998 resultados para CANTON NABON
D. Nabon
The monograph considers facial conditions of ore-formation in the Central Equatorial Pacific, as well as lithostratigraphy and local variability of bottom sediments. Mineral composition of nodules, forms of occurrence of chemical elements in sediments and nodules, composition of interstitial waters, age of nodules, regularities and processes of ore formation in the radiolarian belt of the Pacific Ocean zone are also under consideration.
On Sunday, Switzerland votes on its federal parliament. The members of both chambers - 200 National Councillors and 46 Councillors of States - are directly elected, with the 26 Swiss cantons (or provinces) forming the districts. Seats in the National Council are distributed to the cantons based on their population size, while in the Council of States each full canton gets two seats and the six half-cantons get one each. Here are six things to look out for.
Pinus pinaster is an economically and ecologically important species that is becoming a woody gymnosperm model. Its enormous genome size makes whole-genome sequencing approaches are hard to apply. Therefore, the expressed portion of the genome has to be characterised and the results and annotations have to be stored in dedicated databases.
The study of hyperbolic graphs is an interesting topic since the hyperbolicity of a geodesic metric space is equivalent to the hyperbolicity of a graph related to it. The main result in this paper is a very simple characterization of the hyperbolicity of a large class of periodic planar graphs.
Suslin analytic sets characterize the sets of asymptotic values of entire holomorphic functions. By a theorem of Ahlfors, the set of asymptotic values is finite for a function with finite order of growth. Quasiregular maps are a natural generalization of holomorphic functions to dimensions n ≥ 3 and, in fact, many of the properties of holomorphic functions have counterparts for quasiregular maps. It is shown that analytic sets also characterize the sets of asymptotic values of quasiregular maps in Rn, even for those with finite order of growth. Our construction is based on Drasin's quasiregular sine function
We consider the stability of isoperimetric inequalities under quasi-isometries between Riemann surfaces. Kanai observed that quasi-isometries preserve isoperimetric inequalities on complete Riemannian manifolds with finite geometry: positive injectivity radius and Ricci curvature bounded from below (see [2]). In [1], it is shown that the linear isoperimetric inequality is a quasi-isometric invariant for planar Riemann surfaces (genus zero surfaces) with vanishing injectivity radius. Moreover, it is proved that non-linear isoperimetric inequalities can only hold for Riemann surfaces with positive injectivity radius, and hence, by Kanai's observation, preserved by quasi-isometries. In this talk we present an overview on isoperimetric inequalities and give some of the ideas of the proofs of the results cited above.
Young people now represent the highest percentage of the world population. Soon, they will be seniors and they will take decisions for a more orderly and equitable world. For this reason, the participation of young people in development planning is very important and many countries are trying to promote it through various measures. This article analyzes the trajectory of youth participation in the Latin American region and specifically the profile of youth participation in Ecuador, country in which the Constitution recognizes the strategic role of youth in development. The case study of Sayausí rural parish in canton Cuenca is analyzed, through surveys, interviews and an Empowerment Evaluation workshop to young people and decentralized government. The results obtained allow to propose strategies to help improve the participation of youth in the community.
Mutations in 12 genes regulating Drosophila melanogaster mushroom body (MB) development were each studied in two genetic backgrounds. In all cases, brain structure was qualitatively or quantitatively different after replacement of the "original" genetic background with that of the Canton Special wild-type strain. The mushroom body miniature gene (mbm) was investigated in detail. mbm supports the maintenance of MB Kenyon cell fibers in third instar larvae and their regrowth during metamorphosis. Adult mbm1 mutant females are lacking many or most Kenyon cell fibers and are impaired in MB-mediated associative odor learning. We show here that structural defects in mbm1 are apparent only in combination with an X-linked, dosage-dependent modifier (or modifiers). In the Canton Special genetic background, the mbm1 anatomical phenotype is suppressed, and MBs develop to a normal size. However, the olfactory learning phenotype is not fully restored, suggesting that submicroscopic defects persist in the MBs. Mutant mbm1 flies with full-sized MBs have normal retention but show a specific acquisition deficit that cannot be attributed to reductions in odor avoidance, shock reactivity, or locomotor behavior. We propose that polymorphic gene interactions (in addition to ontogenetic factors) determine MB size and, concomitantly, the ability to recognize and learn odors.
The primary goal of this thesis was to determine if spaced synaptic stimulation induced the differential expression of microRNAs (miRNAs) in the Drosophila melanogaster central nervous system (CNS). Prior to attaining this goal, we needed to identify and validate a spaced stimulation paradigm that could induce the formation of new synaptic growth at a model synapse, the larval neuromuscular junction (NMJ). Both Channelrhodopsin- and high potassium-based stimulation paradigms adapted from (Ataman, et al. 2008) were tested. Once validation of these paradigms was complete, we sought to characterize the miRNA expression profile of the larval CNS by miRNA array. Following attainment of these data, we used quantitative real-time PCR (RT-qPCR) to determine if acute synaptic stimulation caused the differential expression of neuronal miRNAs. We found that upon high potassium spaced training in a wild type (Canton S) genotype, 5 miRNAs showed significant differential expression when normalized to a validated reference gene, the U1 snRNA. Moreover, absolute quantification of our RT-qPCR study implicated one miRNA: miR-958 as being significantly regulated by activity. Investigation into potential targets for miR-958 revealed it to be a potential regular of Dlar, a protein tyrosine phosphatase implicated in synapse development. This investigation provides the foundation to directly test our underlying hypothesis that, following spaced training, differential expression of miRNAs alters the translation of proteins required to induce and maintain these structural changes at the synapse.
El presente trabajo se basa en el diagnóstico inicial previo de un proyecto de cooperación con una entidad social del Cantón de Otavalo (Ecuador), para incluir la actividad física y el juego en su programa de atención integral de Personas Adultas Mayores (PAM) en situación de indigencia. Para conocer el contexto de la población del servicio, sus experiencias previas y sus expectativas, se realizó una investigación basada en sus historias de vida. A su vez, se analizaron las políticas públicas del Buen Vivir y las políticas específicas para personas adultas mayores, analizando la legislación vigente y efectuando entrevistas en profundidad a informantes clave. Con enfoque interdisciplinar, se exponen reflexiones sobre elementos constitutivos de la Vida Triste y Buen Vivir, se destaca la importancia de la intervención integral en la promoción del Buen Vivir de PAM a partir de su pasado, sus puntos de vista y recursos de apoyo del territorio.