992 resultados para Multiplier-Less Architecture
The application of fine grain pipelining techniques in the design of high performance Wave Digital Filters (WDFs) is described. It is shown that significant increases in the sampling rate of bit parallel circuits can be achieved using most significant bit (msb) first arithmetic. A novel VLSI architecture for implementing two-port adaptor circuits is described which embodies these ideas. The circuit in question is highly regular, uses msb first arithmetic and is implemented using simple carry-save adders. © 1992 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
A novel bit-level systolic array architecture for implementing bit-parallel IIR filter sections is presented. The authors have shown previously how the fundamental obstacle of pipeline latency in recursive structures can be overcome by the use of redundant arithmetic in combination with bit-level feedback. These ideas are extended by optimizing the degree of redundancy used in different parts of the circuit and combining redundant circuit techniques with those of conventional arithmetic. The resultant architecture offers significant improvements in hardware complexity and throughput rate.
A bit-level systolic array system for performing a binary tree Vector Quantization codebook search is described. This consists of a linear chain of regular VLSI building blocks and exhibits data rates suitable for a wide range of real-time applications. A technique is described which reduces the computation required at each node in the binary tree to that of a single inner product operation. This method applies to all the common distortion measures (including the Euclidean distance, the Weighted Euclidean distance and the Itakura-Saito distortion measure) and significantly reduces the hardware required to implement the tree search system. © 1990 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
The design of a System-on-a-Chip (SoC) demonstrator for a baseline JPEG encoder core is presented. This combines a highly optimized Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) and quantization unit with an entropy coder which has been realized using off-the-shelf synthesizable IP cores (Run-length coder, Huffman coder and data packer). When synthesized in a 0.35 µm CMOS process, the core can operate at speeds up to 100 MHz and contains 50 k gates plus 11.5 kbits of RAM. This is approximately 20% less than similar JPEG encoder designs reported in literature. When targeted at FPGA the core can operate up to 30 MHz and is capable of compressing 9-bit full-frame color input data at NTSC or PAL rates.
A novel hardware architecture for elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) over GF(p) is introduced. This can perform the main prime field arithmetic functions needed in these cryptosystems including modular inversion and multiplication. This is based on a new unified modular inversion algorithm that offers considerable improvement over previous ECC techniques that use Fermat's Little Theorem for this operation. The processor described uses a full-word multiplier which requires much fewer clock cycles than previous methods, while still maintaining a competitive critical path delay. The benefits of the approach have been demonstrated by utilizing these techniques to create a field-programmable gate array (FPGA) design. This can perform a 256-bit prime field scalar point multiplication in 3.86 ms, the fastest FPGA time reported to date. The ECC architecture described can also perform four different types of modular inversion, making it suitable for use in many different ECC applications. © 2006 IEEE.
In this paper, a new reconfigurable multi-standard architecture is introduced for integer-pixel motion estimation and a standard-cell based chip design study is presented. This has been designed to cover most of the common block-based video compression standards, including MPEG-2, MPEG-4, H.263, H.264, AVS and WMV-9. The architecture exhibits simpler control, high throughput and relative low hardware cost and highly competitive when compared with excising designs for specific video standards. It can also, through the use of control signals, be dynamically reconfigured at run-time to accommodate different system constraint such as the trade-off in power dissipation and video-quality. The computational rates achieved make the circuit suitable for high end video processing applications. Silicon design studies indicate that circuits based on this approach incur only a relatively small penalty in terms of power dissipation and silicon area when compared with implementations for specific standards.
A rapid design methodology for biorthogonal wavelet transform cores has been developed. This methodology is based on a generic, scaleable architecture for the wavelet filters. The architecture offers efficient hardware utilization by combining the linear phase property of biorthogonal filters with decimation in a MAC based implementation. The design has been captured in VHDL and parameterized in terms of wavelet type, data word length and coefficient word length. The control circuit is embedded within the cores and allows them to be cascaded without any interface glue logic for any desired level of decomposition. The design time to produce silicon layout of a biorthogonal wavelet based system is typically less than a day. The resulting silicon cores produced are comparable in area and performance to hand-crafted designs. The designs are portable across a range of foundries and are also applicable to FPGA and PLD implementations.
Details of a new low power FFT processor for use in digital television applications are presented. This has been fabricated using a 0.6 µm CMOS technology and can perform a 64 point complex forward or inverse FFT on real-rime video at up to 18 Megasamples per second. It comprises 0.5 million transistors in a die area of 7.8×8 mm and dissipates 1 W. Its performance, in terms of computational rate per area per watt, is significantly higher than previously reported devices, leading to a cost-effective silicon solution for high quality video processing applications. This is the result of using a novel VLSI architecture which has been derived from a first principles factorisation of the DFT matrix and tailored to a direct silicon implementation.
The paper presents a state-of-the-art commercial demonstrator chip for infinite impulse response (IIR) filtering. The programmable IIR filter chip contains eight multiplier/accumulators that can be configured in one of five different modes to implement up to a 16th-order IIR filter. The multiply-accumulate block is based on a highly regular systolic array architecture and uses a redundant number system to overcome problems of pipelining in the feedback loop. The chip has been designed using the GEC Plessey Semiconductors CLA 78000 series gate array, operates on 16-bit two's complement data and has a clock speed of 30 MHz. Issues such as overflow detection and design for testability have also been addressed and are described.
Background: Several studies have shown an increased incidence of neurodevelopmental impairment in very preterm survivors at school age compared with controls.
Aim: To compare findings in the same cohort at 8 years and 15 years.
Methods: A total of 151 of the 224 eligible infants born before 33 weeks of gestation from 1979 to 1982, and who were living in the UK, were assessed at 8 and 15 years. Items common to both assessments were compared to evaluate changes in neurodevelopmental function. The assessment included a structured neurological examination, psychometric tests using the WISC-R (in subjects born in 1981-82), a test of visuomotor integration (Beery), and a school questionnaire.
Results: There was a significant increase in the proportion of subjects classified as impaired with disability from 11% at 8 to 22% at 14-15 years of age. The proportion of subjects classified as impaired without disability increased from 16% at 8 to 26% at 14-15 years of age. Full scale IQ decreased from 104 to 95 from childhood to adolescence, and more adolescents (24%) were requiring extra educational provision than they had at the age of 8 years (15%).
Conclusion: Results indicate that between the ages of 8 and 15 years in this cohort of very preterm survivors there is an apparent deterioration in neurodevelopmental outcome category, cognitive function, and extra educational support. It is not clear whether this represents a genuine deterioration in neurocognitive function or whether it represents the expression of pre-existing cerebral pathology in an increasingly complex environment.
The conjunction fallacy has been cited as a classic example of the automatic contextualisation of problems. In two experiments we compared the performance of autistic and typically developing adolescents on a set of conjunction fallacy tasks. Participants with autism were less susceptible to the conjunction fallacy. Experiment 2 also demonstrated that the difference between the groups did not result from increased sensitivity to the conjunction rule, or from impaired processing of social materials amongst the autistic participants. Although adolescents with autism showed less bias in their reasoning they were not more logical than the control group in a normative sense. The findings are discussed in the light of accounts which emphasise differences in contextual processing between typical and autistic populations.
This paper details an international research project which examined over 50 architecture centres in 23 countries including four case study subjects:
•Kent Architecture Centre, England
•Chicago Architecture Foundation
•Museum of Finnish Architecture
•Netherlands Architecture Institute
The paper analyzes the project's main findings including issues of definition, reasons for foundation, cultural policy impact and the main goals of architecture centres. It summarizes recommendations for centres as they attempt to reach their aims.
This paper proposes a hybrid scanning antenna architecture for applications in mm-wave intelligent mobile sensing and communications. We experimentally demonstrate suitable W-band leaky-wave antenna prototypes in substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) technology. Three SIW antennas have been designed that within a 6.5 % fractional bandwidth provide beam scanning over three adjacent angular sectors. Prototypes have been fabricated and their performance has been experimentally evaluated. The measured radiation patterns have shown three frequency scanning beams covering angles from 11 to 56 degrees with beamwidth of 10?±?3 degrees within the 88-94 GHz frequency range.
Most tutors in architecture education regard studio-based learning to be rich in feedback due to is dialogic nature. Yet, student perceptions communicated via audits such as the UK National Student Survey appear to contradict this assumption and challenge the efficacy of design studio as a truly discursive learning setting. This paper presents findings from a collaborative study that was undertaken by the Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, and Queen’s University Belfast that develop a deeper understanding of the role that peer interaction and dialogue plays within feedback processes, and the value that students attribute to these within the overall learning experience.
The paper adopts a broad definition of feedback, with emphasis on formative processes, and including the various kinds of dialogue that typify studio-based learning, and which constitute forms of guidance, direction, and reflection. The study adopted an ethnographic approach, gathering data on student and staff perceptions over the course of an academic year, and utilising methods embracing both quantitative and qualitative data.
The study found that the informal, socially-based peer interaction that characterises the studio is complementary to, and quite distinct from, the learning derived through tutor interaction. The findings also articulate the respective properties of informal and formally derived feedback and the contribution each makes to the quality of studio-based learning. It also identifies limitations in the use or value of peer learning, understanding of which is valuable to enhancing studio learning in architecture.