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One of the quickest plant movements ever known is made by the ´explosive´ style in Marantaceae in the service of secondary pollen presentation – herewith showing a striking apomorphy to the sister Cannaceae that might be of high evolutionary consequence. Though known already since the beginning of the 19th century the underlying mechanism of the movement has hitherto not been clarified. The present study reports about the biomechanics of the style-staminode complex and the hydraulic principles of the movement. For the first time it is shown by experiment that in Maranta noctiflora through longitudinal growth of the maturing style in the ´straitjacket´ of the hooded staminode both the hold of the style prior to its release and its tensioning for the movement are brought about. The longer the style grows in relation to the enclosing hooded staminode the more does its capacity for curling up for pollen transfer increase. Hereby I distinguish between the ´basic tension´ that a growing style builds up anyway, even when the hooded staminode is removed beforehand, and the ´induced tension´ which comes about only under the pressure of a ´too short´ hooded staminode and which enables the movement. The results of these investigations are discussed in view of previous interpretations ranging from possible biomechanical to electrophysiological mechanisms. To understand furthermore by which means the style gives way to the strong bending movement without suffering outwardly visible damage I examined its anatomical structure in several genera for its mechanical and hydraulic properties and for the determination of the entire curvature after release. The actual bending part contains tubulate cells whose walls are extraordinarily porous and large longitudinal intercellular spaces. SEM indicates the starting points of cell-wall loosening in primary walls and lysis of middle lamellae - probably through an intense pectinase activity in the maturing style. Fluorescence pictures of macerated and living style-tissue confirm cell-wall perforations that do apparently connect neighbouring cells, which leads to an extremely permeable parenchyma. The ´water-body´ can be shifted from central to dorsal cell layers to support the bending. The geometrical form of the curvature is determined by the vascular bundles. I conclude that the style in Marantaceae contains no ´antagonistic´ motile tissues as in Mimosa or Dionaea. Instead, through self-maceration it develops to a ´hydraulic tissue´ which carries out an irreversible movement through a sudden reshaping. To ascertain the evolutionary consequence of this apomorphic pollination mechanism the diversity and systematic value of hooded staminodes are examined. For this hooded staminodes of 24 genera are sorted according to a minimalistic selection of shape characters and eight morphological types are abstracted from the resulting groups. These types are mapped onto an already available maximally parsimonious tree comprising five major clades. An amazing correspondence is found between the morphological types and the clades; several sister-relationships are confirmed and in cases of uncertain position possible evolutionary pathways, such as convergence, dispersal or re-migration, are discussed, as well as the great evolutionary tendencies for the entire family in which – at least as regards the shape of hooded staminodes – there is obviously a tendency from complicated to strongly simplified forms. It suggests itself that such simplifying derivations may very likely have taken place as adaptations to pollinating animals about which at present too little is known. The value of morphological characters in relation to modern phylogenetic analysis is discussed and conditions for the selection of morphological characters valuable for a systematic grouping are proposed. Altogether, in view of the evolutionary success of Marantaceae compared with Cannaceae the movement mechanism of the style-staminode complex can safely be considered a key innovation within the order Zingiberales.
Numerosi studi mostrano che gli intervalli temporali sono rappresentati attraverso un codice spaziale che si estende da sinistra verso destra, dove gli intervalli brevi sono rappresentati a sinistra rispetto a quelli lunghi. Inoltre tale disposizione spaziale del tempo può essere influenzata dalla manipolazione dell’attenzione-spaziale. La presente tesi si inserisce nel dibattito attuale sulla relazione tra rappresentazione spaziale del tempo e attenzione-spaziale attraverso l’uso di una tecnica che modula l’attenzione-spaziale, ovvero, l’Adattamento Prismatico (AP). La prima parte è dedicata ai meccanismi sottostanti tale relazione. Abbiamo mostrato che spostando l’attenzione-spaziale con AP, verso un lato dello spazio, si ottiene una distorsione della rappresentazione di intervalli temporali, in accordo con il lato dello spostamento attenzionale. Questo avviene sia con stimoli visivi, sia con stimoli uditivi, nonostante la modalità uditiva non sia direttamente coinvolta nella procedura visuo-motoria di AP. Questo risultato ci ha suggerito che il codice spaziale utilizzato per rappresentare il tempo, è un meccanismo centrale che viene influenzato ad alti livelli della cognizione spaziale. La tesi prosegue con l’indagine delle aree corticali che mediano l’interazione spazio-tempo, attraverso metodi neuropsicologici, neurofisiologici e di neuroimmagine. In particolare abbiamo evidenziato che, le aree localizzate nell’emisfero destro, sono cruciali per l’elaborazione del tempo, mentre le aree localizzate nell’emisfero sinistro sono cruciali ai fini della procedura di AP e affinché AP abbia effetto sugli intervalli temporali. Infine, la tesi, è dedicata allo studio dei disturbi della rappresentazione spaziale del tempo. I risultati ci indicano che un deficit di attenzione-spaziale, dopo danno emisferico destro, provoca un deficit di rappresentazione spaziale del tempo, che si riflette negativamente sulla vita quotidiana dei pazienti. Particolarmente interessanti sono i risultati ottenuti mediante AP. Un trattamento con AP, efficace nel ridurre il deficit di attenzione-spaziale, riduce anche il deficit di rappresentazione spaziale del tempo, migliorando la qualità di vita dei pazienti.
Spinal cord injury (SCI) results not only in paralysis; but it is also associated with a range of autonomic dysregulation that can interfere with cardiovascular, bladder, bowel, temperature, and sexual function. The entity of the autonomic dysfunction is related to the level and severity of injury to descending autonomic (sympathetic) pathways. For many years there was limited awareness of these issues and the attention given to them by the scientific and medical community was scarce. Yet, even if a new system to document the impact of SCI on autonomic function has recently been proposed, the current standard of assessment of SCI (American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA) examination) evaluates motor and sensory pathways, but not severity of injury to autonomic pathways. Beside the severe impact on quality of life, autonomic dysfunction in persons with SCI is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality. Therefore, obtaining information regarding autonomic function in persons with SCI is pivotal and clinical examinations and laboratory evaluations to detect the presence of autonomic dysfunction and quantitate its severity are mandatory. Furthermore, previous studies demonstrated that there is an intimate relationship between the autonomic nervous system and sleep from anatomical, physiological, and neurochemical points of view. Although, even if previous epidemiological studies demonstrated that sleep problems are common in spinal cord injury (SCI), so far only limited polysomnographic (PSG) data are available. Finally, until now, circadian and state dependent autonomic regulation of blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR) and body core temperature (BcT) were never assessed in SCI patients. Aim of the current study was to establish the association between the autonomic control of the cardiovascular function and thermoregulation, sleep parameters and increased cardiovascular risk in SCI patients.
Hämocyanine sind große, kupferhaltige Sauerstoff-Transportproteine, die bei zahlreichen Schnecken extrazellulär in der Hämolymphe vorkommen. Das Keyhole Limpet-Hämocyanin (KLH) der Schlüssellochschnecke Megathura crenulata dient aufgrund seiner immunstimu-latorischen Eigenschaften seit vielen Jahren als Modellprotein in der Immunologie. In der Klinik wird es als Hapten- und Vakzincarrier sowie als Medikament gegen oberflächliche Harnblasenkarnzinome eingesetzt. Die Quartärstruktur des KLH besteht aus einem Hohl-zylinder mit einer Molekülmasse von 8 MDa und einem Durchmesser von 35 nm. Dieses sogenannte Didekamer setzt sich aus 20 Untereinheiten mit jeweils 400 kDa zusammen. Jede Untereinheit lässt sich weiter in acht funktionelle Einheiten a bis h (engl. Functional Units = FU) mit ~ 50 kDa unterteilen. Die FUs a bis f bilden die Wandregion des Moleküls, während der Kragen aus den FUs g und h geformt wird. Die Struktur der Wandregion sowie der FU-g konnte bisher bereits durch Röntgenstrukturanalysen aufgeklärt werden. Bezüglich der Struktur der FU-h, die sich durch eine spezielle C-terminale Verlängerung von ~ 100 Amino-säuren auszeichnet, sind allerdings noch keine Informationen verfügbar. Um die Architektur des Kragens zu verstehen, wurden im Rahmen dieser Arbeit zunächst Strategien entwickelt, diese spezielle FU in großer Menge und Reinheit zu isolieren. Anschließend konnten Bedingungen gefunden werden, die zur Ausbildung 0,2 mm großer, hexagonaler Kristalle führten. Diese ergaben am Synchrotron eine Auflösung von 4 Å. Durch Auswertung der Röntgenstrukturdaten konnte für die C-terminale Zusatzdomäne der FU-h eine Cupredoxin-ähnliche Typ I-Kupferfaltung ermittelt werden. Der Nachweis eines zusätzlichen Kupfer-atoms innerhalb dieser Domäne bedarf allerdings einer höheren Auflösung der Kristall-struktur. Hämocyanine lassen sich aufgrund ihrer evolutionären Verwandtschaft zu Phenol-oxidasen mit Hilfe verschiedener in vitro-Aktivatoren zur Catecholoxidase und teilweise auch zur Tyrosinase aktivieren. Beim KLH konnte in dieser Arbeit eine eindeutige Diphenolase- und sogar eine schwache Monophenolase-Aktivität der FUs-a und -f nach SDS-Aktivierung nachgewiesen werden. Zudem konnte eine geringfügige intrinsische Diphenolase-Aktivität dieser FUs belegt werden. Die enzymatischen Reaktionen waren sowohl von der gewählten Puffersubstanz, als auch der Anwesenheit bivalenter Kationen abhängig. Tris wirkt vermutlich als allosterischer Effektor und steigerte den Substrat-Umsatz, während Mg2+-Ionen zu einer starken Inhibition der katalytischen Aktivität führten. Die Klärung einer möglichen physiologischen Funktion der Phenoloxidase-Aktivität des KLH sowie potenziellen in vivo-Aktivatoren steht noch aus. Studien zur thermischen Stabilität des KLH resultierten in einer irreversiblen Denaturierung des Proteins. Die Schmelzpunkte deuteten auf eine hohe Tempe-raturstabilität des KLH, vor allem in Anwesenheit bivalenter Kationen. Eine Hämocyanin-typische Abhängigkeit der Hitzeresistenz vom Oligomerisierungsgrad ließ sich nicht feststellen, da sowohl bei der FU-h als auch den KLH-Didekameren eine vergleichbar hohe thermische Stabilität, bei einer nach wie vor vorhandenen Oxygenierung beobachtet wurde.
This PhD thesis is embedded into the DFG research project SAMUM, the Saharan Mineral Dust Experiment which was initiated with the goal to investigate the optical and microphysical properties of Saharan dust aerosol, its transport, and its radiative effect. This work described the deployment of the Spectral Modular Airborne Radiation Measurement SysTem (SMART-Albedometer) in SAMUM after it has been extended in its spectral range. The SAMUM field campaign was conducted in May and June 2006 in south-eastern Morocco. At two ground stations and aboard two aircraft various measurements in an almost pure plume of Saharan dust were conducted. Airborne measurements of the spectral upwelling and downwelling irradiance are used to derive the spectral surface albedo in its typical range in the experiment region. Typical spectral types are presented and compared to the surface albedo derived from MISR satellite data. Furthermore, the radiative forcing of the observed Saharan dust is estimated in dependence on the surface albedo and its regional variations. A strong dependence of the radiative forcing not only on the surface albedo, but also on the optical properties of the dust aerosol is observed. It is unique to SAMUM that all these influential parameters have been measured in near-source Saharan dust, which made the calculations shown in this work possible.
Stickstoffmonoxid (NO) ist als reaktives Spurengas eine wichtige Komponente atmosphärenchemischer Prozesse und hat somit einen bedeutenden Einfluss auf die Zusammensetzung der Atmosphäre. Eine Hauptquelle des Spurengases stellen bodenmikrobiologische Prozesse dar, deren regionaler und globaler Anteil weiterhin mit größeren Unsicherheiten geschätzt wird. Ursache für die schwere Abschätzbarkeit der NO-Freisetzung aus Böden ist die hohe räumliche Variabilität der steuernden Faktoren. Als einer der wichtigsten Faktoren, die die Freisetzung von NO aus Böden regeln, gilt der Bodenwassergehalt. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, den Zusammenhang zwischen NO-Freisetzung, Bodenwassergehalt, den Bodeneigenschaften und den Standortbedingungen zu untersuchen und diesen möglichst zu quantifizieren. Dazu sind Bodenproben unterschiedlicher Landnutzungen in einem kleineren Wassereinzugsgebiet im Rheingau im Labor, unter kontrollierten Bedingungen, untersucht. Der charakteristische Zusammenhang zwischen Bodenfeuchte und NO-Freisetzung, die sogenannte Bodenfeuchtekurve, kann demnach weitestgehend auf die gemessenen Bodenmerkmale der untersuchten Proben zurückgeführt werden. Anhand der Bodenmerkmale kann die Bodenfeuchtekurve zufriedenstellend vorhergesagt werden. Dabei zeigt vor allem der Humusgehalt der Böden einen dominierenden Einfluss. Er ist die Variable, die die Unterschiede der Böden beim Zusammenhang zwischen Bodenfeuchte und NO-Freisetzung am besten und hinreichend erklären kann. Zur Konstruktion der Bodenfeuchtekurve müssen die optimale Bodenfeuchte und die dabei herrschende Freisetzung, sowie die obere Bodenfeuchte, bei der keine NO-Freisetzung mehr stattfindet, bekannt sein. Diese charakteristischen Punkte lassen sich durch lineare Regressionsmodelle gut aus den Bodeneigenschaften ableiten. Auf räumlicher Ebene werden die Bodeneigenschaften durch die standörtlichen Bedingungen geprägt, die wiederum Ausdruck der landschaftlichen Ausstattung sind. In der Kulturlandschaft kann der Mensch aufgrund seiner Landnutzungsansprüche als der dominierende Faktor angesehen werden. Die Landnutzung orientiert sich an den landschaftlichen Bedingungen und bestimmt in hohem Maße wichtige Bodeneigenschaften, die zu den erklärenden Merkmalen bei der Beziehung zwischen Bodenwassergehalt und NO-Freisetzung gehören. Die in erster Linie wirtschaftlich orientierten Kartenwerke Bodenschätzung, Weinbergsbodenkartierung und forstliche Standortkartierung sind dementsprechend geeignete Grundlagen, um eine Regionalisierung der Landschaft in - bezüglich der NO-Freisetzung - weitgehend homogene Flächen durchführen zu können. Eine hierauf beruhende Regionalisierung ist dazu geeignet, die räumliche Variabilität der NO-Freisetzung in räumlich sinnvoller Auflösung besser abschätzen zu können.
Network Theory is a prolific and lively field, especially when it approaches Biology. New concepts from this theory find application in areas where extensive datasets are already available for analysis, without the need to invest money to collect them. The only tools that are necessary to accomplish an analysis are easily accessible: a computing machine and a good algorithm. As these two tools progress, thanks to technology advancement and human efforts, wider and wider datasets can be analysed. The aim of this paper is twofold. Firstly, to provide an overview of one of these concepts, which originates at the meeting point between Network Theory and Statistical Mechanics: the entropy of a network ensemble. This quantity has been described from different angles in the literature. Our approach tries to be a synthesis of the different points of view. The second part of the work is devoted to presenting a parallel algorithm that can evaluate this quantity over an extensive dataset. Eventually, the algorithm will also be used to analyse high-throughput data coming from biology.
Over the past 15 years the Italian brewing scene showed interesting changes, especially with regard to the creation of many breweries with an annual production of less than 10,000 hectoliters. The beers produced by microbreweries are very susceptible to attack by spoilage micro-organisms that cause the deterioration of beer quality characteristics. In addition, most of the microbreweries do not practice heat treatments of stabilization and do not carry out quality checks on the product. The high presence of beer spoilage bacteria is an economic problem for the brewing industry because it can damage the brand and it causes high costs of product retrieval. This thesis project was aimed to study the management of the production process in the Italian microbreweries within a production less than 10,000 hl. In particular, the annual production, type of plant, yeast management, process management, cleaning and sanitizing of a representative sample of microbreweries were investigated. Furthermore was made a collection of samples in order to identify, with simple methods, what are spoilage bacteria more present in the Italian craft beers. 21% of the beers analysed were positive at the presence of lactic acid bacteria. These analytical data show the importance of understanding what are the weak points of the production process that cause the development of spoilage bacteria. Finally, the thesis examined the actual production of two microbreweries in order to understand the process management that can promote the growth of spoilage bacteria in beer and production plant. The analysis of the data for the two case studies was helpful to understand what are the critical points where the microorganisms are most frequently in contact with the product. The hygiene practices are crucial to ensure the quality of the finished product, especially in the case of non-pasteurized beer.