983 resultados para Autosomal recessive


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La Enfermedad de Pompe (EP) es un desorden metabólico caracterizado por la deficiencia de alfa-glucosidasa acida (GAA), una enzima que cataliza la hidrolisis de las uniones glucosidicas α-1.4 y α-1,6 de glucógeno. Esta deficiencia resulta en acumulación de glucógeno en todos los tejidos, especialmente en musculo esquelético. Los pacientes con EP muestran un gran espectro de fenotipos con respecto a la edad de inicio, progresión de la enfermedad, severidad y tasa de progresión a muerte. El curso clínico de la enfermedad es principalmente determinado por la naturaleza de las variaciones genéticas de GAA quellevan a diferentes grados de deficiencia enzimática. Hasta la fecha alrededor de 400 distintas variaciones en la secuencia de GAA han sido descritas, y en algunos casos la correlación genotipo-fenotipo no es claramente evidente. En este estudio se describe el primer análisis genético y clínico de pacientes colombianos con EP en 13 individuos afectados. La secuenciación directa del gen GAA, revelo ocho distintas mutaciones relacionadas con la etiología de EP incluyendo dos nuevas mutaciones missense c.1106T>C (p.Leu369Pro) y c.2236T >C (p. Trp746Arg). Estudios funcionales in vitro mostraron que los cambios estructurales conferidos por ambas mutaciones no inhiben la síntesis del precursor de GAA de 110 KD pero afectan el procesamiento y el transporte intra-celular de la proteína.


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El síndrome de Alagille es una condición autosómica dominante que se define clínicamente por alteraciones de cinco sistemas principales: escasez de ductos biliares con colestasis crónica, compromiso cardíaco (estenosis pulmonar), óseo (vétebras en mariposa), oftálmico (embriotoxon posterior) y de la cara (fascies dismórficas leves pero reconocibles). La afectación renal es común en estos pacientes; sin embargo, no hace parte de los criterios que definen el síndrome. Reportamos los casos de 3 pacientes con síndrome de Alagille y compromiso renal y realizamos una revisión de la literatura para establecer la importancia de incluir la evaluación de este sistema en el diagnóstico del síndrome. Concluimos que el compromiso renal es frecuente, y por lo tanto sugerimos que en todos los casos se evalúe la posibilidad de compromiso renal tanto a nivel estructural como funcional glomerular y tubular.


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La distrofia muscular de Duchenne y Becker (DMD/DMB) es una entidad de herencia recesiva ligada al cromosoma X que se presenta con debilidad muscular y es causada por mutaciones en el gen de la distrofina. La pérdida de heterocigocidad permite identificar a las mujeres portadoras de deleción en el gen de la distrofina mediante haplotipos. Objetivo: identificar mujeres portadoras en una familia con un paciente afectado de DMD mediante análisis de pérdida de heterocigocidad. Materiales y métodos: se analizaron nueve miembros de una familia con un afectado de DMD. Se hizo extracción de ADN y amplificación de diez STR del gen de la distrofina; se construyeron haplotipos, y se determinó el estado de portadora de deleción en dos de las seis mujeres analizadas, quienes mostraron pérdida de heterocigocidad de tres STR. Se establecieron algunos eventos de recombinación. Resultados: Dos de las seis mujeres analizadas, mostraron perdida de heterocigocidad en tres de los diez STR genotipificados, indicando su estado de portadora de deleción en este fragmento del gen de la Distrofina Con la segregación familiar de los haplotipos se establecieron eventos de recombinación. Conclusiones: mediante pérdida de heterocigocidad es posible establecer el estado de portadora de deleción en el gen de la distrofina con un 100% de certeza. La construcción de haplotipos identifica el cromosoma X portador de la deleción en familiares del caso índice. Se evidenció un evento de recombinación en una de las hermanas del afectado, lo que hace indeterminado su estado de portadora.


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Introduction. Duchenne and Becker Muscular Dystrophies (DMD/DMB) are X-linked recessive diseases characterized by progressive muscle weakness and wasting, loss of motor skills and death after the second decade of life. Deletions are the most prevalent mutations that affect the dystrophin gene, which spans 79 exons.Objective: Identify deletions on the dystrophin gene in 58 patients affected with DMD.Methods: Through multiplex PCR identify deletions on the dystrophin gene in 58 patients with DMD and observe the frequency of this mutation in our population.Results: We found deletions in 1.72% of patients (1 of 58 persons). Deletions were not the principal cause of disease in our population. It is possible that duplications and point mutations caused this illness in our patients.Conclusions: The frequency of deletions in the 15 exons analyzed from the dystrophin gene was low. The predominant types of mutation in our patients` samples were not deletions as has been observed in the literature worldwide, therefore, it is important to determine other types of mutations as are duplications and point mutations.


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La hemofilia A y B son trastornos hereditarios recesivos ligados al cromosoma X y se caracterizan por la deficiencia de los factores de coagulación VIII y IX, respectivamente. La complicación más importante , durante el tratamiento, es el desarrollo de los anticuerpos neutralizantes ,llamados inhibidores ,que vuelven ineficaz cualquier terapia. Existe controversia sobre si es mejor el manejo profiláctico o a demanda, en los pacientes pediátricos con inhibidores. Con la presente revisión sistemática se pretende evaluar el mejor tipo de tratamiento en pacientes pediátricos con hemofilia e inhibidores. Se realizó una revisión sistemática de literatura incluyendo estudios controlados aleatorizados en las principales bases de datos, sin límite de tiempo, se evaluaron los episodios de sangrado articular y no articular, la calidad de vida y seguridad del medicamento. Se encontraron un total de seis (6) artículos relacionados con el tema, que cumplieron criterios de selección. El manejo profiláctico de los pacientes con hemofilia, mostró diferencias significativas en comparación con el tratamiento a demanda en los episodios de sangrado articular y no articular y sobre la calidad de vida. Se presentaron menos casos de hemartrosis y sangrado en articulaciones blanco con el tratamiento profiláctico. La presente revisión determinó que el manejo profiláctico reduce la presentación de eventos de sangrado y hemartrosis, aunque no se encontraron diferencias significativas entre el tratamiento profiláctico o a demanda, en la calidad de vida.


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Introducción: La valvuloplastía aórtica con balón (VAB) es el procedimiento de elección para el manejo de La estenosis valvular aórtica en pediatría. La mortalidad y la supervivencia libre de reintervenciones no han sido evaluadas en Colombia. Objetivo: Determinar la sobrevida global y los factores asociados de reintervención valvular aórtica (RVA) en los pacientes tratados con VAB en la Fundación Cardio infantil – Instituto de Cardiología entre febrero del 2005 y marzo del 2013. Métodos: estudio estudio analítico de cohorte Resultados: Se evaluaron 69 VAB. La edad promedio de realización fue de 74,89 meses. La relación hombre: mujer de 4:1. Un 30,5% de los pacientes tenían malformaciones cardiacas asociadas. Se presentaron complicaciones en 13% de las VAB. La presión sistólica del ventrículo izquierdo presento una reducción promedio de un 63,6%. Se siguieron el 81,2% de las VAB, encontrando a los 9 años de seguimiento, supervivencia de 89,2% y necesidad de RVA en 14,2% de las VAB, siendo más frecuentes en VAB con gradiente post-VAB mayor de 35 mmhg (p= 0.005), con un RR de 6.6. Los otros factores no mostraron relaciones estadísticamente significativas (edad, morfología valvular, malformaciones asociadas, insuficiencia aórtica post-VAB). Conclusiones: La VAB es eficaz en el manejo de la EVA congénita, con una mortalidad y supervivencia libre de RVA similares a las encontradas en estudios previamente publicados. El gradiente post VAB mayor de 35 mm hg fue el único factor de riesgo que se correlacionó con la supervivencia libre de RVA.


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A miocardiopatia hipertrófica (MH) é a doença cardíaca genética mais comum, afectando 1:500 indivíduos, apresentando um padrão de transmissão autossómico dominante, com mutações associadas a genes sarcoméricos e não sarcoméricos. A MH apresenta uma variedade de manifestações clínicas, desde indivíduosassintomáticos a indivíduos que manifestam uma progressão da severidade dos sintomas, podendo nalguns casos ocorrer morte súbita. O diagnóstico clínico é realizado por Electrocardiograma e Ecocardiograma. O diagnóstico genético baseia-se na Sequenciação Automática (SA) dos 5 principais genes sarcoméricos MYBPC3, MYH7, TNNT2, TNNI3 e MYL2, sendo considerada uma metodologia bastante dispendiosa e demorada e que não permite a identificação de mutações em cerca de 1/3 dos individuos. A Genotipagem por iPLEX MassARRAY revela-se uma boa alternativa à SA no diagnóstico genético de MH, uma vez que permite a análise de várias amostras em simultâneo, para um elevado número de mutações, num único ensaio, com uma maior rentabilidade de tempo e recursos. Este trabalho teve como objectivo a optimização e a validação desta metodologia, na detecção de 541 mutações em 33 genes, tendo-se verificado que 29 % das reacções multiplex necessitam de ser revistas, quer pelo desenho de novos conjuntos de primers, quer pela sua relocalização no chip.


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Aims:To analyze the socio-demographic and clinical characteristics of patients with adult polycystic kidney disease admitted to hemodialysis services in Northwestern Paraná state,Brazil. Methods: This was an observational, descriptive and retrospective longitudinal study. Medical records of patients with polycystic kidneys who initiated hemodialysis between 1995 and 2012, in four centers that treat patients of the coverage area of the 15th Regional Health Region of Paraná state where analyzed. Results:We found that 10.3% of hemodialysis patients had polycystic kidney disease as a leading cause of stage 5 of chronic kidney disease. The mean age of patients was 54.9±9.4 years (ranging between 27 and 74 years), with equal gender distribution and Caucasian predominance (72.9%). The average age of dialysis initiation was 50±10.2 years. The most common comorbidity was systemic hypertension (66.7%). Liver cyst was the main extra-renal manifestation (10.4%). Twenty-five percent of the patients required renal transplantation, and (22.9%) undergone nephrectomy. The most widely used classes of antihypertensive drugs were β-blockers (41.7%) and drugs that act on the renin-angiotensin system (31.3%), while 56.3% of patients were treated with recombinant human erythropoietin. Conclusions:This is a pioneering epidemiological study in Northwestern Paraná state. We found in this population a sociodemographic and clinical profile of adult polycystic kidney disease similar to that of North America and Europe, probably because the ethnic constitution of the sample was predominantly of Euro-descendants.


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A high-resolution textural study has been made of laminated and banded estuarine silts exposed intertidally at representative localities and horizons in the Holocene deposits of the Severn Estuary Levels. The laminae, on a submillimetre to millimetre scale, are sharp-based, graded couplets formed of a lower silty part overlain by a finer-textured clayey element. The centimetre- to decimetre-scale banding is formed of laminae in alternating, gradually intergrading sets of relatively coarse and relative fine-grained examples. At outcrop in the field, the banding is recognizable because the coarse sets prove to be recessive to varying degrees under the influence of weathering and current action. Independent evidence at two localities points toward an annual origin for the banding; at a third it arose during part of what appears to have been a relatively short period. Quantified physical arguments suggest that the textural banding is a response of suspended fine sediment to marked seasonal changes in sea temperature and windiness. The banded silts occur in four distinct stratigraphical contexts and record high deposition rates (order 0.01-0.1 m/yr). Because physical factors determine their textures, the silts potentially afford insights in all contexts into aspects of changing Holocene climatic conditions. In one context, the thickness of the bands points to high (order 0.01-0.1 m/yr) but comparatively short-lived (order 10s-100s yrs) rates of relative water-level rise. In the others, however, the banding has no implications for sea-level behaviour, and simply records gross environmental disequilibrium, for example, the recovery of mudflats/marshes after an erosional episode. Similarly, because on account of their rapid accumulation the banded silts preserve animal and human tracks and trackways especially well, they provide an archive of animal and human behaviour in the area during the Holocene.


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An appropriate model of recent human evolution is not only important to understand our own history, but it is necessary to disentangle the effects of demography and selection on genome diversity. Although most genetic data support the view that our species originated recently in Africa, it is still unclear if it completely replaced former members of the Homo genus, or if some interbreeding occurred during its range expansion. Several scenarios of modern human evolution have been proposed on the basis of molecular and paleontological data, but their likelihood has never been statistically assessed. Using DNA data from 50 nuclear loci sequenced in African, Asian and Native American samples, we show here by extensive simulations that a simple African replacement model with exponential growth has a higher probability (78%) as compared with alternative multiregional evolution or assimilation scenarios. A Bayesian analysis of the data under this best supported model points to an origin of our species approximate to 141 thousand years ago (Kya), an exit out-of-Africa approximate to 51 Kya, and a recent colonization of the Americas approximate to 10.5 Kya. We also find that the African replacement model explains not only the shallow ancestry of mtDNA or Y-chromosomes but also the occurrence of deep lineages at some autosomal loci, which has been formerly interpreted as a sign of interbreeding with Homo erectus.


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The aim of this study was to test whether resistance of clones of Theobroma cacao ( cocoa) varied between isolates of Moniliophthora (formerly Crinipellis) perniciosa, the cause of witches' broom disease. Developing buds of vegetatively propagated T. cacao grown in greenhouses in the UK were inoculated with 16 000 spores of M. perniciosa per meristem in water, under conditions where water condensed on the inoculated shoot for at least 12 h after inoculation. The proportion of successful inoculations varied between clones and was inversely correlated with time to symptom production or broom formation. A specific interaction was demonstrated among three single-spore isolates of M. perniciosa and the clone Scavina 6 (SCA 6) and a variety of susceptible clones. Isolates Castenhal-I and APC3 were equally likely to infect SCA 6 and the other clones, but isolate Gran Couva A9 never infected SCA 6, although it was as virulent on the other clones. The interaction was maintained when the wetness period was extended to 70 h. Offspring of SCA 6 x Amelonado matings were all susceptible to both Castenhal-I and GC-A5, with no evidence of greater variability in susceptibility to GC-A5 than Castanhal-I. This suggests recessive inheritance of a single homozygous factor conferring resistance to GC-A5, from SCA 6. The progenies were slightly more susceptible to Castanhal-I than GC-A5. The implications for managing the disease are discussed.


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Anticoagulant compounds, i.e., derivatives of either 4-hydroxycoumarin (e.g., warfarin, bromadiolone) or indane-1,3-dione (e.g., diphacinone, chlorophacinone), have been in worldwide use as rodenticides for > 50 years. These compounds inhibit blood coagulation by repression of the vitamin K reductase reaction (VKOR). Anticoagulant-resistant rodent populations have been reported from many countries and pose a considerable problem for pest control. Resistance is transmitted as an autosomal dominant trait although, until recently, the basic genetic mutation was unknown. Here, we report on the identification of eight different mutations in the VKORC1 gene in resistant laboratory strains of brown rats and house mice and in wild-caught brown rats from various locations in Europe with five of these mutations affecting only two amino acids (Tyr139Cys, Tyr139Ser, Tyr139Phe and Leu128Gln, Leu128Ser). By recombinant expression of VKORC1 constructs in HEK293 cells we demonstrate that mutations at Tyr139 confer resistance to warlarin at variable degrees while the other mutations, in addition, dramatically reduce VKOR activity. Our data strongly argue for at least seven independent mutation events in brown rats and two in mice. They suggest that mutations in VKORC1 are the genetic basis of anticoagulant resistance in wild populations of rodents, although the mutations alone do not explain all aspects of resistance that have been reported. We hypothesize that these mutations, apart from generating structural changes in the VKORC1 protein, may induce compensatory mechanisms to maintain blood clotting. Our findings provide the basis for a DNA-based field monitoring of anticoagulant resistance in rodents.


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Autism Spectrum Conditions (ASC) are much more common in males, a bias that may offer clues to the etiology of this condition. Although the cause of this bias remains a mystery, we argue that it occurs because ASC is an extreme manifestation of the male brain. The extreme male brain (EMB) theory, first proposed in 1997, is an extension of the Empathizing-Systemizing (E-S) theory of typical sex differences that proposes that females on average have a stronger drive to empathize while males on average have a stronger drive to systemize. In this first major update since 2005, we describe some of the evidence relating to the EMB theory of ASC and consider how typical sex differences in brain structure may be relevant to ASC. One possible biological mechanism to account for the male bias is the effect of fetal testosterone (fT). We also consider alternative biological theories, the X and Y chromosome theories, and the reduced autosomal penetrance theory. None of these theories has yet been fully confirmed or refuted, though the weight of evidence in favor of the fT theory is growing from converging sources (longitudinal amniocentesis studies from pregnancy to age 10 years old, current hormone studies, and genetic association studies of SNPs in the sex steroid pathways). Ultimately, as these theories are not mutually exclusive and ASC is multi-factorial, they may help explain the male prevalence of ASC.


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Life-history traits vary substantially across species, and have been demonstrated to affect substitution rates. We compute genomewide, branch-specific estimates of male mutation bias (the ratio of male-to-female mutation rates) across 32 mammalian genomes and study how these vary with life-history traits (generation time, metabolic rate, and sperm competition). We also investigate the influence of life-history traits on substitution rates at unconstrained sites across a wide phylogenetic range. We observe that increased generation time is the strongest predictor of variation in both substitution rates (for which it is a negative predictor) and male mutation bias (for which it is a positive predictor). Although less significant, we also observe that estimates of metabolic rate, reflecting replication-independent DNA damage and repair mechanisms, correlate negatively with autosomal substitution rates, and positively with male mutation bias. Finally, in contrast to expectations, we find no significant correlation between sperm competition and either autosomal substitution rates or male mutation bias. Our results support the important but frequently opposite effects of some, but not all, life history traits on substitution rates. KEY WORDS: Generation time, genome evolution, metabolic rate, sperm competition.


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Point mutations in LRRK2 cause autosomal dominant Parkinson's disease. Despite extensive efforts to determine the mechanism of cell death in patients with LRRK2 mutations, the aetiology of LRRK2 PD is not well understood. To examine possible alterations in gene expression linked to the presence of LRRK2 mutations, we carried out a case versus control analysis of global gene expression in three systems: fibroblasts isolated from LRRK2 mutation carriers and healthy, non-mutation carrying controls; brain tissue from G2019S mutation carriers and controls; and HEK293 inducible LRRK2 wild type and mutant cell lines. No significant alteration in gene expression was found in these systems following correction for multiple testing. These data suggest that any alterations in basal gene expression in fibroblasts or cell lines containing mutations in LRRK2 are likely to be quantitatively small. This work suggests that LRRK2 is unlikely to play a direct role in modulation of gene expression, although it remains possible that this protein can influence mRNA expression under pathogenic cicumstances.