994 resultados para Cognitive map
RESUMO - Assistimos hoje a um contexto marcado (i) pelo progressivo envelhecimento das sociedades ocidentais, (ii) pelo aumento da prevalncia das doenas crnicas, de que as demncias so um exemplo, (iii) pelo significativo aumento dos custos associados a estas patologias, (iv) por oramentos pblicos fortemente pressionadas pelo controlo da despesa, (v) por uma vida moderna que dificulta o apoio intergeracional, tornando o suporte proporcionado pelos filhos particularmente difcil, (vi) por fortes expectativas relativamente prestao de cuidados de sade com qualidade. Teremos assim de ser capazes de conseguir melhorar os servios de sade, ao mesmo tempo que recorremos a menos recursos financeiros e humanos, pelo que a inovao parece ser crtica para a sustentabilidade do sistema. Contudo a difuso das Assistive Living Technologies, apesar do seu potencial, tem sido bastante baixa, nomeadamente em Portugal. Porqu? Hamer, Plochg e Moreira (2012), no editorial do International Journal of Healthcare Management, enquadram a Inovao como podendo ser imprevisvel e mesmo dolorosa, pelo que talvez possamos no ficar surpreendidos se surgirem resistncias e que, inovaes bastante necessrias, capazes de melhorar os indicadores de sade, tenham sido de adoo lenta ou que tenham mesmo sido insustentveis. Em Portugal no h bibliografia que procure caracterizar o modelo de difuso da inovao em eHealth ou das tecnologias de vivncia assistida. A bibliografia internacional igualmente escassa. O presente projeto de investigao, de natureza exploratria, tem como objetivo principal, identificar barreiras e oportunidades para a implementao de tecnologias eHealth, aplicadas ao campo das demncias. Como objetivos secundrios pretendemse identificar as oportunidades e limitaes em Portugal: mapa de competncias nacionais, e propor medidas que possa acelerar a inovao em ALT, no contexto nacional. O projeto seguir o modelo de um estudo qualitativo. Para o efeito foram conduzidas entrevistas em profundidade junto de experts em ALT, procurando obter a viso daqueles que participam do lado da Oferta- a Indstria; do lado da Procura- doentes, cuidadores e profissionais de sade; bem como dos Reguladores. O instrumento utilizado para a recolha da informao pretendida foi o questionrio no estruturado. A anlise e interpretao da informao recolhida foram feitas atravs da tcnica de Anlise de Contedo. Os resultados da Anlise de Contedo efetuada permitiram expressar a dicotomia barreira/oportunidade, nas seguintes categorias aqui descritas como contextos (i) Contexto Tecnolgico, nas subcategorias de Acesso s Infraestruturas; Custo da Tecnologia; Interoperabilidade, (ii) Contexto do Valor Percecionado, nas subcategorias de Utilidade; Eficincia; Divulgao, (iii) Contexto Poltico, compreendendo a Liderana; Organizao; Regulao; Recursos, (iv) Contexto Sociocultural, incluindo nomeadamente Idade; Literacia; Capacidade Econmica, (v) Contexto Individual, incluindo como subcategorias, Capacidade de Adaptao a Novas tecnologias; Motivao; Acesso a equipamentos (vi) Contexto Especfico da Doena, nomeadamente o Impacto Cognitivo; Tipologia Heterognea e a Importncia do Cuidador. Foi proposto um modelo exploratrio, designado de Modelo de Contextos e Foras, que estudos subsequentes podero validar. Neste modelo o Contexto Tecnolgico um Fora Bsica ou Fundamental; o Contexto do Valor Percecionado, constitui-se numa Fora Crtica para a adoo de inovao, que assenta na sua capacidade para oferecer valor aos diversos stakeholders da cadeia de cuidados. Temos tambm o Contexto Poltico, com capacidade de modelar a adoo da inovao e nomeadamente com capacidade para o acelerar, se dele emitir um sinal de urgncia para a mudana. O Contexto Sociocultural e Individual expressam uma Fora Intrnseca, dado que elas so caractersticas internas, prprias e imutveis no curto-prazo, das sociedade e das pessoas. Por fim h que considerar o Contexto Especfico da Doena, nesta caso o das demncias. Das concluses do estudo parece evidente que as condies tecnolgicas esto medianamente satisfeitas em Portugal, com evidentes progressos nos ltimos anos (exceo para a interoperabilidade aonde h necessidade de maiores progressos), no constituindo portanto barreira introduo de ALT. Aonde h necessidade de investir nas reas do valor percebido. Da anlise feita, esta uma rea que constitui uma barreira introduo e adoo das ALT em Portugal. A falta de perceo do valor que estas tecnologias trazem, por parte dos profissionais de sade, doentes, cuidadores e decisores polticos, parece ser o principal entrave sua adoo. So recomendadas estratgias de modelos colaborativos de Investigao e Desenvolvimento e de abordagens de cocriao com a contribuio de todos os intervenientes na cadeia de cuidados. H tambm um papel que cabe ao estado no mbito das prioridades e da mobilizao de recursos, sendo-lhe requerida a expresso do sentido de urgncia para que esta mudana acontea. Foram tambm identificadas oportunidades em diversas reas, como na preveno, no diagnstico, na compliance medicamentosa, na teraputica, na monitorizao, no apoio vida diria e na integrao social. O que necessrio que as solues encontradas constituam respostas quilo que so as verdadeiras necessidades dos intervenientes e no uma imposio tecnolgica que s por si nada resolve. Do estudo resultou tambm a perceo de que h que (i) continuar a trabalhar no sentido de aproximar a comunidade cientfica, da clnica e do doente, (ii) fomentar a colaborao entre centros, com vista criao de escala a nvel global. Essa colaborao j parece acontecer a nvel empresarial, tendo sido identificadas empresas Portuguesas com vocao global. A qualidade individual das instituies de ensino, dos centros de investigao, das empresas, permite criar as condies para que Portugal possa ser pas um piloto e um case-study internacional em ALT, desde que para tal pudssemos contar com um trabalho colaborativo entre instituies e com decises polticas arrojadas.
The organizer is a ciliated signalling transient organ, responsible for the patterning of embryo tissues during embryonic development. In higher vertebrates, such as mouse and chick, this organizer (the node and the Hensens node, respectively) performs dorsalventral and anteriorposterior axis definition, as well as left-right patterning of the internal organs. In lower vertebrates, such as frog and zebrafish, there is a separate specialized organ for left-right purposes called the Gastrocoel Roof Plate (GRP) and Kupffers Vesicle (KV), respectively. It is known that mouse and chick organizer cells give rise to structures like floor plate, notochord, hypochord and somites. Frog GRP originates all these but floor plate. In zebrafish, at 13-14 somite stage (ss) the KV finished its left-right patterning but what happens to this organizer cells is still poorly studied. This research attempts to understand the fate and behaviour of the KV cells. We followed the fate of KV cells by live imaging and by tight time-courses with fixed larvae. We assessed in detail their proliferative and death profile, as well as cilia length progression from 9-10 ss until 29-30 ss. We conclude that the KV cells mostly follow the evolutionarily conserved fates described for other organizers. These cells mainly incorporate the notochord and hypochord; few cells incorporate the floor plate and the somites. As a novelty, it is also hypothesized that the hypural cell fate may be among the KV cell fates.
The present Working Project aims at studying the topic of assurance mapping in a specific organizational context of a Portuguese retail company. For this purpose, an assurance map framework was designed to support the decision making process of stakeholders, through the delivery of comfort concerning risks, operations and control. In the end, the framework was successfully implemented for the process sourcing of goods in two business units of the company. Although, further implementation of the framework proved not to be feasible during the projects timespan, it is expected to occur in the near future.
Background: Cerebral cholinergic transmission plays a key role in cognitive function and anticholinergic drugs are associated with impaired cognitive functions [1]. In the perioperative phase many substances with anticholinergic effects are administered and disturbed cholinergic transmission is a hypothetical cause of postoperative cognitive dysfunction (POCD). Serum anticholinergic activity (SAA; pmol/ml) may be measured as a summary marker of anticholinergic activity in an individual patient's blood. We hypothesised that an increase in SAA from preoperatively to one week postoperatively is associated with POCD in elderly patients. Methods: Thirty-two patients aged >65 yrs undergoing elective major surgery under standardized general anaesthesia (thiopental, sevoflurane, fentanyl) were investigated. Cognitive functions were measured preoperatively and 7 days postoperatively using the extended version of the Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer's Disease - Neuropsychological Assessment Battery. POCD was defined as a postoperative decline >1 z-score in at least 2 cognitive domains. SAA was measured preoperatively and 7 days postoperatively at the time of cognitive testing. Results: 50% of the investigated patients developed POCD. There were no statistically significant differences between patients with and without POCD regarding age, education, baseline cognitive function, duration of anaesthesia, SAA preoperatively (median (range) 1.0 (0.3 to 5.0) vs 1.5 (0.4 to 5.0), SAA 7 days postoperatively (median (range) 1.3 (0.1 to 7.0) vs 1.4 (0.6 to 5.5) or changes in SAA (median (range) 0.1 (-1.6 to 2.2) vs 0.2 (-1.4 to 2.8). The variability of SAA in individual patients was considerable and marked changes in SAA between the two examinations were observed in some patients. However, there was no significant relationship between changes in SAA and changes in cognitive function. Conclusion: In this preliminary analysis of a small group of patients, changes in SAA in the perioperative phase were highly variable. SAA was not associated with POCD suggesting that POCD is not simply caused by anticholinergic medications administered in the perioperative phase. A further analysis of a larger group of patients is in progress.
PURPOSE: To present the long-term follow-up of 10 adolescents and young adults with documented cognitive and behavioral regression as children due to nonlesional focal, mainly frontal, epilepsy with continuous spike-waves during slow wave sleep (CSWS). METHODS: Past medical and electroencephalography (EEG) data were reviewed and neuropsychological tests exploring main cognitive functions were administered. KEY FINDINGS: After a mean duration of follow-up of 15.6 years (range, 8-23 years), none of the 10 patients had recovered fully, but four regained borderline to normal intelligence and were almost independent. Patients with prolonged global intellectual regression had the worst outcome, whereas those with more specific and short-lived deficits recovered best. The marked behavioral disorders resolved in all but one patient. Executive functions were neither severely nor homogenously affected. Three patients with a frontal syndrome during the active phase (AP) disclosed only mild residual executive and social cognition deficits. The main cognitive gains occurred shortly after the AP, but qualitative improvements continued to occur. Long-term outcome correlated best with duration of CSWS. SIGNIFICANCE: Our findings emphasize that cognitive recovery after cessation of CSWS depends on the severity and duration of the initial regression. None of our patients had major executive and social cognition deficits with preserved intelligence, as reported in adults with early destructive lesions of the frontal lobes. Early recognition of epilepsy with CSWS and rapid introduction of effective therapy are crucial for a best possible outcome.
Introduction: Non-invasive brain imaging techniques often contrast experimental conditions across a cohort of participants, obfuscating distinctions in individual performance and brain mechanisms that are better characterised by the inter-trial variability. To overcome such limitations, we developed topographic analysis methods for single-trial EEG data [1]. So far this was typically based on time-frequency analysis of single-electrode data or single independent components. The method's efficacy is demonstrated for event-related responses to environmental sounds, hitherto studied at an average event-related potential (ERP) level. Methods: Nine healthy subjects participated to the experiment. Auditory meaningful sounds of common objects were used for a target detection task [2]. On each block, subjects were asked to discriminate target sounds, which were living or man-made auditory objects. Continuous 64-channel EEG was acquired during the task. Two datasets were considered for each subject including single-trial of the two conditions, living and man-made. The analysis comprised two steps. In the first part, a mixture of Gaussians analysis [3] provided representative topographies for each subject. In the second step, conditional probabilities for each Gaussian provided statistical inference on the structure of these topographies across trials, time, and experimental conditions. Similar analysis was conducted at group-level. Results: Results show that the occurrence of each map is structured in time and consistent across trials both at the single-subject and at group level. Conducting separate analyses of ERPs at single-subject and group levels, we could quantify the consistency of identified topographies and their time course of activation within and across participants as well as experimental conditions. A general agreement was found with previous analysis at average ERP level. Conclusions: This novel approach to single-trial analysis promises to have impact on several domains. In clinical research, it gives the possibility to statistically evaluate single-subject data, an essential tool for analysing patients with specific deficits and impairments and their deviation from normative standards. In cognitive neuroscience, it provides a novel tool for understanding behaviour and brain activity interdependencies at both single-subject and at group levels. In basic neurophysiology, it provides a new representation of ERPs and promises to cast light on the mechanisms of its generation and inter-individual variability.
Elevated schizotypy relates to similar cognitive attenuations as seen in psychosis and cannabis/polydrug use. Also, in schizotypal populations cannabis and polydrug (including licit drug) use are enhanced.These cognitive attenuations may therefore either be a behavioral marker of psychotic (-like) symptoms or the consequence of enhanced drug use in schizotypal populations.To elucidate this, we investigated the link between cognitive attenuation and cannabis use in largely pure cannabis users (35) and non-using controls (48), accounting for the potential additional influence of both schizotypy and licit drug use (alcohol, nicotine). Cognitive attenuations commonly seen in psychosis were associated with cannabis and alcohol use, but not schizotypy. Future studies should therefore consider (i) non-excessive licit substance use (e.g., alcohol) in studies investigating the effect of cannabis use on cognition and (ii) both enhanced illicit and licit substance use in studies investigating cognition in schizotypal populations.
Introduction 1.1 Le sujet crbral, rencontre entre le biologique et le social L'objectif de ce travail est d'clairer une des voies par lesquelles le phnomne anthropologique de l'individualit prend corps au sein de l'environnement contemporain. L'individualisme est compris comme les divers processus par lesquels la dtermination du sujet tend s'autonomiser des appartenances prconstitues. Il est la forme sociologique qui gouverne la faon contemporaine de faire socit depuis l'avnement de la modernit . Le choix de l'angle de la crbralit pour aborder la question de recherche repose sur le postulat qu'une des particularits culturelles de la figure du sujet individuel contemporain est la tendance attribuer aux mcanismes crbraux le rle dterminant dans la constitution de la subjectivit du sujet. Ds lors, si aujourd'hui, penser le cerveau c'est penser l'humain, il s'agit d'un phnomne anthropologique qui demande tre explicit. Il m'appartient de dmontrer que le champ des neurosciences se profile comme rvlateur privilgi pour observer comment penser l'individualit concorde avec l'tablissement de vrits relatives au crbral' . Faire l'anthropologie du proche et de l'actuel a ses intrts mais comporte aussi des risques. La perte de ce qui faisait le moteur de la recherche anthropologique -l'altrit donne des sujets de son observation - a t compense par l'mergence de nouveaux objets de travail et par des reconfigurations des rapports que l'anthropologue entretient avec son terrain. Le renouvellement du cadre de rflexion opr par l'anthropologie au cours du sicle coul suit les transformations des pratiques sociales, culturelles et conomiques qui s'oprent au niveau mondial. L'chelle dsormais plantaire de la circulation des acteurs sociaux et des objets de savoir a forc la discipline revoir la grille de lecture qui a longtemps oppos socits traditionnelles socits modernes. La prise de conscience de la caducit du grand partage a engag les anthropologues s'intresser des phnomnes en rapport avec des problmes rencontrs au sein de leur propre collectif et, dans le mme mouvement, les a amene repenser les articulations entre le global et le local, le particulier et l'universel. Le bouleversement heuristique gnr par ce repositionnement n'est toutefois pas exempt de nouvelles difficults pour la recherche ethnographique. En se posant le dfi d'tudier des traits culturels propres sa socit d'appartenance, l'anthropologie s'ouvre des terrains enqute sur la faon dont, dans le monde occidental, le constat toujours plus pesant de la discordance entre les phnomnes de vieillissement cognitif et l'allongement de l'esprance de vie est trait. Dans une dmarche ethnographique, il s'agit de voir quelles sont les logiques d'action et les pratiques sociales dveloppes en rponse ces inadquations. La thmatique impose une navigation entre des domaines thoriques spcialiss et des champs d'activits possdant chacun leurs cadres de rfrence. Une telle entreprise suppose une multiplication des systmes de rfrence devant tre pris en compte. Toutes les disciplines approches au cours de ce travail abondent en mtaphores utiles la mise en ordre de leur pense et la description de leurs objets de travail. Toutefois, faire rsonner entre elles les diffrentes cultures pistmiques (Knorr-Cetina, 1999) pour mieux faire apparatre la trame sociale qui constitue leur arrire-fond quivaut souvent forcer le trait. Le sens des mots varie selon leurs champs d'application et l'exercice de la mise en rsonance peut s'avrer prilleux. Je me suis efforce tout au long de ces pages de prciser de quel point de vue les noncs considrs sont formuls. L'analyse anthropologique tant guide par la recherche des points de liaison entre les diffrents registres, la dmarche est forcment limite dans le niveau d'approfondissement auquel elle peut tendre. Elle risque de dcevoir les lecteurs experts dans les domaines soumis la grille de lecture de cette discipline, non familiers avec les concepts anthropologiques. Il est probable qu'un certain flou subsiste dans la faon dont ces noncs sont dcris par rapport au traitement dont ils sont l'objet dans leurs disciplines respectives. Si on perd de vue la proccupation centrale de l'anthropologie, consistant clairer le systme de valeurs commun sous-tendant les pratiques sociales observes, la lecture d'un tel travail risque effectivement de rater son but. En revanche, en acceptant d'emble de se prter un dcentrement par rapport son modle disciplinaire, le lecteur doit pouvoir apprhender des aspects intressant ses propres pratiques. S'intresser ce qui relie les savoirs et les pratiques au sein d'un monde commun, voil un programme heuristique qui va l'encontre de la logique de spcialisation.
Abstract Low motivation is frequent in chronic disorders such as psychosis and may limit treatment efficacy. Although some evidence supports this view in adults, few studies so far have focused on adolescents. We assessed the impact of baseline symptoms, cognitive deficits and cognitive treatment characteristics on treatment motivation (TM), and examined whether TM affected treatment outcome. Twenty-eight adolescents with psychotic disorders participated in 16 sessions of computerized cognitive remediation or games. TM was assessed for each session. Lower TM was predicted by more severe symptoms at baseline, and was associated with smaller improvements in symptoms and both cognitive and psychosocial functioning at the end of the intervention. Experiencing success in the treatment exercises enhanced TM in all patients.
Cerebrospinal fluid amyloid-beta 1-42 (Aβ1-42) and phosphorylated Tau at position 181 (pTau181) are biomarkers of Alzheimer's disease (AD). We performed an analysis and meta-analysis of genome-wide association study data on Aβ1-42 and pTau181 in AD dementia patients followed by independent replication. An association was found between Aβ1-42 level and a single-nucleotide polymorphism in SUCLG2 (rs62256378) (P = 2.510(-12)). An interaction between APOE genotype and rs62256378 was detected (P = 9.5 10(-5)), with the strongest effect being observed in APOE-ε4 noncarriers. Clinically, rs62256378 was associated with rate of cognitive decline in AD dementia patients (P = 3.1 10(-3)). Functional microglia experiments showed that SUCLG2 was involved in clearance of Aβ1-42.
BACKGROUND: Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) has been defined as a transitional state between normal aging and dementia. In many cases, MCI represents an early stage of developing cognitive impairment. Patients diagnosed with MCI do not meet the criteria for dementia as their general intellect and everyday activities are preserved, although minor changes in instrumental activities of daily living (ADL) may occur. However, they may exhibit significant behavioral and psychological signs and symptoms (BPS), also frequently observed in patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD). Hence, we wondered to what extent specific BPS are associated with cognitive decline in participants with MCI or AD. METHODS: Our sample consisted of 164 participants, including 46 patients with amnestic (single or multi-domain) MCI and 54 patients with AD, as well as 64 control participants without cognitive disorders. Global cognitive performance, BPS, and ADL were assessed using validated clinical methods at baseline and at two-year follow-up. RESULTS: The BPS variability over the follow-up period was more pronounced in the MCI group than in patients with AD: some BPS improve, others occur newly or worsen, while others still remain unchanged. Moreover, specific changes in BPS were associated with a rapid deterioration of the global cognitive level in MCI patients. In particular, an increase of euphoria, eating disorders, and aberrant motor behavior, as well as worsened sleep quality, predicted a decline in cognitive functioning. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings confirm a higher variability of BPS over time in the MCI group than in AD patients. Moreover, our results provide evidence of associations between specific BPS and cognitive decline in the MCI group that might suggest a risk of conversion of individuals with amnestic MCI to AD.
PRINCIPLES: Patients with carotid artery stenosis (CAS) are at risk of ipsilateral stroke and chronic compromise of cerebral blood flow. It is under debate whether the hypo-perfusion or embolism in CAS is directly related to cognitive impairment. Alternatively, CAS may be a marker for underlying risk factors, which themselves influence cognition. We aimed to determine cognitive performance level and the emotional state of patients with CAS. We hypo-thesised that patients with high grade stenosis, bilateral stenosis, symptomatic patients and/or those with relevant risk factors would suffer impairment of their cognitive performance and emotional state. METHODS: A total of 68 patients with CAS of 70% were included in a prospective exploratory study design. All patients underwent structured assessment of executive functions, language, verbal and visual memory, motor speed, anxiety and depression. RESULTS: Significantly more patients with CAS showed cognitive impairments (executive functions, word production, verbal and visual memory, motor speed) and anxiety than expected in a normative sample. Bilateral and symptomatic stenosis was associated with slower processing speed. Cognitive performance and anxiety level were not influenced by the side and the degree of stenosis or the presence of collaterals. Factors associated with less co-gnitive impairment included higher education level, female gender, ambidexterity and treated hypercholesterolemia. CONCLUSIONS: Cognitive impairment and increased level of anxiety are frequent in patients with carotid stenosis. The lack of a correlation between cognitive functioning and degree of stenosis or the presence of collaterals, challenges the view that CAS per se leads to cognitive impairment.