981 resultados para George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820


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Contient : « Cy ensuivent les croniques de Normandie. Pour ce que ceulx de bonne voulenté qui tendent venir à honneur selon Dieu par vaillance et par hardement... » ; « ... cel an s'esmeurent les Chrestiens de toutes terres de Chrestienté à eulx croisier pour aler en Jherusalem conquerre [la Sainte Terre] »


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Breeding parameters of Great Cormorants (PkaZac/iOCOfiCLX CCUibo dCUtbo) and Double-crested Cormorants (P. CLU/uXuA CMJhLtllb) were examined at two mixed species colonies at Cape Tryon and Durell Point, Prince Edward Island from 1976 to 1978. Differential access to nests at the two colony sites resulted in more complete demographic data for P. CCUibo than for P. CLUJiituA. In 1911j P. CCtfibo was present at both colonies by 21 March, whereas P. auAAJtuA did not return until 1 April and 16 April at Cape Tryon and Durell Point, respectively. Differences in the arrival chronology by individuals of each species and differences in the time of nest site occupation according to age, are suggested as factors influencing the nest site distribution of P. CXUtbo and P. aiVtituA at Cape Tryon. Forty-eight P. dOJtbo chicks banded at the Durell Point colony between 19 74 and 19 76 returned there to nest as two- to four-year olds in 19 77 and 19 78. Unmarked individuals with clutch-starts in April were likely greater than four years old as all marked two to four-year olds (with one possible exception) in 19 77 and 1978 had clutch-starts in May and June. Seasonal variation in the breeding success of P. dOJibo individuals was examined at Durell Point in 1977. Mean clutch-size, hatching success and fledging success exhibited a seasonal decline. Four- and 5-egg clutches represented the majority (75%) of all P. CCUibo clutches at Durell Point in 1977 and had the highest reproductive success (0.48 and 0.43 chicks fledged per egg laid respectively). Smaller clutches produced small broods with significantly higher chick mortality while larger clutches suffered high egg loss prior to clutch completion.


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Message to the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States / James Madison -- Report : the Committee on Foreign relations, to whom was referred the message of the President of the United States of the 1st of June, 1812 -- An Act, declaring war between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and the dependencies thereof, and the United States of America and their territories -- Address of the Senate to the people of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.


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Message to the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States / James Madison -- Report : the Committee on Foreign relations, to whom was referred the message of the President of the United States of the 1st of June, 1812 -- An Act, declaring war between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and the dependencies thereof, and the United States of America and their territories -- Address of the Senate to the people of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.


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The London Gazette, originally called The Oxford Gazette, was first published in 1665, making it the world's oldest continuously published newspaper. This government paper, which contains official dispatches of Great Britain during peace time and war, provides a mix of State intelligence, government notices and trade/business news. Articles also discussed anything from naval operations, royal appointments, state visits, to military reports from Generals. The paper was and still is said to be published "with Authority". This issue was printed by Robert George Clarke, Cannon-Row, Parliament-Street.


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Indenture of Bargain and Sale (vellum) between Captain George Salmon, formerly of Upper Canada and now of Middlesex, England and Charles Hampden Turner of Surrey, England for 1,200 acres lying in the Township of Windham in the County of Norfolk in the province of Upper Canada, May 5, 1819.


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La politique extérieure canadienne en regard de la Guerre civile espagnole fut adoptée en juillet 1937. Le gouvernement canadien adopta une politique de neutralité analogue à celle pilotée par la Grande-Bretagne à travers le Comité de non-intevention. Il promulgua un embargo sur l’exportation d’armes de toutes sortes sur le territoire espagnol, et ce, aux deux belligérants. De plus, avec la Loi sur l’enrôlement à l’étranger, Ottawa criminalisa l’engagement volontaire sur toutes ses formes, plus particulièrement le Bataillon Mackenzie – Papineau, ramification canadienne des Brigades Internationales. Au Québec, cette guerre fut fortement ressentie. Les élites traditionnelles et le clergé catholique anathématisent le Front Populaire espagnol en l’assimilant au communisme soviétique, et se solidarisent avec leurs coreligionnaires espagnols. Selon Ernest Lapointe, bras droit de Mackenzie King au Québec, Ottawa doit tenir compte du courant conservateur chez les Québécois francophones afin de prévenir une crise domestique pouvant avoir des conséquences sur l’unité nationale. Mais la politique étrangère du Canada à l’égard du gouvernement républicain espagnol n’a que partiellement été influencée par la réaction clérico-nationaliste au Québec. Elle est bien davantage le résultat de l’alignement du Canada sur la politique étrangère britannique.


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Seven bis(ligand) Co(III) complexes {[CoL21] NO3 · H2 O (1), [CoL21] Cl · 2 H2 O (2),[CoL21] ClO4 (3), [CoL22] NO3 (4), [CoL22] Cl · 2 H2 O (5), [CoL23] Br · 2 H2 O (6), [CoL23] ClO4 · H2 O (7)} of three thiosemicarbazone ligands {pyridine-2-carbaldehyde-N(4)-p-methoxyphenyl thiosemicarbazone [HL1], pyridine-2-carbaldehyde-N(4)-2-phenylethyl thiosemicarbazone [HL2] and pyridine-2-carbaldehyde-N(4)-(methyl),N(4)-(phenyl) thiosemicarbazone [HL3]} were synthesized and physico-chemically characterized. All complexes are assigned octahedral geometries on the basis of spectral studies. The ligands deprotonate and coordinate by means of pyridine nitrogen, azomethine nitrogen, and thiolate sulfur atoms. The single crystal X-ray structures of HL3 and two nitrate compounds are discussed. The structural studies corroborate the spectral characterization.


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El interés de este estudio de caso es analizar el Programa Conjunto de UNFPA y UNICEF sobre MGF/E en Kenia bajo la luz de los postulados poscolonialistas. Partiendo de la idea de que la MGF es una manifestación de las desigualdades de género, se argumenta que el PC reproduce la imagen de la mujer keniana como una víctima del poder masculino. A partir de esta imagen se deslegitima el orden cultural de los grupos que siguen esta tradición, afectando las lógicas de unidad y cohesión de la sociedad. El análisis de este tipo de dinámicas permite comprender mejor los procesos de intervención de las organizaciones internacionales sobre las estructuras sociales de actores frágiles del sistema internacional.


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Trabajo no publicado


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Diseñado para ser una introducción básica a Gran Bretaña. Letra grande y fotografías en color para que sea visualmente atractivo.El texto, con distintos tamaños de letra, permite diferenciar los niveles de lectura.


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Centrándose en la geografía humana y física se facilita la información sobre la tierra, la educación, vida rural y urbana, transporte agricultura y pesca, industria, ocio y deporte, el Gobierno, la vida cotidiana y la religión, las artes y medios de comunicación, el lugar que ocupa en el mundo (incluida la Historia) de Gran Bretaña. Siempre que sea posible, la información se presenta en gráficos, tablas, cuadros de datos, fotografías y mapas. Incluye las direcciones de páginas de Internet donde puede encontrarse más información sobre el país.


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Cada una de los tres naciones históricas de la Gran Bretaña que han surgido de los reinos, principados, comarca, feudos, municipios y parroquias tiene su sabor especial y configuran su paisaje, sus recursos y su historia. También todo lo que ha dado forma a sus pueblos. Esta guía ofrece más información sobre la historia de Gran Bretaña, castillos, jardines, parques nacionales, mansiones y catedrales.


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Cubre las necesidades de los estudiantes de historia de las especificaciones AS y A2 para AQA, Edexcel y OCR. Proporciona una explicación detallada sobre el problema de Irlanda, desde el Acta de Unión de 1800 hasta el acuerdo anglo-irlandés en 1922. Describe sucesos importantes como la Gran Hambruna y el Alzamiento de Pascua. Incluye fechas clave, términos y temas, perfiles biográficos sobre figuras importantes como Parnell, Gladstone y Valera, resúmenes esquemáticos, fuentes literarias y síntesis de los principales debates historiográficos.