992 resultados para Level-sets
The objective of this work was to develop a free access exploratory data analysis software application for academic use that is easy to install and can be handled without user-level programming due to extensive use of chemometrics and its association with applications that require purchased licenses or routines. The developed software, called Chemostat, employs Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA), Principal Component Analysis (PCA), intervals Principal Component Analysis (iPCA), as well as correction methods, data transformation and outlier detection. The data can be imported from the clipboard, text files, ASCII or FT-IR Perkin-Elmer “.sp” files. It generates a variety of charts and tables that allow the analysis of results that can be exported in several formats. The main features of the software were tested using midinfrared and near-infrared spectra in vegetable oils and digital images obtained from different types of commercial diesel. In order to validate the software results, the same sets of data were analyzed using Matlab© and the results in both applications matched in various combinations. In addition to the desktop version, the reuse of algorithms allowed an online version to be provided that offers a unique experience on the web. Both applications are available in English.
The aim of this thesis is to investigate the thermal loading of medium voltage three-level NPC inverter’s semiconductor IGCT switches in different operation points. The objective is to reach both a fairly accurate off-line simulation program and also so simple a simulation model that its implementation into an embedded system could be reasonable in practice and a real time use should become feasible. Active loading limitation of the inverter can be realized with a thermal model which is practical in a real time use. Determining of the component heating has been divided into two parts; defining of component losses and establishing the structure of a thermal network. Basics of both parts are clarified. The simulation environment is Matlab-Simulink. Two different models are constructed – a more accurate one and a simplified one. Potential simplifications are clarified with the help of the first one. Simplifications are included in the latter model and the functionalities of both models are compared. When increasing the calculation time step a decreased number of considered components and time constants of the thermal network can be used in the simplified model. Heating of a switching component is dependent on its topological position and inverter’s operation point. The output frequency of the converter defines mainly which one of the switching components is – because of its losses and heating – the performance limiting component of the converter. Comparison of results given by different thermal models demonstrates that with larger time steps, describing of fast occurring switching losses becomes difficult. Generally articles and papers dealing with this subject are written for two-level inverters. Also inverters which apply direct torque control (DTC) are investigated rarely from the heating point of view. Hence, this thesis completes the former material.
Tässä työssä selvitettiin altistutaanko kreosoottikyllästetyn puun käsittelyssä polysyklisille aromaattisille hiilivedyille ja mistä työsuojelullisista syistä altistumista tapahtuu. Lisäksi työssä selvitettiin mitä altistuminen tarkoittaa työnantajan kannalta. Altistumista tarkasteltiin työturvallisuuden näkökulmasta. Lähtöaineisto koostui maastossa toteutetuista tutkimuksista. Aineisto kerättiin kesällä 2009 kolmesta Itä-Suomessa sijaitsevasta kohteesta, joissa käsiteltiin kreosootilla kyllästettyä puuta. Altistumisen todentamiseksi tutkimukseen osallistuneilta työntekijöiltä pyydettiin virtsanäytteet, joista analysoitiin yhden yleisimmän PAH-altistumista indikoivan merkkiaineen, virtsan 1-pyrenolin pitoisuuksia työntekijöillä. Altistumisen syiden selvittämiseksi työntekijöitä haastateltiin ja havainnoitiin. Tulosten perusteella työntekijät altistuvat PAH-yhdisteille työssään. PAH-altistumisen merkkiaineena olleelle virtsan 1-pyrenolille ei toimenpiderajaa tällä hetkellä ole, mutta se on Työterveyslaitoksella suunnitteilla. Lainsäädäntö velvoittaa erinäisin toimenpitein työnantajaa minimoimaan työntekijöiden altistumisen syöpäsairauden vaaraa aiheuttaville aineille, kuten PAH-yhdisteille. Tulosten perusteella työsuojelutoimenpiteitä on syytä tehostaa altistumisen minimoimiseksi ja etenkin ihon suojaamiseen on syytä kiinnittää erityistä huomiota.
Collaboration between competing firms (coopetition) has emerged as an important issue forn business practice in many industries. Extant literature has examined coopetition on many levels of analysis, but lacks clarity in distinguishing it explicitly from cooperation between noncompeting organizations. Because of this, the performance implications of coopetition from the perspective of an individual firm are still ambiguous – some research suggests positive results whereas other studies suggest detrimental outcomes. The aim in this dissertation is to narrow these gaps by exploring how firms create and appropriate value through collaboration with their competitors. The dissertation is divided into two parts. The first part comprises an overview of the relevant literature, as well as the conclusions of the whole study, and the second part includes six research publications. Both qualitative and quantitative methodologies are utilized. The results suggest that coopetition embodies the distinctive logic of value creation and appropriation from the perspective of an individual firm, and thus differs in terms of performance implications from cooperation between non-competitors. The distinction comes from the fact that competitors have somewhat similar understanding, capabilities and interest related to certain markets, which is potentially both challenging and beneficial in terms of the individual firm’s competitiveness. It appears from the findings that there are distinctive firm-external and firm-specific factors affecting the success of a coopetition strategy. This study makes three main contributions. First, on the conceptual level it shows the distinction between coopetition and cooperation between non-rivals as a collaborative inter-organizational relationship. Secondly, it sets out a framework and propositions that enhance understanding of how value is created and appropriated in coopetition from the perspective of an individual firm. Thirdly, it offers empirical evidence of how coopetition affects firms’ innovation and market performance, and identifies the focal internal and external factors involved. In general terms, the thesis adds to our knowledge of how a firm can successfully utilize a coopetition strategy in its pursuit of improved performance.
Työturvallisuuslaki (738/2002) asettaa vaatimuksia yrityksen suorittamalle työterveys- ja työturvallisuusriskienhallinalle ja TTT-toiminnan kehittämiselle. Organisaation tulee tunnistaa järjestelmällisesti työympäristön vaarat ja hallita niiden aiheuttamia riskejä. Taatakseen TTT-toiminnan jatkuvan kehittämisen ja lakisääteisten vaatimuksien täyttymisen organisaatiot laativat turvallisuusjohtamisjärjestelmä spesifikaatio OHSAS 18001 mukaisen TTT-järjestelmän ohjaamaan toimintaa. Työssä selvitetään, miten eräs suomalainen suuryritys on suoriutunut OHSAS 18001:fi mukaisen TTT-riskienhallintatoiminnan implementoinnista ja, mitkä ovat toiminnan suurimmat haasteet ja ongelmat. Työ pyrkii luomaan tietoa yrityksen TTT-toiminnan kehittämisen tueksi ja esittämään kehitysehdotukset toiminnassa ilmenneiden ongelmien korjaamiseksi. Teoreettisena lähtökohtana on käytetty yrityksen TTT-riskinarvioinnin ohjeistamiseksi laadittua kirjallisuutta sekä pohdittu riskienhallinnan ja turvallisuuskulttuurin vuorovaikutusta. Riskinarviointi edistää organisaation avointa raportointikulttuuria, joka on edellytys hyvän turvallisuuskulttuurin muodostumiselle. Selvityksessä havaittiin, että vastuiden ja valtuuksien epäselvyys organisaatioyksiköiden välillä ja sisällä vaikuttaa merkittävästi riskienhallinnan tehokkuuteen. Lisäksi riskinarviointitoiminta on edelleen irrallinen kokonaisuus organisaation jokapäiväisistä toiminnoista, mikä heikentää riskinarvioinnin tuloksien siirtymistä kenttätasolle.
Ruokohelpi soveltuu ympäristöystävällisyyden ja korkean lämpöarvon vuoksi hyvin energiantuotantoon. Fortumin Joensuun voimalaitoksella ruokohelpi on syötetty kattilaan tähän asti pääasiassa pääpolttoaineisiin, turpeeseen tai hakkeeseen seostettuna pieninä energiaosuuksina. Pääpolttoaineisiin verrattuna ruokohelvellä on alhaisempi irto- ja energiatiheys, korkeampi klooripitoisuus ja kattilaa likaavampi tuhka, mikä asettaa rajoitteita sen käytön lisäämiselle voimalaitoksella. Alhaisesta irto- ja energiatiheydestä johtuvan holvautumisen sekä tukoksien lisääntymisen ja Joensuun voimalaitoksen nykyisten kuljettimien kapasiteettiongelmien vuoksi ruokohelven osuuden lisääminen suuremmaksi kuin 5 % polttoaine-energiasisällöstä on riskialtista ja edellyttää täten investointia erilliseen ruokohelven käsittely- ja syöttöjärjestelmään. Yksi vaihtoehto on murskata ruokohelpipaalit joko sähkökäyttöisellä, puolikiinteällä ja nopeakäyntisellä Haybuster H1130 tilt -murskaimella tai kiinteällä ja hidaskäyntisellä Raumaster-murskaimella ja ohjata ruokohelpisilppu joko pitkän mekaanisen kuljettimen ja sen perässä olevien lyhyiden pneumalinjojen tai pelkkien pitkien pneumalinjojen kautta suoraan kattilapesään. Työssä tutkitut investoinnit ovat taloudellisesti sitä kannattavampia mitä enemmän ruokohelpeä voidaan vuositasolla polttaa voimalaitoksella. Ruokohelven käyttömäärää voimalaitoksella kannattanee lisätä kuljetusmatkaa pidentämällä. Investointien valinta ei ole itsestäänselvyys. Nopeakäyntinen murskain on hidaskäyntistä murskainta edullisempi investointi, tosin hidaskäyntisen murskaimen käyttövarmuus on parempi kuin nopeakäyntisen murskaimen. Kattilan käytettävyyden kannalta ruokohelven käytön lisääminen edellyttää kattilan palamistekniikan analysointia laskennallisesti virtausmallinnuksella ennen kuin lopullisia päätöksiä investointien suhteen voidaan tehdä.
The aim of the thesis is to analyze traffic flows and its development from North European companies` point of view to China and Russia using data from logistics questionnaire. Selected North European companies are large Finnish and Swedish companies. The questionnaire was sent via email to the target group. The study is based on the answers got from respondent companies from years 2006, 2009 and 2010. In the thesis Finnish Talouselämä newspaper and Swedish Affärsdata are used as a database to find the target companies for the survey. Respondents were most often logistics managers in companies. In the beginning of the thesis concepts of transportation logistics is presented, including container types, trade terms, axel loads in roads and in railways. Also there is information about warehousing types and terminals. After that, general information of Chinese and Russian transportation logistics is presented. Chinese and Russian issues are discussed in two sections. In both of them it is analyzed economic development, freight transport and trade balance. Some practical examples of factory inaugurations in China and Russia are presented that Finnish and Swedish companies have completed. In freight transport section different transportation modes, logistics outsourcing and problems of transportation logistics is discussed. The results of the thesis show that transportation flows between Europe and China is changing. Freight traffic from China to European countries will strengthen even more from the current base. When it comes to Russia and Europe, traffic flows seem to be changing from eastbound traffic to westbound traffic. It means that in the future it is expected more freight traffic from Russia to Europe. Some probable reasons for that are recent factory establishments in Russia and company interviews support also this observation. Effects of the economic recession are mainly seen in the lower transportation amounts in 2009.
In this paper I discuss the intuition behind Frege's and Russell's definitions of numbers as sets, as well as Benacerraf's criticism of it. I argue that Benacerraf's argument is not as strong as some philosophers tend to think. Moreover, I examine an alternative to the Fregean-Russellian definition of numbers proposed by Maddy, and point out some problems faced by it.
Although social capital and health have been extensively studied during the last decade, there are still open issues in current empirical research. These concern for instance the measurement of the concept in different contexts, as well as the association between different types of social capital and different dimensions of health. The present thesis addressed these questions. The general aim was to promote the understanding of social capital and health by investigating the oldest old and the two major language groups in Finland, Swedish- and Finnish-speakers. Another aim was to contribute to the discussion on methodological issues in social capital and health research. The present thesis investigated two empirical data sets, Umeå 85+ and Health 2000. The Umeå 85+ study was a cross-sectional study of 163 individuals aged 85, 90, and 95 or older, living in the municipality of Umeå, Sweden, in the year of 2000. The Health 2000 survey was a national study of 8,028 persons aged 30 or above carried out in Finland in 2000-2001. Different indicators of structural (e.g. social contacts) and cognitive (e.g. trust) social capital, as well as health indicators were used as variables in the analyses. The Umeå 85+ data set was analyzed with factor analysis, as well as univariate and multivariate analysis of variance. The Health 2000 data was analyzed with logistic regression techniques. The results showed that the Swedish-speakers in the Finnish data set Health 2000 had consistently higher prevalence of social capital compared to the Finnish-speakers even after controlling for central sociodemographic variables. The results further showed that even if the language group differences in health were small, the Swedishspeakers experienced in general better self-reported health compared with the Finnish-speakers. Common sociodemographic variables could not explain these observed differences in health. The results imply that social capital is often, but not always, associated with health. This was clearly seen in the Umeå 85+ data set where only one health indicator (depressive symptoms) was associated with structural social capital among the oldest old. The results based on the analysis of the Health 2000 survey demonstrated that the cognitive component of social capital was associated with self-rated health and psychological health rather than with participation in social activities and social contacts. In addition, social capital statistically reduced the health advantage especially for Swedish-speaking men, indicating that high prevalence of social capital may promote health. Finally, the present thesis also discussed the issue of methodological challenges faced with when analyzing social capital and health. It was suggested that certain components of social capital such as bonding and bridging social capital may be more relevant than structural and cognitive components when investigating social capital among the two language groups in Finland. The results concerning the oldest old indicated that the structural aspects of social capital probably reflect current living conditions, whereas cognitive social capital reflects attitudes and traits often acquired decades earlier. This is interpreted as an indication of the fact that structural and cognitive social capital are closely related yet empirically two distinctive concepts. Taken together, some components of social capital may be more relevant to study than others depending on which population group and age group is under study. The results also implied that the choice of cut-off point of dichotomization of selfrated health has an impact on the estimated effects of the explanatory variables. When the whole age interval, 35-64 years, was analyzed with logistic regression techniques the choice of cut-off point did not matter for the estimated effects of marital status and educational level. The results changed, however, when the age interval was divided into three shorter intervals. If self-rated health is explored using wide age intervals that do not account for age-dependent covariates there is a risk of drawing misleading conclusions. In conclusion, the results presented in the thesis suggest that the uneven distribution of social capital observed between the two language groups in Finland are of importance when trying to further understand health inequalities that exist between Swedish- and Finnish-speakers in Finland. Although social capital seemed to be relevant to the understanding of health among the oldest old, the meaning of social capital is probably different compared to a less vulnerable age group. This should be noticed in future empirical research. In the present thesis, it was shown that the relationship between social capital and health is complex and multidimensional. Different aspects of social capital seem to be important for different aspects of health. This reduces the possibility to generalize the results and to recommend general policy implementations in this area. An increased methodological awareness regarding social capital as well as health are called for in order to further understand the cfomplex association between them. However, based on the present data and findings social capital is associated with health. To understand individual health one must also consider social aspects of the individuals’ environment such as social capital.
Alpha2-Adrenoceptors: structure and ligand binding properties at the molecular level The mouse is the most frequently used animal model in biomedical research, but the use of zebrafish as a model organism to mimic human diseases is on the increase. Therefore it is considered important to understand their pharmacological differences from humans also at the molecular level. The zebrafish Alpha2-adrenoceptors were expressed in mammalian cells and the binding affinities of 20 diverse ligands were determined and compared to the corresponding human receptors. The pharmacological properties of the human and zebrafish Alpha2--adrenoceptors were found to be quite well conserved. Receptor models based on the crystal structures of bovine rhodopsin and the human Beta2-adrenoceptor revealed that most structural differences between the paralogous and orthologous Alpha2--adrenoceptors were located within the second extracellular loop (XL2). Reciprocal mutations were generated in the mouse and human Alpha2--adrenoceptors. Ligand binding experiments revealed that substitutions in XL2 reversed the binding profiles of the human and mouse Alpha2--adrenoceptors for yohimbine, rauwolscine and RS-79948-197, evidence for a role for XL2 in the determination of species-specific ligand binding. Previous mutagenesis studies had not been able to explain the subtype preference of several large Alpha2--adrenoceptor antagonists. We prepared chimaeric Alpha2--adrenoceptors where the first transmembrane (TM1) domain was exchanged between the three human Alpha2--adrenoceptor subtypes. The binding affinities of spiperone, spiroxatrine and chlorpromazine were observed to be significantly improved by TM1 substitutions of the Alpha2a--adrenoceptor. Docking simulations indicated that indirect effects, such as allosteric modulation, are more likely to be involved in this phenomenon rather than specific side-chain interactions between ligands and receptors.
Based on a polygenic system of a diploid species, without epistasis, and a population in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, without inbreeding and under linkage equilibrium, it can be shown that: (1) the narrow sense heritability at half-sib family level is equal to the square of the correlation coefficient between family mean and the additive genetic value of its common parent; (2) the narrow sense heritability at full-sib family level is equal to the square of the correlation coefficient between family mean and the mean of the additive genetic values of its parents; (3) the narrow sense heritability at Sn family level is exactly equal to the square of the correlation coefficient between family mean and the additive genetic value of its parent only in absence of dominance or when allele frequencies are equal; and (4) the broad sense heritability at full-sib or Sn family level can be used to analyze selection efficiency, since the progeny genotypic mean is, in general, a good indicator of parents, or Sn-1 plant superiority with respect to the frequency of favorable genes.
Nutritional status of eight 1.0 and 4.7 years old clones of Eucalyptus grandis, cultivated in a medium textured Ustults - US - and a Quartzipsamments - PS - soils, in Lençóis Paulista, São Paulo, were evaluated by the Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System (DRIS) and Critical Level (CL) methods. Based on multivariate discriminant analysis, the DRIS indices described the nutritional status of trees better in relation to tree age and soil type than in relation to nutrient composition. Spearman's correlation coefficients showed statistically significant relationships between volumetric tree growth and nutrients when applying DRIS indices or foliar nutrient concentrations. However, the DRIS indices indicated a lower number of trees with nutritional deficiencies, in relation to the CL method. According to the CL method, P, S, and Ca were deficient in the majority of the soils and tree age categories. By the DRIS method, Ca was the only deficient nutrient in PS soils, and appeared to be particularly limited in one-year-old trees. In conclusion, the DRIS method was more efficient than the CL method in evaluating the nutritional status of eucalyptus trees.