917 resultados para Hyper-heuristics
In cycling cells, the retinoblastoma protein (pRb) is un- and/or hypo-phosphorylated in early G1 and becomes hyper-phosphorylated in late G1. The role of hypo-phosphorylation and identity of the relevant kinase(s) remains unknown. We show here that hypo-phosphorylated pRb associates with E2F in vivo and is therefore active. Increasing the intracellular concentration of the Cdk4/6 specific inhibitor p15INK4b by transforming growth factor β treatment of keratinocytes results in G1 arrest and loss of hypo-phosphorylated pRb with an increase in unphosphorylated pRb. Conversely, p15INK4b-independent transforming growth factor β-mediated G1 arrest of hepatocellular carcinoma cells results in loss of Cdk2 kinase activity with continued Cdk6 kinase activity and pRb remains only hypo-phosphorylated. Introduction of the Cdk4/6 inhibitor p16INK4a protein into cells by fusion to a protein transduction domain also prevents pRb hypo-phosphorylation with an increase in unphosphorylated pRb. We conclude that cyclin D:Cdk4/6 complexes hypo-phosphorylate pRb in early G1 allowing continued E2F binding.
Homologous recombination contributes both to the generation of allelic diversity and to the preservation of genetic information. In plants, a lack of suitable experimental material has prevented studies of the regulatory and enzymatic aspects of recombination in somatic and meiotic cells. We have isolated nine Arabidopsis thaliana mutants hypersensitive to x-ray irradiation (xrs) and examined their recombination properties. For the three xrs loci described here, single recessive mutations were found to confer simultaneous hypersensitivities to the DNA-damaging chemicals mitomycin C (MMCs) and/or methyl methanesulfonate (MMSs) and alterations in homologous recombination. Mutant xrs9 (Xrays, MMSs) is reduced in both somatic and meiotic recombination and resembles yeast mutants of the rad52 epistatic group. xrs11 (Xrays, MMCs) is deficient in the x-ray-mediated stimulation of homologous recombination in somatic cells in a manner suggesting a specific signaling defect. xrs4 (Xrays, MMSs, MMCs) has a significant deficiency in somatic recombination, but this is accompanied by meiotic hyper-recombination. A corresponding phenotype has not been reported in other systems and thus this indicates a novel, plant-specific regulatory circuit linking mitotic and meiotic recombination.
B cell development and humoral immune responses are controlled by signaling thresholds established through the B lymphocyte antigen receptor (BCR) complex. BCR signaling thresholds are differentially regulated by the CD22 and CD19 cell surface receptors in vivo. B cells from CD22-deficient mice exhibit characteristics of chronic stimulation and are hyper-responsive to BCR crosslinking with augmented intracellular Ca2+ responses. By contrast, B cells from CD19-deficient mice are hypo-responsive to transmembrane signals. To identify signaling molecules involved in the positive and negative regulation of signaling thresholds, the signal transduction pathways activated after BCR crosslinking were examined in CD22- and CD19-deficient B cells. These comparisons revealed that tyrosine phosphorylation of Vav protein was uniquely augmented after BCR or CD19 crosslinking in CD22-deficient B cells, yet was modest and transient after BCR crosslinking in CD19-deficient B cells. Ligation of CD19 and CD22 in vivo is likely to positively and negatively regulate BCR signaling, respectively, because CD19 crosslinking was more efficient than BCR crosslinking at inducing Vav phosphorylation. However, simultaneous crosslinking of CD19 with the BCR resulted in a substantial decrease in Vav phosphorylation when CD22 was expressed. Thus, the differential regulation of Vav tyrosine phosphorylation by CD19 and CD22 may provide a molecular mechanism for adjusting BCR signaling thresholds.
Mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinases are pivotal components of eukaryotic signaling cascades. Phosphorylation of tyrosine and threonine residues activates MAP kinases, but either dual-specificity or monospecificity phosphatases can inactivate them. The Candida albicans CPP1 gene, a structural member of the VH1 family of dual- specificity phosphatases, was previously cloned by its ability to block the pheromone response MAP kinase cascade in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Cpp1p inactivated mammalian MAP kinases in vitro and acted as a tyrosine-specific enzyme. In C. albicans a MAP kinase cascade can trigger the transition from the budding yeast form to a more invasive filamentous form. Disruption of the CPP1 gene in C. albicans derepressed the yeast to hyphal transition at ambient temperatures, on solid surfaces. A hyphal growth rate defect under physiological conditions in vitro was also observed and could explain a reduction in virulence associated with reduced fungal burden in the kidneys seen in a systemic mouse model. A hyper-hyphal pathway may thus have some detrimental effects on C. albicans cells. Disruption of the MAP kinase homologue CEK1 suppressed the morphological effects of the CPP1 disruption in C. albicans. The results presented here demonstrate the biological importance of a tyrosine phosphatase in cell-fate decisions and virulence in C. albicans.
There is a need for faster and more sensitive algorithms for sequence similarity searching in view of the rapidly increasing amounts of genomic sequence data available. Parallel processing capabilities in the form of the single instruction, multiple data (SIMD) technology are now available in common microprocessors and enable a single microprocessor to perform many operations in parallel. The ParAlign algorithm has been specifically designed to take advantage of this technology. The new algorithm initially exploits parallelism to perform a very rapid computation of the exact optimal ungapped alignment score for all diagonals in the alignment matrix. Then, a novel heuristic is employed to compute an approximate score of a gapped alignment by combining the scores of several diagonals. This approximate score is used to select the most interesting database sequences for a subsequent Smith–Waterman alignment, which is also parallelised. The resulting method represents a substantial improvement compared to existing heuristics. The sensitivity and specificity of ParAlign was found to be as good as Smith–Waterman implementations when the same method for computing the statistical significance of the matches was used. In terms of speed, only the significantly less sensitive NCBI BLAST 2 program was found to outperform the new approach. Online searches are available at http://dna.uio.no/search/
Heuristics for stochastic and dynamic vehicle routing problems are often kept relatively simple, in part due to the high computational burden resulting from having to consider stochastic information in some form. In this work, three existing heuristics are extended by three different local search variations: a first improvement descent using stochastic information, a tabu search using stochastic information when updating the incumbent solution, and a tabu search using stochastic information when selecting moves based on a list of moves determined through a proxy evaluation. In particular, the three local search variations are designed to utilize stochastic information in the form of sampled scenarios. The results indicate that adding local search using stochastic information to the existing heuristics can further reduce operating costs for shipping companies by 0.5–2 %. While the existing heuristics could produce structurally different solutions even when using similar stochastic information in the search, the appended local search methods seem able to make the final solutions more similar in structure.
As redes atuais de telecomunicações utilizam tecnologias de comutação de pacotes para integração de voz, dados, imagens e outros serviços. O tráfego nessas redes costuma ser feito por meio de tecnologias como o MPLS-TP e com regras heurísticas para a determinação dos melhores caminhos. O uso de boas regras afeta diretamente o desempenho e a segurança da operação. Este trabalho propõe o uso de simulação de baixo custo para prever o comportamento e avaliar regras de escolha de caminhos. Para isso, este trabalho avalia três métodos de seleção de caminhos de LSPs, combinados com duas heurísticas de recuperação, usados em redes MPLS-TP em malha com mecanismos de proteção em malha compartilhada. Os resultados das simulações medem o impacto dos métodos e heurísticas utilizados, demonstrando o quanto uma melhor seleção de caminhos pode contribuir para a redução do uso dos recursos da rede e do número máximo de LSPs afetados em caso de falhas na rede. Os resultados deste trabalho, bem como a técnica de análise proposta, almejam ser uma contribuição para a padronização de regras de seleção de LSPs em redes heterogêneas.
The false memory/recovered memory debate, research regarding the malleability of memory, and the current lack of methods for validating recovered memories all support the view that heightened care is required of therapists dealing with clients whom they suspect have been sexually abused. The judgmental heuristics that underlie the major clinical inference biases of confirmatory bias, biased covariation, base rate fallacies, and schematic processing errors are all relevant to the processes leading to therapist-client constructions of memories of sexual abuse. Suggestions for minimizing each of these biases are offered. Personal motivations of the client and client suggestibility are factors that may contribute to the construction of memories of sexual abuse, and suggestions for minimizing the impact of these motivations are offered. In conclusion, general suggestions for minimizing the impact of clinical inference biases within the sexual abuse treatment context are summarized.
A matéria orgânica do solo (MOS) representa um importante reservatório de carbono (C) nos ecossistemas terrestres. O conteúdo de C estocado no solo pode ser liberado para a atmosfera na forma de CO2, com a decomposição da MOS, ou pode ser aumentado com a entrada de resíduos e retenção da MOS. Nesse sentido, é importante entender os mecanismos de estabilidade e retenção da MOS para predizer como os solos respondem a mudanças, quer sejam elas induzidas por alterações climáticas ou por práticas de manejo. Dentro dos Latossolos, classe que ocupa cerca de 32 % do território brasileiro, há aqueles que possuem horizonte A húmico hiper espesso e, portanto, com maior estoque de C. Aspectos sobre a origem, formação e preservação do horizonte A húmico destes solos em suas ocorrências em diferentes biomas ainda não foram completamente elucidados e estão estritamente ligados à fonte, dinâmica e mecanismos de preservação e distribuição da MOS no solo. O objetivo deste trabalho é entender a gênese da MO dos Latossolos húmicos que ocorrem no Bioma Cerrado, por meio da caracterização molecular pela técnica da pirólise acoplada à cromatografia gasosa e espectroscopia de massas (pirólise - CG/EM). Para isso, foram coletadas amostras dos horizontes A em dois perfis de Latossolos com horizonte A húmico (LH1, LH2) e um perfil de Latossolo com horizonte A moderado (solo de referência; LNH) situados em superfície de aplanamento adjacente à Serra do Espinhaço, no município de Grão Mogol - MG, sob clima tropical semi-úmido e vegetação de cerrado sensu strictu. Por meio da descrição morfológica dos solos em diferentes níveis de observação (campo, lupa e microscópio) procurou-se entender melhor os mecanismos de espessamento do horizonte A e a distribuição de partículas de carvão ao longo do perfil. As amostras dos horizontes foram submetidas ao fracionamento físico e extração da MOS, gerando as seguintes frações: fração leve livre (FLL); fração leve oclusa (FLO), fração extraível com NaOH (EXT) e resíduo (RES). A morfologia dos perfis evidencia a intensa e longa atividade biológica (fauna e raízes) a que esses solos foram e estão submetidos. Isso explica a abundância de microagregados e a consequente macropososidade elevada, assim como a ampla distribuição de fragmentos de carvão em todo o horizonte A, e parte do B, com dimensões milimétricas a submilimétricas, sugerindo a fragmentação destes ao longo do tempo. Foi evidenciado o maior conteúdo de carvões nos dois LHs em comparação ao LNH. A distribuição da MOS nas frações estudadas foi a mesma para os três perfis estudados: RES>EXT>FLL>FLO, que mostra a importância da fração RES para estes solos. Produtos da carbonização (Black carbon; BC: hidrocarbonetos poliaromáticos) foram mais abundantes na fração RES e FLO, no entanto, a maior diferença qualitativa entre a MOS de LHs e LNH diz respeito à abundância de BC na fração RES, que é maior em LHs do que LNH; confirmando a maior quantidade de carvões em LHs verificada na morfologia. Um índice de degradação do BC foi estabelecido com base em análise fatorial com os todas as frações estudadas e produtos poliaromáticos. Este índice, aplicado às frações EXT e RES, mostrou que a degradação do BC aumenta com a profundidade/idade, e não houve diferenças significativas entre os perfis estudados. Portanto, LHs provavelmente tem maior entrada de carvões, o que deve estar ligado a um histórico de maior incidência de incêndios ou maior abundância local de espécies arbóreas.
The rise and growth of large Jewish law firms in New York City during the second half of the twentieth century was nothing short of an astounding success story. As late as 1950, there was not a single large Jewish law firm in town. By the mid-1960s, six of the largest twenty law firms were Jewish, and by 1980, four of the largest ten prestigious law firms were Jewish firms. Moreover, the accomplishment of the Jewish firms is especially striking because, while the traditional large White Anglo-Saxon Protestant law firms grew at a fast rate during this period, the Jewish firms grew twice as fast, and they did so in spite of experiencing explicit discrimination. What happened? This book chapter is a revised, updated study of the rise and growth of large New York City Jewish law firms. It is based on the public record, with respect to both the law firms themselves and trends in the legal profession generally, and on over twenty in-depth interviews with lawyers who either founded and practiced at these successful Jewish firms, attempted and failed to establish such firms, or were in a position to join these firms but decided instead to join WASP firms. According to the informants interviewed in this chapter, while Jewish law firms benefited from general decline in anti-Semitism and increased demand for corporate legal services, a unique combination of factors explains the incredible rise of the Jewish firms. First, white-shoe ethos caused large WASP firms to stay out of undignified practice areas and effectively created pockets of Jewish practice areas, where the Jewish firms encountered little competition for their services. Second, hiring and promotion discriminatory practices by the large WASP firms helped create a large pool of talented Jewish lawyers from which the Jewish firms could easily recruit. Finally, the Jewish firms benefited from a flip side of bias phenomenon, that is, they benefited from the positive consequences of stereotyping. Paradoxically, the very success of the Jewish firms is reflected in their demise by the early twenty-first century: because systematic large law firm ethno-religious discrimination against Jewish lawyers has become a thing of the past, the very reason for the existence of Jewish law firms has been nullified. As other minority groups, however, continue to struggle for equality within the senior ranks of Big Law, can the experience of the Jewish firms serve as a “separate-but-equal” blueprint for overcoming contemporary forms of discrimination for women, racial, and other minority attorneys? Perhaps not. As this chapter establishes, the success of large Jewish law firms was the result of unique conditions and circumstances between 1945 and 1980, which are unlikely to be replicated. For example, large law firms have become hyper-competitive and are not likely to allow any newcomers the benefit of protected pockets of practice. While smaller “separate-but-equal” specialized firms, for instance, ones exclusively hiring lawyer-mothers occasionally appear, the rise of large “separate-but-equal” firms is improbable.
Purpose – This study aims to examine the relationships between a firm's corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities and its performance and risk. The authors hypothesize that industry-level effects are highly determinant of the sign and magnitude of these relationships to establish a ranking of industries to identify the position of the most prominent tourism-related industries: hotels and airlines. Based on the cybernetic model of decision making and the heuristics thereof, shareholders base their investment decisions derived from CSR announcements on the idea that the industries behave differently; their fixed costs being a relevant factor. Design/methodology/approach – The authors estimate the industry-specific effects of CSR initiatives on firms' performance and risk using a sample of 583 announcements from the Spanish Stock Market. Findings – The results show that while CSR announcements have a positive effect on performance when the authors do not account for industry-specific factors, once the authors incorporate these factors into the analysis, the authors find that firm performance and risk vary quite substantially as a function of the industry to which the firm belongs. Interestingly, while the hotel industry presents an average behavior (standing at 9th position in returns, 15th in terms of risk, and 8th according to the ratio returns/volatility), the airline industry presents the worst situation of all industries: last in performance and last in risk. Practical implications – The results help managers assess their decisions and allocate CSR resources optimally. Originality/value – This article is the first attempt to empirically test and comprehensively detect the different relationships between CSR and firm performance across industries.
Consumers tend to seek heuristic information cues to simplify the amount of information involved in tourist decisions. Accordingly, star ratings in online reviews are a critical heuristic element of the perceived evaluation of online consumer information. The objective of this article is to assess the effect of review ratings on usefulness and enjoyment. The empirical application is carried out on a sample of 5,090 reviews of 45 restaurants in London and New York. The results show that people perceive extreme ratings (positive or negative) as more useful and enjoyable than moderate ratings, giving rise to a U-shaped line, with asymmetric effects: the size of the effect of online reviews depends on whether they are positive or negative.
Numerical modelling methodologies are important by their application to engineering and scientific problems, because there are processes where analytical mathematical expressions cannot be obtained to model them. When the only available information is a set of experimental values for the variables that determine the state of the system, the modelling problem is equivalent to determining the hyper-surface that best fits the data. This paper presents a methodology based on the Galerkin formulation of the finite elements method to obtain representations of relationships that are defined a priori, between a set of variables: y = z(x1, x2,...., xd). These representations are generated from the values of the variables in the experimental data. The approximation, piecewise, is an element of a Sobolev space and has derivatives defined in a general sense into this space. The using of this approach results in the need of inverting a linear system with a structure that allows a fast solver algorithm. The algorithm can be used in a variety of fields, being a multidisciplinary tool. The validity of the methodology is studied considering two real applications: a problem in hydrodynamics and a problem of engineering related to fluids, heat and transport in an energy generation plant. Also a test of the predictive capacity of the methodology is performed using a cross-validation method.
Este artículo estudia la redefinición del lenguaje periodístico ante la influencia de tres tendencias de la comunicación digital: el Search Engine Optimization (SEO), la inmediatez de las redes sociales y la fragmentación de contenidos mediante enlaces. Para ello, se compara el punto de vista de los editores web de los ocho medios españoles con mayor audiencia con las iniciativas implantadas en sus redacciones y las aportaciones teóricas sobre la escritura ciberperiodística. Este análisis revela la importancia que los medios digitales otorgan a la creación de contenidos adaptados a la web, pero también sus carencias en la adopción de acciones concretas para favorecer su desarrollo.
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014