1000 resultados para Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616. Macbeth
Variations on Charisma: Shakespeare’s Saintly, Villain, and Lustful Leaders est une étude des mécanismes du leadership charismatique dans Henry V, Richard III et Antoine et Cléopâtre de William Shakespeare, respectivement. Le mémoire explore certains outils, tels que la rhétorique, l'ironie et resignification, qui permettent aux dirigeants de gagner l'amour des disciples, la reconnaissance, et même la crainte. Cette thèse ne traitera pas avec l'essence du charisme en tant que telle, mais plutôt avec les techniques de leadership charismatique. Dans le premier chapitre, j'ai étudié le caractère du roi Harry dans trois différents aspects: en tant que chef militaire, en tant que chef spirituel, et comme un leader politique. Parmi les techniques de leadership charismatique qui déploie Henry V de gagner l'amour de ses disciples et de dévouement est rhétorique. La capacité de livrer le discours à droite dans la conjoncture à droite et à convaincre les adeptes, même dans les moments de difficultés formes sa force clé comme une figure centrale dans la pièce. Le deuxième chapitre traite du leadership charismatique Richard III, qui est évaluée sur le plan éthique parce qu'elle est acquise grâce à assassiner. J'ai essayé d'examiner les relations possibles qui pourraient exister entre le charisme et l'agence moral. Dans ce chapitre, j'ai soulevé des questions sur la mesure dans laquelle le charisme est d'ordre éthique et comment un chef de file, qui usurpes alimentation via assassiner, est charismatique. Une technique qui renforce le leadership charismatique de Richard est l'ironie. Richard III déploie l'ironie de gagner la complicité du public. Dans le troisième chapitre, l'accent est mis sur le caractère de Cléopâtre. La question soulevée dans le chapitre concerne la relation entre le charisme et la lutte pour une identité féminine orientale. politique sexuelle de Cléopâtre est également au cœur de mon étude, car il est revu et de nouveaux sens de Shakespeare d'une manière qui souligne les qualités charismatiques de Cléopâtre. Mots clés: le charisme, la rhétorique, l'agence morale, resignification, William Shakespeare
Libro dirigido a profesores de literatura inglesa y arte dramático, tanto en educación secundaria como en la universidad, para la enseñanza de las obras del dramaturgo inglés William Shakespeare con métodos activos en clase y en talleres de teatro. Contiene alrededor de doscientas actividades para la enseñanza de los textos de Shakespeare, desde la formación de grupos de trabajo, juegos y ejercicios teatrales, a técnicas prácticas para la enseñanza del lenguaje, la narrativa y los personajes del autor, que ayudarán a los alumnos a leer, entender y trabajar con su obra.
T??tulo anterior de la publicaci??n : Bolet??n de la Comisi??n Espa??ola de la UNESCO
A presente dissertação aborda o diálogo intertextual interdisciplinar que os filmes cinematográficos Shakespeare in Love (John Madden, 1998) e Looking for Richard (Al Pacino,1996) estabelecem em relação ao conjunto da obra de William Shakespeare. A análise dos filmes demonstra que, tanto pela estruturação de suas narrativas quanto por suas posturas frente ao legado cultural shakespeariano e seu papel na cultura de massa contemporânea, tais filmes configuram-se como obras de arte pós-modernistas. Tendo por base abordagens culturais abrangentes do fenômeno pós-modernista, concluimos que Shakespeare in Love e Looking for Richard propõem um redimensionamento da obra canônica de Shakespeare e de seu legado cultural na contemporaneidade, recuperando seu forte apelo popular através do cinema de entretenimento hollywoodiano.
On the basis of illustrations of Shakespeare's Hamlet, the new digital 'Oppel-Hammerschmidt Shakespeare Illustration Archive' at the Mainz University Library - together with a lavishly-constructed and multiply-linked Web interface version - was presented to the public on 17 November 2008. This e-book, edited by Andreas Anderhub and Hildegard Hammerschmidt-Hummel, contains the speeches and presentations given on the occasion of the opening ceremony of the electronic archive. The collection of the new archive, published here for the first time, holds about 3,500 images and is part of the only Shakespeare illustration archive in the world. The Shakespeare Illustration Archive was founded in 1946 by the internationally acclaimed Shakespeare and Goethe scholar, Prof. Horst Oppel. This part of the archive was donated to the Mainz University Library on condition that its holdings be digitalised and made available to the public. The collection has been named 'The Oppel-Hammerschmidt Shakespeare Illustration Archive' in accordance with the terms of the Agreement of Donation of 9, 15, and 16 September 2005, and honouring the 16 March 1988 Delegation of Authority and Declaration of Intent by Frau Ingeborg Oppel, Prof. Oppel's widow and legal assignee. Vice-President Prof. Jürgen Oldenstein opened the proceedings by noting that 2008 had been a good year for international Shakespeare scholarship. For, in London, the site of the 'Theatre' in Shoreditch, where Shakespeare's company performed, had been unearthed, and in Mainz the Shakespeare Archive had gone online with thousands of illustrations. The Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Philology, Prof. Mechthild Dreyer, who mentioned that she herself had long been successfully employing interdisciplinary research methods, took particular pleasure in the transdisciplinary approach to research resolutely pursued by Prof. Hammerschmidt-Hummel. Prof. Clemens Zintzen (Cologne), former President of the Mainz Academy of Literature and Sciences, recalled highlights from the more than sixty-year-long history of the Shakespeare Illustration Archive. Prof. Kurt Otten (Heidelberg and Cambridge) drew an impressive portrait of Horst Oppel's personality as an academic and praised his influential books on Goethe and Shakespeare. He pointed out that Oppel's Shakespeare Illustration Archive, the basis for many a dissertation, had enjoyed great popularity around the world. Prof. Otten also delineated the academic career of Prof. Hammerschmidt-Hummel and her new findings regarding Shakespeare's time, life and work. Prof. Rüdiger Ahrens OBE (Würzburg) drew attention to Prof. Hammerschmidt-Hummel's research results, directly or indirectly arising out of her work on the Shakespeare Illustration Archive. This research had centred on proving the authenticity of four visual representations of Shakespeare (the Chandos and Flower portraits, the Davenant bust and the Darmstadt Shakespeare death mask); solving the mystery around Shakespeare's 'Dark Lady'; and establishing the dramatist's Catholic religion. Prof. Hammerschmidt-Hummel reported on her 'Shakespeare Illustration' project, describing the nature, dimensions and significance of the Archive's pictorial material, which relates to all of Shakespeare's plays and stretches over five centuries. She explained that the digital 'Oppel-Hammerschmidt Illustration Archive' was an addition to the three-volume edition she had compiled, authored and edited for publication in 2003. Unlike the print version, however, the digital collection had only been partly editorially prepared. It represented source material and a basis for further work. Hammerschmidt-Hummel expressed her thanks to the Head of the Central University Library, Dr Andreas Anderhub, for his untiring commitment. After the initial donation had been made, he had entered enthusiastically into setting up the necessary contacts, getting all the work underway, and clearing the legal hurdles. Hammerschmidt-Hummel was especially grateful to University of Mainz librarian Heike Geisel, who had worked for nearly five years to carry out the large-scale digitalization of a total of 8,800 items. Frau Geisel was also extremely resourceful in devising ways of making the collection yield even more, e.g. by classifying and cross-linking the data, assembling clusters of individual topics that lend themselves to research, and (in collaboration with the art historian Dr Klaus Weber) making the archive's index of artists compatible with the data-bank of artists held by the University of Mainz Institute of Art History. In addition, she compiled an extremely helpful 'users' guide' to the new digital collection. Frau Geisel had enjoyed invaluable support from Dr Annette Holzapfel-Pschorn, the leading academic in the Central IT Department at the University, who set up an intelligent, most impressive Web interface using the latest application technologies. Frau Geisel and Dr Holzapfel-Pschorn were highly praised for their convincing demonstration, using illustrations to Hamlet, of how to access this well-devised and exceptionally user-friendly Web version. For legal reasons, Prof. Hammerschmidt-Hummel pointed out, the collection could not be released for open access on the internet. The media - as Dr Anderhub stressed in his foreword - had shown great interest in the new digital collection of thousands of Shakespearean illustrations (cf. Benjamin Cor's TV feature in "Tagesthemen", 17 November 2008, presented by Tom Buhrow). The ‘Oppel-Hammerschmidt Shakespeare Illustration Archive’ should also meet with particular interest not only among academic specialists, but also among the performers of the arts and persons active in the cultural realm in general, as well as theatre and film directors, literary managers, teachers, and countless Shakespeare enthusiasts.
Questa breve tesi, incentrata sulla persona e sulle opere di Emilio Tadini, ha come scopo quello di mettere in evidenza e rivelare al pubblico contemporaneo un uomo dalle mille sfaccettature, spesso relegato al solo ambito della pittura, che può essere, invece, a pieno titolo definito come un artista poliedrico. Dopo un breve excursus volto a fornire qualche riferimento biografico, il contesto storico nel quale agisce, e la stretta relazione da lui instaurata tra la scrittura e la pittura, si esaminerà la sua traduzione di Re Lear di William Shakespeare, pubblicata da Einaudi. Il dramma verrà analizzato dapprima in una chiave di lettura alternativa che nasce dal considerarlo come una tragedia della parola, per poi scandagliarlo nei minimi particolari attraverso l’approfondimento delle varie tematiche – l’amore, la morte, la pazzia e la cecità. Un importante supporto è dato dalla traduzione di Agostino Lombardo per Garzanti, mezzo per uno studio comparato e contrastivo tra le due proposte di resa in italiano. In seguito, si illustreranno le scelte traduttive di Emilio Tadini, partendo dall’assunto di una parola volta a ridurre la Distanza, l’Alterità e di un traduttore-funambolo, costantemente sull’orlo di una doppia vertigine – il rimanere troppo fedeli e il discostarsi eccessivamente dal testo fonte. Prima di procedere a una rassegna dei punti salienti di alcuni suoi scritti, in particolare, de La tempesta, e de La deposizione, si confronteranno il Re Lear e La Tempesta shakespeariana, cercando di dimostrare come quest’ultimo prenda le mosse dagli avvenimenti del primo. Infine, si cercherà di concepire il Prospero di Tadini come una summa moderna tra i due personaggi principali delle opere in questione – Lear da un lato e Prospero dall’altro –, evidenziando l’importanza della voce e della figura del mediatore-guida, in grado di spaziare all’interno della distanza, servendosi di parole scelte sulla base delle proprie esperienze personali.
Interpretations of Shakespeare’s characters have been subject to the pressures of history, exhibiting a progression of performance styles in accordance with changes in ideas and concerns over time. Shakespeare’s complex portrayals of women leave room for cultural influences of a time period to greatly influence interpretations because of the ambiguous nature of some of his major female characters. Lady Macbeth and Much Ado About Nothing’s Beatrice both overstep and challenge gender boundaries, and the combination of their defiant natures and textual ambiguities have made these characters highly controversial over the past four centuries.Various cultures over time have imposed specific readings of the characters that serve to reinforce the male-dominated expectations of a given society. The examination of variations in performance styles and interpretations of these two extremely canonical characters revealinsights into gender ideologies that existed during various time periods throughout history. The combination of this analysis with an exploration of the effects of the more recent applications offeminism and film, which have both helped to reshape the cultural images of both Lady Macbeth and Beatrice, will aide in an observation of the status of gender relations in our contemporary society. The current trend of interpretations of these characters could also provide predictions about future gender relations in our culture.
La influencia clásica en el teatro isabelino ha sido un tema bastante común entre los estudios de diversos críticos y ensayistas a lo largo de la historia. Para la redacción de este TFG hemos escogido el relato mitológico de Píramo y Tisbe. Analizaremos su camino desde la obra 'Metamorphoseon libri' de Ovidio, estudiando su recorrido para saber cómo y a través de quién llegó a manos del dramaturgo inglés William Shakespeare, quien lo incorporará a su comedia A midsummer night's dream. Asimismo, haremos un análisis comparativo entre los dos textos que hemos elegido, basándonos en diferentes ensayos y artículos escritos sobre este tema.
Two octavo-sized leaves containing a brief one-and-a-half-page handwritten letter from Winthrop to Bentley that describes a book of Shakespeare with prints.
Mode of access: Internet.
5th edition.
Cover date: 1912.
Mode of access: Internet.