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Autosomal recessive spastic paraplegia with thinning of corpus callosum (ARHSP-TCC) is a complex form of HSP initially described in Japan but subsequently reported to have a worldwide distribution with a particular high frequency in multiple families from the Mediterranean basin. We recently showed that ARHSP-TCC is commonly associated with mutations in SPG11/KIAA1840 on chromosome 15q. We have now screened a collection of new patients mainly originating from Italy and Brazil, in order to further ascertain the spectrum of mutations in SPG11, enlarge the ethnic origin of SPG11 patients, determine the relative frequency at the level of single Countries (i.e., Italy), and establish whether there is one or more common mutation. In 25 index cases we identified 32 mutations; 22 are novel, including 9 nonsense, 3 small deletions, 4 insertions, 1 in/del, 1 small duplication, 1 missense, 2 splice-site, and for the first time a large genomic rearrangement. This brings the total number of SPG11 mutated patients in the SPATAX collection to 111 cases in 44 families and in 17 isolated cases, from 16 Countries, all assessed using homogeneous clinical criteria. While expanding the spectrum of mutations in SPG11, this larger series also corroborated the notion that even within apparently homogeneous population a molecular diagnosis cannot be achieved without full gene sequencing. (C) 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Continuity of the dynamics in a localized large diffusion problem with nonlinear boundary conditions
This paper is concerned with singular perturbations in parabolic problems subjected to nonlinear Neumann boundary conditions. We consider the case for which the diffusion coefficient blows up in a subregion Omega(0) which is interior to the physical domain Omega subset of R(n). We prove, under natural assumptions, that the associated attractors behave continuously as the diffusion coefficient blows up locally uniformly in Omega(0) and converges uniformly to a continuous and positive function in Omega(1) = (Omega) over bar\Omega(0). (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
In this paper we study the continuity of asymptotics of semilinear parabolic problems of the form u(t) - div(p(x)del u) + lambda u =f(u) in a bounded smooth domain ohm subset of R `` with Dirichlet boundary conditions when the diffusion coefficient p becomes large in a subregion ohm(0) which is interior to the physical domain ohm. We prove, under suitable assumptions, that the family of attractors behave upper and lower semicontinuously as the diffusion blows up in ohm(0). (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The spectral theory for linear autonomous neutral functional differential equations (FDE) yields explicit formulas for the large time behaviour of solutions. Our results are based on resolvent computations and Dunford calculus, applied to establish explicit formulas for the large time behaviour of solutions of FDE. We investigate in detail a class of two-dimensional systems of FDE. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Large pore ordered mesoporous silica FDU-1 with three-dimensional (3D) face-centered cubic, Fm3m arrangement of rnesopores, was synthesized under strong acid media using B-50-6600 poly(ethylene oxide)-poly(butylene oxide)-poly(ethylene oxide) triblock copolymer (EO(39)BO(47)EO(39)), tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) and trimethyl-benzene (TMB). Large pore FDU-1 silica was obtained by using the following gel composition 1TEOS:0.00735B50-6600:0.00735TMB:6HCl:155H(2)O. The pristine material exhibited a BET specific surface area of 684 m(2) g(-1), total pore volume of 0.89 cm(3) g(-1), external surface area of 49 m(2) g(-1) and microporous volume of 0.09 cm(3) g(-1). The enzyme activity was determined by the Flow Injection Analysis-Chemiluminescence (FIA-CL) method. For GOD immobilized on the FDU-1 silica, GOD supernatant and GOD solution, the FIA-CL results were 9.0, 18.6 and 34.0 U, respectively. The value obtained for the activity of the GOD solution with FIA-CL method is in agreement with the 35 U, obtained by spectrophotometry. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We analyze the potential of the CERN Large Hadron Collider running at 7 TeV to search for deviations from the Standard Model predictions for the triple gauge boson coupling ZW(+)W(-) assuming an integrated luminosity of 1 fb(-1). We show that the study of W(+)W(-) and W(+/-)Z productions, followed by the leptonic decay of the weak gauge bosons can improve the present sensitivity on the anomalous couplings Delta g(1)(Z), Delta kappa(Z), lambda(Z), g(4)(Z), and (lambda) over bar (Z) at the 2 sigma level. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Magnetic properties of nanocrystalline NiFe(2)O(4) spinel mechanically processed for 350 h have been studied using temperature dependent from both zero-field and in-field (57)Fe Mossbauer spectrometry and magnetization measurements. The hyperfine structure allows us to distinguish two main magnetic contributions: one attributed to the crystalline grain core, which has magnetic properties similar to the NiFe(2)O(4) spinel-like structure (n-NiFe(2)O(4)) and the other one due to the disordered grain boundary region, which presents topological and chemical disorder features(d-NiFe(2)O(4)). Mossbauer spectrometry determines a large fraction for the d-NiFe(2)O(4) region(62% of total area) and also suggests a speromagnet-like structure for it. Under applied magnetic field, the n-NiFe(2)O(4) spins are canted with angle dependent on the applied field magnitude. Mossbauer data also show that even under 120 kOe no magnetic saturation is observed for the two magnetic phases. In addition, the hysteresis loops, recorded for scan field of 50 kOe, are shifted in both field and magnetization axes, for temperatures below about 50 K. The hysteresis loop shifts may be due to two main contributions: the exchange bias field at the d-NiFe(2)O(4)/n-NiFe(2)O(4) interfaces and the minor loop effect caused by a high magnetic anisotropy of the d-NiFe(2)O(4) phase. It has also been shown that the spin configuration of the spin-glass like phase is modified by the consecutive field cycles, consequently the n-NiFe(2)O(4)/d-NiFe(2)O(4) magnetic interaction is also affected in this process. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this work we study the spontaneous breaking of superconformal and gauge invariances in the Abelian N = 1,2 three-dimensional supersymmetric Chern-Simons-matter (SCSM) theories in a large N flavor limit. We compute the Kahlerian effective superpotential at subleading order in 1/N and show that the Coleman-Weinberg mechanism is responsible for the dynamical generation of a mass scale in the N = 1 model. This effect appears due to two-loop diagrams that are logarithmic divergent. We also show that the Coleman-Weinberg mechanism fails when we lift from the N = 1 to the N = 2 SCSM model. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.
The (16)O+(27)Al elastic and inelastic angular distributions have been measured in a broad angular range (13 degrees < theta(lab) < 52 degrees) at about 100 MeV incident energy. The use of the MAGNEX large acceptance magnetic spectrometer and of the ray-reconstruction analysis technique has been crucial in order to provide, in the same experiment, high-resolution energy spectra and cross-section measurements distributed over more than seven orders of magnitude down to hundreds of nb/sr. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We report the partitioning of the interaction-induced static electronic dipole (hyper)polarizabilities for linear hydrogen cyanide complexes into contributions arising from various interaction energy terms. We analyzed the nonadditivities of the studied properties and used these data to predict the electric properties of an infinite chain. The interaction-induced static electric dipole properties and their nonadditivities were analyzed using an approach based on numerical differentiation of the interaction energy components estimated in an external electric field. These were obtained using the hybrid variational-perturbational interaction energy decomposition scheme, augmented with coupled-cluster calculations, with singles, doubles, and noniterative triples. Our results indicate that the interaction-induced dipole moments and polarizabilities are primarily electrostatic in nature; however, the composition of the interaction hyperpolarizabilities is much more complex. The overlap effects substantially quench the contributions due to electrostatic interactions, and therefore, the major components are due to the induction and exchange induction terms, as well as the intramolecular electron-correlation corrections. A particularly intriguing observation is that the interaction first hyperpolarizability in the studied systems not only is much larger than the corresponding sum of monomer properties, but also has the opposite sign. We show that this effect can be viewed as a direct consequence of hydrogen-bonding interactions that lead to a decrease of the hyperpolarizability of the proton acceptor and an increase of the hyperpolarizability of the proton donor. In the case of the first hyperpolarizability, we also observed the largest nonadditivity of interaction properties (nearly 17%) which further enhances the effects of pairwise interactions.
Electron transport parameters are important in several areas ranging from particle detectors to plasma-assisted processing reactors. Nevertheless, especially at high fields strengths and for complex gases, relatively few data are published. A dedicated setup has been developed to measure the electron drift velocity and the first Townsend coefficient in parallel plate geometry. An RPC-like cell has been adopted to reach high field strengths without the risk of destructive sparks. The validation data obtained with pure Nitrogen will be presented and compared to a selection of the available literature and to calculations performed with Magboltz 2 version 8.6. The new data collected in pure Isobutane will then be discussed. This is the first time the electron drift velocity in pure Isobutane is measured well into the saturation region. Good agreement is found with expectations from Magboltz. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We report an analysis of the accessibility between different locations in big cities, which is illustrated with respect to London and Paris. The effects of the respective underground systems in facilitating more uniform access to diverse places are also quantified and investigated. It is shown that London and Paris have markedly different patterns of accessibility, as a consequence of the number of bridges and large parks of London, and that in both cases the respective underground systems imply in general, thought in distinct manners, an increase of accessibility. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2010
Comparative molecular field analysis (CoMFA) studies were conducted on a series of 100 isoniazid derivatives as anti-tuberculosis agents using two receptor-independent structural data set alignment strategies: (1) rigid-body fit, and (2) pharmacophore-based. Significant cross-validated correlation coefficients were obtained (CoMFA(1), q(2) = 0,75 and CoMFA(2), q(2) = 0.74), indicating the potential of the models for untested compounds. The models were then used to predict the inhibitory potency of 20 test set compounds that were not included in the training set, and the predicted values were in good agreement with the experimental results.
The relationship between the structure and function of biological networks constitutes a fundamental issue in systems biology. Particularly, the structure of protein-protein interaction networks is related to important biological functions. In this work, we investigated how such a resilience is determined by the large scale features of the respective networks. Four species are taken into account, namely yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, worm Caenorhabditis elegans, fly Drosophila melanogaster and Homo sapiens. We adopted two entropy-related measurements (degree entropy and dynamic entropy) in order to quantify the overall degree of robustness of these networks. We verified that while they exhibit similar structural variations under random node removal, they differ significantly when subjected to intentional attacks (hub removal). As a matter of fact, more complex species tended to exhibit more robust networks. More specifically, we quantified how six important measurements of the networks topology (namely clustering coefficient, average degree of neighbors, average shortest path length, diameter, assortativity coefficient, and slope of the power law degree distribution) correlated with the two entropy measurements. Our results revealed that the fraction of hubs and the average neighbor degree contribute significantly for the resilience of networks. In addition, the topological analysis of the removed hubs indicated that the presence of alternative paths between the proteins connected to hubs tend to reinforce resilience. The performed analysis helps to understand how resilience is underlain in networks and can be applied to the development of protein network models.
Large-scale simulations of parts of the brain using detailed neuronal models to improve our understanding of brain functions are becoming a reality with the usage of supercomputers and large clusters. However, the high acquisition and maintenance cost of these computers, including the physical space, air conditioning, and electrical power, limits the number of simulations of this kind that scientists can perform. Modern commodity graphical cards, based on the CUDA platform, contain graphical processing units (GPUs) composed of hundreds of processors that can simultaneously execute thousands of threads and thus constitute a low-cost solution for many high-performance computing applications. In this work, we present a CUDA algorithm that enables the execution, on multiple GPUs, of simulations of large-scale networks composed of biologically realistic Hodgkin-Huxley neurons. The algorithm represents each neuron as a CUDA thread, which solves the set of coupled differential equations that model each neuron. Communication among neurons located in different GPUs is coordinated by the CPU. We obtained speedups of 40 for the simulation of 200k neurons that received random external input and speedups of 9 for a network with 200k neurons and 20M neuronal connections, in a single computer with two graphic boards with two GPUs each, when compared with a modern quad-core CPU. Copyright (C) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.