with the bone healing. Therefore, the porosity of the material should be increased in order to improve tissue healing.