997 resultados para Hilbert Fourteenth Problem
The application of Discriminant function analysis (DFA) is not a new idea in the study of tephrochrology. In this paper, DFA is applied to compositional datasets of two different types of tephras from Mountain Ruapehu in New Zealand and Mountain Rainier in USA. The canonical variables from the analysis are further investigated with a statistical methodology of change-point problems in order to gain a better understanding of the change in compositional pattern over time. Finally, a special case of segmented regression has been proposed to model both the time of change and the change in pattern. This model can be used to estimate the age for the unknown tephras using Bayesian statistical calibration
The preceding two editions of CoDaWork included talks on the possible consideration of densities as infinite compositions: Egozcue and D´ıaz-Barrero (2003) extended the Euclidean structure of the simplex to a Hilbert space structure of the set of densities within a bounded interval, and van den Boogaart (2005) generalized this to the set of densities bounded by an arbitrary reference density. From the many variations of the Hilbert structures available, we work with three cases. For bounded variables, a basis derived from Legendre polynomials is used. For variables with a lower bound, we standardize them with respect to an exponential distribution and express their densities as coordinates in a basis derived from Laguerre polynomials. Finally, for unbounded variables, a normal distribution is used as reference, and coordinates are obtained with respect to a Hermite-polynomials-based basis. To get the coordinates, several approaches can be considered. A numerical accuracy problem occurs if one estimates the coordinates directly by using discretized scalar products. Thus we propose to use a weighted linear regression approach, where all k- order polynomials are used as predictand variables and weights are proportional to the reference density. Finally, for the case of 2-order Hermite polinomials (normal reference) and 1-order Laguerre polinomials (exponential), one can also derive the coordinates from their relationships to the classical mean and variance. Apart of these theoretical issues, this contribution focuses on the application of this theory to two main problems in sedimentary geology: the comparison of several grain size distributions, and the comparison among different rocks of the empirical distribution of a property measured on a batch of individual grains from the same rock or sediment, like their composition
Determinar el alcance de los objetivos y la naturaleza de las concepciones que tienen los-as estudiantes y los materiales did??cticos, sobre la tem??tica de la energ??a, se formula los siguientes problemas: 1. ??Cu??les son las concepciones de los-las estudiantes de Magisterio sobre los modelos de Educaci??n Ambiental? 2. ??Cu??les son las concepciones de los-las estudiantes sobre los problemas socioambientales que consideran m??s importantes y la idea de riesgo asociada a los mismos? 3. ??Cu??les son las concepciones de los-las estudiantes sobre el papel que juega la participaci??n en el proceso de Educaci??n Ambiental? 4. ??Cu??les son las concepciones de los-las estudiantes sobre la energ??a y el papel que juega la energ??a como problema socioambiental? 5. ??Cu??les son las concepciones did??cticas dominantes de los-las estudiantes sobre el tratamiento did??ctico de la energ??a? 6. ??Cu??les son las concepciones did??cticas dominantes de los materiales seleccionados sobre el tratamiento de la energ??a? 7. ??Existe alguna correspondencia entre las concepciones de los-las estudiantes y las concepciones did??cticas de los materiales seleccionados sobre el tratamiento did??ctico de la energ??a? 8. ??Existen diferencias en las concepciones de los-las estudiantes sobre algunos aspectos de la Educaci??n Ambiental y de la energ??a dependiendo del momento de la investigaci??n? 9. ??Existe coherencia en las concepciones de los-las estudiantes y de los materiales?. El paradigma metodol??gico elegido se ubica en la definici??n del paradigma interpretativo, denominado tambi??n naturalista, de enfoque ecol??gico o etnogr??fico, a trav??s de un estudio de caso. Se selecciona un grupo de estudiantes de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educaci??n de la Universidad de Sevilla, de las modalidades de Educaci??n Primaria y Especial, que cursan la asignatura optativa de Educaci??n Ambiental (EA). La muestra se compone de 12 hombres y 38 mujeres, sumando un total de 50 personas, solo se tiene materiales escritos de forma individual de 45 personas, se agrupan para trabajar de forma conjunta formando 12 grupos. Dentro del planteamiento metodol??gico adoptado, se utiliza diferentes t??cnicas e instrumentos: la b??squeda y an??lisis de materiales de EA desde un punto de vista did??ctico. Observaci??n externa y recogida de informaci??n en el diario de clase. Cuestionarios y documentos de trabajo. Grabaciones de algunas sesiones de clase. Grupo de discusi??n. Para el tratamiento de los datos se dise??a un sistema de categor??as que sistematizara las respuestas. Las respuestas m??s encontradas, sobre el modelo de EA y el car??cter interdisciplinar, se encuentran en los valores m??s simples respecto a los valores considerados en el sistema de categor??as creados, los cuales mayoritariamente vinculan la EA con un modelo conservacionista y con actividades puntuales, lo cual indica que lo que entiende los-as educadores-as ambientales sobre EA, suele estar 'identificado con el amor a la naturaleza, con las salidas fuera del aula, generalmente 'al campo', con la recogida de muestras o la realizaci??n de an??lisis o reciclado de papel' y 'ven la Educaci??n Ambiental como algo ajeno a las dem??s materias que se lleva a cabo en algunas determinadas fechas y que debe tener un curr??culo establecido y diferente del de otras materias, a excepci??n de las ciencias naturales, con las que de alguna manera se liga la Educaci??n Ambiental y aparece una alta relaci??n entre esta visi??n de la EA y la corriente inductivista del aprendizaje'.
Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n
Resumen del autor. Res??menes en espa??ol e ingl??s
Epipolar geometry is a key point in computer vision and the fundamental matrix estimation is the only way to compute it. This article surveys several methods of fundamental matrix estimation which have been classified into linear methods, iterative methods and robust methods. All of these methods have been programmed and their accuracy analysed using real images. A summary, accompanied with experimental results, is given
We will discuss several examples and research efforts related to the small world problem and set the ground for our discussion of network theory and social network analysis. Readings: An Experimental Study of the Small World Problem, J. Travers and S. Milgram Sociometry 32 425-443 (1969) [Protected Access] Optional: The Strength of Weak Ties, M.S. Granovetter The American Journal of Sociology 78 1360--1380 (1973) [Protected Access] Optional: Worldwide Buzz: Planetary-Scale Views on an Instant-Messaging Network, J. Leskovec and E. Horvitz MSR-TR-2006-186. Microsoft Research, June 2007. [Web Link, the most recent and comprehensive study on the subject!] Originally from: http://kmi.tugraz.at/staff/markus/courses/SS2008/707.000_web-science/
Problem Steps Recorder is a standard piece of software on Windows 7 computers, which allows you to record a sequence of actions on your computer, along with screenshots. It can help ServiceLine diagnose any problems that you might be experiencing.
This is one of a series of short case studies describing how academic tutors at the University of Southampton have made use of learning technologies to support their students.
Research Proposal in SB.TV case study. New dimension to brand model for Web 2.0 success
Resumen tomado de la propia publicaci??n. Los autores son miembros del equipo de atenci??n primaria de los servicios sociales del ayuntamiento de la ciudad de Eivissa
This a short presentation which introduces how models and modelling help us to solve large scale problems in the real world. It introduces the idea that dynamic behaviour is caused by interacting components in the system. Feedback in the system makes behaviour prediction difficult unless we use modelling to support understanding
Este trabajo gan?? el primer premio Joan Mercadal sobre la juventud en Menorca
Adolescent pregnancy is a current problem which raises concern due to its individual, familiar and collective consequences. Fifteen million adolescents give birth each year in the world. Abortion is the preferred option used in unwanted pregnancies. Adolescent pregnancy is frequent in Nocaima, Cundinamarca and is a community concern in this small town initiating its process of becoming a healthy municipality. As such, the community has highlighted this problem to be studied and submitted to intervention to promote a free and responsible sexuality decreasing unwanted adolescent pregnancies. Objective: To find data on contraception, pregnancy and related factors in selected adolescents therefore, improving current incomplete information. Methods: Descriptive observational study with survey application on 226 female 14 to 19 year old students from three high school facilities in Nocaima including 8th to 11th graders. Results: 88.9% of the participants were between 14 and 17 years of age. 66.8% of the adolescents claim to use correctly contraceptive methods and 28.8% have had sexual intercourse with an average initiation at age 15. 11.1% have been pregnant once in their lives and of these 57.1 % ended in induced abortion and 66.8% were school dropouts. Conclusions: After having implemented an educational campaign on healthy sex and reproductive behaviors we view adolescent pregnancy as a public health problem which is preventable and related to the deficit of social and family support as well as weakness in individual decision making.