397 resultados para typologies


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Homenaje a Georges Laplace, realizado en Vitoria-Gasteiz el 13, 14 y 15 de noviembre de 2012. Edición a cargo de Aitor Calvo, Aitor Sánchez, Maite García-Rojas y Mónica Alonso-Eguíluz.


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[ES] La secuencia estratigráfica de un yacimiento arqueológico responde a dos variables relacionables, aportaciones naturales y actividades antrópicas: la conjunción de analíticas propias de la arqueología y la geología permite descifrar los caracteres de dicha sedimentación y reconocer su origen. Se han aplicado exámenes sedimentológicos y químicos a los yacimientos de Atxoste y Los Husos: por sus tipologías son representativos de la dinámica cultural habida a lo largo del Holoceno y sirven en la comprensión de la formación de yacimientos arqueológicos. Ligeros elementos constructivos y la distribución de los items arqueológicos han permitido, además, delomitar una cabaña adosada al abrigo en Atxoste y los cierres de un corral en el covacho de Los Husos.


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Settlements due to underground construction represent a risk for the architectural heritage, especially in The Netherlands, because of the combination of soft soil, fragile pile foundation and brittle, un-reinforced masonry façade. Modelling of soil-structure interaction is fundamental to assess the risk of building damage due to tunnelling. This paper presents results of finite element analyses carried out with different models for a simple masonry wall. Focus is paid on the comparison between coupled, uncoupled and semi-coupled analyses, in which the soil-structure interaction is represented in different ways. In particular, the implementation of a soil-structure interface model in the numerical analyses is analysed, in order to asses its validity. The aim of the research project is the development of a damage classification system for different building typologies.


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制造执行系统作为企业上层事务处理和低层设备控制系统之间的中间桥梁 ,在生产计划的优化调度、生产过程的改进等方面起着越来越重要的作用 ,并得到工业界广泛的认可和应用。本文总结了制造执行系统的发展历程和存在的问题 ,简要介绍了制造执行系统的功能、信息交互关系 ,以及信息技术对制造执行系统的冲击 ,进而引入工作流管理技术、智能Agent和面向对象技术 ,提出了可集成制造执行系统的体系结构、运行机制和开发方法 ,并对该系统的市场进行了分析与预测。


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An investigation in innovation management and entrepreneurial management is conducted in this thesis. The aim of the research is to explore changes of innovation styles in the transformation process from a start-up company to a more mature phase of business, to predict in a second step future sustainability and the probability of success. As businesses grow in revenue, corporate size and functional complexity, various triggers, supporters and drivers affect innovation and company's success. In a comprehensive study more than 200 innovative and technology driven companies have been examined and compared to identify patterns in different performance levels. All of them have been founded under the same formal requirements of the Munich Business Plan Competition -a research approach which allowed a unique snapshot that only long-term studies would be able to provide. The general objective was to identify the correlation between different factors, as well as different dimensions, to incremental and radical innovations realised. The 12 hypothesis were formed to prove have been derived from a comprehensive literature review. The relevant academic and practitioner literature on entrepreneurial, innovation, and knowledge management as well as social network theory revealed that the concept of innovation has evolved significantly over the last decade. A review of over 15 innovation models/frameworks contributed to understand what innovation in context means and what the dimensions are. It appears that the complex theories of innovation can be described by the increasing extent of social ingredients in the explanation of innovativeness. Originally based on tangible forms of capital, and on the necessity of pull and technology push, innovation management is today integrated in a larger system. Therefore, two research instruments have been developed to explore the changes in innovations styles. The Innovation Management Audits (IMA Start-up and IMA Mature) provided statements related to product/service development, innovativeness in various typologies, resources for innovations, innovation capabilities in conjunction to knowledge and management, social networks as well as the measurement of outcomes to generate high-quality data for further exploration. In obtaining results the mature companies have been clustered in the performance level low, average and high, while the start-up companies have been kept as one cluster. Firstly, the analysis exposed that knowledge, the process of acquiring knowledge, interorganisational networks and resources for innovations are the most important driving factors for innovation and success. Secondly, the actual change of the innovation style provides new insights about the importance of focusing on sustaining success and innovation ii 16 key areas. Thirdly, a detailed overview of triggers, supporters and drivers for innovation and success for each dimension support decision makers in putting their company in the right direction. Fourthly, a critical review of contemporary strategic management in conjunction to the findings provides recommendation of how to apply well-known management tools. Last but not least, the Munich cluster is analysed providing an estimation of the success probability of the different performance cluster and start-up companies. For the analysis of the probability of success of the newly developed as well as statistically and qualitative validated ICP Model (Innovativeness, Capabilities & Potential) has been developed and applied. While the model was primarily developed to evaluate the probability of success of companies; it has equal application in the situation to measure innovativeness to identify the impact of various strategic initiatives within small or large enterprises. The main findings of the model are that competitor, and customer orientation and acquiring knowledge important for incremental and radical innovation. Formal and interorganisation networks are important to foster innovation but informal networks appear to be detrimental to innovation. The testing of the ICP model h the long term is recommended as one subject of further research. Another is to investigate some of the more intangible aspects of innovation management such as attitude and motivation of mangers. IV


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Dissertação apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de mestre em Psicologia Jurídica


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This article explores the under-researched field of self-guided trails. The focus of the research is on the experiential aspects of self-guided literary trails from the perspective of both the developer and user. An examination of existing literature on self-guided trails and literary tourism was undertaken and supplemented with a review of experiential design principles. Content analysis of a sample of literary heritage trails was then carried out and three distinctive typologies were developed, informed by aspects of experiential design. The research reveals that few literary trails developers utilise these principles and the article concludes with proposals for the design of more effective literary trail experiences.


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Las cooperativas son entidades con una gran presencia económica y social en España, y tienen una gran influencia en la economía rural de las zonas donde están ubicadas. El principal objetivo del presente trabajo es el análisis del uso de las nuevas tecnologías por parte de las cooperativas agroalimentarias, centrándose en las productoras de aceite de oliva para determinar los principales factores que condicionan su comportamiento en la Red. En el presente estudio se analizan sus sitios web y se determina qué tipo de información aporta, tanto datos generales como datos de comercialización. A partir de los resultados obtenidos, se busca la relación que pueda existir entre el tamaño de la cooperativa, su actividad exportadora o la actividad de comercio electrónico con la presencia online, mediante una regresión logística. De esta manera podremos conocer si realmente la implantación de nuevas tecnologías en las cooperativas permite desarrollar una óptima actividad económica.


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Objectives: This study examined the validity of a latent class typology of adolescent drinking based on four alcohol dimensions; frequency of drinking, quantity consumed, frequency of binge drinking and the number of alcohol related problems encountered. Method: Data used were from the 1970 British Cohort Study sixteen-year-old follow-up. Partial or complete responses to the selected alcohol measures were provided by 6,516 cohort members. The data were collected via a series of postal questionnaires. Results: A five class LCA typology was constructed. Around 12% of the sample were classified as �hazardous drinkers� reporting frequent drinking, high levels of alcohol consumed, frequent binge drinking and multiple alcohol related problems. Multinomial logistic regression, with multiple imputation for missing data, was used to assess the covariates of adolescent drinking patterns. Hazardous drinking was associated with being white, being male, having heavy drinking parents (in particular fathers), smoking, illicit drug use, and minor and violent offending behaviour. Non-significant associations were found between drinking patterns and general mental health and attention deficient disorder. Conclusion: The latent class typology exhibited concurrent validity in terms of its ability to distinguish respondents across a number of alcohol and non-alcohol indicators. Notwithstanding a number of limitations, latent class analysis offers an alternative data reduction method for the construction of drinking typologies that addresses known weaknesses inherent in more tradition classification methods.


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Findings show that the current definitions of elder abuse, which centre on the actions or inactions of a person or persons where there is an expectation of trust, ignore wider societal issues like the withdrawal of respect and recognition. This serves to place older people in vulnerable positions.
Standard typologies of abuse were recognised by participants, although sexual abuse was not commonly mentioned except when prompted. However, what also emerged was a new concept of ‘personhood abuse’. This refers to societal attitudes; how these affect a person’s confidence, autonomy and agency resulting in an inability to say no or to stand up for oneself against abusive
acts, words and pressures possibly from fear of negative repercussions such as withdrawal of contact and/or care. Many ways were identified to support older people and reduce the opportunity for abusive actions to occur. They centred on community-based and peer supports through ‘having someone to talk
to’ and being aware of their rights. Continued involvement in community based activity which keeps people active and participating in society, such as community transport and clubs, supported people’s access to amenities and opportunities for engagement and were identified as ways to
prevent abuse from happening. Enhanced status, resources and support therefore need to be given to these types of community activities to prevent abuse occurring in the first place. These types of supports can enable older people to share their concerns in an everyday setting and to gain informal support and confidence; seeking more formal interventions when necessary.


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Dubai, the second largest city of the United Arab Emirates, is a fast growing hub with increasing need for infrastructure, housing and public facilities. Dubai is trying to market itself as an attractive holiday destination, which saw the launching and building of large scale planned communities, some of which are located on reclaimed land along the city's coast line. This paper reviews Dubai\'s green building agenda by examining the scale and typologies of new and planned low carbon projects, and discusses the potential of renewable sources of energy that can reduce the country's dependence on fossil fuels and improve the country's long term sustainability. It assesses the potential of solar energy, wind power, and geo-thermal energy in Dubai and the UAE in general.


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The hawari of Cairo - narrow non-straight alleyways - are the basic urban units that have formed the medieval city since its foundation back in 969 AD. Until early in the C20th, they made up the primary urban divisions of the city and were residential in nature. Contemporary hawari, by contrast, are increasingly dominated by commercial and industrial activity. This medieval urban maze of extremely short, broken, zigzag streets and dead ends are defensible territories, powerful institutions, and important social systems. While the hawari have been studied as an exemplar for urban structure of medieval Islamic urbanism, and as individual building typologies, this book is the first to examine in detail the socio-spatial practice of the architecture of home in the city. It investigates how people live, communicate and relate to each other within their houses or shared spaces of the alleys, and in doing so, to uncover several new socio-spatial dimensions and meanings in this architectural form.

In an attempt to re-establish the link between architecture past and present, and to understand the changing social needs of communities, this book uncovers the notion of home as central to understand architecture in such a city with long history as Cairo. It firstly describes the historical development of the domestic spaces (indoor and outdoor), and provides an inclusive analysis of spaces of everyday activities in the hawari of old Cairo. It then broadens its analysis to other parts of the city, highlighting different customs and representations of home in the city at large. Cairo, in the context of this book, is represented as the most sophisticated urban centre in the Middle East with different and sometimes contrasting approaches to the architecture of home, as a practice and spatial system.

In order to analyse the complexity and interconnectedness of the components and elements of the hawari as a 'collective home', it layers its narratives of architectural and social developments as a domestic environment over the past two hundred years, and in doing so, explores the in-depth social meaning and performance of spaces, both private and public.


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A certain type of rural support has emerged since agricultural restructuring of the 1980s. The article draws on research from the UK and Canada to suggest that support in both countries is derived from a patrilineal culture that still dominates family farming in both countries. Such a way of life, it is argued, involves the majority of farming men and women across generations working increasingly hard to ensure farm survival in order to facilitate an overall pattern of farm succession via the male or ‘patrilineal’ line. The article begins by providing a conceptualisation of patrilineal family farming drawing on insights from gender-informed work on farming identities, political-economy approaches from agricultural geography and the cultural turn in rural studies. This section will provide theoretical direction for discussion of the research findings. Here the article presents a discussion of the context to and typologies of organisations that emerged and five key findings derived from research conducted with members of the organisations in the UK and Canada. This assists in developing the argument that the emergent organisations are responding to and supporting this way of life and highlights some of the potential implications of doing so. The article has two aims. Firstly, it suggests that family farming in the UK and Canada continues to be predominantly structured by a way of life transmitted across generations which has the overall prerequisite of maintaining farm survival to enable patrilineal succession. Secondly, it suggests that a particular type of support for farming families emerged as a response to perceived threats to this way of life and provides evidence of its enduring nature.


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This paper uses harmonized data for the member states of the European Union to analyse household income packaging from a 'welfare regimes' perspective. Using data from the third wave of the ECHP, it looks at how the role of welfare transfers in the income package varies across countries and welfare regimes, and assesses whether this is consistent with the predictions of welfare regime theory, having first elaborated some specific hypotheses in that regard. It finds that when one focuses on averages across countries categorized into regimes, many of these hypotheses about the role of transfers are in broad terms borne out by the evidence. However, when one focuses on individual countries rather than regime averages the picture is a good deal more complex and consistency with the range of hypotheses more limited. It is essential that this variation across countries is taken into account in interpreting and using welfare regime theory and typologies.


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'Grooming' has been termed 'a ubiquitous feature of the sexual abuse of children' (Thornton, 2003: 144). Despite the prominence of the term in contemporary discourses on sexual offending against children, it is a term that is insufficiently understood in the psychological, sociological, criminological or legal literature. Most recently, the term has been used in two primary offending contexts - on-line grooming and abuse by strangers, and institutional grooming and abuse by those in positions of trust. This article argues, however, that grooming and its role in child sexual abuse is a multi-faceted phenomenon and much more complex than has been highlighted previously. While there are a number of typologies of grooming, this article concentrates on those which may be most relevant for treatment and management contexts - 'peer-to-peer grooming' and 'institutional grooming.' Drawing on extensive fieldwork with professionals who work in the fields of child protection or victim support, and sex offender assessment, treatment or management across the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland, the aim of this article is two-fold: (i) to deconstruct the term grooming and examine its actual role in the onset of sexual offending against children; and (ii) to draw out the implications of these complexities for policy and practice, chiefly in terms of treatment and prevention.