946 resultados para 2.0 Web


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Understanding how wikis are used to support collaborative learning is an important concern for researchers and teachers. Adopting a discourse analytic approach, this paper attempts to understand the teaching processes when a wiki is embedded in a science project in primary education to foster collaborative learning. Through studying interaction between the teacher and students, our findings identify ways in which the teacher prompts collaborative learning but also shed light on the difficulties for the teacher in supporting student collective collaboration. It is argued that technological wiki features supporting collaborative learning can only be realized if teacher talk and pedagogy are aligned with the characteristics of wiki collaborative work: the freedom of students to organize and participate by themselves, creating dialogic space and promoting student participation. We argue that a dialogic approach for examining interaction can be used to help to design a more effective pedagogic approach in the use of wikis in education, to shift into Web 2.0 learning paradigm and to equip learners with the competences they need to participate in knowledge co-construction.


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Online learning provides the opportunity to work on academic tasks at any time at the same time as doing other activities, such as using in web 2.0 tools. This study identifies factors that contribute to success in online learning from the students¿ perspective and their relationship with time patterns. A survey of learning outputs was used to find relationships between students¿ satisfaction, knowledge acquisition and knowledge transfer with time for working on academic tasks. In this study, 199 students from a university in Mexico completed the survey. Findings suggest that knowledge transfer has a significant association with the number of hours online per day, hours spent on social networks and the use made of e-learning during working hours. Learner satisfaction has a strong relationship with the time in years a learner has been using the Internet and the number of hours devoted to the course per week. The findings of this research will be helpful for faculty and instructional designers for implementing learning strategies.


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Tässä insinöörityössä tutustuttiin sosiaalisen median liiketoimintamahdollisuuksiin ja toteutettiin kokonaisuus uuden liiketoimintamallin avulla. Ajatus sosiaalisesta liikuntasivustosta lähti omasta mielenkiinnosta liikuntaa sekä tehokkaasti verkostoituvaa wwwmaailmaa kohti. Lisäksi yrittäjyys on kiinnostanut minua suuresti, jonka takia innostuin tekemään insinöörityöni yrittäjän näkökulmasta, enkä pelkästään teknisen toteuttajan näkökulmasta. Web 2.0 eli sosiaalinen media on tehnyt tuloaan muutaman vuoden ajan ja yritysten suuri kiinnostus menestystarinoita kohtaan on saanut aikaan kiinnostuksen, jolle ei näy loppua. Hyvin toteutettu sosiaalinen verkkosivu voi olla tehokas ansaintakeino sivun ylläpitäjälle, mutta usein unohdetaan syy, miksi palveluita tehdään. Ensin pitää olla ongelma, johon toteutettu palvelu tarjoaa ratkaisun. Sporttiklubi tarjoaa ratkaisun hyvien liikuntakurssien löytämiseen, liikuntatietouden jakeluun sekä liikuntaystävien kanssa toimimiseen verkossa. Työssä toteutettu verkkosivu rakennettiin käyttämällä seuraavia ohjelmointitekniikoita ja -kieliä: Ajaxia, PHP:ta, JavaScriptiä sekä tietokantana MySQL:ää. Lisäksi verkkosivulla käytettiin mahdollisimman paljon avoimen lähdekoodin toteutuksia pienentääkseni omaa työmäärää itse toteutuksessa. Liiketoimintasuunnitelma toteutettiin käyttäen valmiita ja hyväksi todettuja sisällysluettelopohjia. Suunnitelman taustatyönä tutustuin muihin samalla alalla toimiviin yrityksiin ja verkkosivuihin, joista pyrin analysoimaan työlleni tärkeät työtavat ja menetelmät. Sivusto on nähtävissä verkossa osoitteessa www.sporttiklubi.net ja on täysin toiminnallinen kokonaisuus, jonka kehitystyö tulee jatkumaan tulevaisuudessakin. Jääkin nähtäväksi, tuleeko projektini tuottamaan yhtään euroa tulevaisuudessa, mutta oppimisnäkökulmasta tämä projekti on ollut minulle lottovoitto.


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A través del análisis de la presencia del fútbol internacional en los principales medios online que ofrecen información en inglés, el presente trabajo trata de estudiar las características de los mensajes informativos online sobre el deporte atendiendo a los siguientes aspectos: la tipología de mensajes, la tipología de contenidos a nivel temático, la tipología de fuentes y la utilización de herramientas, instrumentos y plataformas de la Web 2.0. De este modo se han podido diagnosticar las fortalezas y debilidades que presentan el ciberperiodismo deportivo en China y aportar al mejoramiento de la calidad de contenidos deportivos de los medios de comunicación del país.


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Cuando en 1994 se creo el primer foro de debate en Internet para profesores de español como lengua extranjera, no podíamos imaginar hasta qué punto la comunicación electrónica llegaría a formar parte de nuestras vidas cotidianas, pero ya entonces intuimos que un gran cambio social estaba en marcha y, con la curiosidad que nos caracteriza como docentes, quisimos ver qué podían aportar esas 'nuevas tecnologías' a nuestras clases. Veinte años más tarde, en el presente artículo se analizan estas dos décadas de"tecnologías y ELE" con la intención de contribuir a la comprensión del momento actual. El recorrido se distribuye en cuatro etapas que corresponden a las cuatro grandes aportaciones de la tecnología a la comunicación: los medios textuales para la comunicación electrónica, las denominadas Web 1.0 y Web 2.0, y las redes sociales. Finalmente, la revisión de los trabajos publicados permitirá comprobar que la red se ha instalado en nuestras vidas acompañada de unos códigos discursivos particulares, que la novedad inicial ya no es tal, que los entornos de aprendizaje se abren hoy a las redes sociales y que, aunque las tecnologías cambien sin cesar, muchas de las reflexiones de aquellos docentes pioneros continúan vigentes.


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IMPORTANCE: The 16p11.2 BP4-BP5 duplication is the copy number variant most frequently associated with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), schizophrenia, and comorbidities such as decreased body mass index (BMI). OBJECTIVES: To characterize the effects of the 16p11.2 duplication on cognitive, behavioral, medical, and anthropometric traits and to understand the specificity of these effects by systematically comparing results in duplication carriers and reciprocal deletion carriers, who are also at risk for ASD. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: This international cohort study of 1006 study participants compared 270 duplication carriers with their 102 intrafamilial control individuals, 390 reciprocal deletion carriers, and 244 deletion controls from European and North American cohorts. Data were collected from August 1, 2010, to May 31, 2015 and analyzed from January 1 to August 14, 2015. Linear mixed models were used to estimate the effect of the duplication and deletion on clinical traits by comparison with noncarrier relatives. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES: Findings on the Full-Scale IQ (FSIQ), Nonverbal IQ, and Verbal IQ; the presence of ASD or other DSM-IV diagnoses; BMI; head circumference; and medical data. RESULTS: Among the 1006 study participants, the duplication was associated with a mean FSIQ score that was lower by 26.3 points between proband carriers and noncarrier relatives and a lower mean FSIQ score (16.2-11.4 points) in nonproband carriers. The mean overall effect of the deletion was similar (-22.1 points; P < .001). However, broad variation in FSIQ was found, with a 19.4- and 2.0-fold increase in the proportion of FSIQ scores that were very low (≤40) and higher than the mean (>100) compared with the deletion group (P < .001). Parental FSIQ predicted part of this variation (approximately 36.0% in hereditary probands). Although the frequency of ASD was similar in deletion and duplication proband carriers (16.0% and 20.0%, respectively), the FSIQ was significantly lower (by 26.3 points) in the duplication probands with ASD. There also were lower head circumference and BMI measurements among duplication carriers, which is consistent with the findings of previous studies. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: The mean effect of the duplication on cognition is similar to that of the reciprocal deletion, but the variance in the duplication is significantly higher, with severe and mild subgroups not observed with the deletion. These results suggest that additional genetic and familial factors contribute to this variability. Additional studies will be necessary to characterize the predictors of cognitive deficits.


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Las nuevas titulaciones universitarias del EEES están diseñadas por competencias. El mejor escenario para evaluarlas lo constituyen las prácticas, cuando el alumnado responde a situaciones reales. Esta investigación analiza el uso de los blogs para la evaluación de las competencias en un entorno web 2.0. Para ello se han seguido cinco profesores y profesoras y 69 estudiantes de los estudios de Formación del profesorado que han utilizado dicho entorno 2.0 durante sus prácticas. Los logros y las dificultades del proceso se someten a discusión.


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Los entornos personales de aprendizaje (EPA o PLE) surgen de la combinación entre los recursos que busca y usa el estudiante para su formación y el potencial la web 2.0. En el caso de la traducción, el PLE también configura un espacio tecnológico adecuado para la práctica profesional futura. En el artículo se presentan ideas para generar el entorno tecnológico del PLE del traductor y ejemplos de recursos.


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Collective Intelligence (CI ) is a phenomenon that emerges at the crossroads of three worlds: Open Educational Resources (OER), Web 2.0 technologies and Online Learning Communities. Building CI for the OER movement means capturing the richness of information, experiences, knowledge and resources, that the movement is constantly generating, in a way that they can be shared and reused for the benefit of the movement itself. The organisation of CI starts from collecting the knowledge and experiences of OER's practitioners and scholars in new creative forms, and then situating this knowledge in a collective 'pot' from where it can be leveraged with new 'intelligent' meanings and toward new 'intelligent' goals. This workshop is an attempt to do so by engaging participants in a CI experience, in which they will contribute to, and at the same time take something from, the existing CI around OER, Web 2.0 technologies and Online Learning Communities.


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Manual recopilatorio de servicios de la web 2.0 susceptibles de ser utilizados en comunidades de práctica.


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Internet-verkon sisältöpalvelut ovat viime vuosina kehittyneet siten, että yhä suurempi osa sisällöstä on käyttäjäyhteisön itse tuottamaa. Esimerkkejä tällaisista uusista palveluista ovat verkkopäiväkirjat eli blogit, valokuva- ja videotietokannat Flickr ja YouTube sekä nk. wiki- sivustot. kuten Wikipedia-tietosanakirja. Tässä työssä tutkittiin, onko vastaavaa sisällöntuotannon muutosta tapahtunut avoimissa alueverkoissa. Työssä myös esitetään eräät määritelmät avoimille ja operaattorineutraaleille verkoille. Toisena tavoitteena oli tutkia, hyödynnetäänkö avoimien alueverkkojen palveluissa verkon alueellisuutta. Työ toteutettiin kyselytutkimuksina alueverkkojen ylläpitäjille sekä käyttäjille. Kyselystä saatujen tulosten mukaan avoimissa alueverkoissa ei ole laajalti tarjolla käyttäjälähtöisiä sisältöpalveluja, mutta paikallisuutta hyödyntäviä palveluja on tarjolla. Toisaalta kyselytulosten mukaan käyttäjät toivovatkin alueverkoilta nimenomaan paikallisuutta hyödyntäviä palveluja. Käyttäjälähtöisiä sisältöpalveluja käytetään runsaasti, mutta ilmeisesti laajemman Internet-verkon tasolla.


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Las rutinas de producción periodística se vieron alteradas con la aparición de Internet y la evolución de las fuentes 2.0. Se han extendido los espacios virtuales corporativos para los medios de comunicación, entendidos como herramienta básica de Relaciones Públicas. Los responsables de las organizaciones museísticas han entendido la necesidad de establecer un vínculo relacional con los periodistas en la red, a través de los sitios web oficiales de los museos. No obstante, concluimos que no facilitan los contenidos necesarios para transmitirlos de forma apropiada.


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The possibilities and expansion of the use of Web 2.0 has opened up a world of possibilities in online learning. In spite of the integration of these tools in education major changes are required in the educational design of instructional processes.This paper presents an educational experience conducted by the Open University of Catalonia using the social network Facebook for the purpose of testing a learning model that uses a participation and collaboration methodology among users based on the use of open educational resources.- The aim of the experience is to test an Open Social Learning (OSL) model, understood to be a virtual learning environment open to the Internet community, based on the use of open resources and on a methodology focused on the participation and collaboration of users in the construction of knowledge.- The topic chosen for this experience in Facebook was 2.0 Journeys: online tools and resources. The objective of this 5 weeks course was to provide students with resources for managing the various textual, photographic, audiovisual and multimedia materials resulting from a journey.- The most important changes in the design and development of a course based on OSL are the role of the teacher, the role of the student, the type of content and the methodology:- The teacher mixes with the participants, guiding them and offering the benefit of his/her experience and knowledge.- Students learn through their participation and collaboration with a mixed group of users.- The content is open and editable under different types of license that specify the level of accessibility.- The methodology of the course was based on the creation of a learning community able to self-manage its learning process. For this a facilitator was needed and also a central activity was established for people to participate and contribute in the community.- We used an ethnographic methodology and also questionnaires to students in order to acquire results regarding the quality of this type of learning experience.- Some of the data obtained raised questions to consider for future designs of educational situations based on OSL:- Difficulties in breaking the facilitator-centred structure- Change in the time required to adapt to the system and to achieve the objectives- Lack of commitment with free courses- The trend to return to traditional ways of learning- Accreditation- This experience has taught all of us that education can happen any time and in any place but not in any way.