993 resultados para Infrared radiation.


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InAs/GaSb superlattice (SL) short wavelength infrared photoconduction detectors are grown by molecular beam epitaxy on GaAs(001) semi-insulating substrates. An interfacial misfit mode AlSb quantum dot layer and a thick GaSb layer are grown as buffer layers. The detectors containing a 200-period 2ML/8ML InAs/GaSb SL active layer are fabricated with a pixel area of 800 x 800 mu m(2) without using passivation or antireflection coatings. Corresponding to the 50% cutoff wavelengths of 2.05 mu m at 77K and 2.25 mu m at 300 K, the peak detectivities of the detectors are 4 x 10(9) cm.Hz(1/2)/W at 77K and 2 x 10(8) cm.Hz(1/2)/W at 300 K, respectively.


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In this study, we report the dependences of infrared luminescence properties of Er-implanted GaN thin films (GaN:Er) on the kinds of substrates used to grow GaN, the growth techniques of GaN, the implantation parameters and annealing procedures. The experimental results showed that the photoluminescence (PL) intensity at 1.54 mum was severely influenced by different kinds of substrates. The integrated PL peak intensity from GaN:Er /Al2O3 (00001) was three and five times stronger than that from GaN:Er /Si (111) grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) and by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD), respectively. The PL spectra observed from GaN:Er/Al2O3 (0001) grown by MOCVD and by MBE displayed a similar feature, but those samples grown by MOCVD exhibited a stronger 1.54 mum PL. It was also found that there was a strong correlation between the PL intensity with ion implantation parameters and annealing procedures. Ion implantation induced damage in host material could be only partly recovered by an appropriate annealing temperature procedure. The thermal quenching of PL from 15 to 300 K was also estimated. In comparison with the integrated PL intensity at 15 K, it is reduced by only about 30 % when going up to 300 K for GaN:Er/Al2O3 sample grown by MOCVD. Our results also show that the strongest PL intensity comes from GaN:Er grown on Al2O3 substrate by MOCVD. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A nondestructive selection technique for predicting ionizing radiation effects of commercial metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) devices has been put forward. The basic principle and application details of this technique have been discussed. Practical application for the 54HC04 and 54HC08 circuits has shown that the predicted radiation-sensitive parameters such as threshold voltage, static power supply current and radiation failure total dose are consistent with the experimental results obtained only by measuring original electrical parameters. It is important and necessary to choose suitable information parameters. This novel technique can be used for initial radiation selection of some commercial MOS devices.


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Separation by implantation of oxygen and nitrogen (SIMON) silicon-on-insulator (SOI) materials were fabricated by sequential oxygen and nitrogen implantation with annealing after each implantation. Analyses of SIMS, XTEM and HRTEM were performed. The results show that superior buried insulating multi-layers were well formed and the possible mechanism is discussed. The remarkable total-dose irradiation tolerance of SIMON materials was confirmed by few shifts of drain leakage current-gate source voltage (I-V) curves of PMOS transistors fabricated on SIMON materials before and after irradiation.


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In our work, nitrogen ions were implanted into separation-by-implantation-of-oxygen (SIMOX) wafers to improve the radiation hardness of the SIMOX material. The experiments of secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS) analysis showed that some nitrogen ions were distributed in the buried oxide layers and some others were collected at the Si/SiO2 interface after annealing. The results of electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) suggested the density of the defects in the nitrided samples changed with different nitrogen ion implantation energies. Semiconductor-insulator-semiconductor (SIS) capacitors were made on the materials, and capacitance-voltage (C-V) measurements were carried out to confirm the results. The super total dose radiation tolerance of the materials was verified by the small increase of the drain leakage current of the metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistor with n-channel (NMOSFETs) fabricated on the materials before and after total dose irradiation. The optimum implantation energy was also determined.


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Based on the results of the temperature-dependent photoluminescence (PL) measurements, the broad PL emission in the phase-separated GaNP alloys with P compositions of 0.03, 0.07, and 0.15 has investigated. The broad PL peaks at 2.18, 2.12 and 1.83 eV are assigned to be an emission from the optical transitions from several trap levels, possibly the iso-electronic trap levels related to nitrogen. With the increasing P composition (from 0.03 to 0.15), these iso-electronic trap levels are shown to become resonant with the conduction band of the alloy and thus optically inactive, leading to the apparent red shift (80-160meV) of the PL peak energy and the trend of the red shift is strengthened. No PL emission peak is observed from the GaN-rich GaNP region, suggesting that the photogenerated carriers in the GaN-rich GaNP region may recombine with each other via non-radiation transitions.


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To investigate the effect of radiation damage on the stability and the compressive stress of cubic boron nitride (c-BN) thin films, c-BN films with various crystalline qualities prepared by dual beam ion assisted deposition were irradiated at room temperature with 300 keV Ar+ ions over a large fluence range up to 2 x 10(16) cm(-2). Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) data were taken before and after each irradiation step. The results show that the c-BN films with high crystallinity are significantly more resistant against medium-energy bombardment than those of lower crystalline quality. However, even for pure c-BN films without any sp(2)-bonded BN, there is a mechanism present, which causes the transformation from pure c-BN to h-BN or to an amorphous BN phase. Additional high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) results support the conclusion from the FTIR data. For c-BN films with thickness smaller than the projected range of the bombarding Ar ions, complete stress relaxation was found for ion fluences approaching 4 x 10(15) cm(-2). This relaxation is accompanied, however, by a significant increase of the width of c-BN FTIR TO-line. This observation points to a build-up of disorder and/or a decreasing average grain size due to the bombardment. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The adsorption of K on the n-GaAs(I 0 0) surface was investigated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and synchrotron radiation photoemission spectroscopy (SR-PES). The Ga3d and As3d core level was measured for clean and K adsorbed GaAs(I 0 0) surface. The adsorption of K induced chemical reaction between K and As, and the K-As reactant formed when the K coverage theta > I ML. The chemical reaction between K and Ga did not occur, but Ga atoms were exchanged by K atoms. From the data of band bending, the Schottky barrier is 0.70 eV. The Fermi-level pinning was not caused by defect levels. The probable reason is that the dangling bonds of surface Ga atoms were filled by the outer-shell electrons of K atoms, forming a half-filled surface state. The Fermi-level pinning was caused by this half-filled surface state. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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An investigation of hardening the buried oxides (BOX) in separation by implanted oxygen (SIMOX) silicon-on-insulator (SOI) wafers to total-dose irradiation has been made by implanting nitrogen into the BOX layers with a constant dose at different implantation energies. The total-dose radiation hardness of the BOX layers is characterized by the high frequency capacitance-voltage (C-V) technique. The experimental results show that the implantation of nitrogen into the BOX layers can increase the BOX hardness to total-dose irradiation. Particularly, the implantation energy of nitrogen ions plays an important role in improving the radiation hardness of the BOX layers. The optimized implantation energy being used for a nitrogen dose, the hardness of BOX can be considerably improved. In addition, the C-V results show that there are differences between the BOX capacitances due to the different nitrogen implantation energies.


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The effect of implanting nitrogen into buried oxide on the top gate oxide hardness against total irradiation does has been investigated with three nitrogen implantation doses (8 x 10(15), 2 x 10(16) and 1 x 10(17) cm(-2)) for partially depleted SOI PMOSFET. The experimental results reveal the trend of negative shift of the threshold voltages of the studied transistors with the increase of nitrogen implantation dose before irradiation. After the irradiation with a total dose of 5 x 10(5) rad(Si) under a positive gate voltage of 2V, the threshold voltage shift of the transistors corresponding to the nitrogen implantation dose 8 x 10(15) cm(-2) is smaller than that of the transistors without implantation. However, when the implantation dose reaches 2 x 10(16) and 1 x 10(17) cm(-2), for the majority of the tested transistors, their top gate oxide was badly damaged due to irradiation. In addition, the radiation also causes damage to the body-drain junctions of the transistors with the gate oxide damaged. All the results can be interpreted by tracing back to the nitrogen implantation damage to the crystal lattices in the top silicon.


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A self-consistent calculation of the subband energy levels of n-doped quantum wells is studied. A comparison is made between theoretical results and experimental data. In order to account for the deviations between them, the ground-state electron-electron exchange interactions, the ground-state direct Coulomb interactions, the depolarization effect, and the exciton-like effect are considered in the simulations. The agreement between theory and experiment is greatly improved when all these aspects are taken into account. The ground-to-excited-state energy difference increases by 8 meV from its self-consistent value if one considers the depolarization effect and the exciton-like effect only. It appears that the electron-electron exchange interactions account for most of the observed residual blueshift for the infrared intersubband absorbance in AlxGa1-xN/GaN multiple quantum wells. It seems that electrons on the surface of the k-space Fermi gas make the main contribution to the electron-electron exchange interactions, while for electrons further inside the Fermi gas it is difficult to exchange their positions. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The admixture of linear and circular photogalvanic effects and (CPGEs) in AlxGa1-xN/GaN heterostructures has been investigated quantitatively by near-infrared irradiation at room temperature. The spin-based photocurrent that the authors have observed solidly indicates the sizable spin-orbital interaction of the two-dimensional electron gas in the heterostructures. Further analysis shows consistency between studies by optical and magnetic (Shubnikov de-Haas) measurements on the spin-orbital coupling effects among different AlxGa1-xN/GaN heterostructures, indicating that the CPGE measurement is a good way to investigate the spin splitting and the spin polarization in semiconductors. (C) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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The effect of proton radiation on a superluminescent diode (SLD) was studied, and the radiation damage from different energies was compared. The results reveal that the optical power degradation is greater from 350 KeV protons than from 1 MeV protons. Analysis of SLD characteristics after irradiation shows that the main effect of radiation is damage within the active region. At the same time, the results also show that quantum-well (QW) SLDs are far less sensitive to radiation than double-heterojunction (DH) SLDs. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A two-dimensional (2D) photonic crystal waveguide in the Gamma-K direction with triangular lattice on a silicon-on insulator (SOI) substrate in the near-infrared band is fabricated by the combination of electron beam lithography and inductively coupled plasma etching. Its transmission characteristics are analysed from the stimulated band diagram by the effective index and the 2D plane wave expansion (PWE) methods. In the experiment, the transmission band edge in a longer wavelength of the photonic crystal waveguide is about 1590 nm, which is in good qualitative agreement with the simulated value. However, there is a disagreement between the experimental and the simulated results when the wavelength ranges from 1607 to 1630 nm, which can be considered as due to the unpolarized source used in the transmission measurement.


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We have investigated the intersubband absorption for spatially ordered and non-ordered quantum dots (QDs). It is found that the intersubband absorption of spatially ordered QDs is much stronger than that of non-ordered QDs. The enhanced absorption is attributed to the improved size uniformity concurrent with the spatial ordering for the growth condition employed. For the FTIR measurement under normal incidence geometry, using a undoped sample as reference can remove the interference effect due to multiple reflections. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.