968 resultados para CPC reactor


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This work investigates the possible effect of pressure and residence time to the reaction of aluminum hydroxide into aluminum oxide. Various pressurized conditions are used as well as the help of various residence times. The aim is to increase the conversion of the reaction with the use of different pressures and residence times. The tests were performed with a laboratory scale fluidized bed reactor at the Outotec R&D Center in Frankfurt. Additional test work such as particle size analysis and differential thermal analysis were also carried out. Some calcined samples were also characterized with X-ray diffraction at the University of Auckland to obtain a reaction pathway when using pressurized conditions. All of the results are then compared with previous results.


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A new automated system for acid-base flow titrations is proposed. In the operation mode, several sample to titrant volumetric ratios are injected in an air segmented plug. Five three way solenoid valves and three acrilic junctions, assembled in a hidrodynamic injection system, were accountable for the monosegmented reagents plug formation. A turbulent flow reactor was used for a perfect mix of reagents in the plug. The detector system employed a glass combined electrode fitted in an acrilic holder. Titrations of hydrochloric, nitric and acetic acids, in several concentrations, were performed with standard sodium hidroxide, for evaluation of the efficiency of the system. The relative standard deviation of the determinations was about ±0,5% and each titration was carried out in 3-4 minutes. A Quick BASIC 4.5® program was developed for the titrator control.


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During mitosis, the duplicated genome must be accurately divided between two daughter cells. Polo-like kinase 1 (Plk1) and Aurora B kinase, together with its binding partners Incenp, Survivin and Borealin (chromosomal passenger complex, CPC), have key roles in coordinating mitotic events. The accuracy of cell division is safeguarded by a signaling cascade termed the mitotic spindle checkpoint (SC), which ensures that chromosomes are not physically separated before correct bipolar attachments have been formed between kinetochores and spindle microtubules (MT). An inhibitory “wait anaphase” signal, which delays chromosome separation (anaphase onset), is created at individual kinetochores and broadcasted throughout the cell in response to lack of kinetochore-microtubule (kMT) attachment or proper interkinetochore tension. It is believed that the fast turnover of SC molecules at kinetochores contributes to the cell’s ability to produce this signal and enables rapid responses to changing cellular conditions. Kinetochores that lack MT attachment and tension express a certain phosphoepitope called the 3F3/2 phosphoepitope, which has been linked to SC signaling. In the experimental part, we investigated the regulation of the 3F3/2 phosphoepitope, analyzed whether CPC molecules turn over at centromeres, and dissected the mitotic roles of the CPC using a microinjection technique that allowed precise temporal control over its function. We found that the kinetochore 3F3/2 phosphoepitope is created by Plk1, and that CPC proteins exhibit constant exchange at centromeres. Moreover, we found that CPC function is necessary in the regulation of chromatid movements and spindle morphology in anaphase. In summary, we identified new functions of key mitotic regulators Plk1 and CPC, and provided insighs into the coordination of mitotic events.


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This dissertation is based on four articles dealing with modeling of ozonation. The literature part of this considers some models for hydrodynamics in bubble column simulation. A literature review of methods for obtaining mass transfer coefficients is presented. The methods presented to obtain mass transfer are general models and can be applied to any gas-liquid system. Ozonation reaction models and methods for obtaining stoichiometric coefficients and reaction rate coefficients for ozonation reactions are discussed in the final section of the literature part. In the first article, ozone gas-liquid mass transfer into water in a bubble column was investigated for different pH values. A more general method for estimation of mass transfer and Henry’s coefficient was developed from the Beltrán method. The ozone volumetric mass transfer coefficient and the Henry’s coefficient were determined simultaneously by parameter estimation using a nonlinear optimization method. A minor dependence of the Henry’s law constant on pH was detected at the pH range 4 - 9. In the second article, a new method using the axial dispersion model for estimation of ozone self-decomposition kinetics in a semi-batch bubble column reactor was developed. The reaction rate coefficients for literature equations of ozone decomposition and the gas phase dispersion coefficient were estimated and compared with the literature data. The reaction order in the pH range 7-10 with respect to ozone 1.12 and 0.51 the hydroxyl ion were obtained, which is in good agreement with literature. The model parameters were determined by parameter estimation using a nonlinear optimization method. Sensitivity analysis was conducted using object function method to obtain information about the reliability and identifiability of the estimated parameters. In the third article, the reaction rate coefficients and the stoichiometric coefficients in the reaction of ozone with the model component p-nitrophenol were estimated at low pH of water using nonlinear optimization. A novel method for estimation of multireaction model parameters in ozonation was developed. In this method the concentration of unknown intermediate compounds is presented as a residual COD (chemical oxygen demand) calculated from the measured COD and the theoretical COD for the known species. The decomposition rate of p-nitrophenol on the pathway producing hydroquinone was found to be about two times faster than the p-nitrophenol decomposition rate on the pathway producing 4- nitrocatechol. In the fourth article, the reaction kinetics of p-nitrophenol ozonation was studied in a bubble column at pH 2. Using the new reaction kinetic model presented in the previous article, the reaction kinetic parameters, rate coefficients, and stoichiometric coefficients as well as the mass transfer coefficient were estimated with nonlinear estimation. The decomposition rate of pnitrophenol was found to be equal both on the pathway producing hydroquinone and on the path way producing 4-nitrocathecol. Comparison of the rate coefficients with the case at initial pH 5 indicates that the p-nitrophenol degradation producing 4- nitrocathecol is more selective towards molecular ozone than the reaction producing hydroquinone. The identifiability and reliability of the estimated parameters were analyzed with the Marcov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method. @All rights reserved. No part of the publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the author.


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A flow injection spectrophotometric method was developed for determining aspartame in sweeteners. Sample was dissolved in water and 250 µL of the solution was injected into a carrier stream of 5.0 x 10-5 mol L-1 sodium borate solution. The sample flowed through a column (14 cm x 2.0 mm) packed with Zn3(PO4)2 immobilized in a polymeric matrix of polyester resin and Zn(II) ions were released from the solid-phase reactor by formation of the Zn(II)-aspartame complex. The mixture merged with a stream of borate buffer solution (pH 9.0) containing 0.030 % (m/v) alizarin red S and the Zn(II)-alizarin red complex formed was measured spectrophotometrically at 540 nm. The calibration graph for aspartame was linear in the concentration range from 10 to 80 µg mL-1 with a detection limit of 4 µg mL-1 of aspartame. The RSD was 0.3 % for a solution containing 40 µg mL-1 aspartame (n = 10) and seventy results were obtained per hour. The proposed method was applied for determining aspartame in commercial sweeteners.


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This work describes the construction of a home-made low-cost reactor, using easily available materials, capable of destroying efficiently dissolved organic matter. Just 30 minutes of irradiation were sufficient to destroy more than 99% of the humic acids present in a solution of 4 mg C L-1. Copper speciation was evaluated in natural waters of different salinities to test the reactor's efficiency in destroying organically complexed metal species. The effect of the organic matter concentration, salinity, dissolved oxygen and temperature in the photo-oxidation process is discussed.


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Organic compounds responsible for the color of wastewaters are usually refractory to biological digestion. In this paper the photo-assisted electrolysis process is used for color removal from three of the most colored wastewaters, which are daily generated in large amounts: the E1 bleach Kraft mill effluent, a textile reactive dye effluent and a landfill leachate. Electrolysis was carried out at 26,5 mA cm-2 in a flow reactor in which the anode surface was illuminated by a 400 W high pressure Hg bulb. In all experiments 70-75% of color reduction was observed which was also followed by a net organic load oxidation.


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Tässä työssä selvitettiin, millä tavoin räjähdysvaarallisten työtilojen työturvallisuuteen voidaan vaikuttaa ja miten turvallisuutta pidetään yllä. Työssä selvitettiin, mitä vaatimuksia räjähdysvaaralliset tilat asettavat laite- ja työturvallisuudelle. Työn lähtökohdaksi otettiin ilmanvaihdon vaikutus sisäilman olosuhteisiin ja samalla selvitettiin, mitä muutoksia räjähdysvaarallisten aineiden käyttö teollisuuden tuotantoprosesseissa aiheuttaa ilmanvaihdossa. Räjähdysvaarallisten tilojen suunnittelua ohjailevat säädökset, lait ja direktiivit. Johdonmukaisen suunnittelulla ja säädöksiä noudattamalla pystytään toteuttamaan turvallinen työympäristö. Räjähdysvaarallista tilaa päästiin tarkastelemaan Talvivaaran Kaivososakeyhtiö Oyj:n metallien talteenottolaitoksella. Työssä haluttiin tutkia rakennuksen työturvallisuutta ja työskentelyolosuhteita. Tutkimuskohteena olleessa reaktorihallissa tehtiin ilmanvaihdon suorituskyvyn mittauksia. Tarkoituksena oli myös tehdä rikkivedyn pitoisuus mittauksia, mutta Talvivaaran tuotannon viivästyessä, pitoisuus mittaukset jätettiin tämän diplomityön ulkopuolelle. Talvivaaraan reaktorirakennuksen olosuhteita ja turvallisuutta tarkasteltiin lähemmin teoreettisten laskelmien avulla. Laskelmien ja mittaustulosten perusteella reaktorirakennuksen ilmanvaihdon suorituskyky todettiin riittäväksi ja toiminta työturvalliseksi. Riskin arvioinnin perusteella reaktorirakennuksen riskitason katsotaan olevan siedettävä.


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The conversion of glycerol in supercritical water (SCW) was studied at 510-550 °C and a pressure of 350 bars using both a bed of inert and non-porous ZrO2 particles (hydrothermal experiments), and a bed of a 1% Ru/ZrO2 catalyst. Experiments were conducted with a glycerol concentration of 5 wt% in a continuous isothermal fixed-bed reactor at a residence time between 2 and 10 s. Hydrothermolysis of glycerol formed water-soluble products such as acetaldehyde, acetic acid, hydroxyacetone and acrolein, and gases like H2, CO and CO2. The catalyst enhanced the formation of acetic acid, inhibited the formation of acrolein, and promoted gasification of the glycerol decomposition products. Hydrogen and carbon oxides were the main gases produced in the catalytic experiments, with minor amounts of methane and ethylene. Complete glycerol conversion was achieved at a residence time of 8.5 s at 510 °C, and at around 5 s at 550 °C with the 1 wt% Ru/ZrO2 catalyst. The catalyst was not active enough to achieve complete gasification since high yields of primary products like acetic acid and acetaldehyde were still present. Carbon balances were between 80 and 60% in the catalytic experiments, decreasing continuously as the residence time was increased. This was attributed partially to the formation of methanol and acetaldehyde, which were not recovered and analyzed efficiently in our set-up, but also to the formation of carbon deposits. Carbon deposition was not observed on the catalyst particles but on the surface of the inert zirconia particles, especially at high residence time. This was related to the higher concentration of acetic acid and other acidic species in the catalytic experiments, which may polymerize to form tar-like carbon precursors. Because of carbon deposition, hydrogen yields were significantly lower than expected; for instance at 550 °C the hydrogen yield potential was only 50% of the stoichiometric value.


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The TiO2/UV photocatalytic reactor was investigated as an alternative system to inactivate airborne microorganisms. The experiments performed in the absence of the catalyst showed that direct photolysis was not efficient to destruct microorganisms, with only 30% of inactivation. Similar inactivation percentage was obtained using TiO2 in absence of UV radiation. The destruction of microorganisms present in a contaminated indoor atmosphere, using the combination of TiO2/UV was very efficient, reaching more than 98% of destruction.


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Mo-promoted Ni/Al2O3 catalysts for the methane steam reforming reaction were studied in this work. The Ni/Al2O3 catalysts were prepared by precipitation and molibdenum was added by impregnation up to 2%wt. The solids were tested using a micro-reactor under two H2Ov/C conditions and were characterized by ICP-OES, XRD, N2 adsoption, H2 chemisorption and TPR. NiO and NiAl2O4 phases were observed and the metallic area decreased with the increase of the Mo content. From the catalytic tests high stability was verified for H2Ov/C=4.0. On the other hand, only the catalyst containing 0,05% Mo stayed stable during 30 hours of the test at H2Ov/C=2.0.


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In this work, a spectrophotometric flow injection analysis system using a crude extract of avocado (Persea americana) as a source of polyphenol oxidase to dopamine determination was developed. The substrates and enzyme concentrations from 2.4x10-7 to 5.3x10-4 mol L-1 and 28 to 332 units mL-1 were evaluated, respectively. In addition, the FIA parameters such as sample loop (50 to 500 µL), flow rate (1.4 to 4.3 mL min-1) and reactor length (100 to 500 cm) were also evaluated in a 0.1 mol L-1 phosphate buffer solution (pH 7.0). Dopamine solution concentrations were determined using 277 units mL-1 enzyme solution, 400 mL enzyme loop, 375 µL sample loop, 2.2 mL min-1 flow rate and a reactor of 350 cm. The analytical curve showed a linearity from 5.3x10-5 to 5.3x10-4 mol L-1 dopamine with a detection limit of 1.3x10-5 mol L-1. The analytical frequency was 46 h-1 and the RSD lower than 0.5% for 5.3x10-4 mol L-1 dopamine solution (n=10). A paired t-test showed that all results obtained for dopamine in commercial formulations using the proposed flow injection procedure and a spectrophotometric procedure agree at the 95% confidence level.


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The optimization of ferrate(VI) ion generation has been studied due to its favorable characteristics for application in several fields, including environmental quality control. The paper presents the best conditions for electrolytic generation of ferrate(VI) in alkaline media. An appropriate electrolyte was NaOH, 10 mol/L. Circulation of the electrolyte solution was important to avoid acidification close to the anode surface. An anode pre-cleaning with 10% HCl was more efficient than a cathodic pre-polarization. Among the distinct anode materials tested, pig iron showed the best performance, allowing up to 20 g/L of Na2FeO4, in 10 mol/L NaOH solution to be obtained, after 7 h of reactor operation, which is a concentration higher than those found in literature for alternative processes.


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The work describes a new procedure for cetylpyridinium chloride determination in oral disinfectants, based on a flow-injection system with potentiometric detection. The determination was based on the measurement of picrate concentration decrease as result of ion-pair reaction with the analyte present in the injected sample. In the optimised set-up the sample injection volume was kept at 400 µL and merged downstream with the reagent solution containing 1,0 x10-5 mol/L of picrate adjusted to pH 5.0 with citrate/citric acid buffer. The flow rate was fixed at 8 mL/min and the reactor length at 40 cm. The proposed procedure enables the determination of cetylpyridinium in the analytical range of 5,0x10-6 - 7,5x10-5 mol/L at a sampling rate of 60/h. The results for real samples had a precision better than 3% and were comparable to the labelled values.


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Tungsten oxide thin films with three different compositions were deposited by reactive sputtering in an oxygen-argon plasma. In a system composed of a home made photochemical reactor coupled with an optic fiber spectrophotometer, the photochromic effect was studied in these oxide films as function of UV irradiation time, in ethanol, methanol and formaldehyde atmospheres. It was observed that the photochromic efficiency depends on the vapor chemical nature where the film is irradiated as well as the film composition. Kinetic analysis suggest that two kinds of optical absorption centers should respond by the photochromic effect in these films, one generated at film surface and other inside it, which one presenting a different time constant.