925 resultados para EQUIPAMENTOS, Tubo Traqueal, Máscara Laríngea


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Tendo em vista as mudanças nos processos das organizações, e na forma de gestão e gerência das equipes para acompanharem tais mudanças, o objetivo desta dissertação é identificar quais ferramentas da administração podem ser utilizadas pelos gestores para facilitar este processo de mudança, aumentando a produtividade das pessoas e processos de uma área de Tecnologia da Informação (TI). Adicionalmente, nesta dissertação, busca-se verificar se as ferramentas de administração das três primeiras décadas do século XX, período em que o paradigma Fordista se fazia muito presente, e das três últimas décadas deste mesmo século, período marcado pelo paradigma da Flexibilização, ainda são utilizadas para gestão da área de TI de uma empresa em que todo o seu processo produtivo está baseado em sistemas e equipamentos controlados por computadores. O estudo é fundamentado por uma seção empírica, na qual se relata um caso real, focalizando as transformações ocorridas na área de TI da empresa Infoglobo Comunicações, onde processos importantes da área foram alterados para adequar a produtividade e qualidade dos serviços prestados pela área aos novos patamares definidos pela Diretoria da empresa.


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This dissertation studies the innovative technological capabilities available in the merger and acquisitions processes and the relationship between these processes with the technological capabilities accumulation to get convergence of technology and services. This study was examined in fourteen companies of the telecommunications industry during 2002 to 2007. Starting on 1990 there were from one end a profusion of studies on the technological capabilities as source of competitive advantages; from another end there are studies on merger and acquisitions with the objective to evaluate the motivations derived from technological factors and stimulation to the competition and the opening of the market. However few of the empirical studies of long stated period that examine the correlation of these events in the industry of telecommunications under the optics of the technological qualification in the level of the companies and for the strategic perspective of enterprise based on the dynamics abilities. An analytical framework already available in the literature was used to describe the contribution of the merger and acquisitions processes for the accumulation of innovative technological capabilities in the studied companies. However the framework was adapted specifically for the industry of Telecommunications. This dissertation also studies the importance of the strategic merger and acquisitions as organizational form in the complementation of technological capability for external sources. Such empirical evidences had been collected from information and data bases published for the own companies who had been examined in this dissertation. Regarding the results, it was found that: 1. In terms of participation with ingress technological capabilities in strategic merger and acquisitions the equipment manufacturers had entered with 71% to 55 of the technological capabilities and the service operator company had entered with 61% to 71 technological capabilities. 2. In terms of implications of the merger and acquisitions for the configuration of resultant technologic capabilities, it was found that the equipment manufacturers had increased 31% the ratio of convergence of technology and the operators of services had increased 4% the ratio for the change in the organizational structure. 3. Regarding the accumulation technological capability to obtain convergence of technology and services was verified the increase these technological capabilities after the merger and acquisitions process in the companies studied. Considering the limitation of this study, the evidences found in this dissertation suggest that the companies use the processes of strategic merger and acquisitions to search for external complementation of their knowledge base to compete in the globalization market. The result demonstrates that this movement has implied in an alteration and accumulation of capability from organization on innovative technological activities regarding the convergence of technology and services.


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A competição entre as empresas pela busca de mercado tem levado ao aprimoramento de suas atividades e melhorias em seus processos produtivos. Este trabalho apresenta a análise do processo produtivo de uma empresa produtora de embalagens de papelão ondulado através da técnica da simulação computacional. O simulador ProModel foi utilizado no desenvolvimento do estudo e se mostrou adequado para a modelagem do processo produtivo e geração de resultados. Com a sua capacidade de animação, criação de macros e geração de relatórios, ficou facilitado o desenvolvimento e analise de cenários. Isto permitiu que o foco do estudo ficasse sobre a análise dos resultados e simulação de cenários e não na programação para criação e rodagem do modelo de simulação. A partir da modelagem do processo real de trabalho foi possível identificar restrições de capacidades no sistema, o que levou à criação de cenários onde oportunidades de melhoria pudessem ser avaliadas. A revelação de que a parcial utilização do equipamento denominado Onduladeira, o qual gerava perdas por ociosidade nas impressoras, acabou se mostrando como o gargalo do processo produtivo é o mais indicado ponto de melhoria. Com o incremento de produtividade sobre este equipamento, definido a partir de análises dos cenários, obteve-se como resultado a utilização de 100% dos demais equipamentos do processo produtivo. Análises e comparações de resultados entre os cenários e as conclusões do estudo são apresentadas no final do trabalho.


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Day after day, even small companies and multinationals brands need to compete in a worldwide market. All kind of global strategies have to involve production and regional market knowledge. Still being essential for company have a complete view of it market and it right position to gain competitive advantage. In a global market, get possible for the companies be in touch with last generation technologies and equipment's and all kind of research. Companies like that should develop products focused in customer's desire, even those extremely strict. Specifically in our country, as hard as we could think, the companies have access to credit lines, to the fiscal incentives offered by the states that alliance with the market potential are making possible the appearance of a lot companies and the growth of the companies already existent. However, these resources alone don't produce results to the company if it doesn't possess an internal organization able to assimilate the new market situation. The companies have to be able to apply the maximum resources offered by new technologies and understand how a communications facility means solution for many internal problems. In short terms, technology, financial resources, research and knowledge are available, however, the human resources might be prepared and developed in order to become the whole knowledge in profits. According 'JURAN' and his Total Quality Control philosophy the human resources playing fundamental role in the process, and in my opinion a company is something like a ship where all must be prepared to hold the rudder. I will develop a basic job looking for productivity and company's development through the people's involvement, focused in process of motivation, creativity and staff valorization. I believe that there no good production process without those requirements. Based on real case of a automotive parts and foundry company, located in Bento Gonçalves - RS, this work will look for to organize it mainly in its Industrial Division, adopting in participate administration where, through a information system and personnel involvement we will seek all favorable conditions to politics and strategies in get the growth of company.


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O metal mercúrio é conhecido pela sua grande toxidade apesar de seu emprego difundido. Desde a Antigüidade, se reconhece sua ação tóxica na exposição ocupacional. Em alguns ambientes laborais, os riscos são maiores, como é o caso de hospitais, que utilizam o mercúrio elementar em vários equipamentos, especialmente em termômetros de verificação da temperatura corporal, largamente empregados. Como na instituição objeto deste estudo foram quebrados 148 termômetros em uma Unidade de Terapia Intensiva no período de um ano, esta pesquisa objetivou a realização de uma avaliação de alguns indicadores ambientais neste espaço de trabalho e de alguns indicadores biológicos e psicológicos em uma amostra de trabalhadores desta unidade, que se dispuseram a participar da pesquisa. A avaliação de tais indicadores são recomendados como pertinentes pela literatura (ATSDR, 1989). Não se detectou em nenhuma das avaliações realizadas, índices acima das normas estabelecidas. Interpreta-se que a temperatura da unidade (20ºC) reduz a possibilidade do mercúrio se volatizar e intoxicar os trabalhadores. As regras de higiene, típicas do contexto hospitalar, e a rotina de rápido recolhimento dos resíduos dos termômetros quebrados e seu acondicionamento em recipientes com tampa são os principais fatores explicativos para os índices encontrados.


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The management system based on lean thinking has led to significant changes in the companies that have decided to adopt it. Frequently, those changes do not create a sustainable position coherent with the good results that are obtained. Many are the causes being discussed and analyzed, not only in academia, but also by lean manufacturing institutes and companies. The existing practices related to the managerial information system and the implementation, development, and maintenance of the lean journey may be some of such causes. This dissertation emphasizes whether the changes generated by this type of management are being followed by the managerial information system. The development of such system was in many cases based on mass production, whose principles go against lean manufacturing concepts. Thus, the objective of this dissertation is to verify whether the traditional managerial information system can meet the needs of the companies that adopt lean manufacturing principles. Through a case study based on qualitative and exploratory research in an electronic equipment assembling company, the stage of the implementation of lean thinking concepts at the time of the field research was analyzed, as well as whether the metrics, financial and non financial indicators were suitable for lean principles. The aim of such study was to empirically verify if the criticism found in the existing literature was pertinent or not. The data collected through the analysis of the documentation, the interviews with managers and in loco observation was treated through the content analysis method. The main conclusion of the research is that, although the company in question is investing in training and applying lean principles in its production line and in some administrative activities, the current managerial information system does not demonstrate the specific results obtained with lean principles. However, how changes to the managerial information system will be implemented is yet to be determined. Currently, metrics and indicators aligned with lean management are being added to the managerial reports. As more lean tools are employed, mainly with the consolidation of more value streams, the company has already diagnosed the need for new indicators. The main office has started a diagnosis of measurement and control systems in a product line in one of its affiliates with the goal of studying the possibility of applying the so called lean accounting in the future.


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Over the last 40 years there has been a profusion of studies about the ccumulation of technological capacities in firms from developing economies. However, there remain few studies that examine, on a combined basis, the relationship among: the trajectories of technological capacities accumulation; the underlying learning mechanisms; and, the implications of organizational factors for these two variables. Still scarcer are the studies that examine the relationship among these variables along time and based on a comparative case study. This dissertation examines the relationship among the trajectory of accumulation of innovative capacities in complex project management, the learning mechanisms underlying these technological capacities and the intra-organizational factors that influence these learning echanisms. That set of relationships is examined through a comparative and a long-term (1988-2008) case study in a capital goods firm (for the pulp and paper industry) and a pulp mill in Brazil. Based on first-hand quantitative and qualitative empiric evidence, gathered through extensive field research, this dissertation found: 1. Both firms accumulated innovative capacity in project management at the international frontier level (Level 6). However, there was variability between the firms in terms of the nature and speed of accumulation of those capacities. It was also observed that, at this level of innovation, the innovative capacities of both firms are not confined to their organizational boundaries, but they are distributed beyond their boundaries. 2. So that these companies could accumulate those levels of innovative capacities it was necessary to manage several learning mechanisms: leveraging of external knowledge and its internalization in terms of internal apacities of the firm. In other words, as the companies accumulated more innovative levels of capacities for project management, it was necessary to manage different cycles of technological learning. 3. Further, the relationship between the ccumulation of technological capacities and learning was affected positively by intra-organizational factors, such as 'authority disposition', 'mutability of work roles' and 'intensity of internal crises', and negatively by the factor 'singularity of goals'. This dissertation revealed divergent results between firms in two of the four factors studied. These results contribute to advance our understanding of the complexity and variability involved in the process of accumulation of innovative capacities in firms from developing economies. This highlights the growing importance of the organizational and the human resource dimensions of innovation and technological capacity as the company approaches the international frontier. The results suggest to managers that: (i) the good performance in project management in the two firms studied did not occur simply as a result of the pulp and paper Brazilian industry growth, rather as a result of the deliberate construction and accumulation of the capacities through an intensive and coordinated cyclical process of technological learning, (ii) to develop innovative capabilities in project management, besides looking for learning mechanisms they should also look at the organizational factors that influence the learning mechanisms directly, (iii) performance of pulp mill¿s projects is better when projects are implemented together with technology suppliers than when performed only by the mill. This dissertation concludes that capital goods firms have been having a fundamental role for the innovative capabilities accumulation in project management of pulp mills in Brazil (and vice-versa) for a long time. This contradicts some authors' propositions that affirm that: a) equipment suppliers for the pulp and paper industry have been creating little, if any, development of processes or engineering projects in Brazil; b) firms in the pulp and paper industry have little capacity for machinery and equipments projects only taking place in few technological activities, being internal or external to the firm. Finally, some studies are proposed for future research.


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The purpose of this study is to define measures to increase customer satisfaction and company competitiveness using a remote monitoring technology, in an exploratory study of Alpha Elevator Company (nick name chosen to the company by the actor of the dissertation). Regarding the competitive market, the service industry is striving to achieve productivity, following the example of the manufacturing industry. Nevertheless, these efforts are limited by the amount of hours worked per week, month or year, since the sector charges its services based on the hours spent working on the equipment of the client or based on the numbers of visits. This study is based in the overcoming of the traditional paradigm of selling number of hours by a system of selling results and performance. Employing a remote monitoring system, the elevators under the company service are monitored continually and defects are detected and transmitted to the customer care center, via phone line. The customers can access this data through the Internet and obtain information like availability rate of their elevators and call back response time rate, besides being able to buy products on the company¿s home page and to send feedback. The results were obtained by participating in conferences among experts of the company, in Japan and the United States. Through the analysis of the business environment and based on the bibliographic reference, a strategy was developed to implement e-service as a competitive differentiation.


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This dissertation enfoca the relationship between technological competences accumulation and the learning underlying processes. This relationship is examined in the company AGCO Comércio and Indústria Ltda, during the period of 1970 to 2000. It is of a company metal-mechanics, agricultural machines manufacturer. In other words, the dissertation examines the processes technological learning implications for aA technological competences accumulation in the company in study. The dissertation enfoca the competences accumulation for three technological functions: processes and organization, products and equipments. The learning processes are examined to the light of four characteristic: variety, intensity, operation and interaction, from the structure existing analysis use in the literature. Based on study of individual case, this study found that the technological competences ways to accumulation in the studied company are associates to the several processes used to acquire technological knowledge and converts him in organizacional. Ademais, the simple incidence of these processes in the company didn't guarantee in the company a positive implication for the technological competences accumulation. The company accumulated level middleman-superior technological competence (level 6) to accomplish production and function products function processes and organization activities, and intermediary level (level 5) to accomplish function equipments activities. In haves to characteristic key, the learning processes introduce an oscillation differentiated along time: the variety oscillated of moderated the several; the intensity of intermittent the continuous; the operation of bad the good; and the interaction of weak the strong. Through the existing structure use in the literature, however applied to a previous studies different industry, this dissertation suggests that must there be an organized , continuous effort and integrated for the knowledge generation and sowing in every company in order to the technological training accumulation be accelerated in the company.


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This dissertation is concerned with the implications of the learning processes for the technological capability accumulation at the firm level. This relationship was examined in Kvaerner Pulping over the period from 1980 to 2000. The firm is located in Curitiba/PR and supplies equipment and complete plants (capital goods) for pulp mills. In other words, based on an individual case study, this dissertation examines how the learning processes influence the building and accumulation of technological capability. The accumulation of technological capabilities is crucial for the survival and the competitive performance of the firms. An analytical framework already available in the literature was used to describe the paths (way and speed) of technological capability accumulation in the firm studied. However, the framework was adapted specifically for the capital goods industry for the pulp & paper sector. The paths of technological capability accumulation are analysed for three different technological functions: ¿engineering activities and project management¿, ¿operational processes and practices¿ and ¿process equipment¿. The learning mechanisms were examined in the light of four key features: variety, intensity, functioning and interaction. During the 1980s and 1990s the firm accumulated different levels of technological capability in the technological functions studied. It was only when the firm started to coordinate systematically the efforts to acquire and convert the knowledge from the individual to the organizational level, at the mid 1990s, that the accumulation of technological capability was accelerated. By the end of this decade the firm was able to accumulate innovative capabilities in all the functions analysed. Similarly to previous studies that investigated other types of firms, the conclusion of this dissertation suggests that the way and rate by which the firm accumulates technological capability can be explained by the learning process and its key features over time.


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The main objective of this dissertation is to examine the implications of technological capacities in the improvement of technical performance indexes, specifically at the company level. These relationships were examined in a small sample of metal-working enterprises in the state of Rio de Janeiro (1960 to 2006). Although diverse studies on technological competences have been carried out in the last twenty years, a gap in empirical studies still exist that correlate the performance of companies in the context of developing countries, especially in Brazil. Aiming to contribute to a reduction of these gaps, this dissertation examines the questions by the light of available models in literature, which opting themselves to using operational indexes of companies. For drawing the accumulation of technological competences in this study, the metric proposal by Figueiredo (2000) shall be used indicating the levels of technological qualification in process, product, and equipment functions. The empirical evidence examined in this dissertation is both qualitative and quantitative in nature and were collected, first hand, through extensive field research involving informal interviews, meetings, direct-site observation and document analysis. In relation to the results, the evidence suggests that: - In terms of technological accumulation, a company reached Level 5 of technological capacity in process and organization of production as well as product and equipment. Three companies obtained Level 4 in the function process function while two others had reached the same technological level in the functions of product and equipment. Two companies had reached Level 3 in the product and equipment functions and one remained this level in the function of process; - In terms of the rate of accumulation of technological capacities, the observed companies had reached Level 4 needs 29 years in process function, 32 years in product function and 29 years in equipment function; - In terms of improvement performance pointers, a company which reached Level 5 of technological capacity improved in 70% of its indicators of performance, while the company that had achieved Level 4 had raised its pointers 60% and the other companies had gotten improved in the order of 40%. It was evidenced that the majority of the pointers of the companies with higher levels of technological capacities had obtained better performance. This dissertation contributes to advancing the strategic management of companies in metal-working segment to understanding internal accumulation of technological capacity and indicators of performance especially in the field of empirical context studied. This information offers management examples of how to improve competitive performance through the accumulation of technological capacities in the process, product and equipment functions.


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In Brazil, the supplemental healthcare system is going through a transition period from the traditional Fee-for-service reimbursement system to the Package reimbursement system, similar to the American model known as the Diagnoses Related Groups (DRG) system. Although the Package concept is nothing new to the hospital environment, it is still seldom used since this system calls for a level of control and analytical knowledge of hospital costs that are poorly developed in Brazilian institutions. This study focuses on determining how much the reimbursement for a Myocardial Revascularization Package actually covers of the current costs for patients submitted to this procedure. A prospective analysis method for determining the cost per patient has been developed and 13 patients were individually followed-up during all their hospitalization period. The expenses with intensive care unit and in-patient clinical care, as well as the type of admittance - whether elective or emergency - were determined for each patient. Additionally, all the resources and materials for the surgical procedure were included, comprising specialized personnel, surgical fees, procedures and tests, biomedical equipment, and all the materials and medication used during the hospital stay. Based on this data, the current total costs were calculated and compared to the reimbursement for the Package previously agreed upon by the institution and the healthcare carriers. The study found an average cost of BR$ 8,826 for a Myocardial Revascularization surgical procedure, while the respective reimbursement for the Package is of BR$ 7,476. Therefore, the reimbursement does not cover the current costs of the procedure.


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Este trabalho caracteriza uma visão geral de recente pesquisa utilizando dados de patentes como indicador de inovação tecnológica e fonte de informação para o apontamento das estratégias utilizadas pelas empresas e países no desenvolvimento de tecnologias e sua apropriação. Conceitos referentes à inovação e patentes são discutidos no decorrer do trabalho. A prospecção contemplou quatro dos principais bancos de patentes no mundo, analisando um total de 3.104 documentos. Ao verificar as informações contidas nas patentes, constatou-se o alto grau de inovação e inventividade desenvolvido por países como Estados Unidos, Holanda e Japão nas diferentes áreas tecnológicas da avicultura industrial (genética, nutrição, sanidade, máquinas e equipamentos). Acerca das estratégias, confirmou-se o domínio de áreas tecnológicas como a genética pelos americanos e europeus e áreas diversificadas de patenteamento como a área química e saúde humana pelo Japão. Quanto às estratégias de depósitos, os fluxos apontaram os Estados Unidos como país que recebeu maior número de patentes estrangeiras. No Brasil, grande parte das patentes depositadas pertencem a empresas estrangeiras cuja área tecnológica refere-se na maioria a máquinas e equipamentos. Por parte dos detentores brasileiros, destaca-se estratégia de caráter incremental compreendida pelo patenteamento de melhorias e adaptações feitas por meio de dispositivos e inclusão de peças em máquinas e equipamentos. De maneira geral, a análise das patentes mostrou um grupo seleto de empresas, principalmente dos Estados Unidos e Holanda, como detentoras de significativo percentual dos depósitos em nível mundial Por parte dos detentores brasileiros, destaca-se estratégia de caráter incremental compreendida pelo patenteamento de melhorias e adaptações feitas por meio de dispositivos e inclusão de peças em máquinas e equipamentos. De maneira geral, a análise das patentes mostrou um grupo seleto de empresas, principalmente dos Estados Unidos e Holanda, como detentoras de significativo percentual dos depósitos em nível mundial. No elo processador poucas foram as patentes encontradas, depositadas somente no país de origem do detentor. Isto implica que particularmente neste elo, a inovação não se associa a proteção, sendo a imitação livre. Especificamente para o Brasil, a estratégia da indústria avícola nacional não está relacionada a um patenteamento próprio, mas sim a um padrão tecnológico difundido pelos setores fornecedores das mais variadas tecnologias, estas sim patenteadas. Somente a análise de patentes é incapaz de captar aspectos específicos de inovação do setor em estudo.


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Aproximadamente 95% do comércio exterior brasileiro são realizados por via marítima, principalmente por contêineres. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo medir a eficiência relativa das operações dos terminais de contêineres do Mercosul nos anos de 2002, 2003 e 2004, utilizando a técnica Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) nos modelos CCR e BCC, com cinco inputs (número de guindastes, número de berços, número de funcionários, área do terminal, número de equipamentos de pátio) e dois outputs (quantidade de TEU (do inglês, twenty foot equivalent unit) movimentado e a média de movimentação de contêineres por hora por navio). A unidade de análise é composta por 15 terminais de contêineres brasileiros, 6 terminais argentinos e 2 uruguaios. Além da técnica de DEA, foi utilizada a Regressão Tobit para verificar as variáveis que mais influenciam a eficiência e, também, um estudo qualitativo focando quatro terminais. Devido os terminais operarem com retorno variável de escala, decidiu-se utilizar o modelo BCC. Pela análise pôde-se observar eficiência em 14 terminais nos três anos abrangidos, sendo 10 do Brasil, 3 da Argentina e 1 do Uruguai. Na análise de benchmarking, os terminais de Zarate, Rio Cubatão e Teconvi foram os que mais serviram de referência para os terminais ineficientes. Através da Regressão Tobit, seja utilizando o índice de eficiência do modelo CCR seja o do modelo BCC, a variável “número de equipamentos de pátio” não apresentou significância estatística. Tal resultado surpreende, pois os executivos dos terminais de contêineres ressaltaram que esta variável é importante para a eficiência das operações dos terminais.


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As novas tecnologias de informação e comunicação fazem parte de um processo amplo de mudanças que tem diversas denominações, com potencial de transformar radicalmente a sociedade atual. Neste cenário, o teletrabalho é um tema importante, mas cujos estudos no Brasil estão muito pouco desenvolvidos. Definido pelo European Infomation Technology Observatory (EITO) como sendo o "uso de computadores e telecomunicações para mudar a geografia aceita do trabalho", o teletrabalho envolve diversos aspectos (econômico, social, cultural, tecnológico, legal, ecológico, transporte e outros) e diversos atores (organizações, indivíduos, governos, sindicatos patronais e de trabalhadores, fornecedores de equipamentos e serviços, deficientes e outros). A partir de uma análise do panorama no qual·o teletrabalho está inserido, uma revisão da literatura sobre teletrabalho e telecentros e um estudo exploratório, este trabalho levanta questões a . serem debatidas e pesquisadas, com o objetivo de auxiliar o desenvolvimento deste campo no Brasil.