1000 resultados para Ciudades visigodas


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The study of the growth of large cities, in the urban periphery or the peri-urban areas specifically, it relates to environmental degradation due to urbanization, if it is estimated that since 2008 more than half of the world population living in urban areas, this sector is affected as it presents overcrowding, segregation and deterioration of physical conditions, which will impact on the social aspects within localities. This great urban growth has usually developed with the lack of environmental planning.So it is necessary to include urban development, guidelines towards environmental conservation and rehabilitation of the territory. The future of cities will depend largely on the actions taken now. As urban development inevitably requires planning urban settlements through sustainable development so as to provide alternative technologies, based on the reality of Latin American countries.In the peripheral area of the Metropolitan Zone of Guadalajara, is taken as a case study of the town of La Venta del Astillero, which by its nature allows access and functionality to develop a set of criteria and indicators to urban sustainability, which can take as a model for other communities in the urban periphery.


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In the Venezuela cities, and particularly in Maracaibo, the dynamics has caused the deterioration, transformation, or desappearence of architectural works of cultural interest. In order to rescue the urban and architectural image that has characterized the city of Maracaibo in the last 50 years, a case-study approach was used in the analysis of the main artery called Avenida las Delicias.


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The fundamental diseconomy in the large metropolitan areas is the significant and sustained increase in travel time incurred by its inhabitants daily. Since a portion of the energy consumed in the daily mobility does not necessarily translate into individual and collective wealth, entropic systems have a feature which, as discussed for the case of Bogotá, does not have metropolitan institutions with the ability to redirect.


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Editorial. Por Thierry LulleCiudad y resiliencia: una cuestión al estilo de Escher. Por Andrea Lampis


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En Maracaibo (Venezuela), como en otras ciudades del pais, aproximadamente desde la decada de los años ochenta se ha acentuado un fenomeno transformador de la arquitectura y la forma habitual del crecimiento urbano. El fenomeno en referencia es la inseguridad social.


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This paper presents an approach to the relationship between land use planning and socioeconomic residential segregation, from the location of social housing in Medellin, Colombia, during the period 2006-2011. The first part introduces the land use regulations regarding the location of social housing, identifying ambiguities in the current spatial plan. Next, we present the intersection of  regulatory information and the location of the projects that were under construction during the  study period, highlighting the need to consider the location as an important characteristic of social housing and residential segregation as a phenomenon that must be recognized and worked on land  use planning in our cities.


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This paper describes women’s roles in the processes of territory construction and the Colombian Caribbean coast regionalization. First, we present women participation in the adaptation of the fi rst inhabitants, through their contribution to creating the most important cultures that emerged in that region, such as Tairona and Sinu. This paper also considers native women’s resistance actions against Spanish invasion; women participation in African, native, mestizo, zambo, and criollo freeing fi ghts against colonialism and in the consolidation of the Republic; along with their contribution to building the social fabric that consolidated the social life of new born towns and cities; which transformed women into family group integrators, new generation socializing forces, and sponsorsof the family structure performance. The second line of argument addressed in this article refers to women involvement in the regionalization of the Colombian Caribbean, by establishing and concluding that, although regionalization has happened, the recognition of its practical and strategic interests has not been guaranteed to allow changes in the social, economic, and political position. The reason is that, even though such interests were expressed insome forums held to reach an agreement on the vision and the requirements of the region, the social movement has not had any access to decision making, though this has not prevented its gaining strength in the last decades. 


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This paper presents the assessment that inhabitants of some Colombian cities did on the conditions that contribute to the livability of public space. Seven hundred and forty people, inhabitants of Yopal, Villavicencio, Valledupar, Popayán, Pereira, Pasto, Neiva, Montería, Medellín, Fusagasugá, Cúcuta, Cartagena, Cali and Bogotá participated in the study. The assessment of the conditions that contribute to the livability of public space was carried out using an instrument composed of 48 items that inquired about the level of contribution that can have different conditions on the quality of public space, from a scale five points ranging from: Does not contribute at all (-2) to: Contribute significantly (+2). The results show the conditions that most affect the habitability of public space in Colombia, as well as the differences between cities according to the assessment made by participants about the general state of public space in cities. Multidimensional analysis (SSA) evidence a structure that reflects the function that public space plays in people’s assessment on Colombian cities. It is discussed the implications of the findings for urban planning and management and the designed instrument is proposed as a tool to assess the quality of urban public space.


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Traffic accidents and mobility problems have been an issue of priority for the cities, and the case of Bogota is not an excepción. An approach from the social sciences suggests the existente of a generalized problem of interaction where the agents violate the behavior codes (normative and informal) and contribuye to generate chaotic situations,  with negative effects on the life quality of the citizens. 


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El objetivo de este trabajo es, por una parte, darle continuidad a la línea de trabajo anterior sobre la industria de software y servicios informáticos, pero en esta oportunidad centrada en el estudio de la dinámica de los cluster tecnológicos en experiencias locales. Para ello se indagará esta dinámica en dos ciudades:Mérida (Yucatán-México) y Rosario (Santa Fe-Argentina). El objetivo de enfocar estos dos casos de estudio se fundamenta en el interés por estas dos ciudades, ya que presentan un perfil productivo innovador, con tasas de crecimiento importante y que además esta estrategia se suma a otras actividades de alto valor agregado. En este sentido la producción de software y de nuevas tecnologías, están creando un clima propicio de desarrollo local. En este trabajo se analiza el contexto socio económico de cada ciudad, los antecedentes de la creación del cluster tecnológico, la cooperación inter empresarial e inter institucional, las políticas públicas territorializadas en el cluster, el perfil y las actividades de las empresas que conforman el mismo, así como las características de sus recursos humanos. The aim of this paper is to give continuity to my previous work about the software industry and information technology services, but this time focused on the study of the dynamics of the cluster technology in local experiences. So the paper inquires this dynamic in two cities: Merida (Yucatan, Mexico) and Rosario (Santa Fe, Argentina).The aim of approaching these two case studies is based on the interest in these two cities, since they have a innovative productive profile, with significant growth rates and that this strategy is  added to other activities of high added value. In this sense the production of software and new technologies, are creating a climate conducive to local development. This paper examines the socio-economic context of each city, the background to the creation of the cluster technology, international cooperation and international institutional business, public policy in the territorial cluster, the profile and activities of the companies in there, and the characteristics of their human resources.  


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El propósito de este texto es discutir el concepto de resiliencia y buscar su interés heurístico para los análisis de vulnerabilidad urbana. El término resiliencia es omnipresente en la retórica de las declaraciones internacionales, de las políticas públicas y en las reflexiones académicas en el campo de los riesgos y desastres en ciudades. Se discute esta noción con el fin de entender sus raíces y desvelar sus presupuestos ideológicos. Al mismo tiempo, el término resiliencia presenta el interés de fomentar debates y cuestiones teóricas en el campo científico y en el sociopolítico de la formulación de nuevas políticas públicas. Más allá de los enfoques focalizados sobre el fortalecimiento delas capacidades locales, los aportes heurísticos del concepto de resiliencia para los análisis de riesgos en el medio urbano provienen de sus fundamentos en la teoría de los sistemas complejos. Así, se resaltan nuevos enfoques y soportes conceptuales que permiten entender mejor la vulnerabilidadde las grandes aglomeraciones urbanas.


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En América Latina se aplicó salvajemente el neoliberalismo, con resultados lamentables: no logró una acumulación capitalista sostenida, y se deterioraron las condiciones de vida de la población. Las ciudades neoliberales son más contradictorias que sus predecesoras capitalistas: mantienen sus vicios y perdieron sus pocas virtudes. En el siglo XXI, concluirá la urbanización mundial. Latinoamérica será una de las regiones más urbanizadas. Sus metrópolis y ciudades-región, con su gigantismo, desorden, dispersión, privatización, fragmentación, informalización, empobrecimiento, exclusión, confl ictividad, violencia y contaminación iniciaron este siglo en crisis estructural y social; su futuro aparece como la disyuntiva entre la profundización de su crisis, o el cambio de organización económica, social y territorial, para revertir sus componentes básicos. 


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Some guides are shown on five intervention areas for the development of public politics on urban freight planning and business logistics practices, which lead to sustainable processes on logistics of urban goods movement. For Duch aim, problems of the public intervention at the Metropolitan Zone of Mexico City are discussed; also urban freight trenes for the current postmodern era are analyzed, and recent experiences on freight management in multiple european cities are offered.