999 resultados para 06-NYak-01
Este trabalho utiliza a metodologia six sigma com o objetivo de aumentar a produtividade da Linha de LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) em uma fábrica do Pólo Industrial de Manaus - PIM e um sistema de inferência fuzzy para mensurar o aumento dessa produtividade, onde foram identificados vários parâmetros baseados na metodologia six sigma. Dentre os quais, conforme grau de relevância dos especialistas deste estudo, pode-se destacar: desperdícios, capacidade produtiva e estudo de tempos. Ressaltando ainda que o sistema proposto seja de grande importância para profissionais e pesquisadores da gestão da produção, os quais desejam resultados que reduzam custos e conseqüentemente aumente os lucros da organização.
Esta dissertação se construiu a partir do diálogo entre a Antropologia e a Arqueologia, na busca de compreender os usos e significados que o patrimônio arqueológico assume no âmbito das relações sociais contemporâneas, em específico, aqueles construídos segundo a lógica de povos e comunidades tradicionais. Entendido como categoria etnográfica, o patrimônio permite vislumbrar significados que os quilombolas pertencentes às comunidades Taperinha, Nova Ipixuna, Sauá- Mirim, Benevides e Alegre Vamos, no município de São Domingos do Capim (PA), elaboram em torno do sítio arqueológico Aproaga. Na luta pela titulação definitiva do seu território os quilombolas se autodefinem Povos do Aproaga, nesse contexto, a consciência cultural possibilita a construção da identidade coletiva. Em torno das ruínas históricas do engenho colonial, a memória social quando os Pretos d’antes foram escravos restitui e fortalece no presente as referências culturais e fronteiras étnicas em consonância ao sentimento de pertencimento ao Aproaga. Assim, a arqueologia pública e etnográfica possibilita compreender as dinâmicas e relações sociais do presente e suas fruições com o passado, os significados da cultura material, bem como, as dimensões étnicas que o patrimônio pode vir a assumir no contexto de direitos territoriais de comunidades descendentes e/ou de origem. Porquanto, a territorialidade quilombola construída pelos Povos do Aproaga implica pensar de maneira crítica sobre as políticas do patrimônio na Amazônia, e mais amplamente a reflexividade da pesquisa tendo em vista uma práxis descolonial da ciência.
Trata a presente pesquisa de um estudo que discute os instrumentos de reforma urbana concebidos no Estatuto da Cidade relacionados às especificidades sócio-espaciais de um município ribeirinho amazônico. Busca-se identificar e analisar o ideário de reforma urbana proposto pelo Movimento Nacional pela Reforma Urbana (MNRU) e concebido no Estatuto da Cidade atentando para as especificidades sócio-espaciais do Município de Cametá, Estado do Pará. Para a realização da pesquisa recorreu-se a uma abordagem histórico-dialética sobre a problemática enfocada e se utilizou, como procedimentos de pesquisa o levantamento e a análise bibliográfica e documental (Estatuto da Cidade e Plano diretor de Cametá); aplicação de entrevistas semi-estruturadas junto à equipe elaboradora do plano diretor municipal, junto aos integrantes de movimentos sociais urbanos e rurais e junto ao poder público. Por meio da análise, concluiu-se que municípios ribeirinhos como Cametá, em virtude de apresentarem especificidades sócio-espaciais no contexto amazônico e brasileiro, enfrentam dilemas relacionados ao planejamento e à gestão urbana e municipal, distanciando-se, algumas vezes, das diretrizes e princípios estabelecidos genericamente para o território nacional. Tal questão revela a importância de pensar a diversidade sócio-espacial brasileira e amazônica, bem como a necessidade de viabilizar adequações de instrumentos e preceitos que buscam nortear as diversas práticas de planejamento e de gestão em nível local, não obstante os avanços relacionados a essas mesmas práticas nos últimos anos no Brasil.
O presente estudo aborda o desenvolvimento de crianças em instituição de acolhimento infantil (abrigo) a partir da utilização de escalas avaliativas. Destaca-se compreender o desenvolvimento, sob o enfoque de aspectos relacionados à comunicação, coordenação motora fina e grossa, resolução de problemas e comportamento pessoal-social. Participaram da pesquisa seis crianças com idades compreendidas entre 4 e 9 meses e as educadoras de referência dos dormitórios das crianças envolvidas no estudo. Para tanto, utilizou-se dados coletados da avaliação de crianças a partir da aplicação das escalas Ages and Stages Questionnaires third edition (ASQ- 3) e Bayley Scales of Infant Development second edition. As crianças selecionadas para o estudo também foram observadas através de um Roteiro de Observação Sistematizada, estruturado previamente com inspiração em três escalas de desenvolvimento para crianças de 1 a 12 meses. Dados referentes à história pregressa de todas as crianças envolvidas no estudo, também foram considerados e obtidos por meio de relatos informais da equipe da instituição de acolhimento e através de documentos (prontuários) junto à direção. A avaliação demonstrou que cinco das seis crianças avaliadas pela ASQ-3, tiveram seus resultados ratificados pelas escala Bayley II e destas, quatro estão em risco para o desenvolvimento e necessitariam de avaliação mais aprofundada nas áreas de coordenação motora ampla e resolução de problema. O estudo realizado, além de contribuir para a compreensão do desenvolvimento das crianças nessas instituições, principalmente, no sentido de prevenir os danos oriundos da ausência de atenção precoce, demonstra, ainda, que as educadoras presentes nesses locais podem ser capazes de avaliar alterações que possam surgir no curso do desenvolvimento das crianças sob sua responsabilidade, pois os resultados do instrumento de triagem utilizado pelas educadoras foram ratificados pela avaliação realizada por um profissional a partir da escala Bayley. Propõe-se que estudos futuros possam reconhecer a importância das educadoras neste processo.
O presente trabalho tem objetivo de avaliar a prevalência do HPV e os fatores de risco associados à coinfecção HIV HPV. Foram analisadas 78 amostras cervicais de mulheres HIV-positivas atendidas no SAE do Programa Municipal de DST/AIDS de Imperatriz do Maranhão. Realizaram-se os exames de citopatologia e amplificação por PCR. Como instrumento para coleta de dados foi utilizado um questionário. A positividade do DNA de HPV foi de 74,36%. Em nosso estudo a citologia diagnosticou alterações em 16 (20,51%) dos casos. Foi detectado DNA HPV em 71% das pacientes com citologia classificada como inflamatória, e 93,7% das citologias alteradas. Dentre as alterações destacamos ASCUS com 100%; ASCUH 100%; LIE de baixo grau 100%; LIE de alto grau 66,6%. Analisando os fatores de risco sócio-demográficos desta população em relação a prevalência da infecção pelo HPV, notou-se que mulheres que relataram nunca ter feito uso de álcool apresentaram maior prevalência 87,5% e mulheres que fazem uso de cigarro atualmente, 84,6% estavam infectadas pelo HPV. Não houve diferenças entre as variáveis “situação marital”, “escolaridade”, “número de parceiros”, “uso de preservativo” e “uso de anticoncepcional”, ocorrendo perfil semelhante. Esse estudo foi o pioneiro na cidade de Imperatriz e comprovou uma alta prevalência da co-infecção. O combate ao câncer de útero deve ser adotado como uma prioridade dos serviços de saúde pública por se tratar de doença com potencial para a prevenção, cujo rastreamento é eficaz.
The present invention relates to phthalimide derivatives of non-steroidal and/or TNF-+- modulating anti-inflammatory compounds as well as the process of obtaining the so-called derivatives, pharmaceutical compositions containing such derivatives and their uses, including use in the treatment of inflammatory diseases, especially those related to chronic inflammatory processes, such as rheumatoid arthritis and intestinal inflammatory diseases (for instance, Chron's disease) and the use of the referred to pharmaceutical compositions as antipyretic, analgesic and platelet antiaggregating medications.
Purpose: To evaluate and compare the reliability of implant-supported single crowns cemented onto abutments retained with coated (C) or noncoated (NC) screws and onto platform-switched abutments with coated screws. Materials and Methods: Fifty-four implants (DT Implant 4-mm Standard Platform, Intra-Lock International) were divided into three groups (n = 18 each) as follows: matching-platform abutments secured with noncoated abutment screws (MNC); matching-platform abutments tightened with coated abutment screws (MC); and switched-platform abutments secured with coated abutment screws (SC). Screws were characterized by scanning electron microscopy and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The specimens were subjected to step-stress accelerated life testing. Use-level probability Weibull curves and reliability for 100,000 cycles at 200 N and 300 N (90% two-sided confidence intervals) were calculated. Polarized light and scanning electron microscopes were used for fractographic analysis. Results: Scanning electron microscopy revealed differences in surface texture; noncoated screws presented the typical machining grooves texture, whereas coated screws presented a plastically deformed surface layer. XPS revealed the same base components for both screws, with the exception of higher degrees of silicon in the SiO2 form for the coated samples. For 100,000 cycles at 300 N, reliability values were 0.06 (0.01 to 0.16), 0.25 (0.09 to 0.45), and 0.25 (0.08 to 0.45), for MNC, MC, and SC, respectively. The most common failure mechanism for MNC was fracture of the abutment screw, followed by bending, or its fracture, along with fracture of the abutment or implant. Coated abutment screws most commonly fractured along with the abutment, irrespective of abutment type. Conclusion: Reliability was higher for both groups with the coated screw than with the uncoated screw. Failure modes differed between coated and uncoated groups.
In the organizational context culture and communication are fundamental to the processes of appropriation, sharing, generation and use of knowledge. However, in organizations, it is evident that there is little awareness about the influence of information culture and informational communication in the scope of knowledge management. In this perspective and considering the theoretical context, we analyze the influence of culture and communication in the construction of knowledge in an organizational context. This study presents a qualitative research covering national literature focusing theoretical literature published about this thematic. Analyzing this literature we have verified that without an appropriate information culture and an appropriate information communication favoring the organizational processes, hardly the managers would reach the purpose of stimulating knowledge creation within the organization's environment. In conclusion we consider that culture and communication are the foundations for the effectiveness of activities that occur within the context of knowledge management.
This paper proposes to investigate a specific fragment of the history of Japanese immigration to Brazil: labor relations during the period before the outcome of World War II. To this end, choosing oral history as a research method, and assumptions of historical materialism as a theoretical framework, we sought to examine the accounts of experiences remembered by a group of elderly women in this community of immigrant settlers. Theys participated both in the São Paulo coffee work in the first decades of the twentieth century, as the planting of cotton, in the 1930s.
Motor development of infants exposed to maternal human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) but not infected
Background: To assess the motor development of infants exposed to maternal human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Methods: Thirty infants were assessed in the period from November 2009 to March 2010 at the AIDS Reference and Training Centre, in São Paulo, Brazil. The assessment instrument used in the research was the Alberta Infant Motor Scale (AIMS). All 30 infants used the antiretroviral drug properly for 42 consecutive days, in accordance with the protocol of the World Health Organization. Results: Out of the total number of infants, 27 (90%) had proper motor performance and 3 (10%) presented motor delay, according to the AIMS. Discussion: This study demonstrated that only 10% of the assessed group had developmental delay and no relation with environmental variables was detected, such as maternal level of education, social and economic issues, maternal practices, attendance at the day care center, and drug use during pregnancy. It is important to emphasize the necessity of studies with a larger number of participants.
Background: Coactivation may be both desirable (injury prevention) or undesirable (strength measurement). In this context, different styles of muscle strength stimulus have being investigated. In this study we evaluated the effects of verbal and visual stimulation on rectus femoris and biceps femoris muscles contraction during isometric and concentric. Methods: We investigated 13 men (age =23.1 ± 3.8 years old; body mass =75.6 ± 9.1 kg; height =1.8 ± 0.07 m). We used the isokinetic dynamometer BIODEX device and an electromyographic (EMG) system. We evaluated the maximum isometric and isokinetic knee extension and flexion at 60°/s. The following conditions were evaluated: without visual nor verbal command (control); verbal command; visual command and; verbal and visual command. In relation to the concentric contraction, the volunteers performed five reciprocal and continuous contractions at 60°/s. With respect to isometric contractions it was made three contractions of five seconds for flexion and extension in a period of one minute. Results: We found that the peak torque during isometric flexion was higher in the subjects in the VVC condition (p > 0.05). In relation to muscle coactivation, the subjects presented higher values at the control condition (p > 0.05). Conclusion: We suggest that this type of stimulus is effective for the lower limbs.
Background: Autism is a disorder characterized by pervasive social and communicative impairments, repetitive and stereotyped behaviors and restricted interests. Its causes and effects have been researched from various neurocognitive theoretical perspectives and with the aid of neuroimaging technology. We aimed to describe biopsychosocial processes characteristic of the Autism Spectrum Disorders. Method: Literature review using Medline and Scopus databases published between 2001 and 2011, with the keywords "autism", "theory of mind", "executive functions", "central coherence" and “fMRI”. Results: The studies found were plotted and organized into tables and an explanatory diagram of the main findings was produced. Conclusions: The most popular neurocognitive theories are still unable to fully explain the characteristics of the complications that autistic spectrum disorder causes to the quality of life of individuals living with autism. The association of clinical research and neuroimaging may contribute to a better understanding of the functioning of the brain affected by the disorder.
Background: Chronic exposure to musical auditory stimulation has been reported to improve cardiac autonomic regulation. However, it is not clear if music acutely influences it in response to autonomic tests. We evaluated the acute effects of music on heart rate variability (HRV) responses to the postural change maneuver (PCM) in women. Method: We evaluated 12 healthy women between 18 and 28 years old and HRV was analyzed in the time (SDNN, RMSSD, NN50 and pNN50) and frequency (LF, HF and LF/HF ratio) domains. In the control protocol, the women remained at seated rest for 10 minutes and quickly stood up within three seconds and remained standing still for 15 minutes. In the music protocol, the women remained at seated rest for 10 minutes, were exposed to music for 10 minutes and quickly stood up within three seconds and remained standing still for 15 minutes. HRV was recorded at the following time: rest, music (music protocol) 0–5, 5–10 and 10–15 min during standing. Results: In the control protocol the SDNN, RMSSD and pNN50 indexes were reduced at 10–15 minutes after the volunteers stood up, while the LF (nu) index was increased at the same moment compared to seated rest. In the protocol with music, the indexes were not different from control but the RMSSD, pNN50 and LF (nu) were different from the music period. Conclusion: Musical auditory stimulation attenuates the cardiac autonomic responses to the PCM.
Background: We aimed to establish values and parameters using multislice reconstruction in axial computerized tomography (CT) in order to quantify the erosion of the glenoid cavity in cases of shoulder instability. Methods: We studied two groups using CT. Group I had normal subjects and Group II had patients with shoulder instability. We measured values of the vertical segment, the superior horizontal, medial and inferior segments, and also calculated the ratio of the horizontal superior and inferior segments of the glenoid cavity in both normal subjects and those with shoulder instability. These variables were recorded during arthroscopy for cases with shoulder instability. Results: The mean values were 40.87 mm, 17.86 mm, 26.50 mm, 22.86 mm and 0.79 for vertical segment, the superior horizontal, medial and inferior segments, and the ratio between horizontal superior and inferior segments of the glenoid cavity respectively, in normal subjects. For subjects with unstable shoulders the mean values were 37.33 mm, 20.83 mm, 23.07 mm and 0.91 respectively. Arthroscopic measurements yielded an inferior segment value of 24.48 mm with a loss of 2.39 mm (17.57%). The ratio between the superior and inferior segments of the glenoid cavity was 0.79. This value can be used as a normative value for evaluating degree of erosion of the anterior border of the glenoid cavity. However, values found using CT should not be used on a comparative basis with values found during arthroscopy. Conclusions: Computerized tomographic measurements of the glenoid cavity yielded reliable values consistent with those in the literature.
This study has as central theme the small district and the relationships established in the rural environment. The objective of the study is to analyze the reality from Cristais Paulista, located in the northeast of the State of São Paulo. Understanding as its relationship works, it was made a small rescue of classic studies on the relationship countryside-city, including the recent brazilian debate about the theme. In the present study we can observe the rural habits and also different urban customs in the small municipal district studied and also some particularities resulted of the social relationships among the residents of the countryside and of the city, always marked by the personality character. In the study of the small municipal district it was adopted as methodology the analysis Maria de Nazareth Baudel Wanderley (2001a), when she proposes five dimensions to analyze the municipal districts from Pernambuco. The application of the methodology in Cristais Paulista, allowed to understand the space building, the functions, the dynamics and the socio economical meanings of those small areas.