937 resultados para Android, NFC, smartphone, acquisti, servizi
Tämän tutkimuksen aiheena oli älypuhelimien käytettävyys naisnäkökulmasta. Aihe nousi esiin kesällä 2010 huomatessani, että älypuhelinmarkkinat ja –mainokset ovat hyvin pitkälle miehille suunnattuja. Etsiessäni materiaalia tuekseni tähän työhön huomasin, että sitä on erittäin vähän saatavilla. Tämän takia päätin toteuttaa työn käytettävyystestausprojektina. Projektin testiryhmä koostui naisista, jonka jäseniä pyydettiin suorittamaan valitsemillaan älypuhelimilla testitehtäviä. Testin jälkeen he vastasivat käytettävyystestauslomakkeissa olleisiin kysymyksiin, jotka koskivat testattuja älypuhelimia. Tutkimustuloksia analysoitaessa nousi esiin vähäinen tarve älypuhelimen ostamiseen. Tässä käytettävyystestausprojektissa lopputulos oli, että testaajat eivät kokeneet tarvetta ostaa vaikeasti hallittavaa sekä turhia sovelluksia sisältävää ja kallista älypuhelinta.
The purpose of this paper is to gather enough evidence to speculate the future of Nokia, Rim and Apple. The thesis goes over the history, current events and business model of each company. This paper includes differences between the companies and co-operation and rivalry, such as patent infringement cases. The study is limited to smartphones and their future. The result of this study is that Apple will continue its steady increase in market share, while Nokia will first decrease and after the launch of the Windows Phone it will rise again. RIM‟s result has not been as good as in past years and it has lost market share. The decrease of share price may lead to acquisition by a company interested in RIM technology.
In recent years, the worldwide distribution of smartphone devices has been growing rapidly. Mobile technologies are evolving fast, a situation which provides new possibilities for mobile learning applications. Along with new delivery methods, this development enables new concepts for learning. This study focuses on the effectiveness and experience of a mobile learning video promoting the key features of a specific device. Through relevant learning theories, mobile technologies and empirical findings, the thesis presents the key elements for a mobile learning video that are essential for effective learning. This study also explores how previous experience with mobile services and knowledge of a mobile handset relate to final learning results. Moreover, this study discusses the optimal delivery mechanisms for a mobile video. The target group for the study consists of twenty employees of a Sanoma Company. The main findings show that the individual experience of learning and the actual learning results may differ and that the design for certain video elements, such as sound and the presentation of technical features, can have an impact on the experience and effectiveness of a mobile learning video. Moreover, a video delivery method based on cloud technologies and HTML5 is suggested to be used in parallel with standalone applications.
Diplomityössä tutkitaan mobiilisovellusten keskitettyjä jakelukanavia. Nämä uudet jakelukanavat ovat mahdollistaneet sovellusten uuden tyylisen ja helpon jakelun. Työssä tutkitaan itsenäisen kehittäjän näkökulmasta sovelluksen kehitystä Android-, iOS- ja Windows Phone -ohjelmistoalustoilla, ja sen julkaisua App Storessa, Google Playssa ja Windows Phone Marketplacella. Tavoitteena on tutkia huomataanko esimerkkisovelluksen kehityksessä ja julkaisussa merkittäviä eroja jakelukanavien välillä. Prosesseissa havaittiin eroja, mutta ei kuitenkaan niin merkittäviä, että jokin jakelukanava voitaisiin nostaa selkeästi toisten edelle helpompana tai rajoitteista vapaampana vaihtoehtona.
Tässä kvalitatiivisessa pro gradu -työssä tutkittiin brändin vaikutusta innovaation adoptoinnissa. Innovaationa käytettiin älypuhelinta. Päätutkimusongelmana oli selvittää kuinka brändi vaikuttaa älupuhelimen omaksuntaan. Brändin vaikutusta tutkittiin Rogersin Diffusion of Innovation -teoriasta adoptioprosessin sekä innovaation määritteiden avulla. Sosiaalisten suhteiden vaikutusta brändin valintaan sekä innovaation adoptointiin taas tutkittiin Technology Acceptance Modelin avulla. Empiirinen osio koottiin teemahaastattelun tulosten avulla. Tulosten saamiseksi tutkimuksessa haastateltiin kymmentä yliopisto-opiskelijaa. Vastaukset osoittivat brändin merkittävää vaikutusta älypuhelimen adoptoinnissa.
The birth of Internet technologies, the developments of fast fashion and multiple retailing channels have created a need for a new, more integrated way for doing retailing. Agility in fast fashion retailing could be seen as a significant way of responding to these changes and furthermore, as a way to respond to consumers’ altering demands. The purpose of this study was to explore the ways in which agile supply chains and integrated multichannel retailing influence the international fast fashion retailing. A framework for agility in retail was developed based on available theoretical considerations in distribution and communication channels. Qualitative research methods and qualitative content analysis were used. Four expert interviews were carried out to gain new perspectives to the objectives. The rest of the data was collected from an industry specific document, expert video and two expert lectures. Following the data collection, the research material was analyzed with qualitative content analysis. The empirical findings on agility in retail were presented based on a coding frame. It was found that agility in retail has multiple parts, which are overlapping and affecting one another. Furthermore, instead of viewing the agile supply chain and integrated multichannel retailing separately of each other as usual, it was found that they should be integrated, and the term “agility” was proposed to denote this approach. Also, it was found that the most common drivers and constrains of integrated multichannel retailing were the new Internet technologies and customer demand. Brick-and-mortar store, online store, mobile devices and social media were found to be the most common retailing channels. Furthermore, in-store technology, click-and-collect approach, NFC-buying, RFID-technology as well as 3D- digital simulations on fabrics and patterns will enhance agility even more in the future. In addition, environmental issues, customer experiences and communication will be important factors. This study has provided new practical insights for the future retailing. Furthermore, it has contributed to the academic research by discussing the traditional approaches of agility in fast fashion retail and bringing in new insights.
Open data refers to publishing data on the web in machine-readable formats for public access. Using open data, innovative applications can be developed to facilitate people‟s lives. In this thesis, based on the open data cases (discussed in the literature review), Open Data Lappeenranta is suggested, which publishes open data related to opening hours of shops and stores in Lappeenranta City. To prove the possibility of creating Open Data Lappeenranta, the implementation of an open data system is presented in this thesis, which publishes specific data related to shops and stores (including their opening hours) on the web in standard format (JSON). The published open data is used to develop web and mobile applications to demonstrate the benefits of open data in practice. Also, the open data system provides manual and automatic interfaces which make it possible for shops and stores to maintain their own data in the system. Finally in this thesis, the completed version of Open Data Lappeenranta is proposed, which publishes open data related to other fields and businesses in Lappeenranta beyond only stores‟ data.
Älytelevisiomarkkinat ovat nykyisellään pirstaloituneet eri valmistajien kehittäessä omia älytelevisioalustoitaan, mikä tekee sovelluskehittämisestä erittäin työlästä, kun kehitystyö pitää tehdä jokaiselle alustalle erikseen. LG:n ja Philipsin perustama Smart TV Alliance pyrkii yksinkertaistamaan sovelluskehittäjien työtä, samalla houkutellen lisää kehittäjiä alalle. Työssä tutustutaan tuotealustoihin, avoimeen ja suljettuun innovaatioon, sekä alliansseihin. Lisäksi perehdytään älytelevisioihin sekä tietenkin itse Smart TV Allianceen. Lisäksi tarkastellaan nykyistä markkina-asetelmaa ja arvioidaan yksittäisten toimijoiden tilannetta ja mahdollisia toimenpiteitä. Työn painopiste on fyysisen laitevalmistajan ja käyttöjärjestelmän kehittäjän/ylläpitäjän näkökulmasta. Työn kannalta tärkeässä roolissa ovat ohjelmistopohjaiset tuotealustat. Eritoten työssä käsitellään älytelevisioiden ohjelmistoa tuotealustana, mutta hyvä vaihtoehtoinen ja eritoten monille käytännönläheisempi esimerkki on tietokoneen käyttöjärjestelmä, kuten Microsoft Windows tai useat Linux-pohjaiset käyttöjärjestelmät. Keskeisenä ominaisuutena näissä kaikissa on, että itse käyttöjärjestelmä toimii yhteisenä pohjana, jonka päälle voidaan rakentaa muuta toiminnallisuutta, kuten pelejä ja toimistosovelluksia.
Tässä kandidaatintyössä esitellään mobiilimarkkoiden pirstaloitumisongelma, ja se millaisia haasteita kehittäjät voivat kokea kehittäessään sovelluksia, jotka tukevat useampia mobiilialustoja. Lisäksi työssä esitellään erilaisia mobiilisovelluksissa käytettäviä monetisaatiomalleja. Työssä tarkastellaan myös monialustakehitystyökalujen ja HTML5-tekniikan soveltuvuutta mobiilialustojen kehityshaasteiden ratkaisemiseen. Työn lopuksi toteutetaan ja julkaistaan käytännön pelisovellus monialustatyökalulla eri alustoja tukien. Tämän demosovelluksen avulla perehdytään julkaisuprosesseihin käytännössä, tuoden esille eri alustojen asettamia vaatimuksia kehittäjälle.
O presente trabalho objetivou disponibilizar para a língua portuguesa o questionário originalmente desenvolvido em inglês e denominado Need for Cognition (NFC). Tal questionário tem considerável importância no desenvolvimento de estudos do consumidor, uma vez que possibilita segmentar a população de acordo com determinada característica, ou seja, o quanto gostam de se engajar no pensar. O questionário foi traduzido utilizando a metodologia denominada back translation e validado objetivando disponibilizar para a língua portuguesa tal ferramenta, a qual auxilia na interpretação e no entendimento da atitude e comportamento do consumidor frente a um determinado produto ou questão. A maioria das escalas e questionários disponíveis foram desenvolvidos em outros países e, como é reconhecido, um processo de adaptação cultural e posterior validação da nova versão são requeridos para serem usados em culturas diferentes daquela para qual foi originalmente desenvolvida. Assim, faz-se necessário desenvolver o instrumento no próprio idioma, ou traduzi-lo e validá-lo. A técnica back translation garante tradução precisa e confiável do instrumento. A versão original em inglês foi traduzida para o português independentemente por três indivíduos bilíngües. O instrumento traduzido foi revisado aplicando as duas versões a um grupo de 15 indivíduos bilíngües, a fim de checar a equivalência da tradução.
Battery consumption in mobile applications development is a very important aspect and has to be considered by all the developers in their applications. This study will present an analysis of different relevant concepts and parameters that may have impact on energy consumption of Windows Phone applications. This operating system was chosen because there is limited research even though there are related studies for Android an iOS operating systems. Furthermore, another reason is the increasing number of Windows Phone users. The objective of this research is to categorise the energy consumption parameters (e.g. use of one thread or several thread for the same output). The result for each group of experiment will be analyzed and a rule will be derived. The set of derived rules will serve as a guide for developers who intend to develop energy efficient Windows Phone applications. For each experiment, one application is created for each concept and the results are presented in two ways: a table and a chart. The table presents the duration of the experiment, the battery consumed by the experiment, the expected battery lifetime and the energy consumption, while the charts display the energy distribution based on the main threads: UI thread, application thread and network thread.
Työn tavoitteena on poistaa tulostettujen lentoratataulukoiden ja laskukoneen tarve pitkän matkan ammunnassa, sekä myös parantaa osumapisteen arvioinnin tarkkuutta ja nopeutta. Tavoite saavutetaan mobiililaitteelle kehitettävällä ulkoballistiikkasovelluk-sella, joka mallintaa luotien lentoratoja Arthur J. Pejsan kaavojen avulla. Työ tutkii sovelluksen käytön etuja sekä verifioi tulokset käytännön testein ja vertaamalla kilpaileviin hyväksihavaittuihin sovelluksiin.
Mobile malwares are increasing with the growing number of Mobile users. Mobile malwares can perform several operations which lead to cybersecurity threats such as, stealing financial or personal information, installing malicious applications, sending premium SMS, creating backdoors, keylogging and crypto-ransomware attacks. Knowing the fact that there are many illegitimate Applications available on the App stores, most of the mobile users remain careless about the security of their Mobile devices and become the potential victim of these threats. Previous studies have shown that not every antivirus is capable of detecting all the threats; due to the fact that Mobile malwares use advance techniques to avoid detection. A Network-based IDS at the operator side will bring an extra layer of security to the subscribers and can detect many advanced threats by analyzing their traffic patterns. Machine Learning(ML) will provide the ability to these systems to detect unknown threats for which signatures are not yet known. This research is focused on the evaluation of Machine Learning classifiers in Network-based Intrusion detection systems for Mobile Networks. In this study, different techniques of Network-based intrusion detection with their advantages, disadvantages and state of the art in Hybrid solutions are discussed. Finally, a ML based NIDS is proposed which will work as a subsystem, to Network-based IDS deployed by Mobile Operators, that can help in detecting unknown threats and reducing false positives. In this research, several ML classifiers were implemented and evaluated. This study is focused on Android-based malwares, as Android is the most popular OS among users, hence most targeted by cyber criminals. Supervised ML algorithms based classifiers were built using the dataset which contained the labeled instances of relevant features. These features were extracted from the traffic generated by samples of several malware families and benign applications. These classifiers were able to detect malicious traffic patterns with the TPR upto 99.6% during Cross-validation test. Also, several experiments were conducted to detect unknown malware traffic and to detect false positives. These classifiers were able to detect unknown threats with the Accuracy of 97.5%. These classifiers could be integrated with current NIDS', which use signatures, statistical or knowledge-based techniques to detect malicious traffic. Technique to integrate the output from ML classifier with traditional NIDS is discussed and proposed for future work.
The future of paying in the age of digitalization is a topic that includes varied visions. This master’s thesis explores images of the future of paying in the Single Euro Payment Area (SEPA) up to 2020 and 2025 through the views of experts specialized in paying. This study was commissioned by a credit management company in order to obtain more detailed information about the future of paying. Specifically, this thesis investigates what could be the most used payment methods in the future, what items could work as a medium of exchange in 2020 and how will they evolve towards the year 2025. Changing consumer behavior, trends connected to payment methods, security and private issues of new cashless payment methods were also part of this study. In the empirical part of the study the experts’ ideas about probable and preferable future images of paying were investigated through a two-round Disaggregative Delphi method. The questionnaire included numeric statements and open questions. Three alternative future images were created with the help of cluster analysis: “Unsurprising Future”, “Technology Driven Future” and “The Age of the Customer”. The plausible images had similarities and differences, which were reflected to the previous studies in the literature review. The study’s findings were formed based on the images of futures’ similarities and to the open questions answers that were received from the questionnaire. The main conclusion of the study was that development of technology will unify and diversify SEPA; the trend in 2020 seems to be towards more cashless payment methods but their usage depends on the countries’ financial possibilities and customer preferences. Mobile payments, cards and cash will be the main payment methods but the banks will have competitors from outside the financial sector. Wearable payment methods and NFC technology are seen as widely growing trends but subcutaneous payment devices will likely keep their niche position until 2025. In the meantime, security and private issues are seen to increase because of identity thefts and various frauds. Simultaneously, privacy will lose its meaning to younger consumers who are used to sharing their transaction and personal data with third parties in order to get access to attractive services. Easier access to consumers’ transaction data will probably open the door for hackers and cause new risks in paying processes. There exist many roads to future, and this study was not an attempt to give any complete answers about it even if some plausible assumptions about the future’s course were provided.