987 resultados para Educational tests
Recently there has been an increasing interest in the development of new methods using Pareto optimality to deal with multi-objective criteria (for example, accuracy and architectural complexity). Once one has learned a model based on their devised method, the problem is then how to compare it with the state of art. In machine learning, algorithms are typically evaluated by comparing their performance on different data sets by means of statistical tests. Unfortunately, the standard tests used for this purpose are not able to jointly consider performance measures. The aim of this paper is to resolve this issue by developing statistical procedures that are able to account for multiple competing measures at the same time. In particular, we develop two tests: a frequentist procedure based on the generalized likelihood-ratio test and a Bayesian procedure based on a multinomial-Dirichlet conjugate model. We further extend them by discovering conditional independences among measures to reduce the number of parameter of such models, as usually the number of studied cases is very reduced in such comparisons. Real data from a comparison among general purpose classifiers is used to show a practical application of our tests.
Objective:Postsecondary educational attainment is the key for successful transition to adulthood, economic self-sufficiency, and good mental and physical health.Method:Secondary analyses of school leavers data were carried out to establish postsecondary educational trajectories of students on the autism spectrum in the United Kingdom.Results:Findings show that students with autism who had attended mainstream secondary schools enter Further Education (post-16 vocational training) and Higher Education (University) institutions at a similar rate to other students to study the full range ofsubjects on offer. However, they are more likely to be younger, study at a lower academic level, and remain living at home.Conclusion:While course completion data were not yet available, attainment data showed that prospects were improving, although more needs to be done to enable these young adults to a achieving their post secondary educational potential.
Os sistemas aquticos naturais podem estar sujeitos frequentemente a entrada de txicos, quer seja atravs da lixiviao dos campos agrcolas ou da descarga por parte de unidades industriais. Avaliar o impacto potencial destes contaminantes nos sistemas aquticos muito importante, porque pode promover consequncias srias no balano ecolgico dos ecossistemas. Os efeitos de nveis sub-letais destes txicos nas populaes aquticas so detectados, em muitos casos, somente aps diversas geraes, dependendo da espcie e do contaminante. O comportamento animal considerado como sendo a primeira linha de defesa perante estmulos ambientais, e pode ser uma representao de alteraes fisiolgicas no organismo, sendo portanto um indicador excelente de alteraes ambientais. O desenvolvimento dos sistemas de aviso prvio que integram parmetros comportamentais pode ajudar a prever mais rapidamente possveis alteraes ao nvel das populaes naturais, do que a utilizao de testes ecotoxicolgicos padro com a mesma finalidade. O conhecimento acerca de possveis implicaes devido a alteraes comportamentais, em organismos bentnicos e em populaes do campo sujeitas a txicos, ainda escasso. Sabendo isto, neste estudo pretendeu-se investigar como o comportamento de Chironomus riparius usando um biomonitor em tempo real e outros parmetros tais como crescimento, emergncia de adultos, bioacumulao e biomarcadores, so afectados pela exposio a imidacloprid e ao mercrio, que foram seleccionados como contaminantes. Os resultados demonstraram que a exposio s concentraes sub-letais de imidacloprid afecta o crescimento e o comportamento dos quironomdeos e que estes organismos podem recuperar de uma exposio curta ao insecticida. O comportamento que corresponde ventilao de C. riparius revelou-se como um parmetro mais sensvel do que a locomoo e do que as respostas bioqumicas, quando as larvas foram sujeitas ao imidacloprid. Larvas de C. riparius expostas a concentraes sub-letais de mercrio apresentaram uma tendncia de diminuio de actividade comportamental, em testes com concentraes crescentes do txico; o crescimento das larvas foi tambm prejudicado, e as taxas de emergncia de adultos e o tempo de desenvolvimento apresentaram retardamento. Estes organismos podem bioacumular rapidamente o mercrio em condies de no alimentao e apresentam uma lenta depurao deste metal. Estes efeitos podem, em ltimo caso, conduzir a provveis repercusses ao nvel da populao e das comunidades. As redues em actividades comportamentais, mesmo em concentraes baixas, podem diminuir a quantidade de tempo gasta na procura de alimento, produzindo efeitos aos nveis morfo-fisiolgicos, e assim afectar severamente o desempenho dos quironomdeos no ambiente. O uso destes factores comportamentais como um parmetro ecotoxicolgico sub-letal relevante ao nvel da toxicologia aumentar a versatilidade dos testes, permitindo uma resposta comportamental mensurvel e quantitativa ao nvel do organismo, utilizando uma avaliao no destrutiva, e assim certificando que esta aproximao pode ser usada em testes ecotoxicolgicos futuros.
The main goal of this study was to analyse the development of a pedagogy for autonomy tuned to the current situation in which Higher Education finds itself, namely of implementation of the Bologna Process in Europe, and in particular at the Escola Superior Agrria of the Polytechnic School at Coimbra. For this purpose new course units were created, new descriptors written, new materials developed and new methodologies tried. A case study was undertaken to observe and analyse the changes the institution was undergoing and to assess the impact of the new methodologies, particularly regarding the development of student autonomy. The target population for this study were the first year students on the Biotechnology degree in the year 2007/2008, to whom a battery of tests were applied, namely proficiency tests, belief tests, metacognitive tests, as well as methods of ethnographic research. The study relied on the European Framework of Reference for Languages and the European Language Portfolio to establish recognised levels and competences, and employed the portfolio as its main tool for measuring student autonomy. This portfolio was simultaneously biographical and descriptive and was organised by the students in their own time. Great incentive was given to this independent work. The ethnographic component of the study was of significant importance being given to students learning histories and to the collection of students reflections. This component aimed in particular to allow students the opportunity to express their thoughts on the experience they underwent during 20 weeks. From the analysis of the data, a significant improvement in self-confidence and motivation for lifelong learning is observable in the development of multiple tasks. Regarding the students progression towards proficiency, this improvement is less clear, but the final results of educational success were generally of great relevance.
O contexto educacional exige renovao de paradigmas. Impem-se profundas alteraes ao nvel do papel e da funo do professor e dos alunos, devendo-se privilegiar metodologias de aprendizagem ativas, cooperativas e participativas, rompendo-se com o ensino magistral e a mera transmisso de conhecimentos. As ferramentas informticas podero constituir-se uma mais-valia no contexto educativo, promovendo uma aprendizagem significativa e autorregulada pelo aluno, sempre sob a adequada orientao do professor. Neste contexto, foi criado, na Universidade de Aveiro, o Projeto Matemtica Ensino (PmatE), com o principal objetivo de combater, de uma forma inovadora, as causas do insucesso escolar a matemtica. No entanto, tal plataforma ainda no foi alvo de uma avaliao sistemtica, nomeadamente ao nvel do ensino superior, que nos permita concluir da consecuo dos seus propsitos. Assim, a questo de investigao subjacente ao estudo em curso - Qual o impacte da utilizao diferenciada, como complemento abordagem didctica, da plataforma de ensino assistido (PEA) desenvolvida pelo PmatE na aprendizagem de temas matemticos ao nvel do Ensino Superior, principalmente ao nvel da autonomia, da construo e aplicao de conhecimentos e do desenvolvimento de apetncias pela Matemtica. Para se tentar dar resposta mesma, implementou-se um estudo misto, quantitativo e qualitativo, com alunos da unidade curricular Anlise Matemtica I do Curso Engenharia Alimentar de um Instituto Politcnico portugus, a quem se props uma explorao prvia da plataforma extra-aula para que, nesse espao, se pudesse conceptualizar os conceitos envolvidos e realizar tarefas variadas quanto sua natureza. Usaram-se como principais tcnicas de recolha de dados a anlise documental, a inquirio e a observao direta, suportadas pelos diversos instrumentos: Questionrio Inicial e Final; testes de avaliao, nas verses pr-teste, ps-teste1 e ps-teste2; produes de uma bateria de tarefas de natureza diversificada; registo computorizado do percurso dos alunos relativamente ao trabalho por eles desenvolvido na plataforma do PmatE; notas de campo; dossier dos alunos e entrevistas. Os resultados obtidos, a partir de uma anlise estatstica dos dados quantitativos e de contedo dos dados qualitativos, indicam, por um lado, que os alunos mais autnomos, mais persistentes e que obtm os melhores resultados so os alunos que usaram a plataforma com frequncia e, por outro, que a utilizao da plataforma contribuiu para aumentar o gosto pela Matemtica. Este estudo permitiu, tambm, obter informao importante sobre aspetos que podero melhorar a plataforma, em particular, relativos natureza das tarefas e resoluo dos exerccios propostos.
O presente projeto de investigao em Engenharia Civil construdo em torno das necessidades atuais expressas pelos setores da construo e obras pblicas em fundaes. Em colaborao com a empresa GEO este trabalho pretende dar resposta em tempo til aos empreiteiros, pondo o conhecimento cientfico ao servio da indstria, colmatando a escassez de investigao acadmica que se verifica neste domnio. Esta investigao, qual se associou a empresa BRASFOND, recorre ao estudo de ensaios de carga esttica compresso realizados no Brasil, segundo a NBR 12131 (2005) e NBR 12131 (2006). Assim, para estudar o desempenho de polmeros aplicados na estabilizao de solos em fundaes, foram analisados 6 ensaios de carga realizados em obras de interveno da empresa GEO, disponibilizados pela empresa BRASFOND. Os ensaios de carga verticais estticos de compresso axial foram realizados em estacas de 3 obras, nomeadamente a construo de uma central termoeltrica, em 2009, e de dois edifcios, em 2010. O projeto de fundaes da central termoeltrica assentou na execuo de estacas com polmeros, com 1270 estacas moldadas in loco com 1 000 mm de dimetro e profundidade varivel de 10 m a 18 m, em solos moles e pouco compactos de 8 m a 9 m de espessura, encastradas at 3 m sobre um macio Gnaisse medianamente alterado (W3). Dos ensaios de carga realizados nesta obra, foram alvo deste estudo a anlise dos primeiros 4 disponibilizados pela empresa. Os valores estimados por mtodos semi-empricos da capacidade resistente das estacas, considerando a recuperao da rocha nos trechos encastrados, foram comparados com a carga resistente ltima compresso obtida atravs do ensaio de carga. O projeto de fundaes de dois edifcios de elevado nmero de andares (cerca de 30) no litoral do Estado de So Paulo, em Santos, assentou na execuo de fundaes indiretas em solos moles a muito moles, com estacas de grandes dimenses moldadas com recurso a polmeros. Para atestar a qualidade das estacas, de forma a avaliar o comportamento carga versus assentamento e estimar as caractersticas da capacidade de carga, procedeu-se execuo de dois ensaios de carga esttica compresso, um dos quais instrumentado em profundidade. Os valores estimados por mtodos semi-empricos da capacidade resistente das estacas foram comparados com a carga resistente ltima compresso obtida atravs do ensaio de carga. Para alm deste estudo se revestir de interesse acadmico e empresarial, o contexto inerente aplicao de polmeros em fundaes relevante para a prtica pedaggica. Assim, este projeto envolve tambm uma componente educacional, esta ltima implementada numa escola do ensino bsico e secundrio da regio centro do pas.
This article examines the effectiveness of two innovative retrofitting solutions at enhancing the seismic behaviour of a substandard reinforced concrete building tested on a shake table as part of the Pan-European funded project BANDIT. To simulate typical substandard construction, the reinforcement of columns and beam-column joints of the full-scale structure had inadequate detailing. An initial series of shake table tests were carried out to assess the seismic behaviour of the bare building and the effectiveness of a first retrofitting intervention using Post-Tensioned Metal Straps. After these tests, columns and joints were repaired and subsequently retrofitted using a retrofitting solution consisting of Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymers and Post-Tensioned Metal Straps applied on opposite frames of the building. The building was then subjected to unidirectional and three-dimensional incremental seismic excitations to assess the effectiveness of the two retrofitting solutions at improving the global and local building performance. The article provides details of the above shake table testing programme and retrofitting solutions, and discusses the test results in terms of the observed damage, global damage indexes, performance levels and local strains. It is shown that whilst the original bare building was significantly damaged at a peak ground acceleration (PGA) of 0.15g, the retrofitted building resisted severe threedimensional shake table tests up to PGA=0.60g without failure. Moreover, the retrofitting intervention enhanced the interstorey drift ratio capacity of the 1st and 2nd floors by 160% and 110%, respectively. Therefore, the proposed dual retrofitting system is proven to be very effective for improving the seismic performance of substandard buildings.
Adolescents from areas of high deprivation are often assumed to have low aspirations for the future. However, recent research has suggested otherwise and there have been calls for more substantial investigation into the relationship between poverty and aspiration. This article reports levels and variation in aspiration from 1,214 adolescents (49.5% male; 50.5% female) living in areas of high deprivation across 20 London boroughs. A strength of this study is our large and diverse population of low socio-economic status (SES) adolescents, comprising of white British (22%), black African (21%), black Caribbean (9%), Indian/Pakistani/Bangladeshi/Other Asian (24%), mixed ethnicity (9%), and 15% defining themselves as Other. Our measures indicated a high group level of reported aspiration with notable variations. Females reported higher educational (but not occupational) aspirations than males; white British students reported lower educational and occupational aspirations than other ethnic groups; and black African children reported the highest educational aspirations. Perceived parental support for education had the largest positive association with aspirations. In contrast to previous findings from studies carried out in the United States, aspirations were found to be negatively associated with perceptions of school and school peer environment. These measures explored feelings of safety, happiness and belonging within the school environment and school peer group. We discuss possible explanations for this unexpected finding within our population of adolescents from UK state schools and how it might affect future policy interventions. This study makes an important contribution to the literature on adolescent aspirations because of the unique nature of the data sample and the multiple domains of functioning and aspiration measured.
The effectiveness of a novel Post-Tensioned Metal Strapping (PTMS) technique at enhancing the seismic behaviour of a substandard RC building was investigated through full-scale shake-table tests during the EU-funded project BANDIT. The building had inadequate reinforcement detailing in columns and joints to replicate old construction practices. After the bare building was initially damaged significantly, it was repaired and strengthened with PTMS to perform additional seismic tests. The PTMS technique improved considerably the seismic performance of the tested building. Whilst the bare building experienced critical damage at an earthquake of PGA=0.15g, the PTMS-strengthened building sustained a PGA=0.35g earthquake without compromising stability.
The bulletin presents an outline for an educational talk for speakers promoting education in South Carolina.
Relatrio da Prtica de Ensino Supervisionada, Ensino de Histria e Geografia no 3. Ciclo do Ensino Bsico e Ensino Secundrio, Universidade de Lisboa, 2013
Trabalho de projeto de mestrado, Tecnologias e Metodologias em E-Learning, Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educao, Faculdade de Cincias, 2013
Reforms which increase the stock of education in a society have long been held by policy-makers as key to improving rates of intergenerational social mobility. Yet, despite the intuitive plausibility of this idea, the empirical evidence in support of an effect of educational expansion on social fluidity is both indirect and weak. In this paper we use the raising of the minimum school leaving age from 15 to 16 years in England and Wales in 1972 to estimate the effect of educational participation and qualification attainment on rates of intergenerational social class mobility. Because, in expectation, children born immediately before and after the policy was implemented are statistically exchangeable, the difference in the amount of education they received may be treated as exogenously determined. The exogenous nature of the additional education gain means that differences in rates of social mobility between cohorts affected by the reform can be treated as having been caused by the additional education. The data for the analysis come from the ONS Longitudinal Study, which links individual records from successive decennial censuses between 1971 and 2001. Our findings show that, although the reform resulted in an increase in educational attainment in the population as a whole and a weakening of the association between attainment and class origin, there was no reliably discernible increase in the rate of intergenerational social mobility.