969 resultados para Histórias experimentais (Psicologia)


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Such work aims to analyze aspects of the lives of adolescents, authors of Infraction, after completion of the Socio-Educational Measures in Half Open (Probation - LA and Services to the Community - PSC) in the city of Natal / RN in 2010. Thus, it become necessary to point out and consider the socio-historical determinations that permeate the lives of these young men, estimating the economic, social, political and historical aspects. We understand that these individuals experience numerous expressions of Social Issues, such as lack of opportunities, violence, unemployment, among others. In the reduction context of the State actions for the social, and investments negligible in public policies. Thus, the research aimed to identify such determinations in the lives of adolescents, young people today, and aimed to know these adolescents and analyze the family situation, socio-economic and political these, after completion of educational measures; and to evaluate the inclusion in school life and in the labor market. Therefore, we used as a methodological way the qualiquantitative research, using the procedure of 4 (four) semi-structured interviews, 9 (nine) analysis processes by configuring so documentary research, through the analysis of reports, processes and monitoring documents. The universe of analysis went adolescents who fulfilled socio-educational measures in liberty in the city of Natal / RN. The sample consisted of nine (9) young, that we follow during the mandatory curricular training, in the period of graduation in Social Work at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, in 2010. The time frame of the research took place between 2010 - 2014. The results of this study indicate that the solution to problems of violence is not the reduction of criminal majority. It is necessary to take actions in ensuring rights and allow other living conditions to the children and adolescents, because, in fact, in the society there is a tendency to regression of rights. We learn that, despite all the difficulties, as: low education, access to the labor market, low income, among others, young people interviewed understand the Socio-Educational Measures such as a watershed in their lives, because, they do not practice more illicit acts, they seek a better life, they have dreams and plans for the future, and they continue writing their histories.


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Such work aims to analyze aspects of the lives of adolescents, authors of Infraction, after completion of the Socio-Educational Measures in Half Open (Probation - LA and Services to the Community - PSC) in the city of Natal / RN in 2010. Thus, it become necessary to point out and consider the socio-historical determinations that permeate the lives of these young men, estimating the economic, social, political and historical aspects. We understand that these individuals experience numerous expressions of Social Issues, such as lack of opportunities, violence, unemployment, among others. In the reduction context of the State actions for the social, and investments negligible in public policies. Thus, the research aimed to identify such determinations in the lives of adolescents, young people today, and aimed to know these adolescents and analyze the family situation, socio-economic and political these, after completion of educational measures; and to evaluate the inclusion in school life and in the labor market. Therefore, we used as a methodological way the qualiquantitative research, using the procedure of 4 (four) semi-structured interviews, 9 (nine) analysis processes by configuring so documentary research, through the analysis of reports, processes and monitoring documents. The universe of analysis went adolescents who fulfilled socio-educational measures in liberty in the city of Natal / RN. The sample consisted of nine (9) young, that we follow during the mandatory curricular training, in the period of graduation in Social Work at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, in 2010. The time frame of the research took place between 2010 - 2014. The results of this study indicate that the solution to problems of violence is not the reduction of criminal majority. It is necessary to take actions in ensuring rights and allow other living conditions to the children and adolescents, because, in fact, in the society there is a tendency to regression of rights. We learn that, despite all the difficulties, as: low education, access to the labor market, low income, among others, young people interviewed understand the Socio-Educational Measures such as a watershed in their lives, because, they do not practice more illicit acts, they seek a better life, they have dreams and plans for the future, and they continue writing their histories.


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Relatório de Estágio apresentado para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Psicologia do Desporto e do Exercício


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Psychology is a relatively new scientific branch and still lacks consistent methodological foundation to support its investigations. Given its immaturity, this science finds difficulties to delimit its ontological status, which spawnes several epistemological and methodological misconceptions. Given this, Psychology failed to demarcate precisely its object of study, leading, thus, the emergence of numerous conceptions about the psychic, which resulted in the fragmentation of this science. In its constitution, psychological science inherited a complex philosophical problem: the mind-body issue. Therefore, to define their status, Psychology must still face this problem, seeking to elucidate what is the mind, the body and how they relate. In light of the importance of this issue to a strict demarcation of psychological object, it was sought in this research, to investigate the mind-body problem in the Phenomenological Psychology of Edith Stein (1891-1942), phenomenologist philosopher who undertook efforts for a foundation of Psychology. For that, the discussion was subsidized from the contributions of the Philosophy of Mind and the support of the phenomenological method to the mind-body problem. From there, by a qualitative bibliographical methodology, it sought to examine the problem of research through the analysis of some philosophical-psychological philosopher's works, named: "Psychic Causality” (Kausalität Psychische, 1922) and “Introduction to Philosophy" (Einführung in die Philosophie, 1920). For this investigation, it was made, without prejudice to the discussion, a terminological equivalence between the terms mind and psyche, as the philosopher used the latter to refer to the object of Psychology. It sought to examine, therefore, how Stein conceived the psyche, the body and the relationship between them. Although it wasn't the focus of the investigation, it also took into account the spiritual dimension, as the philosopher conceived the human person as consisting of three dimensions: body, psyche and spirit. Given this, Stein highlighted the causal mechanism of the psyche, which is based on the variations of the vital force that emerges from the vital sphere. In relation to the corporeal dimension, the philosopher, following the analysis of Edmund Husserl (1859-1938), highlighted the dual aspect of the body, because it is at the same time something material (Körper) and also a linving body (Leib). On the face of it, it is understood that the psyche and the body are closely connected, so that it constitutes a dual-unit which is manifested in the Leib. This understanding of the problem psyche-mind/body provides a rich analysis of this issue, enabling the overcoming of some inconsistencies of the monistic and dualistic positions. Given this, it allows a strict elucidation of the Psychology object, contributing to the foundation of this science.


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Relatório de estágio apresentado para obtenção do grau de mestre em Ensino do 1º e do 2º ciclos do ensino básico


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Relatório de estágio para a obtenção do grau de mestre em Ensino de pré-escolar e de 1º ciclo do ensino básico


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Internship is legally understood in Brazil as an overseen educational activity to be developed in a work setting aiming to prepare students to make productive work. According to the federal law number 11.788/08, its main aim is to provide students with competences directly related to the professional activity in a curricular context and to make students develop themselves to live as citizens and to work professionally. With a focus on the professionalizing internship, this research aimed at understanding the professional subjectiveness process of Psychology undergraduates at a public university in the state Minas Gerais during their internship and according to a critic perspective in schooling psychology. The importance of studying psychologist academic training above all the relationship between theory and practice is on the fact that the internship is his/her initial contact with the professional experience itself after four years of theoretical studies. Understood as a way of appropriating and internalizing theoretical and practical dimensions related to the psychologist profession and constructed by the individual, the concept of professional subjectiveness is viewed in the light of the cultural-historical theory, that is, as a result of the human being social constitution. Three Psychology s intern students and their respective overseers were interviewed during their internship period to talk about the process of professional constitution at this phase of the academic training. To do so, oral history proved to be an important methodological support, for it offers a means of giving voice to common people and letting them signify their multi-circumstantial experiences. Results reiterate the presence of subjectivity in the dynamics of an undergraduate training, but they showed that it is permeated by social relations established in his/her personal life story and professional trajectory, stemming from the professional choice, the relationship between intern and overseer, the professional activity properly considered, the psychotherapy, the rules, and from the institutionalization of knowledge, among others aspects that guide the professional subjectiveness during the internship. We verified that the training of a Psychology undergraduate includes multiple determinations that exceed the academic setting because it points out the breaking down of the professional dimensions and personal one dichotomy.


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O presente relatório, elaborado para fins de conclusão do Mestrado em Ensino do 1.º e do 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, encontra-se organizado em duas dimensões: a dimensão reflexiva e a dimensão investigativa. A primeira é composta por uma reflexão crítica relativas a aspetos mais significativos da Prática Pedagógica, ao longo de quatro semestres, e que me permitiram evoluir enquanto professora. A segunda dimensão, a investigativa, centra-se num estudo realizado em 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, tendo como participantes três alunos do 3.º ano de escolaridade. A presente investigação, de caráter qualitativo, procurou dar resposta à questão: Qual o contributo da implementação de atividades práticas e experimentais sobre sombras no desenvolvimento: a) dos conhecimentos científicos de alunos do 3.º ano de escolaridade; e b) dos processos da ciência em alunos do 3.º ano de escolaridade? Os dados recolhidos mostram que a implementação de atividades práticas e experimentais poderão ter influenciado positivamente o desenvolvimento das aprendizagens dos alunos sobre sombras e a mobilização de processos da ciência.


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Dissertação apresentada ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação da Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul para a obtenção do título de mestre em comunicação


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O objetivo deste relatório, é descrever todo o percurso do estágio realizado no Hospital Batista de Sousa (HBS). Este trabalho é imprescindível, para obtenção do grau de licenciatura no curso de psicologia. Durante o período de estágio em psicologia clínica e da saúde (sete meses), procuramos, estudar e compreender a caraterização dos serviços, intervenções e atividades realizadas no referido hospital. Este trabalho baseia-se fundamentalmente, na recolha, perceção e compreensão de vários casos que deram entrada no HBS, durante o período de estágio, e que tiveram de uma certa forma, o nosso envolvimento em maior ou menor grau. Cada caso tem por referência as suas hipóteses diagnosticadas, associada com a respetiva fundamentação teórica. No nosso estudo, em particular, destacamos dois casos, que formam a espinha dorsal do nosso trabalho. Em relação as hipóteses diagnosticas, o primeiro caso fundamenta-se teoricamente, no transtorno de personalidade Narcísico. (TPN). Já o segundo, abarca o transtorno da Depressão. Na conclusão do trabalho, procuramos através de nossas reflexões próprias, apresentar novas ideias e deixar um modesto contributo, como forma de participar no processo de desenvolvimento desta área de conhecimento no HBS.


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Com o intuito de aprimorar as teorias estudadas ao longo do curso de Psicologia e a sua articulação com a prática surgiu a necessidade de disponibilizar um tempo dedicado ao estágio curricular. Este relatório apresenta o desenvolvimento desse processo de estágio realizado no Centro Social SOS em São Vicente juntamente com as famílias beneficiárias dessa instituição, descrevendo as atividades realizadas nesse âmbito. Apresenta ainda dois estudos de caso acompanhados pelo seu desenvolver, compreensão teórica, hipótese diagnóstica e os demais processos psicoterapêuticos, os quais foram possíveis concluir a importância da bagagem teórica e o processo prático na consolidação do conhecimento.