926 resultados para Book 11


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11届国际快淬和亚稳材料会议于2002年8月24~30日在英国牛津大学召开,本次会议由牛津大学材料系承办. 200多名来自欧洲、美国、加拿大、日本、韩国、印度、巴西、澳大利亚、新西兰、中国等29个国家的代表参加了本次大会.会议宣读口头报告244篇,张贴论文117篇,其中包括大会报告11篇,邀请报告31篇.会议论文经严格评审后由Materials Science and Engineering A杂志选择收录.下届会议将于2005年在韩国举行.


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Lan honek, azken 25 urtetan zehar Euskal Herriko erakunde nagusienek aurrera eramandako Garapenerako Lankidetza politikak ditu aztergai. Helburu honekin, lana bi multzo nagusitan banatu da. Lehen analisia, aipaturiko politiken diseinuan oinarritzen da; eta bigarren analisiak aldiz, politika horiek aurrera eramandako modua du ikergai. Honetarako, Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoko zazpi erakunde nagusienetako 300 dokumentutik gora eta hauek finantzaturiko ia 7.000 jarduera aztertu dira.


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El texto que aquí se presenta es el resultado del trabajo llevado a cabo por el Grupo de Investigación sobre Análisis y Evaluación de Políticas de Cooperación al Desarrollo del Instituto Hegoa (UPV/EHU). El punto de partida del mismo es la preocupación por la todavía escasa fundamentación teórica de la cooperación descentralizada, pese a la importancia adquirida por la misma en algunos casos como el español. Desde esas premisas, se presenta un marco de referencia para el examen de dicha cooperación descentralizada, en base al cual se plantea asimismo un sistema de indicadores que pueda facilitar los procesos de análisis y evaluación de las políticas puestas en marcha en este ámbito.


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A partir del análisis del perfil del ingeniero en la sociedad europea, se ha elaborado una encuesta amplia mediante la que se solicitó a las empresas del entorno las competencias y materias que consideraban más importantes en la formación de los ingenieros de las titulaciones ofertadas en la Escuela. A partir de los resultados de dichas encuestas, se establece un perfil requerido a los titulados.


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The information preservation (IP) method and the direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method are used to simulate the gas flows between the write/read head and the platter of the disk drive (the slider bearing problem). The results of both methods are in good agreement with numerical solution of the Reynolds equation in the cases studied. However, the DSMC method owing to the problem of large sample size demand and the difficulty in regulating boundary conditions at the inlet and outlet was able to simulate only short bearings, while IP simulates the bearing of authentic length ~1000 m ? and can provide more detailed flow information.


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The impact of mechanical stresses upon ichthyoplankton entrained in power plant cooling systems has long been considered negligible. Arguments and evidence exist, however, to show that such a supposition is not universally true, especially in nuclear power plants. The mechanisms of mechanical damage can be detailed in terms of pressure change, acceleration, and shear stress with in the fluid flow field. Laboratory efforts to quantify the effects of mechanical stress have been very sparse. A well-planned bioassay is urgently needed. (PDF has 11 pages.)


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The paper presents: 1) biologic summaries for each of the formations for which paleontologic data are available, with brief discussions of the geologic age; 2) geologic correlations of the formations and the distribution of their age-equivalents in Central America, the West Indies, and the southeastern United States; 3) an outline of the paleogeography of middle America. The biologic summaries are based on the paleontologic memoirs in this vol. by Messars. Howe, Berry, Chuchman, Jackson, Canu and Bassler and Pilsbry, Miss Rathbun and myself.


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This paper reviews firstly methods for treating low speed rarefied gas flows: the linearised Boltzmann equation, the Lattice Boltzmann method (LBM), the Navier-Stokes equation plus slip boundary conditions and the DSMC method, and discusses the difficulties in simulating low speed transitional MEMS flows, especially the internal flows. In particular, the present version of the LBM is shown unfeasible for simulation of MEMS flow in transitional regime. The information preservation (IP) method overcomes the difficulty of the statistical simulation caused by the small information to noise ratio for low speed flows by preserving the average information of the enormous number of molecules a simulated molecule represents. A kind of validation of the method is given in this paper. The specificities of the internal flows in MEMS, i.e. the low speed and the large length to width ratio, result in the problem of elliptic nature of the necessity to regulate the inlet and outlet boundary conditions that influence each other. Through the example of the IP calculation of the microchannel (thousands m ? long) flow it is shown that the adoption of the conservative scheme of the mass conservation equation and the super relaxation method resolves this problem successfully. With employment of the same measures the IP method solves the thin film air bearing problem in transitional regime for authentic hard disc write/read head length ( 1000 L m ? = ) and provides pressure distribution in full agreement with the generalized Reynolds equation, while before this the DSMC check of the validity of the Reynolds equation was done only for short ( 5 L m ? = ) drive head. The author suggests degenerate the Reynolds equation to solve the microchannel flow problem in transitional regime, thus provides a means with merit of strict kinetic theory for testing various methods intending to treat the internal MEMS flows.


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Atualizada até 18/7/2014


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Analisa a lei que cria mecanismos para coibir a violência doméstica e familiar contra a mulher, nos termos do § 8º do art. 226 da Constituição Federal, da Convenção sobre a Eliminação de Todas as Formas de Discriminação contra as Mulheres e da Convenção Interamericana para Prevenir, Punir e Erradicar a Violência contra a Mulher; dispõe sobre a criação dos Juizados de Violência Doméstica e Familiar contra a Mulher; altera o Código de Processo Penal, o Código Penal e a Lei de Execução Penal; e dá outras providências.


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Lei nº 8.078, de 11 de setembro de 1990, que dispõe sobre a proteção do consumidor e dá outras providências, e legislação correlata