977 resultados para SALAMANDER RETINA


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Mutations in the gene encoding rhodopsin, the visual pigment in rod photoreceptors, lead to retinal degeneration in species from Drosophila to man. The pathogenic sequence from rod cell-specific mutation to degeneration of rods and cones remains unclear. To understand the disease process in man, we studied heterozygotes with 18 different rhodopsin gene mutations by using noninvasive tests of rod and cone function and retinal histopathology. Two classes of disease expression were found, and there was allele-specificity. Class A mutants lead to severely abnormal rod function across the retina early in life; topography of residual cone function parallels cone cell density. Class B mutants are compatible with normal rods in adult life in some retinal regions or throughout the retina, and there is a slow stereotypical disease sequence. Disease manifests as a loss of rod photoreceptor outer segments, not singly but in microscopic patches that coalesce into larger irregular areas of degeneration. Cone outer segment function remains normal until >75% of rod outer segments are lost. The topography of cone loss coincides with that of rod loss. Most class B mutants show an inferior-nasal to superior-temporal retinal gradient of disease vulnerability associated with visual cycle abnormalities. Class A mutant alleles behave as if cytotoxic; class B mutants can be relatively innocuous and epigenetic factors may play a major role in the retinal degeneration.


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We have studied GABAergic synaptic transmission in retinal ganglion cells and hippocampal pyramidal cells to determine, at a cellular level, what is the effect of the targeted disruption of the gene encoding the synthetic enzyme GAD65 on the synaptic release of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA). Neither the size nor the frequency of GABA-mediated spontaneous inhibitory postsynaptic currents (IPSCs) were reduced in retina or hippocampus in GAD65−/− mice. However, the release of GABA during sustained synaptic activation was substantially reduced. In the retina both electrical- and K+-induced increases in IPSC frequency were depressed without a change in IPSC amplitude. In the hippocampus the transient increase in the probability of inhibitory transmitter release associated with posttetanic potentiation was absent in the GAD65−/− mice. These results indicate that during and immediately after sustained stimulation the increase in the probability of transmitter release is not maintained in GAD65−/− mice. Such a finding suggests a decrease in the size or refilling kinetics of the releasable pool of vesicles, and various mechanisms are discussed that could account for such a defect.


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We have cloned Calx, a gene that encodes a Na-Ca exchanger of Drosophila melanogaster. Calx encodes two repeated motifs, Calx-α and Calx-β, that overlap domains required for exchanger activity and regulation. Calx has multiple transcripts in adults, including at least one expressed in the retina. The Calx genomic locus comprises ≥35 kb between the Atpα and rudimentary-like genes in chromosomal region 93B. In Xenopus oocytes, microinjected Calx cRNA induces calcium uptake like that of its homolog, the 3Na+-1Ca2+ exchanger of mammalian heart. Implications of Calx-α motifs for the mechanism of Na-Ca exchange are discussed.


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Wolbachia, a maternally transmitted microorganism of the Rickettsial family, is known to cause cytoplasmic incompatibility, parthenogenesis, or feminization in various insect species. The bacterium–host relationship is usually symbiotic: incompatibility between infected males and uninfected females can enhance reproductive isolation and evolution, whereas the other mechanisms enhance progeny production. We have discovered a variant Wolbachia carried by Drosophila melanogaster in which this cozy relationship is abrogated. Although quiescent during the fly’s development, it begins massive proliferation in the adult, causing widespread degeneration of tissues, including brain, retina, and muscle, culminating in early death. Tetracycline treatment of carrier flies eliminates both the bacteria and the degeneration, restoring normal life-span. The 16s rDNA sequence is over 98% identical to Wolbachia known from other insects. Examination of laboratory strains of D. melanogaster commonly used in genetic experiments reveals that a large proportion actually carry Wolbachia in a nonvirulent form, which might affect their longevity and behavior.


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The Drosophila retinal degeneration C (rdgC) gene encodes an unusual protein serine/threonine phosphatase in that it contains at least two EF-hand motifs at its carboxy terminus. By a combination of large-scale sequencing of human retina cDNA clones and searches of expressed sequence tag and genomic DNA databases, we have identified two sequences in mammals [Protein Phosphatase with EF-hands-1 and 2 (PPEF-1 and PPEF-2)] and one in Caenorhabditis elegans (PPEF) that closely resemble rdgC. In the adult, PPEF-2 is expressed specifically in retinal rod photoreceptors and the pineal. In the retina, several isoforms of PPEF-2 are predicted to arise from differential splicing. The isoform that most closely resembles rdgC is localized to rod inner segments. Together with the recently described localization of PPEF-1 transcripts to primary somatosensory neurons and inner ear cells in the developing mouse, these data suggest that the PPEF family of protein serine/threonine phosphatases plays a specific and conserved role in diverse sensory neurons.


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We have isolated a dominant mutation, night blindness a (nba), that causes a slow retinal degeneration in zebrafish. Heterozygous nba fish have normal vision through 2–3 months of age but subsequently become night blind. By 9.5 months of age, visual sensitivity of affected fish may be decreased more than two log units, or 100-fold, as measured behaviorally. Electroretinographic (ERG) thresholds of mutant fish are also raised significantly, and the ERG b-wave shows a delayed implicit time. These defects are due primarily to a late-onset photoreceptor cell degeneration involving initially the rods but eventually the cones as well. Homozygous nba fish display an early-onset neuronal degeneration throughout the retina and elsewhere in the central nervous system. As a result, animals develop with small eyes and die by 4–5 days postfertilization (pf). These latter data indicate that the mutation affecting nba fish is not in a photoreceptor cell-specific gene.


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The human visual system is able to effortlessly integrate local features to form our rich perception of patterns, despite the fact that visual information is discretely sampled by the retina and cortex. By using a novel perturbation technique, we show that the mechanisms by which features are integrated into coherent percepts are scale-invariant and nonlinear (phase and contrast polarity independent). They appear to operate by assigning position labels or “place tags” to each feature. Specifically, in the first series of experiments, we show that the positional tolerance of these place tags in foveal, and peripheral vision is about half the separation of the features, suggesting that the neural mechanisms that bind features into forms are quite robust to topographical jitter. In the second series of experiment, we asked how many stimulus samples are required for pattern identification by human and ideal observers. In human foveal vision, only about half the features are needed for reliable pattern interpolation. In this regard, human vision is quite efficient (ratio of ideal to real ≈ 0.75). Peripheral vision, on the other hand is rather inefficient, requiring more features, suggesting that the stimulus may be relatively underrepresented at the stage of feature integration.


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Elucidating the genetic basis of human phenotypes is a major goal of contemporary geneticists. Logically, two fundamental and contrasting approaches are available, one that begins with a phenotype and concludes with the identification of a responsible gene or genes; the other that begins with a gene and works toward identifying one or more phenotypes resulting from allelic variation of it. This paper provides a conceptual overview of phenotype-based vs. gene-based procedures with emphasis on gene-based methods. A key feature of a gene-based approach is that laboratory effort first is devoted to developing an assay for mutations in the gene under regard; the assay then is applied to the evaluation of large numbers of unrelated individuals with a variety of phenotypes that are deemed potentially resulting from alleles at the gene. No effort is directed toward chromosomally mapping the loci responsible for the phenotypes scanned. Example is made of my laboratory’s successful use of a gene-based approach to identify genes causing hereditary diseases of the retina such as retinitis pigmentosa. Reductions in the cost and improvements in the speed of scanning individuals for DNA sequence anomalies may make a gene-based approach an efficient alternative to phenotype-based approaches to correlating genes with phenotypes.


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Application of exogenous retinoic acid (RA) to zebrafish during the initial stages of photoreceptor differentiation results in a precocious development of rod photoreceptors and an inhibition of cone photoreceptor maturation. The acceleration of rod differentiation is observed initially within the ventral retina 3 days after fertilization, following 24 hr of RA application, and within the dorsal retina 4 days after fertilization, following 48 hr of RA application. The differentiation of rods was impeded significantly when the synthesis of endogenous retinoic acid was inhibited by citral prior to the initial stage of rod differentiation. RA-treated embryos labeled for bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) uptake revealed that RA exerts its effect on a postmitotic cell population within the developing retina. During normal development in zebrafish, rod differentiation is most robust within the ventral retina, a region previously shown to be rich in RA. Our data suggest that the RA signaling pathway is involved in the differentiation and maturation of both the rod and cone photoreceptors within the developing zebrafish retina.


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Phagocytosis of shed photoreceptor rod outer segments (ROS) by the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) is essential for retinal function. Here, we demonstrate that this process requires αvβ5 integrin, rather than αvβ3 integrin utilized by systemic macrophages. Although adult rat RPE expressed both αvβ3 and αvβ5 integrins, only αvβ3 was expressed at birth, when the retina is immature and phagocytosis is absent. Expression of αvβ5 was first detected in RPE at PN7 and reached adult levels at PN11, just before onset of phagocytic activity. Interestingly, αvβ5 localized in vivo to the apical plasma membrane, facing the photoreceptors, and to intracellular vesicles, whereas αvβ3 was expressed basolaterally. Using quantitative fluorimaging to assess in vitro uptake of fluorescent particles by human (ARPE-19) and rat (RPE-J) cell lines, αvβ5 function-blocking antibodies were shown to reduce phagocytosis by drastically decreasing (85%) binding of ROS but not of latex beads. In agreement with a role for αvβ5 in phagocytosis, immunofluorescence experiments demonstrated codistribution of αvβ5 integrin with internalized ROS. Control experiments showed that blocking αvβ3 function with antibodies did not inhibit ROS phagocytosis and that αvβ3 did not colocalize with phagocytosed ROS. Taken together, our results indicate that the RPE requires the integrin receptor αvβ5 specifically for the binding of ROS and that phagocytosis involves internalization of a ROS-αvβ5 complex. αvβ5 integrin does not participate in phagocytosis by other phagocytic cells and is the first of the RPE receptors involved in ROS phagocytosis that may be specific for this process.


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Exogenous thyroid hormone (TH) induces premature differentiation of the zebrafish pectoral fins, which are analogous to the forelimbs of tetrapods. It accelerates the growth of the pelvic fins but not precociously. Goitrogens, which are chemical inhibitors of TH synthesis by the thyroid gland, inhibit the transition from larva to juvenile fish including the formation of scales, and pigment pattern; they stunt the growth of both pectoral and pelvic paired fins. Inhibition by goitrogens is rescued by the simultaneous addition of thyroxine. The effect of adding TH to the rearing water of the postembryonic Mexican axolotl was reinvestigated under conditions that permit continued growth and development. In addition to morphological changes that have been described, TH greatly stimulates axolotl limb growth causing the resulting larva to be proportioned as an adult in about two months. This study extends the known evolutionary relatedness of tetrapod limbs and fish fins to include the TH stimulation of salamander limb and zebrafish fin growth, and suggests that TH is required to complete the life cycle of a typical bony fish and a salamander at the same developmental stage that it controls anuran and flounder metamorphosis.


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The superficial gray layer of the superior colliculus contains a map that represents the visual field, whereas the underlying intermediate gray layer contains a vector map of the saccades that shift the direction of gaze. These two maps are aligned so that a particular region of the visual field is represented directly above the neurons that orient the highest acuity area of the retina toward that region. Although it has been proposed that the transmission of information from the visuosensory to the motor map plays an important role in the generation of visually guided saccades, experiments have failed to demonstrate any functional linkage between the two layers. We examined synaptic transmission between these layers in vitro by stimulating the superficial layer while using whole-cell patch-clamp methods to measure the responses of intermediate layer neurons. Stimulation of superficial layer neurons evoked excitatory postsynaptic currents in premotor cells. This synaptic input was columnar in organization, indicating that the connections between the layers link corresponding regions of the visuosensory and motor maps. Excitatory postsynaptic currents were large enough to evoke action potentials and often occurred in clusters similar in duration to the bursts of action potentials that premotor cells use to command saccades. Our results indicate the presence of functional connections between the superficial and intermediate layers and show that such connections could play a significant role in the generation of visually guided saccades.


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The microrchidia, or morc, autosomal recessive mutation results in the arrest of spermatogenesis early in prophase I of meiosis. The morc mutation arose spontaneously during the development of a mouse strain transgenic for a tyrosinase cDNA construct. Morc −/− males are infertile and have grossly reduced testicular mass, whereas −/− females are normal, indicating that the Morc gene acts specifically during male gametogenesis. Immunofluorescence to synaptonemal complex antigens demonstrated that −/− male germ cells enter meiosis but fail to progress beyond zygotene or leptotene stage. An apoptosis assay revealed massive numbers of cells undergoing apoptosis in testes of −/− mice. No other abnormal phenotype was observed in mutant animals, with the exception of eye pigmentation caused by transgene expression in the retina. Spermatogenesis is normal in +/− males, despite significant transgene expression in germ cells. Genomic analysis of −/− animals indicates the presence of a deletion adjacent to the transgene. Identification of the gene inactivated by the transgene insertion may define a novel biochemical pathway involved in mammalian germ cell development and meiosis.


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Age-related macular degeneration, a major cause of blindness for which no satisfactory treatments exist, leads to a gradual decrease in central high acuity vision. The accumulation of fluorescent materials, called lipofuscin, in retinal pigment epithelial cells of the aging retina is most pronounced in the macula. One of the fluorophores of retinal pigment epithelial lipofuscin has been characterized as A2E, a pyridinium bis-retinoid, which is derived from two molecules of vitamin A aldehyde and one molecule of ethanolamine. An investigation aimed at optimizing the in vitro synthesis of A2E has resulted in the one-step biomimetic preparation of this pigment in 49% yield, readily producing more than 50 mg in one step. These results have allowed for the optimization of HPLC conditions so that nanogram quantities of A2E can be detected from extracts of tissue samples. By using 5% of the extract from individual aged human eyes, this protocol has led to the quantification of A2E and the characterization of iso-A2E, a new A2E double bond isomer; all-trans-retinol and 13-cis-retinol also have been identified in these HPLC chromatograms. Exposure of either A2E or iso-A2E to light gives rise to 4:1 A2E:iso-A2E equilibrium mixtures, similar to the composition of these two pigments in eye extracts. A2E and iso-A2E may exhibit surfactant properties arising from their unique wedge-shaped structures.


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Assessing the reliability of neuronal spike trains is fundamental to an understanding of the neural code. We measured the reproducibility of retinal responses to repeated visual stimuli. In both tiger salamander and rabbit, the retinal ganglion cells responded to random flicker with discrete, brief periods of firing. For any given cell, these firing events covered only a small fraction of the total stimulus time, often less than 5%. Firing events were very reproducible from trial to trial: the timing jitter of individual spikes was as low as 1 msec, and the standard deviation in spike count was often less than 0.5 spikes. Comparing the precision of spike timing to that of the spike count showed that the timing of a firing event conveyed several times more visual information than its spike count. This sparseness and precision were general characteristics of ganglion cell responses, maintained over the broad ensemble of stimulus waveforms produced by random flicker, and over a range of contrasts. Thus, the responses of retinal ganglion cells are not properly described by a firing probability that varies continuously with the stimulus. Instead, these neurons elicit discrete firing events that may be the fundamental coding symbols in retinal spike trains.