957 resultados para Dynamic parameters


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A better performing product code vector quantization (VQ) method is proposed for coding the line spectrum frequency (LSF) parameters; the method is referred to as sequential split vector quantization (SeSVQ). The split sub-vectors of the full LSF vector are quantized in sequence and thus uses conditional distribution derived from the previous quantized sub-vectors. Unlike the traditional split vector quantization (SVQ) method, SeSVQ exploits the inter sub-vector correlation and thus provides improved rate-distortion performance, but at the expense of higher memory. We investigate the quantization performance of SeSVQ over traditional SVQ and transform domain split VQ (TrSVQ) methods. Compared to SVQ, SeSVQ saves 1 bit and nearly 3 bits, for telephone-band and wide-band speech coding applications respectively.


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Recently, ultrafast two-photon photoemission has been used to study electron solvation at a two-dimensional metal/polar adsorbate interfaces [A. Miller , Science 297, 1163 (2002)]. The electron is bound to the surface by the image interaction. Earlier we have suggested a theoretical description of the states of the electron interacting with a two-dimensional layer of the polar adsorbate [K. L. Sebastian , J. Chem. Phys. 119, 10350 (2003)]. In this paper we have analyzed the dynamics of electron solvation, assuming a trial wave function for the electron and the solvent polarization and then using the Dirac-Frenkel variational method to determine it. The electron is initially photoexcited to a delocalized state, which has a finite but large size, and causes the polar molecules to reorient. This reorientation acts back on the electron and causes its wave function to shrink, which will cause further reorientation of the polar molecules, and the process continues until the electron gets self-trapped. For reasonable values for the parameters, we are able to obtain fair agreement with the experimental observations. (c) 2005 American Institute of Physics.


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Pristine peatlands are carbon (C) accumulating wetland ecosystems sustained by a high water level (WL) and consequent anoxia that slows down decomposition. Persistent WL drawdown as a response to climate and/or land-use change directly affects decomposition: increased oxygenation stimulates decomposition of the old C (peat) sequestered under prior anoxic conditions. Responses of the new C (plant litter) in terms of quality, production and decomposability, and the consequences for the whole C cycle of peatlands are not fully understood. WL drawdown induces changes in plant community resulting in shift in dominance from Sphagnum and graminoids to shrubs and trees. There is increasing evidence that the indirect effects of WL drawdown via the changes in plant communities will have more impact on the ecosystem C cycling than any direct effects. The aim of this study is to disentangle the direct and indirect effects of WL drawdown on the new C by measuring the relative importance of 1) environmental parameters (WL depth, temperature, soil chemistry) and 2) plant community composition on litter production, microbial activity, litter decomposition rates and, consequently, on the C accumulation. This information is crucial for modelling C cycle under changing climate and/or land-use. The effects of WL drawdown were tested in a large-scale experiment with manipulated WL at two time scales and three nutrient regimes. Furthermore, the effect of climate on litter decomposability was tested along a north-south gradient. Additionally, a novel method for estimating litter chemical quality and decomposability was explored by combining Near infrared spectroscopy with multivariate modelling. WL drawdown had direct effects on litter quality, microbial community composition and activity and litter decomposition rates. However, the direct effects of WL drawdown were overruled by the indirect effects via changes in litter type composition and production. Short-term (years) responses to WL drawdown were small. In long-term (decades), dramatically increased litter inputs resulted in large accumulation of organic matter in spite of increased decomposition rates. Further, the quality of the accumulated matter greatly changed from that accumulated in pristine conditions. The response of a peatland ecosystem to persistent WL drawdown was more pronounced at sites with more nutrients. The study demonstrates that the shift in vegetation composition as a response to climate and/or land-use change is the main factor affecting peatland ecosystem C cycle and thus dynamic vegetation is a necessity in any models applied for estimating responses of C fluxes to changes in the environment. The time scale for vegetation changes caused by hydrological changes needs to extend to decades. This study provides grouping of litter types (plant species and part) into functional types based on their chemical quality and/or decomposability that the models could utilize. Further, the results clearly show a drop in soil temperature as a response to WL drawdown when an initially open peatland converts into a forest ecosystem, which has not yet been considered in the existing models.


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The viscosity of five binary gas mixtures - namely, oxygen-hydrogen, oxygen-nitrogen, oxygen-carbon dioxide, carbon dioxide-nitrogen, carbon dioxide-hydrogen - and two ternary mixtures - oxygen-nitrogen-carbon dioxide and oxygen-hydrogen-carbon dioxide - were determined at ambient temperature and pressure using an oscillating disk viscometer. The theoretical expressions of several investigators were in good agreement with the experimental results obtained with this viscometer. In the case of the ternary gas mixture oxygen-carbon dioxide-nitrogen, as long as the volumetric ratio of oxygen to carbon dioxide in the mixture was maintained at 11 to 8, the viscosity of the ternary mixture at ambient temperature and pressure remained constant irrespective of the percentage of nitrogen present in the mixture.


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It is well known that the analysis of vibration of orthogonally stiffened rectangular plates and grillages may be simplified by replacing the actual structure by an orthotropic plate. This needs a suitable determination of the four elastic rigidity constants Dx, Dy, Dxy, D1 and the mass {Mathematical expression} of the orthotropic plate. A method is developed here for determining these parameters in terms of the sectional properties of the original plate-stiffener combination or the system of interconnected beams. Results of experimental work conducted on aluminium plates agree well with the results of the theory developed here.


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The variations in certain spin-Hamiltonian parameters of the Cu++ ion in dibarium copper formate tetrahydrate with temperature have been studied. Optical absorption investigations on single crystals of the salt at room temperature and 90° K. are reported. The results are discussed in terms of a model in which vibronic mixing of certain electron levels of the Cu++ ion play an important role.


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Bone mass accrual and maintenance are regulated by a complex interplay between genetic and environmental factors. Recent studies have revealed an important role for the low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 5 (LRP5) in this process. The aim of this thesis study was to identify novel variants in the LRP5 gene and to further elucidate the association of LRP5 and its variants with various bone health related clinical characteristics. The results of our studies show that loss-of-function mutations in LRP5 cause severe osteoporosis not only in homozygous subjects but also in the carriers of these mutations, who have significantly reduced bone mineral density (BMD) and increased susceptibility to fractures. In addition, we demonstrated for the first time that a common polymorphic LRP5 variant (p.A1330V) was associated with reduced peak bone mass, an important determinant of BMD and osteoporosis in later life. The results from these two studies are concordant with results seen in other studies on LRP5 mutations and in association studies linking genetic variation in LRP5 with BMD and osteoporosis. Several rare LRP5 variants were identified in children with recurrent fractures. Sequencing and multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) analyses revealed no disease-causing mutations or whole-exon deletions. Our findings from clinical assessments and family-based genotype-phenotype studies suggested that the rare LRP5 variants identified are not the definite cause of fractures in these children. Clinical assessments of our study subjects with LPR5 mutations revealed an unexpectedly high prevalence of impaired glucose tolerance and dyslipidaemia. Moreover, in subsequent studies we discovered that common polymorphic LRP5 variants are associated with unfavorable metabolic characteristics. Changes in lipid profile were already apparent in pre-pubertal children. These results, together with the findings from other studies, suggest an important role for LRP5 also in glucose and lipid metabolism. Our results underscore the important role of LRP5 not only in bone mass accrual and maintenance of skeletal health but also in glucose and lipid metabolism. The role of LRP5 in bone metabolism has long been studied, but further studies with larger study cohorts are still needed to evaluate the specific role of LRP5 variants as metabolic risk factors.


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Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää tilalla määritetyn hyvinvoinnin yhteyttä emakoiden tuotantotuloksiin. Hyvinvointia arvioitiin suomalaisen hyvinvointi-indeksin, A-indeksi, avulla. Tuotantotuloksina käytettiin kahta erilaista tuotosaineistoa, jotka molemmat pohjautuivat kansalliseen tuotosseuranta aineistoon. Hyvinvointimääritykset tehtiin 30 porsastuotantosikalassa maaliskuun 2007 aikana. A-indeksi koostuu kuudesta kategoriasta ’liikkumismahdollisuudet’, ’alustan ominaisuudet’, ’sosiaaliset kontaktit’, ’valo, ilma ja melu’, ’ruokinta ja veden saanti’ sekä ’eläinten terveys ja hoidon taso’. Jokaisessa kategoriassa on 3-10 pääosin ympäristöperäistä muuttujaa, jotka vaihtelevat osastoittain. Maksimipistemäärä osastolle on 100. Hyvinvointimittaukset tehtiin porsitus-, tiineytys- ja joutilasosastoilla. Erillisten tiineytysosastojen pienen lukumäärän takia (n=7) tilakohtaiset tiineytys- ja joutilasosastopisteet yhdistettiin ja keskiarvoja käytettiin analyyseissä. Yhteyksiä tuotokseen tutkittiin kahden eri aineiston avulla 1) Tilaraportti aineisto (n=29) muodostuu muokkaamattomista tila- ja tuotostuloksista tilavierailua edeltävän vuoden ajalta, 2) POTSIaineisto (n=30) muodostuu POTSI-ohjelmalla (MTT) muokatusta tuotantoaineistosta, joka sisältää managementtiryhmän (tila, vuosi, vuodenaika) vaikutuksen ensikoiden ja emakoiden pahnuekohtaiseen tuotokseen. Yhteyksiä analysointiin korrelaatio- ja regressioanalyysien avulla. Vaikka osallistuminen tutkimukseen oli vapaaehtoista, molempien tuotantoaineistojen perusteella tutkimustilat edustavat keskituottoista suomalaista sikatilaa. A-indeksin kokonaispisteet vaihtelivat välillä 37,5–64,0 porsitusosastolla ja 39,5–83,5 joutilasosastolla. Tilaraporttiaineistoa käytettäessä paremmat pisteet porsitusosaston ’eläinten terveys ja hoidon taso’ -kategoriasta lyhensivät eläinten lisääntymissykliä, lisäsivät syntyvien pahnueiden ja porsaiden määrää sekä alensivat kuolleena syntyneiden lukumäärää. Regressiomallin mukaan ’eläinten terveys ja hoidon taso’ -kategoria selitti syntyvien porsaiden lukumäärän, porsimisvälin pituuden sekä keskiporsimiskerran vaihtelua. Paremmat pisteet joutilasosaston ’liikkumismahdollisuudet’ kategoriasta alensivat syntyneiden pahnueiden sekä syntyneiden että vieroitettujen porsaiden lukumäärää. Regressiomallin mukaan ensikkopahnueiden osuus ja ”liikkumismahdollisuudet” kategorian pisteet selittivät vieroitettujen porsaiden lukumäärän vaihtelua. POTSI-aineiston yhteydessä kuolleena syntyneiden porsaiden lukumäärän aleneminen oli ensikoilla yhteydessä parempiin porsitusosaston ’sosiaalisiin kontakteihin’ ja emakoilla puolestaan joutilasosaston parempiin ’eläinten terveys ja hoidon taso’ pisteisiin. Kahden eri tuotantoaineiston avulla saadut tulokset erosivat toisistaan. Seuraavissa tutkimuksissa onkin suositeltavampaa käyttää Tilaraporttiaineistoja, joissa tuotokset ilmoitetaan vuosikohtaisina. Tämän tutkimuksen perusteella hyvinvoinnilla ja tuotoksella on yhteyksiä, joilla on myös merkittävää taloudellista vaikutusta. Erityisesti hyvä eläinten hoito ja eläinten terveys lisäävät tuotettujen porsaiden määrää ja lyhentävät lisääntymiskiertoa. Erityishuomiota tulee kiinnittää vapaana olevien joutilaiden emakoiden sosiaaliseen stressiin ja rehunsaannin varmistamiseen kaikille yksilöille.


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The problem of identification of parameters of a beam-moving oscillator system based on measurement of time histories of beam strains and displacements is considered. The governing equations of motion here have time varying coefficients. The parameters to be identified are however time invariant and consist of mass, stiffness and damping characteristics of the beam and oscillator subsystems. A strategy based on dynamic state estimation method, that employs particle filtering algorithms, is proposed to tackle the identification problem. The method can take into account measurement noise, guideway unevenness, spatially incomplete measurements, finite element models for supporting structure and moving vehicle, and imperfections in the formulation of the mathematical models. Numerical illustrations based on synthetic data on beam-oscillator system are presented to demonstrate the satisfactory performance of the proposed procedure.


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Overexpression of the epidermal growth factor receptor family genes, which include ErbB-1, 2, 3 and 4, has been implicated in a number of cancers. We have studied the extent of ErbB-2 overexpression among Indian women with sporadic breast cancer. Methods: Immmunohistochemistry and genomic polymerase chain reaction (PCR) were used to study the ErbB2 overexpression. ErbB2 status was correlated with other clinico-pathological parameters, including patient survival. Results: ErbB-2 overexpression was detected in 43.2% (159/368) of the cases by immunohistochemistry. For a sub-set of patients (n = 55) for whom total DNA was available, ErbB-2 gene amplification was detected in 25.5% (14/55) of the cases by genomic PCR. While the ErbB2 overexpression was significantly higher in patients with lymphnode (χ2 = 12.06, P≤ 0.001), larger tumor size (χ2 = 8.22, P = 0.042) and ductal carcinoma (χ2 = 15.42, P ≤ 0.001), it was lower in patients with disease-free survival (χ2 = 22.13, P ≤ 0.001). Survival analysis on a sub-set of patients for whom survival data were available (n = 179) revealed that ErbB-2 status (χ2 =25.94, P ≤ 0.001), lymphnode status (χ2 = 12.68, P ≤ 0.001), distant metastasis (χ2 = 19.49, P ≤ 0.001) and stage of the disease (χ2 = 28.04, P ≤0.001) were markers of poor prognosis. Conclusions: ErbB-2 overexpression was significantly greater compared with the Western literature, but comparable to other Indian studies. Significant correlation was found between ErbB-2 status and lymphnode status, tumor size and ductal carcinoma. ErbB-2 status, lymph node status, distant metastasis and stage of the disease were found to be prognostic indicators.


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In this work a single edge notched plate (SEN(T)) subjected to a tensile stress pulse is analysed, using a 2D plane strain dynamic finite element procedure. The interaction of the notch with a pre-nucleated hole ahead of it is examined. The background material is modelled by the Gurson constitutive law and ductile failure by microvoid coalescence in the ligament connecting the notch and the hole is simulated. Both rate independent and rate dependent material behaviour is considered. The notch tip region is subjected to a range of loading rates j by varying the peak value and the rise time of the applied stress pulse. The results obtained from these simulations are compared with a three point bend (TPB) specimen subjected to impact loading analysed in an earlier work [3] The variation of J at fracture initiation, J(c), with average loading rate j is obtained from the finite element simulations. It is found that the functional relationship between J(c) and j is fairly independent of the specimen geometry and is only dependent on material behaviour.


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The growth of characteristic length scales associated with dynamic heterogeneity in glass-forming liquids is investigated in an extensive computational study of a four-point, time-dependent structure factor defined from spatial correlations of mobility, for a model liquid for system sizes extending up to 351 232 particles, in constant-energy and constant-temperature ensembles. Our estimates for dynamic correlation lengths and susceptibilities are consistent with previous results from finite size scaling. We find scaling exponents that are inconsistent with predictions from inhomogeneous mode coupling theory and a recent simulation confirmation of these predictions.


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Non-uniform sampling of a signal is formulated as an optimization problem which minimizes the reconstruction signal error. Dynamic programming (DP) has been used to solve this problem efficiently for a finite duration signal. Further, the optimum samples are quantized to realize a speech coder. The quantizer and the DP based optimum search for non-uniform samples (DP-NUS) can be combined in a closed-loop manner, which provides distinct advantage over the open-loop formulation. The DP-NUS formulation provides a useful control over the trade-off between bitrate and performance (reconstruction error). It is shown that 5-10 dB SNR improvement is possible using DP-NUS compared to extrema sampling approach. In addition, the close-loop DP-NUS gives a 4-5 dB improvement in reconstruction error.


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A nonlinear adaptive system theoretic approach is presented in this paper for effective treatment of infectious diseases that affect various organs of the human body. The generic model used does not represent any specific disease. However, it mimics the generic immunological dynamics of the human body under pathological attack, including the response to external drugs. From a system theoretic point of view, drugs can be interpreted as control inputs. Assuming a set of nominal parameters in the mathematical model, first a nonlinear controller is designed based on the principle of dynamic inversion. This treatment strategy was found to be effective in completely curing "nominal patients". However, in some cases it is ineffective in curing "realistic patients". This leads to serious (sometimes fatal) damage to the affected organ. To make the drug dosage design more effective, a model-following neuro-adaptive control design is carried out using neural networks, which are trained (adapted) online. From simulation studies, this adaptive controller is found to be effective in killing the invading microbes and healing the damaged organ even in the presence of parameter uncertainties and continuing pathogen attack.