990 resultados para Professional choice
There is a dearth of evidence focusing on student preferences for computer-based testing versus
testing via student response systems for summative assessment in undergraduate education.
This quantitative study compared the preference and acceptability of computer-based testing
and a student response system for completing multiple choice questions in undergraduate
nursing education. After using both computer-based testing and a student response system to
complete multiple choice questions, 192 first year undergraduate nursing students rated their
preferences and attitudes towards using computer-based testing and a student response system.
Results indicated that seventy four percent felt the student response system was easy to use.
Fifty six percent felt the student response system took more time than the computer-based testing
to become familiar with. Sixty Percent felt computer-based testing was more users friendly.
Seventy Percent of students would prefer to take a multiple choice question summative exam
via computer-based testing, although Fifty percent would be happy to take using student response
system. Results are useful for undergraduate educators in relation to student’s preference
for using computer-based testing or student response system to undertake a summative
multiple choice question exam
O Despacho n.º 40/2011, de 20 de maio, ponto 3., da Universidade de Évora, prevê a possibilidade de elaboração de um relatório sobre a atividade profissional para aquisição do grau académico de mestre. Essa foi a minha opção. Este relatório reporta-se aos anos letivos de 2007/2012, correspondentes aos últimos cinco anos de trabalho. É uma reflexão sobre as medidas desenvolvidas no Agrupamento de Escolas de Alvalade, com vista a melhorar os níveis de sucesso escolar e a importância do projeto educativo para alcançar tal objetivo, apresentando ainda dados sobre o sucesso/insucesso. Enquanto diretora de um agrupamento de escolas cuja taxa de insucesso à data da tomada de posse rondava os 18%, abracei como objetivo principal, mobilizar toda a comunidade educativa, para reverter essa situação calamitosa. Após várias medidas implementadas, os resultados melhoraram para 5,98%, em 2011/2012. Muito trabalho foi feito e muitos projetos foram adotados; ABSTRACT: The University Dispatch n. º 40/2011 of may 20th, paragraph 3., University of Évora, provides for the possibility of drafting a report about my professional activity in order to acquire a master's degree. That was my choice. This report refers to the work that I have been developing in the last academic years of 2007/2012. It is a reflection on action in the Alvalade Group of Schools, about the measures that were implemented to improve levels of educational attainment and educational importance of the project to achieve this goal, presenting, nevertheless, data on the success/failure. When I became director of a group of schools, which failure rate at the date of inauguration was around 18%, I decided to delineate as my main goal, to mobilize the entire educational community, to reverse this calamitous situation. After several measures implemented, the students’ failure decreased up to 5,98% in 2011/2012. Much work has been done and many projects were adopted.
Os factores que levam os alunos, no final da escolaridade obrigatória, a escolher o seu percurso escolar são vários. Neste estudo procurou-se saber em que medida a frequência de Clubes na área das Ciências influenciam essa decisão e, ainda, estudar como potenciar a sua organização no sentido de que estes possam contribuir positivamente para as escolhas dos alunos por percursos escolares na área das Ciências. A investigação decorreu em duas fases. Na primeira fase, foi avaliada a influência dos Clubes de Ciências na decisão do percurso escolar dos alunos, no final da escolaridade básica. Nesta fase foram realizados os seguintes procedimentos: -Entrevista semi-estruturada realizada a sete professoras responsáveis de Clubes na área das Ciências Físicas e Naturais, de 7 Escolas Secundárias da região de Aveiro. -Administração de um questionário, construído com questões maioritariamente fechadas, a uma amostra de 106 alunos, do 10ºAno, provenientes de 11 Escolas Secundárias da região de Aveiro, que frequentaram Clubes na área das Ciências Físicas e Naturais, no 3º Ciclo. -Tratamento estatístico das questões do questionário, com recurso ao programa SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Science) e análise de conteúdo das questões abertas do questionário e das entrevistas, recorrendose para o efeito à construção de categorias de resposta. Na segunda fase concebeu-se e implementou-se um Clube de Ciências. Nesta fase surgiu a criação do Clube: ”Educação para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável”, no qual foi desenvolvido o projecto: “Construção e dinamização de uma Estação Meteorológica”, numa Escola Básica do 2º e 3º Ciclos do Concelho de Aveiro. Os resultados obtidos na primeira fase do estudo são reveladores da importância que é atribuída às experiências vivenciadas pelos alunos nos Clubes de Ciências que frequentaram. Os temas/assuntos abordados foram essencialmente conteúdos ligados a áreas do conhecimento das disciplinas de Ciências. Predominaram as estratégias com base em trabalho de projecto e em actividades experimentais. Indicadores nacionais e internacionais têm evidenciado um decréscimo no número de jovens que, na sua escolaridade, optam por estudos nas áreas das Ciências e da Tecnologia. Este decréscimo tem sido um factor de preocupação ao nível das políticas educativas, nomeadamente europeias, tornando-se urgente, por um lado, compreender o porquê desse facto e, por outro, encontrar formas de o minimizar. Os Clubes na perspectiva das responsáveis entrevistadas: (a) Surgem como uma oportunidade para melhorar as competências dos alunos ao nível do saber fazer; (b) Permitem confirmar e reforçar a motivação e o gosto pelas Ciências; (c) Podem, também, dar-lhes orientações para o futuro, embora esta não tenha sido uma preocupação explícita; (d) São do agrado dos alunos devido a apresentarem actividades não meramente académicas e formais. Os Clubes, na perspectiva dos alunos respondentes: (a) Aumentaram a motivação para estudar Ciências; (b) Permitiram relacionar as Ciências com o dia-a-dia; (c) Ajudaram na escolha do curso que frequentam no Ensino Secundário; (d) Contribuíram para querer exercer uma profissão na área das Ciências. Na segunda fase do estudo, foi desenvolvido um trabalho de projecto que envolveu alunos do 3º Ciclo. O tema do projecto, proposto e implementado, coincidiu com os dois temas menos abordados, nos Clubes frequentados pelos respondentes da primeira fase do estudo, Meteorologia e Temáticas com Impacto Social. Por outro lado o Clube pretendeu contribuir para a Década da Educação para o Desenvolvimento Sustentado, instituída pelas Nações Unidas, para fazer frente à actual situação de emergência planetária. Uma estratégia privilegiada para formar cidadãos capazes de assumir atitudes e valores com vista ao desenvolvimento sustentável, passa pela Educação em todas as suas vertentes, nomeadamente a do ensino não formal, na qual se incluem os Clubes de Ciências. ABSTRACT: National and international indicators have showed a decrease in the number of youngsters that, during their school course make their choices in the study areas of Science and Technology. This decreasing tendency has been a motive of concern as far as the European educational policies are concerned. Thus, it is urgent to understand the reason behind that situation and find ways to minimize it. There are various factors that make students choose their study areas in the end of their school course. This study aimed to find out how the Science Clubs can influence their decisions as well as to study new ways to improve their organization in such a way that they may contribute positively to the students’ choices of their school careers in the area of Science. The investigation was divided in two parts: in the first part, it was evaluated the level of the influence of the Science Clubs in the students’ school careers at the end of the elementary education. At this stage it was adopted the following procedure: -A semi-structured interview was applied to 7 female teachers that are responsible for the Natural and Physics Science Clubs, in secondary schools, in the region of Aveiro; -A mainly close-question questionnaire was applied to a sample of 106 students, in the 10th grade, in 11 secondary schools, in the region of Aveiro. These students have attended some Natural and Physics Science Clubs, during the 7th, 8th and 9th grades; -Statistical work of the questionnaire was done with the help of the SPSS programme (Statistical Package for the Social Science) as well as the analysis of the contents of the open-questions of the questionnaire and the interviews by means of the answer-category method. In the second part, a Science Club was planned and implemented. At this stage, a club was created - “Education for the Sustainable Development” - within which the following project was developed – “Building and Development of a Meteorological Observatory”, at a 2nd and 3rd Ciclos (Stages) Elementary School, in Aveiro. The results of the first part of this study case have showed clearly the importance given to the experiences of the students while attending the Science Clubs. The themes/subjects studied were mainly science knowledgerelated contents. The strategies adopted were based on project work and experimental activities. A view of the Clubs by the people who are responsible for them: (a)The Clubs mean an opportunity for students to learn the know-how process; (b)They have provided the reinforcement of the motivation and preference for Science; (c)Although it was not the main concern with the clubs, the truth is that they can also give the students a sense of awareness for the future; (d)Students like to make part of the clubs because of their experimental character. A view of the Clubs by the students who make part of them: (a)The clubs have increased the level of motivation to study Science; (b)They have allowed a close perspective of the daily life reality; (c)They have helped with the choice of the Secondary School courses; (d)They have made students want a future professional career in the area of Science. In the second part of this study case, a project work was carried out involving 7th, 8th and 9th grade students. The subject of the project, considered and implemented, coincided with the two less boarded subjects, in the Clubs attended a course for the respondents of the first phase of the study, Meteorology and Thematic with Social Impact. The Club also aimed to contribute to the decade of the “Education for the Sustained Future” as settled by the United Nations in order to face the present emergency situation of the planet. The last but not the least, it is believed that, the best strategy to teach future citizens who are able to take the responsibility of their values and attitudes towards a sustainable future, is to provide them a type of Education that can teach them both the formal curriculum aspects and the informal ones, as it is the case of the Science Clubs.
Proposals made by the European Commission in 2007 led to the Education Council adopting, for the first time, a European agenda for improving the quality of teaching and teacher education. This article reports on a small-scale longitudinal interview-based study with teachers in England, Norway and Germany demonstrating that while opportunities for professional development are increasing in all three countries, dissatisfaction is expressed by most teachers in relation to its quality and outcomes.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Observação e Análise da Relação Educativa, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve, 2006
Dissertação de Mestrado, Gestão da Água e da Costa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2010
Trabalho de projecto de mestrado, Ciências da Educação (Formação de Adultos), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2011
In much educational literature it is recognised that the broader social conditions in which teachers live and work, and the personal and professional elements of teachers' lives, experiences, beliefs and practices are integral to one another, and that there are often tensions between these which impact to a greater or lesser extent upon teachers' sense of self or identity. If identity is a key influencing factor on teachers' sense of purpose, self‐efficacy, motivation, commitment, job satisfaction and effectiveness, then investigation of those factors which influence positively and negatively, the contexts in which these occur and the consequences for practice, is essential. Surprisingly, although notions of ‘self’ and personal identity are much used in educational research and theory, critical engagement with individual teachers' cognitive and emotional ‘selves’ has been relatively rare. Yet such engagement is important to all with an interest in raising and sustaining standards of teaching, particularly in centralist reform contexts which threaten to destabilise long‐held beliefs and practices. This article addresses the issue of teacher identities by drawing together research which examines the nature of the relationships between social structures and individual agency; between notions of a socially constructed, and therefore contingent and ever‐remade, ‘self’, and a ‘self’ with dispositions, attitudes and behavioural responses which are durable and relatively stable; and between cognitive and emotional identities. Drawing upon existing research literature and findings from a four‐year Department for Education and Skills funded project with 300 teachers in 100 schools which investigated variations in teachers' work and lives and their effects on pupils (VITAE), it finds that identities are neither intrinsically stable nor intrinsically fragmented, as earlier literature suggests. Rather, teacher identities may be more, or less, stable and more or less fragmented at different times and in different ways according to a number of life, career and situational factors.
Recent research has started to identify mood disorders and problems associated with acute and chronic wounds, which have been shown to contribute to delayed healing, poor patient well-being and a reduced quality of life. Furthermore, mood disorders have been shown to have a negative impact on financial costs for service providers and the wider society in terms of treatment and sickness absence. This study aimed to survey a multinational sample of health professionals to explore their perspective and awareness of mood disorders amongst acute and chronic wound patients. Responses were received from n = 908 health professionals working in Asia, Africa, Australia, Europe, North America and South America. A strong awareness of the prevalence of mood disorders appeared to be widespread among the health professionals across the world, in addition to a view on the potential factors contributing to these problems with mood. Despite this, it was thought that few patients were actually receiving treatment for their mood disorders. Implications for clinical practice include the need for health professionals to actively engage with their patients to enable them to learn from their experiences. Studies that explore the benefits of treatments and techniques appropriate for minimising mood disorders in patients with wounds would provide empirical evidence for health professionals to make recommendations for patients with acute and chronic wounds.
Purpose-Approximately 100,000 people in the UK aged 75 and over have concurrent dementia and sight loss, but current understanding of their experiences, needs and preferences is limited. The purpose of this paper is to report on a research project that explored the provision of social care and support for older people with both conditions. Design/methodology/approach-The project was a collaboration between the universities of York, Worcester, Bournemouth and Cambridge, supported by the Thomas Pocklington Trust and the Housing and Dementia Research Consortium. Data for this paper were drawn from focus groups held in 2013 involving 47 professionals across the dementia, sight loss and housing sectors. Findings-Thematic analysis identified five main barriers to providing high-quality, cost-effective social care and support: time constraints; financial limitations; insufficient professional knowledge; a lack of joint working; and inconsistency of services. The requirements of dementia and sight loss often conflict, which can limit the usefulness of equipment, aids and adaptations. Support and information needs to address individual needs and preferences. Research limitations/implications-Unless professionals consider dementia and sight loss together, they are unlikely to think about the impact of both conditions and the potential of their own services to provide effective support for individuals and their informal carers. Failing to consider both conditions together can also limit the availability and accessibility of social care and support services. This paper is based on input from a small sample of self-selecting professionals across three geographical regions of England. More research is needed in this area. Practical implications-There are growing numbers of people living with concurrent dementia and sight loss, many of whom wish to remain living in their own homes. There is limited awareness of the experiences and needs of this group and limited provision of appropriate services aids/adaptations. A range of measures should be implemented in order to support independence and well-being for people living with both conditions and their family carers. These include increased awareness, improved assessment, more training and greater joint working. Social implications-People living with dementia or sight loss are at high risk of social isolation, increasingly so for those with both conditions. Services that take an inclusive approach to both conditions can provide crucial opportunities for social interaction. Extra care housing has the potential to provide a supportive, community-based environment that can help residents to maintain social contact. Originality/value-This paper adds much-needed evidence to the limited existing literature, and reflects the views of diverse professionals across housing, health and social care