940 resultados para LYMPHOBLASTOID CELL LINE


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A vacina anti-diftérica de uso corrente no Brasil (DTP), embora de alta eficácia na prevenção da difteria, está associada com episódios de toxicidade e reatogenicidade no recipiente vacinal, resultantes de proteínas residuais derivadas do processo de produção ou detoxificação. Estratégias para o desenvolvimento de vacinas menos reatogênicas e ao mesmo tempo mais eficazes e economicamente viáveis contra a difteria têm sido alvo de intensa investigação. A alternativa proposta por nosso grupo é a utilização da vacina contra a tuberculose (Mycobacterium bovis BCG sub-cepa Moreau), como vetor do gene que codifica o fragmento B da toxina diftérica (dtb) de 58,3 kDa. Neste trabalho o dtb foi clonado no vetor micobacteriano bifuncional (pUS977) de expressão citoplasmática e os clones recombinantes (pUS977dtbPW8), após a transformação do BCG, foram testados com relação a expressão do DTB em BCG e quanto a antigenicidade frente a anticorpos policlonais anti-toxóide diftérico por Immunobloting. A integridade do gene dtb e a identidade das sequências de DNA da construção plasmidial pUS977dtbPW8 foram confirmadas por sequenciamento de DNA e análise de similaridade. A imunogenicidade do BCGr pUS977dtbPW8 expressando o DTB foi investigada em camundongos BALB/c, os resultados obtidos revelaram uma soroconversão específica (IgG). A infectividade e atividade microbicida do BCGr pUS977dtbPW8 no ambiente intracelular foi avaliada através da infecção de linhagens de células de monócitos humano (THP-1), os dados obtidos indicaram que houve sobrevivência intracelular em até 12 dias. Nesse contexto, esplenócitos dos camundongos imunizados com 30 e 60 dias foram extraídos, mostrando que o BCGr pUS977dtbPW8 persistiu até 60 dias na ausência de pressão seletiva e a viabilidade celular não sofreu alteração significativa durante o período testado. Por outro lado, o BCGr pUS977dtbPW8, quando submetido a seis sub-cultivos consecutivos in vitro não apresentou diferença significativa na capacidade de expressar o DTB, demonstrando portanto a persistência da estabilidade funcional da linhagem recombinante. A estabilidade estrutural da construção pUS977dtbPW8 também foi avaliada por PCR confirmando a presença do gene dtb em colônias do BCGr pUS977dtbPW8 . Adicionalmente, foi possível avaliar preliminarmente in vitro a capacidade soroneutralizante dos soros de camundongos imunizados com BCGr pUS977dtbPW8 após 30 e 60 dias em células VERO. A ação citotóxica da toxina diftérica entre as diluições de 1/4 e 1/16 foram neutralizadas com o pool de soros imunes com 60 dias. Finalmente, em nosso estudo foi possível avaliar o potencial da vacina BCG como vetor de expressão de um antígeno de Corynebacterium diphtheriae in vitro e in vivo.


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Tem sido descrito que o acúmulo de mutações em proto-oncogenes e genes supressores de tumor contribui para o direcionamento da célula à carcinogênese. Na maioria dos casos de câncer, as células apresentam proliferação descontrolada devido a alterações na expressão e/ou mutações de ciclinas, quinases dependentes de ciclinas e/ou inibidores do ciclo celular. Os tumores sólidos figuram entre o tipo de câncer mais incidente no mundo, sendo a quimioterapia e/ou hormônio-terapia, radioterapia e cirurgia os tratamentos mais indicados para estes tipos de tumores. Entretanto, o tratamento quimioterápico apresenta diversos efeitos colaterais e muitas vezes é ineficaz. Portanto, a busca por novas moléculas capazes de conter a proliferação destas células e com baixa toxicidade para o organismo se faz necessário. Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a ação antitumoral in vitro de um novo composto sintético, a pterocarpanoquinona LQB118, sobre algumas linhagens tumorais humanas de alta prevalência e estudar alguns dos seus mecanismos de ação. As linhagens tumorais estudadas neste trabalho foram os adenocarcinomas de mama (MCF7) e próstata (PC-3), e carcinoma de pulmão (A549). A citotoxicidade foi avaliada pelo ensaio do MTT e a proliferação celular pela contagem de células vivas (exclusão do corante azul de tripan) e análise do ciclo celular (citometria de fluxo). A expressão gênica foi avaliada por RT-PCR e a apoptose foi avaliada por condensação da cromatina (microscopia de fluorescência-DAPI), fragmentação de DNA (eletroforese) e marcação com anexina V (citometria de fluxo). Das linhagens tumorais testadas, a de próstata (PC3) foi a que se mostrou mais sensível ao LQB 118, e em função deste resultado, os demais experimentos foram realizados com esta linhagem tumoral. O efeito citotóxico do LQB 118 se mostrou tempo e concentração dependente. Esta substância inibiu a proliferação celular e prejudicou a progressão do ciclo celular, acumulando células nas fases S e G2/M. Buscando esclarecer os mecanismos desta ação antitumoral, demonstrou-se que o LQB 118 inibe a expressão do mRNA do fator de transcrição c-Myc e das ciclinas D1 e B1, e induz a apoptose de tais células tumorais. Em suma, o LQB 118 é capaz de inibir a proliferação das células tumorais de próstata, alterando a expressão do mRNA de alguns genes reguladores do ciclo celular, resultando em interrupção do ciclo celular e indução de apoptose, indicando este composto como um potencial candidato a futuro medicamento no tratamento do câncer de próstata.


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Estreptococos do grupo B (EGB), principalmente sorotipo III são a principal causa de pneumonia neonatal, sepse e meningite. O potencial de virulência das amostras de EGB pode determinar a colonização ou a infecção do hospedeiro. Como o pulmão constitui uns dos primeiros órgãos durante o processo de invasão sistêmica por EGB, nós decidimos investigar os mecanismos de adesão e invasão de amostras do sorotipo III (90356-líquor e 80340-vagina) com linhagem de células epiteliais do pulmão humano (A549). Desta forma, o principal objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a capacidade de aderência e invasão de duas amostras de EGB sorotipo III com células de epiteliais pulmonares A549, a persistência bacteriana intracelular, a fusão com compartimentos acídicos, potencial citotóxico e indução de apoptose. As amostras mostraram capacidade de aderir e invadir o epitélio pulmonar A549, onde a amostra 90356-líquor isolada de paciente a que apresentou maior propriedade adesiva e invasiva que a amostra 80340-vagina (p<0,05). Ambas as cepas mostraram persistência intracelular sem replicação no interior do epitélio respiratório até 24h de incubação. Além disso, verificamos que os EGB são capazes de promover vacuolização celular permanecendo viáveis dentro de vacúolos acídicos, sugerindo a ocorrência de fusão lisossomo-fagossomo. A amostra 90356-líquor também mostrou maior citotoxidade quando comparada com a amostra 80340-vagina. A análise por citometria de fluxo demonstrou, pela primeira vez, que o EGB induz apoptose em epitélio respiratório, podendo representar um mecanismo importante para o desenvolvimento da lesão celular aguda e a patogênese bacteriana.


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Hovenia dulcis Thunberg, natural da Ásia Oriental, é cultivada no Brasil onde é conhecida como uva-do-japão. A espécie possui várias indicações na medicina popular e alguns estudos apontam o seu potencial antineoplásico, tripanocida e hepatoprotetor. Metabólitos secundários são substâncias não essenciais para a sobrevivência celular, mas que fornecem vantagens adaptativas aos vegetais, sendo atribuído, para algumas delas, atividades biológicas importantes. Substâncias de interesse medicinal têm sido obtidas por técnicas da cultura de tecidos vegetais, como a calogênese e a cultura de células em suspensão, que permitem a síntese de matéria-prima de forma contínua e homogênea, independentemente de fatores ambientais e sazonais. O presente estudo objetivou o estabelecimento de culturas in vitro de H. dulcis, visando à produção de metabólitos de interesse, com vistas à avaliação do seu potencial antineoplásico sobre células K562. Foram testados protocolos para o estabelecimento de diferentes sistemas, como culturas de calos, de células em suspensão (CCS) e compact callus clusters (CCC) e ainda a avaliação do uso de elicitores na otimização de metabólitos produzidos in vitro. Foi verificado que a adição dos fitorreguladores KIN e TDZ, substituindo o BAP, não foi capaz de induzir a formação de calos friáveis, bem como a manutenção das culturas em ausência de luz. O uso do nitrato de prata promoveu a friabilidade de calos em todas as concentrações testadas, considerando-se 2,0 mg.L-1 a melhor concentração. Foram alcançadas taxas de 100% de formação de CCS tanto na presença, quanto em ausência de AgNO3. O maior acúmulo de biomassa foi verificado na concentração mais baixa de PIC (0,625 mg.L-1). A análise dos espectros de RMN indicou a presença de (+)-dihidromiricetina, (+)-galocatequina, hovenitina II, hovenosideo G, hodulosideo III, hodulosideo IV, hodulosideo I e hovenidulciosideo B1 nas culturas de calos friáveis. No estabelecimento de culturas CCC, observou-se a formação de calos compactos verdes em todas as concentrações de ANA testadas. O aumento da velocidade de rotação para 135 rpm aumentou a dispersão das células com consequente formação dos agregados celulares desejados. A seleção de linhagens celulares demonstrou ser um método eficiente na uniformização do tamanho desses agregados e tal uniformidade se manteve estável por mais de cinco subcultivos em 100% das culturas. Uma fração rica em saponinas foi obtida a partir dos agregados celulares, correspondendo a 1,46% da massa seca. A análise por RMN sugeriu a presença das saponinas Hovenosideo G e dos hovenidulciosideos A2 e B2. O uso de elicitores em cultura de calos mostrou-se adequado à produção de metabólitos secundários, sem alterações morfológicas nos mesmos. A elicitação alterou o perfil cromatográfico analisado por HPLC. Na elicitação com 5,0 mg.L-1 de extrato de levedura foi verificado um aumento de quase três vezes (12,280 3,396 equivalentes de quercetina/mg de extrato) na síntese de flavonoides. Finalmente, os estudos de ação antitumoral in vitro demonstraram citotoxicidade dos extratos de calos não elicitados de H. dulcis sobre linhagem de leucemia mieloide crônica (IC50 de 74,05 μg.mL-1.) e inibição do crescimento de tais células (K562), sugerindo o potencial antineoplásico para um produto biotecnológio (calo) desta espécie.


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本文在本实验室提供的愈伤组织高产系A1,的基础上,进行了单细胞水平的高产系筛选,并获得几个具有较高生长速率和色素含量的高产细胞系:对两种水平的筛选系进行了比较,结果表明在单细胞水平上筛选可以获得更加优良的细胞系。 愈伤组织系A1和A5在生长培养基中具有不同的性状。A1系为红色,而A5系则呈白色;二者同时显示出不同的PAL活性变化以及不同的可溶性蛋白质的种类和酯酶同工酶、过氧化物同工酶谱带。当转入生产培养基中,这种差异消失。 本文还报道了在固体和液体培养条件下,培养物在生长培养基中的生长动态,在生产培养基中的色素形成动态,并分析了不同种龄对色素形成的影响。结果表明,在固体培养基中第27天是最佳的由生长培养基转入生产培养基的时问,在液体悬浮培莽基中则第9天是最佳的转接时问。


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Testis histological structure was studied in bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) from the eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean during the reproductive season (from late April to early June). Testicular maturation was investigated by comparing samples from bluefin tuna caught on their eastward reproductive migration off Barbate (Strait of Gibraltar area) with samples of bluefin tuna fished in spawning grounds around the Balearic Islands. Histological evaluations of cross sections showed that the testis consists of two structurally different regions, an outer proliferative region where germ cells develop synchronously in cysts, and a central region made up of a well-developed system of ducts that convey the spermatozoa produced in the proliferative region to the main sperm duct. Ultrastructural features of the different stages of the male germ cell line are very similar to those described in other teleost species. The bluefin tuna testis is of the unrestricted spermatogonial testicular type, where primary spermatogonia are present all along the germinative portion of the lobules. All stages of spermatogenesis were present in the gonad tissue of migrant and spawning bluefin tuna, although spermatids were more abundant in spawning fish. The testis size was found to increase by a factor of four (on average) during migration to the Mediterranean spawning grounds, whereas the fat bodies (mesenteric lipid stores associated with the gonads) became reduced to half their weight, and the liver mass did not change significantly with sexual maturation. Linear regression analysis of the pooled data of migrant and spawning bluefin tuna revealed a significant negative correlation between the gonad index (IG) and the fat tissue index (IF), and a weaker positive correlation between the gonad index (IG) and the liver index (IL). Our analyses indicate that the liver does not play a significant role in the storage of lipids and that mesenteric lipid reserves constitute an important energy source for gametogenesis in bluefin tuna.


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树突状细胞(Dendritic cells,DCs)作为人类免疫缺陷病毒(Human Immunodeficiency Virus,HIV)感染的第一靶细胞和第一道防线, 在HIV-1感染 和传播过程当中发挥重要的功能。DC的免疫功能主要包括抗原的捕获、加工、 递呈并激活T细胞对HIV-1作出免疫反应,这些功能的发挥依赖于其自身接受刺 激有效地分化和成熟。 与其它慢病毒(lentivirus)相同,HIV-1所具有的6种辅助蛋白(Nef,Rev, Tat,Vif,Vpr和Vpu),决定着病毒自身的复制增殖和对机体的感染和致病力。 目前,HIV-1辅助蛋白对CD4+ T细胞影响的研究较为深入,是否影响和调节DC 的分化和成熟尚不够清楚,现有的文献报道很少,且相互不一致甚至矛盾。因此, 建立合适的体外研究体系和细胞模型,有针对性地进行研究DC与HIV-1之间的相 互作用,将有助于加深对HIV/AIDS致病和发病机理的理解,具有重要的生物医 学意义。 本实验选择了可被HIV-1感染的白血病细胞系THP-1为实验模型,首先评价 了THP-1作为DC前体在研究DC分化、成熟中的可用性,特别是判定DC分化成熟 和功能状态的主要细胞表面标记的动态变化和规律。进而在相同条件下分析了6 个辅助蛋白基因对THP-1的凋亡诱导作用,证实了Nef和Tat确可诱导转染细胞自 身凋亡,而Rev和Vpr可在THP-1细胞中持续表达,形成了稳定的细胞系,为进一 步研究和比较Rev、Vpr对DC的分化、成熟的影响奠定了实验基础。更重要的是, 我们发现,Vif和Vpu不能在THP-1中有效表达,其原因可能直接与限制性因子 APOBEC3G的存在有关,提示Vpu与APOBEC3G可能存在着新的相互作用——这 一线索已作为实验室新的研究方向,进一步深入的研究可能为HIV/AIDS致病、 发病机理和机体的抗病机制提供新的科学依据。


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A diprenylated indole, (E)-3-(3-hydroxymethyl-2-butenyl)-7-(3-methyl-2-butenyl)-1H-indole (1), and six known carbazole alkaloids were isolated from the twigs and leaves of Glycosmis montana Pierre (Rutaceae). Their structures were determined on the basis of analysis of spectral evidence including 1D and 2D NMR and MS. The alkaloids (1-3) exhibited weak to moderate take in vitro inhibitory activity against HIV replication in C8166 cells, and they (as well as carbalexine A and B) had cytotoxic activity against the human leukaemia cell line CCRF-CEM. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background: The anti-HIV-1 neutralizing antibody assay is widely used in AIDS vaccine research and other experimental and clinical studies. The vital dye staining method applied in the detection of anti-HIV-1 neutralizing antibody has been used in many laboratories. However, the unknown factor(s) in sera or plasma affected cell growth and caused protection when the tested sera or plasma was continuously maintained in cell culture. In addition, the poor solubility of neutral red in medium (such as RPMI-1640) also limited the use of this assay. Methods: In this study, human T cell line C8166 was used as host cells, and 3-(4,5-Dimethyl-2-thiazolyl)- 2,5-diphenyl-2H-tetrazolium bromide (MTT) instead of neutral red was used as vital dye. In order to avoid the effect of the unknown factor( s), the tested sera or plasma was removed by a washout procedure after initial 3 - 6 h culture in the assay. Result: This new assay eliminated the effect of the tested sera or plasma on cell growth, improved the reliability of detection of anti-HIV-1 neutralizing antibody, and showed excellent agreement with the p24 antigen method. Conclusion: The results suggest that the improved assay is relatively simple, highly duplicable, cost-effective, and well reliable for evaluating anti-HIV-1 neutralizing antibodies from sera or plasma.


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Interferons (IFNs), consisting of three major subfamilies, type I, type II (gamma) and type III (lambda) IFN, activate vertebrate antiviral defences once bound to their receptors. The three IFN subfamilies bind to different receptors, IFNAR1 and IFNAR2 for type I IFNs, IFN gamma R1 and IFN gamma R2 for type II IFN, and IL-28R1 and IL-10R2 for type III IFNs. In fish, although many types I and II IFN genes have been cloned, little is known about their receptors. In this report, two putative IFN-gamma receptor chains were identified and sequenced in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), and found to have many common characteristics with mammalian type II IFN receptor family members. The presented gene synteny analysis, phylogenetic tree analysis and ligand binding analysis all suggest that these molecules are the authentic IFN gamma Rs in fish. They are widely expressed in tissues, with IFN gamma R1 typically more highly expressed than IFN gamma R2. Using the trout RTG-2 cell line it was possible to show that the individual chains could be differentially modulated, with rIFN-gamma and rIL-1 beta down regulating IFN gamma R1 expression but up regulating IFN gamma R2 expression. Overexpression of the two receptor chains in RTG-2 cells revealed that the level of IFN gamma R2 transcript was crucial for responsiveness to rIFN-gamma, in terms of inducing gamma IP expression. Transfection experiments showed that the two putative receptors specifically bound to rIFN-gamma. These findings are discussed in the context of how the IFN gamma R may bind IFN-gamma in fish and the importance of the individual receptor chains to signal transduction. (c) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Viral envelope proteins have been proposed to play significant roles in virus infection and assembly. In this study, an envelope protein gene, 53R, was cloned and characterized from Rana grylio virus (RGV), a member of the family Iridoviridae. Database searches found its homologues in all sequenced iricloviruses, and sequence alignment revealed several conserved structural features shared by virus capsid or envelope proteins: a myristoylation site, two predicted transmembrane domains and two invariant cysteine residues. Subsequently, RT-PCR and Western blot detection revealed that the transcripts encoding RGV 53R and the protein itself appeared late during infection of fathead minnow cells and that their appearance was blocked by viral DNA replication inhibitor, indicating that RGV 53R is a late expression gene. Moreover, immunofluorescence localization found an association of 53R with virus factories in RGV-infected cells, and this association was further confirmed by expressing a 53R-GFP fusion protein in pEGFP-N3/53R-transfected cells. Furthermore, detergent extraction and Western blot detection confirmed that RGV 53R was associated with virion membrane. Therefore, the current data suggest that RGV 53R is a novel viral envelope protein and that it may play an important role in virus assembly. This is thought to be the first report on a viral envelope protein that is conserved in all sequenced iridoviruses.


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Heme oxygenase-1 is the rate-limiting enzyme in the degradation of heme into biliverdin, carbon monoxide and free divalent iron. In this study, we cloned heme oxygenase isoform 1 (CaHO-1) from a hypoxia-tolerant teleost fish Carassius auratus. The full-length cDNA of CaHO-1 is 1247 bp and encodes a protein of 272 amino acids. RT-PCR and real-time PCR analysis indicated that CaHO-1 was predominantly transcribed in posterior kidney, head kidney, gill and intestine, and induction of gene transcription was observed predominantly in posterior kidney under hypoxic stress. Moreover, the hypoxia-induced transcription was confirmed in goldfish larvae and in in vitro cultured CAB cells. Fluorescence of the HO-1-GFP fusion protein revealed a cytoplasmic and plasma membrane localization, which was consistent with the putative transmembrane structure. Subsequently, we established a stably transfected CAB/pcDNA3.1-HO-1 cell line and a control CAB/pcDNA3.1 cell line, and found that the number of dead cells was obviously reduced in the pcDNA3.1-HO-1-transfected group following 4 days of hypoxic (1% O-2) treatment in comparison with numerous detached dead cells in the control pcDNA3.1-transfected cells. Furthermore, a significant cell viability difference between the two kinds of transfected cells during hypoxia-reoxygenation was revealed. Therefore, the data suggest that fish HO-1 might play a significant protective role in cells in response to hypoxic stress.


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Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are used extensively as flame-retardants and are ubiquitous in the environment and in wildlife and human tissue. Recent studies have shown that PBDEs induce neurotoxic effects in vivo and apoptosis in vitro. However, the signaling mechanisms responsible for these events are still unclear. In this study, we investigated the action of a commercial mixture of PBDEs (pentabrominated diphenyl ether, DE-71) on a human neuroblastoma cell line, SK-N-SH. A cell viability test showed a dose-dependent increase in lactate dehydrogenase leakage and 3-(4,5-dimethylthia-zol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl-tetrazolium bromide reduction. Cell apoptosis was observed through morphological examination, and DNA degradation in the cell cycle and cell apoptosis were demonstrated using flow cytometry and DNA laddering. The formation of reactive oxygen species was not observed, but DE-71 was found to significantly induce caspase-3, -8, and -9 activity, which suggests that apoptosis is not induced by oxidative stress but via a caspase-dependent pathway. We further investigated the intracellular calcium ([Ca2+](i)) levels using flow cytometry and observed an increase in the intracellular Ca2+ concentration with a time-dependent trend. We also found that the N-methyl d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist MK801 (3 mu M) significantly reduced DE-71-induced cell apoptosis. The results of a Western blotting test demonstrated that DE-71 treatment increases the level of Bax translocation to the mitochondria in a dose-dependent fashion and stimulates the release of cytochrome c (Cyt c) from the mitochondria into the cytoplasm. Overall, our results indicate that DE-71 induces the apoptosis of ([Ca2+](i)) in SK-N-SH cells via Bax insertion, Cyt c release in the mitochondria, and the caspase activation pathway.


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A birnavirus strain, Paralichthys olivaceus birnavirus (POBV), was isolated and characterized from cultured flounder in China, and its complete genomic sequence was subsequently determined. The virus could induce cytopathic effects (CPE) in four of seven fish cell lines and was resistant to chloroform, 5-iodo-2'-deoxyuridine, acid and alkaline pH, and heat treatment. Purified virus particles had a typical icosahedral shape, with a diameter of approximately 55-60 nm. The genomic segments A and B of POBV were 3,091 and 2,780 bp in length and shared many of the features of the members of the family Birnaviridae. Segment A contained two partially overlapping ORFs encoding a polyprotein, pVP2-VP4-VP3, and a nonstructural protein, VP5, while segment B had only one ORF encoding for the VP1, a viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp). This is the first report about a birnavirus strain from a new non-salmonid host in China and its complete genome sequence.


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BACKGROUND: Nanomedicine has the potential to revolutionize medicine and help clinicians to treat cardiovascular disease through the improvement of stents. Advanced nanomaterials and tools for monitoring cell-material interactions will aid in inhibiting stent thrombosis. Although titanium boron nitride (TiBN), titanium diboride, and carbon nanotube (CNT) thin films are emerging materials in the biomaterial field, the effect of their surface properties on platelet adhesion is relatively unexplored. OBJECTIVE AND METHODS: In this study, novel nanomaterials made of amorphous carbon, CNTs, titanium diboride, and TiBN were grown by vacuum deposition techniques to assess their role as potential stent coatings. Platelet response towards the nanostructured surfaces of the samples was analyzed in line with their physicochemical properties. As the stent skeleton is formed mainly of stainless steel, this material was used as reference material. Platelet adhesion studies were carried out by atomic force microscopy and scanning electron microscopy observations. A cell viability study was performed to assess the cytocompatibility of all thin film groups for 24 hours with a standard immortalized cell line. RESULTS: The nanotopographic features of material surface, stoichiometry, and wetting properties were found to be significant factors in dictating platelet behavior and cell viability. The TiBN films with higher nitrogen contents were less thrombogenic compared with the biased carbon films and control. The carbon hybridization in carbon films and hydrophilicity, which were strongly dependent on the deposition process and its parameters, affected the thrombogenicity potential. The hydrophobic CNT materials with high nanoroughness exhibited less hemocompatibility in comparison with the other classes of materials. All the thin film groups exhibited good cytocompatibility, with the surface roughness and surface free energy influencing the viability of cells.