978 resultados para Field Adult Survival


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Undemutrition during early life is known to cause deficits and distortions of brain structure although it has remained uncertain whether or not this includes a diminution of the total numbers of neurons. Estimates of numerical density (e.g. number of cells per microscopic field, or number of cells per unit area of section, or number of cells per unit volume of tissue) are extremely difficult to interpret and do not provide estimates of total numbers of cells. However, advances in stereological techniques have made it possible to obtain unbiased estimates of total numbers of cells in well defined biological structures. These methods have been utilised in studies to determine the effects of varying periods of undernutrition during early life on the numbers of neurons in various regions of the rat brain. The regions examined so far have included the cerebellum, the dentate gyrus, the olfactory bulbs and the cerebral cortex. The only region to show, unequivocally, that a period of undernutrition during early life causes a deficit in the number of neurons was the dentate gyrus. These findings are discussed in the context of other morphological and functional deficits present in undernourished animals.


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In a 2-yr multiple-site field study conducted in western Nebraska during 1999 and 2000, optimum dryland corn (Zea mays L.) population varied from less than 1.7 to more than 5.6 plants m(-2), depending largely on available water resources. The objective of this study was to use a modeling approach to investigate corn population recommendations for a wide range of seasonal variation. A corn growth simulation model (APSIM-maize) was coupled to long-term sequences of historical climatic data from western Nebraska to provide probabilistic estimates of dryland yield for a range of corn populations. Simulated populations ranged from 2 to 5 plants m(-2). Simulations began with one of three levels of available soil water at planting, either 80, 160, or 240 mm in the surface 1.5 m of a loam soil. Gross margins were maximized at 3 plants m(-2) when starting available water was 160 or 240 mm, and the expected probability of a financial loss at this population was reduced from about 10% at 160 mm to 0% at 240 mm. When starting available water was 80 mm, average gross margins were less than $15 ha(-1), and risk of financial loss exceeded 40%. Median yields were greatest when starting available soil water was 240 mm. However, perhaps the greater benefit of additional soil water at planting was reduction in the risk of making a financial loss. Dryland corn growers in western Nebraska are advised to use a population of 3 plants m(-2) as a base recommendation.


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We examined the unique relations between the five dimensions of the Attachment Style Questionnaire (ASQ; Feeney, Noller, & Hanrahan, 1994) and depression and agoraphobic behavior (i.e., avoidance of situations where high anxiety is experienced). In addition, we examined mediation models in an attempt to clarify the link between adult attachment and these two dimensions of psychopathology. In testing these models, we administered the ASQ, General Self-Efficacy Scale, Agoraphobic Catastrophic Cognitions Questionnaire, Beck Depression Inventory, and the Mobility Inventory for Agoraphobia (a measure of the degree to which situations are avoided that are typically anxiety provoking for people with agoraphobia) to 122 participants (44 with agoraphobia, 25 with a current major depressive disorder, and 53 with no current psychopathology). The results showed that the insecure attachment dimensions of need for approval, preoccupation with relationships, and relationships as secondary were uniquely associated with depression and that general self-efficacy partly mediated the relationship between need for approval and depression. In contrast, only preoccupation with relationships was uniquely associated with agoraphobic behavior, and catastrophic cognitions about bodily sensations partly mediated this association.


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The effects of various fallow management systems and cropping intensities on water infiltration were measured on an Alfisol at Ibadan in southwestern Nigeria. The objective was to determine the influence of the land use systems (a combination of crop-fallow sequences and intercropping types) on soil hydraulic properties obtained by disc permeameter and double-ring infiltration measurements. The experiment was established in 1989 as a split-plot design with four replications. The main plots were natural fallow, planted Pueraria phaseoloides and planted Leucaena leucocephala. The subplots were 1 year of maize/cassava intercrop followed by 3-year fallow (25% cropping intensity), or 2-year fallow (33% cropping intensity), or 1-year fallow (50% cropping intensity), or no fallow period (100% cropping intensity). Water infiltration rates and sorptivities were measured under saturated and unsaturated flow. Irrespective of land use, infiltration rates at the soil surface (121-324 cm h(-1)) were greater than those measured at 30 cm depth (55-144 cm h(-1)). This indicated that fewer large pores were present below 30 cm depth compared with 0-30 cm, depth. Despite some temporal variation, sorptivities with the highest mean value of 93.5 cm h(-1/2) increased as the cropping intensity decreased, suggesting a more continuous macropore system under less intensive land use systems. This was most likely due to continuous biopores created by perennial vegetation under long fallow systems. Intercropped maize and cassava yields also increased as cropping intensity decreased. The weak relationship between crop yields and hydraulic conductivity/infiltration rates suggests that the rates were not limiting.


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We evaluated the effects of various food groups and micronutrients in the diet on survival among women who originally participated in a population-based case-control study of ovarian cancer conducted across 3 Australian states between 1990 and 1993. This analysis included 609 women with invasive epithelial ovarian cancer, primarily because there was negligible mortality in women with borderline tumors. The women's usual diet was assessed using a validated food frequency questionnaire. Deaths in the cohort were identified using state-based cancer registries and the Australian National Death Index (NDI). Crude 5-year survival probabilities were estimated using the Kaplan-Meier technique, and adjusted hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were obtained from Cox regression models. After adjusting for important confounding factors, a survival advantage was observed for those who reported higher intake of vegetables in general (HR = 0.75, 95% CI = 0.57-0.99, p-value trend 0.01 for the highest third, compared to the lowest third), and cruciferous vegetables in particular (HR = 0.75, 95% CI = 0.57-0.98, p-value trend 0.03), and among women in the upper third of intake of vitamin E (HR = 0.76, 95% CI = 0.58-1.01, p-value trend 0.04). Inverse associations were also seen with protein (p-value trend 0.09), red meat (p-value trend 0.06) and white meat (p-value trend 0.07), and modest positive trends (maximum 30% excess) with lactose (p-value trend 0.04), calcium and dairy products. Although much remains to be learned about the influence of nutritional factors after a diagnosis of ovarian cancer, our study suggests the possibility that a diet high in vegetable intake may help improve survival. (C) 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Este estudo traz à tona nossa intenção de pesquisa: Compreender a história de vida de um sujeito com a Síndrome de Klinefelter, o Ramon. A Síndrome de Klinefelter é muito peculiar e vem ganhando destaque na área médica, não por sua prevalência na população, mas por sua complexidade. Na área da educação, a produção acerca dessa síndrome é incipiente encontramos apenas um estudo em Portugal. No nosso país, no entanto, ressalta-se o ineditismo dessa pesquisa. Nesse estudo pensamos, juntamente com Lev Semionovich Vigotski e outros autores que imprimem em seus textos raízes sócio-históricas, num Ramon para além do biológico, ou seja, para além dos seus limites orgânicos: um sujeito rico em subjetividade que foi valorizada. Objetivamos, assim, compreender a subjetividade desse sujeito que é singular na coletividade, assim, pensar no Ramon é pensar nos outros, nos seus pares e nas intrínsecas redes de dialogismos tecidas na imensa trama que é a vida. Buscamos também observar como ocorreu a inclusão desse sujeito no âmbito escolar. A fim de atingir os objetivos traçados, utilizamos a perspectiva histórico-cultural do desenvolvimento humano atrelando os pressupostos dessa opção teórica à metodologia história de vida. Para entender os detalhes, os indícios, as miudezas, os resquícios da história de vida do sujeito que parecem insignificantes, mas que são imprescindíveis para se compreender alguns processos de grande dimensão, nos apoiamos no paradigma indiciário de Ginzburg. Nessa pesquisa, nossos encontros com esse jovem de 22 anos são descritos e analisados, levando em conta os aspectos subjetivos. Nesses encontros, ouvimos várias narrativas para compor a história de vida do sujeito pesquisado: a do próprio Ramon, da sua mãe Marlene e das professoras da APAE e da Educação de Jovens e Adultos, ouvimos, portanto, Ramon em diferentes contextos: em casa, na APAE, na escola de ensino comum (EJA) e na casa da professora da APAE. Para colher os dados, recorremos às entrevistas biográficas semiestruturadas, as quais foram adequadas à singularidade de cada sujeito ouvido. Todas as entrevistas foram gravadas e transcritas em sua totalidade e os dados obtidos foram analisados levando-se em conta o contexto histórico e social de Ramon, assim, observamos as relações dialógicas estabelecidas por Ramon com seus pares e tentamos compreendê-las para melhor entender a construção subjetiva desse sujeito que para além de biológico, é social, cultural, que aprende, apreende e que, para além disso...muito nos ensina!


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A pesquisa analisa as relações entre interculturalidade, práxis e educação escolar indígena Tupinikim e Guarani do município de Aracruz, Espírito Santo, Brasil. Investiga a práxis da educação intercultural no espaço da educação escolar indígena como meio de revitalização das culturas Tupinikim e Guarani. Objetiva problematizar a formação inicial e continuada dos professores indígenas; discutir a práxis da interculturalidade no contexto da educação escolar indígena; e, identificar outros espaços educativos da cultura e educação indígena. Analisa aspectos teóricos e práticos sobre cultura (WILLIAMS, 2008; BRANDÃO, 1989; FORQUIN, 1993; CANDAU, 2011; GEERTZ, 1989), interculturalidade (D‘AMBROSIO,1996; FLEURI, 2002; 2003; SCANDIUZZI, 2009;), identidade e alteridade (MELIÁ, 2000; FREIRE, 1981; 1987; LITAIFF, 2004) e práxis (FREIRE, 1989; VÁSQUEZ, 2011; SEMERARO, 2006) e educação (escolar) indígena de acordo com a legislação vigente. Realiza pesquisa interpretativa (GEERTZ, 1989) na educação escolar indígena junto aos professores indígenas Guarani das Aldeias de Boa Esperança e Três Palmeiras (2009-2010) e professores indígenas Tupinikim da Aldeia de Comboios (2011-2013) na perspectiva de um diálogo intercultural. Contribuem nos processos investigativos para produção, sistematização e análise de dados a realização de observações, entrevistas semiestruturadas, registros no caderno de campo, fotografias, gravações em áudio e em vídeo e análise documental sobre a educação escolar indígena de Aracruz. (ANDRÉ, 2007; GIL, 1999; 2004). Os resultados deste trabalho levantam questões relativas a duas realidades de educação escolar nas comunidades indígenas pesquisadas que se constituem em aspectos de sobrevivência e desencadeia formas para interagir e reagir em defesa de sua identidade e dignidade. Nesse sentido, a escola é um local de vivências e de encontro, vista e sentida pelas lideranças e pela comunidade como uma possibilidade real para desenvolver um elo entre as formas tradicionais de vida e as formas contemporâneas. O desafio de garantir uma escola nestes termos significa concretizar a proposta de um projeto de educação escolar para os povos indígenas, constituído por especificidades de como trabalhar a terra, pelo reconhecimento de suas tradições, das línguas e da memória coletiva. Distante de apresentar respostas conclusivas propõe uma educação escolar, coletiva e participativa, que critica e dialoga com todos os envolvidos no processo educativo.


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A pesquisa apresentada nesta dissertação buscou analisar um programa governamental de educação profissional, o Programa Nacional de Acesso ao Ensino Técnico e Emprego (Pronatec), priorizando uma de suas ações: o Pronatec Bolsa-Formação, na sua execução em um campus do Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo. Tecemos aliança com Foucault para compreender as artes de governar. Junto com autoras/es do campo da educação profissional, realçamos aspectos do Pronatec que, em nossa análise, compõem a governamentalidade neoliberal configurando-se como procedimento de gestão da pobreza, de fragilização do direito à educação para jovens e adultas/os e de fortalecimento do mercado de formação. Dedicamo-nos também a perceber como tal programa se efetiva e os efeitos que produz no cotidiano da escola, bem como as práticas produzidas nos processos de formação por servidoras/es e estudantes que estão ou não nele envolvidas/os. Se para nós é de fundamental importância compreender a racionalidade que opera em tal política de qualificação profissional e inclusão de jovens e adultas/os trabalhadoras/es, produzindo efeitos sobre nossas vidas, igualmente importante é pensar as práticas que estamos produzindo na relação com ela. Assim, ao localizarmos nossa análise no cruzamento entre a formulação governamental e a vida dos sujeitos, pretendemos estar atentas/os à multiplicidade e heterogeneidade que compõem a realidade na qual estamos decisivamente implicadas/os.


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Abstract This article provides a comprehensive picture of IR in South America by applying content analysis to 7,857 articles published in 35 journals from six South American countries from 2006 to 2014 in order to discover what the predominant theories, methods and research areas in this field are, how scholars tend to combine them in their research designs, and what the profiles of regional journals are, regarding their epistemological, methodological and subject preferences. The findings reveal a predominantly Positivist and largely Qualitative discipline, resembling North American and European IR.


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Body and testicular biometric parameters are very important for establishing reproductive patterns and, consequently, the development of protocols for assisted reproduction in different species. A direct correlation between the testis weight and the sperm population was observed in other studied species, because the testis size primarily reflects the total volume of the seminiferous tubule, its main component. The objective of this study was to determine the testicular volume parameters and correlate data from morphometry of testis and seminiferous tubules with body mass in six adult crab-eating foxes. The mean body weight of the crab-eating foxes in this study was 6.53 kg, with approximately 0.068% allocated to the testicular mass and 0.042% specifically to seminiferous tubules, which represented 87.5% of the testicular parenchyma. The albuginea comprised 12.5% of the testicular mass. The mean diameter of seminiferous tubules was 236 µm, and the mean thickness of the seminiferous epithelium was 62.9 µm. Values of tubular parameters indicate a sperm productivity close to those observed in previously studied carnivores.


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There is a great demand for simpler and less costly laboratory techniques and for more accessible procedures for orchid breeders who do not have the necessary theoretical basis to use the traditional seed and clone production methods of orchids in vitro. The aim of this study was to assess the use of sodium hypochlorite (NaClO) as a decontaminant in the process of inoculating adult orchid explants of Arundina bambusifolia and Epidendrum ibaguenses. Solutions of NaClO (1.200, 2.400, 3.600, 4.800 and 6.000 mg L-1 - equivalent to 50, 100, 150, 200 and 250 mL L-1 of commercial bleach - CB) were sprayed on the explants (1.0 mL) and the culture medium (GB5), in the presence or absence of activated charcoal (2 g L-1). The explants used were nodal segments of field-grown adult plants. The procedures for inoculating the explants were conducted outside the laminar flow chamber (LFC), except for the control treatment (autoclaved medium and explant inoculation inside the LFC). The best results for fresh weight yield, height and number of shoots were obtained using NaClO in solution at 1.200 mg L-1 (equivalent to 50 mL L-1 commercial bleach) with activated charcoal in the culture medium. Fresh weight figures were 1.10 g/jar for Arundina bambusifolia and 0.16 g/jar for Epidendrum ibaguenses. Spraying the NaClO solutions controls the contamination of the culture medium already inoculated with the explants.


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In face of the current economic and financial environment, predicting corporate bankruptcy is arguably a phenomenon of increasing interest to investors, creditors, borrowing firms, and governments alike. Within the strand of literature focused on bankruptcy forecasting we can find diverse types of research employing a wide variety of techniques, but only a few researchers have used survival analysis for the examination of this issue. We propose a model for the prediction of corporate bankruptcy based on survival analysis, a technique which stands on its own merits. In this research, the hazard rate is the probability of ‘‘bankruptcy’’ as of time t, conditional upon having survived until time t. Many hazard models are applied in a context where the running of time naturally affects the hazard rate. The model employed in this paper uses the time of survival or the hazard risk as dependent variable, considering the unsuccessful companies as censured observations.


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Survival analysis is applied when the time until the occurrence of an event is of interest. Such data are routinely collected in plant diseases, although applications of the method are uncommon. The objective of this study was to use two studies on post-harvest diseases of peaches, considering two harvests together and the existence of random effect shared by fruits of a same tree, in order to describe the main techniques in survival analysis. The nonparametric Kaplan-Meier method, the log-rank test and the semi-parametric Cox's proportional hazards model were used to estimate the effect of cultivars and the number of days after full bloom on the survival to the brown rot symptom and the instantaneous risk of expressing it in two consecutive harvests. The joint analysis with baseline effect, varying between harvests, and the confirmation of the tree effect as a grouping factor with random effect were appropriate to interpret the phenomenon (disease) evaluated and can be important tools to replace or complement the conventional analysis, respecting the nature of the variable and the phenomenon.