971 resultados para traditional community
Background. Community-based participatory research (CBPR) is a collaborative approach to research actively involving community members in all aspects of the research process. CBPR is not a new research method, but an approach that has gained increased attention in the field of public health over the last several years. Recognition of the inequalities in health status associated with social and environmental factors have led to calls for a renewed focus on ecological approaches to research. Ecological approaches acknowledge that the health of the community is dependent on an interaction between behavioral and environmental factors affecting the entire population. While many published studies document the benefits of CBPR in difficult-to-reach populations and describe successful implementation of this approach in adult populations, relatively few studies have been conducted in child and adolescent populations. Given that children and adolescents are particularly sensitive to the effects of their physical environments and may also be distrustful of outsiders, ecological approaches involving the community as partners, such as CBPR, may be especially useful in this population. ^ Objective. This thesis reviews published studies using a community-based participatory research approach in children and adolescents to assess the appropriateness of this approach in this population. ^ Method. Studies using CBPR in youth populations were identified using Medline and other Internet searches through both MeSH heading and text-word searches. ^ Results. A total of 16 studies were identified and analyzed for this review. Nine of the sixteen studies were experimental or quasi-experimental design, with Asthma being the most commonly studied disease. ^ Conclusions. While many studies using CBPR were not conducted with the level of scientific rigor typically found in clinical trial research, the studies reviewed each contributed to a greater understanding of the problems they investigated. Furthermore, interventional studies provided lasting benefits to communities under study above what would be found in studies using more traditional research approaches. While CBPR may not be appropriate for all research situations due to the time and resources required, we conclude that is a useful approach and should be considered when conducting community-based research for pediatric and adolescent populations.^
The paradoxically low infant mortality rates for Mexican Americans in Texas have been attributed to inaccuracies in vital registration and idiosyncracies in Mexican migration in rural areas along the U.S.-Mexico border. This study examined infant (IMR), neonatal (NMR), and postneonatal (PNMR) mortality rates of Mexican Americans in an urban, non-border setting, using linked birth and death records of the 1974-75 single live birth cohort (N = 68,584) in Harris County, Texas, which includes the city of Houston and is reported to have nearly complete birth and death registration. The use of parental nativity with the traditional Spanish surname criterion made it possible to distinguish infants of Mexican-born immigrants from those of Blacks, Anglos, other Hispanics, and later-generation, more Anglicized Mexican Americans. Mortality rates were analyzed by ethnicity, parental nativity, and cause of death, with respect to birth weight, birth order, maternal age, legitimacy status, and time of first prenatal care.^ While overall IMRs showed Spanish surname rates slightly higher than Anglo rates, infants of Mexican-born immigrants had much lower NMRs than did Anglos, even for moderately low birth weight infants. However, among infants under 1500 grams, presumably unable to be discharged home in the neonatal period, Mexican Americans had the highest NMR. The inconsistency suggested unreported deaths for Mexican American low birth weight infants after hospital discharge. The PNMR of infants of Mexican immigrants was also lower than for Anglos, and the usual mortality differentials were reversed: high-risk categories of high birth order, high maternal age, and late/no prenatal care had the lowest PNMRs. Since these groups' characteristics are congruent with those of low-income migrants, the data suggested the possibility of migration losses. Cause of death analysis suggested that prematurity and birth injuries are greater problems than heretofore recognized among Mexican Americans, and that home births and "shoebox burials" may be unrecorded even in an urban setting.^ Caution is advised in the interpretation of infant mortality rates for a Spanish surname population of Mexican origin, even in an urban, non-border area with reportedly excellent birth and death registration. ^
One of the major challenges in treating mental illness in Nigeria is that the health care facilities and mental health care professionals are not enough in number or well equipped to handle the burden of mental illness. There are several barriers to treatment for individual Nigerians which include the following: such as the lack of understanding of the root causes of mental illness, lack of financial support to get mental treatment, lack of social support (family, friends, neighbors), the fear of stigmatization concerning being labeled as mentally ill or being in association with the mentally ill, and the consultation of traditional native healers who may be unknowingly prolonging illness, rather than addressing and treating them due to lack of formal education and standardization of their treatments. Another barrier is the non-health nature of the mental health services in Nigeria. Traditional healers are essentially the mental health system. The elderly, women, and children are the most vulnerable groups in times of strife and hardships. Their mental well-being must be taken into account as well as their special needs in times of personal or societal crisis. ^ Nigerian mental health policy is geared toward forming a mental health system, but in actuality only a mental illness care system is the observed result of the policy. The government of Nigeria has drafted a mental health policy, yet its actual implementation into the Nigerian health infrastructure and society waits to be materialized. The limited health legislation or policy implementations tend to favor those who have access to these urban areas and the facilities' health services. Nigerians living in rural areas are at a disadvantage; many of them may not even be aware of services available to help them understand and treat mental illness. Perhaps, government driven health interventions geared toward mental illness in rural areas would reach an underserved Nigerians and Africans in general. Issues with political instability and limited infrastructure often hinder crucial financial resources and legislation from reaching the people that are truly in need of governmental leadership in regards to mental health policy.^ Traditional healers are a severely untapped resource in the treatment of mental illness within the Nigerian population. They are abundant within Nigerian communities and are meeting a real need for the mentally ill. However, much can be done to remove the barriers that prevent the integration of traditional healers within the mental health system and improve the quality of care they administer within the population. Mental illness is almost exclusively coped with through traditional medicine practices. Mobilization and education from each strata of Nigerian society and government as well as input from the medical community can improve how traditional medicine is utilized as a treatment for clinical illness and help alleviate the heavy burden of mental illness in Nigeria. Currently, there is no existing policy making structure for a working mental health system in Nigeria, and traditional healers are not taken into account in any formulation of mental health policy. Advocacy for mental illness is severely inadequate due to fear of stigmatization, with no formally recognized national of regional mental health association.^
This dissertation documents health and illness in the context of daily life circumstances and structural conditions faced by African American families living in Clover Heights (pseudonym), an inner city public housing project in the Third Ward, Houston, Texas. Drawing from Kleinman's (1980) model of culturally defined health care systems and using the holistic-content approach to narrative analysis (Lieblich, Tuval- Mashiach, & Zilber, 1998) the purpose of this research was to explore the ways in which social and health policy, economic mobility, the inner city environment, and cultural beliefs intertwined with African American families' health related ideas, behaviors, and practices. I recruited six families using a convenience sampling method (Schensul, Schensul, & LeCompte, 1999) and followed them for fourteen months (2010–2011). Family was defined as a household unit, or those living in the same residence, short or long-term. Single, African American women ranging in age from 29–80 years headed all families. All but one family included children or grandchildren 18 years of age and younger, or children or other relative 18 years of age and older. I also recruited six residents with who I became acquainted over the course of the project. I collected data using traditional ethnographic methods including participant-observation, archive review, field notes, mapping, free-listing, in-depth interviews, and life history interviews. ^ Doing ethnography afforded the families who participated in this project the freedom to construct their own experiences of health and illness. My role centered on listening to, learning from, and interpreting participants' narratives, exploring similarities and differences within and across families' experiences. As the research progressed, a pattern concerning diagnosis and pharmacotherapy for children's behavioral and emotional problems, particularly attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and pediatric bipolar disorder (PBD), emerged from my formal interactions with participants and my informal interactions with residents. The findings presented in this dissertation document this pattern, focusing on how mothers and families interpreted, organized, and ascribed meaning to their experiences of ADHD and PBD. ^ In the first manuscript presented here, I documented three mothers' narrative constructions of a child's diagnosis with and pharmacotherapy for ADHD or PBD. Using Gergen's (1997) relational perspective I argued that mothers' knowledge and experiences of ADHD and PBD were not individually constructed, but were linguistically and discursively constituted through various social interactions and relationships, including family, spirituality and faith, community norms, and expert systems of knowledge. Mothers' narratives revealed the complexity of children's behavioral and emotional problems, the daily trials of living through these problems, how they coped with adversity and developed survival strategies, and how they interacted with various institutional authorities involved in evaluating, diagnosing, and encouraging pharmaceutical intervention for children's behavior. The findings highlight the ways in which mothers' social interactions and relationships introduced a scientific language and discourse for explaining children's behavior as mental illness, the discordances between expert systems of knowledge and mothers' understandings, and how discordances reflected mothers' ‘microsources of power’ for producing their own stories and experiences. ^ In the second manuscript presented here, I documented the ways in which structural factors, including gender, race/ethnicity, and socioeconomic status, coupled with a unique cultural and social standpoint (Collins, 1990/2009) influenced the strategies this group of African American mothers employed to understand and respond to ADHD or PBD. The most salient themes related to mother-child relationships coalesced around mothers' beliefs about the etiology of ADHD and PBD, ‘conceptualizing responsibility,’ and ‘protection-survival.’ The findings suggest that even though mothers' strategies varied, they were in pursuit of a common goal. Mothers' challenged the status quo, addressing children's behavioral and emotional problems in the ways that made the most sense to them, specifically protecting their children from further marginalization in society more so than believing these were the best options for their children.^
In a civilisation space of Sao Francisco basin river. Women and men interlace on their relations building mutual and each one on your way in handling of the clay in politics fights and in life daily of Buriti do Meio Quilombo. The objective of this study was to do a ethnographically reflection of gender relations that link men and women in the black rural community Buriti do Meio in Sao Francisco municipal district on the North of Minas Gerais/Brazil. We tried to understand the meanings and the composed representations on the feminineness and the masculine ways in relation that men and women set up among themselves in handling workmanship for the information in politics fight of community group as quilombo remaining and to rights access derived and everyday life where they build and organize together the life of all their members reflecting in his symbolic order. Buriti do Meio is traditional known for its handcraft and for cultural manifestations, legacy of their ancestral, olds slaves that ran way to look for autonomy and freedom express signs of afrobrazilian culture inserted on the civilization space in Sao Francisco basin river
In a civilisation space of Sao Francisco basin river. Women and men interlace on their relations building mutual and each one on your way in handling of the clay in politics fights and in life daily of Buriti do Meio Quilombo. The objective of this study was to do a ethnographically reflection of gender relations that link men and women in the black rural community Buriti do Meio in Sao Francisco municipal district on the North of Minas Gerais/Brazil. We tried to understand the meanings and the composed representations on the feminineness and the masculine ways in relation that men and women set up among themselves in handling workmanship for the information in politics fight of community group as quilombo remaining and to rights access derived and everyday life where they build and organize together the life of all their members reflecting in his symbolic order. Buriti do Meio is traditional known for its handcraft and for cultural manifestations, legacy of their ancestral, olds slaves that ran way to look for autonomy and freedom express signs of afrobrazilian culture inserted on the civilization space in Sao Francisco basin river
In a civilisation space of Sao Francisco basin river. Women and men interlace on their relations building mutual and each one on your way in handling of the clay in politics fights and in life daily of Buriti do Meio Quilombo. The objective of this study was to do a ethnographically reflection of gender relations that link men and women in the black rural community Buriti do Meio in Sao Francisco municipal district on the North of Minas Gerais/Brazil. We tried to understand the meanings and the composed representations on the feminineness and the masculine ways in relation that men and women set up among themselves in handling workmanship for the information in politics fight of community group as quilombo remaining and to rights access derived and everyday life where they build and organize together the life of all their members reflecting in his symbolic order. Buriti do Meio is traditional known for its handcraft and for cultural manifestations, legacy of their ancestral, olds slaves that ran way to look for autonomy and freedom express signs of afrobrazilian culture inserted on the civilization space in Sao Francisco basin river
The concept of therapeutic landscape is concerned with a holistic, socio-ecological model of health, but most studies have attempted to explore land-health links from a Western perspective. On an Indigenous reserve in Northern Ontario, part of the Canadian subarctic, we explore the importance of spaces and places in creating postcolonial therapeutic landscapes to treat the wounds inflicted by colonialism. The aim of this research is to gain insight from views and experiences of First Nations residents living on reservations that are undergoing a process of regaining traditional spiritual beliefs and teachings to construct therapeutic spaces to face mental health problems caused by legal opioid analgesic abuse. This qualitative study used semi-structured interviews with Cree and Ojibwe participants to understand how they are reconnecting with earth, spirituality and traditional animist beliefs on their way to recovery. We find that practices such as taking part in ceremonies and ritual spaces, and seeking knowledge and advice from Elders assist with personal healing and enable Indigenous people to be physically and mentally healthy. Our research findings provide important insights into the relationship between space, healing and culture as determinants of health and well-being and document some key factors that contribute to substance abuse recovery.
"HUD-PDR-523-1"--P. 4 of cover.
Rural and remote areas of Australia offer many opportunities for innovation in healthcare services. Some true healthcare 'network' models based around rural pharmacy can be established and evaluated. The lines between community and hospital pharmacy are often blurred and communication between health professionals enhanced. The blurring divide between hospital and community pharmacy in rural and remote areas has provided significant advances in practice. Projects have been set up to investigate the feasibility of community pharmacists integrating care for patients. These projects take advantage of the dual roles and the enhanced interaction between pharmacists and other health professionals in the bush. Opportunities for provision of clinical services beyond the traditional supply role have been taken in a number of remote communities
Rates of cardiovascular and renal disease in Australian Aboriginal communities are high, but we do not know the contribution of inflammation to these diseases in this setting. In the present study, we sought to examine the distribution of C-reactive protein (CRP) and other markers of inflammation and their relationships with cardiovascular risk markers and renal disease in a remote Australian Aboriginal community. The study included 237 adults (58% of the adult population) in a remote Aboriginal community in the Northern Territory of Australia. Main outcome measures were CRP, fibrinogen and lgG concentrations, blood pressure (BP), presence of diabetes, lipids, albuminuria, seropositivity to three common micro-organisms, as well as carotid intima-media thickness (IMT). Serum concentrations of CRP [7 (5-13) mg/l; median (inter-quartile range)] were markedly increased and were significantly correlated with fibrinogen and lgG concentrations and inversely correlated with serum albumin concentration. Higher CRP concentrations were associated with lgG seropositivity to Helicobacter pylori and Chlamydia pneumoniae and higher lgG titre for cytomegalovirus. Higher CRP concentrations were associated with the following: the 45-54-year age group, female subjects, the presence of skin sores, higher body mass index, waist circumference, BP, glycated haemoglobin and greater albuminuria. CRP concentrations increased with the number of cardiovascular risk factors, carotid IMT and albuminuria independently of other risk factors. These CRP concentrations were markedly higher than described in other community settings and are probably related, in a large part, to chronic and repeated infections. Their association with markers of cardiovascular risk and renal disease are compatible with the high rates of cardiovascular and renal disease in this community, and provide more evidence of strong links between these conditions, through a shared background of infection/inflammation. This suggests that a strong focus on prevention and management of infections will be important in reducing these conditions, in addition to interventions directed at more traditional risk factors.
Background: Rates of cardiovascular disease and renal disease in Australian Aboriginal communities are high, as is the prevalence of some 'traditional' cardiovascular (CV) risk factors, such as diabetes and cigarette smoking. Recent work has highlighted the importance of markers of inflammation, such as C-reactive protein (CRP), homocysteine and albuminuria as predictors of cardiovascular risk in urban westernised settings. It is not clear how these factors relate to outcome in the setting of these remote communities, but very high CRP concentrations have been shown in this and other Aboriginal communities. Methods and results: In a cross-sectional survey including 237 adults in a remote Aboriginal community in the Northern Territory of Australia, we measured carotid intima-media thickness (IMT), together with blood pressure, diabetes, lipid levels, smoking and albuminuria, CRP and fibrinogen, serum homocysteine concentration, and IgG titres for Chlamydia pneumoniae, Helicobacter pylori and cytomegalovirus. Median carotid IMT was 0.63 [interquartile range 0.54-0.71] mm. As a categorical outcome, the prevalence of the highest IMT quartile ('increased IMT', greater than or equal to0.72 mm) was compared with the lower three quartiles. Increased IMT was associated in univariate analyses with greater waist circumference, systolic BP, fibrinogen and serum albumin concentrations, urine albumin/creatinine ratio and older age as continuous variables. Associations of increased IMT with some continuous variables were not linear; univariate associations were seen with the highest quartile (versus all other quartiles) of CRP and homocysteine concentration and CMV IgG titre. In a multivariate model age, smoking, waist circumference and the highest quartile of CRP concentrations (greater than or equal to14 mg/l) remained significant predictors of IMT greater than or equal to0.72 mm. Conclusions: Measurement of carotid IMT was possible in this remote setting. Increased IMT (greater than or equal to0.72 mm) was associated with increased CRP concentrations over a range that suggests infection/inflammation may be important determinants of cardiovascular risk in this setting. The associations of IMT with markers of renal disease seen in univariate analyses were explained in this analysis by confounding due to the associations of urine ACR with other risk factors. (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd.
Third sector organizations are transitioning towards entrepreneurial and managerial models as a result of quasi-market strategies. This paper reports on the research findings of a survey of nonprofit disability organizations in Queensland and Victoria impacted upon by quasi-market reform. Enterprising organizations were found to have made substantial change to organizational structures and systems, whilst more traditional organizations made few changes. All organizations demonstrated commitment to a social justice ethos. However across the organizational archetypes there were reports of an organizational 'fragility'. It is argued that the problems of sustainability of community service organizations that existed prior to quasi-market reforms remain. This implies community service organizations will experience ongoing difficulties in the post-market era without further rationalization and change. A conceptual framework for sustainability of the community service sector is presented at the policy and organizational level.
For researchers investigating online communities, the existence of the internet has made the activities and opinions of community members visible in a public domain. FPS gaming culture is a highly literate culture - members communicate and represent themselves in textual forms online, and the culture makes use of a wide variety of communication and publishing technologies. While a significant amount of insider knowledge is required to understand and interpret such online content, a large body of material is available to researchers online, and sometimes provides more reliable and enlightening information than that generated by more traditional research methods. While the abundance of data available online in some ways makes research far easier, it also creates new dilemmas and challenges for researchers. What extra knowledge is required of the researcher? How can one ensure that one's interpretations of member statements are made with an understanding of meaning within that culture? What responsibilities does the researcher have in their representation of the culture under examination? What ethical issues must be considered?
This study explored urinary cadmium levels among Torres Strait Islanders in response to concerns about potential health impact of high levels of cadmium in some traditional seafood (dugong and turtle liver and kidney). Cadmium levels were measured by inductively coupled mass spectrometry in de-identified urine samples collected during general screening programs in 1996 in two communities with varying dugong and turtle catch statistics. Statistical analysis was performed to identify links between cadmium levels and demographic and background health information. Geometric mean cadmium level among the sample group was 0.83 mu g/g creatinine with 12% containing over 2 mu g/g creatinine. Cadmium level was most strongly associated with age (46% of variation), followed by sex (females > males, 7%) and current smoking status (smokers > non-smokers, 4.7%). Adjusting model conditions suggested further positive associations between cadmium level and diabetes (p = 0.05) and residence in the predicted higher exposure community (p = 0.07). Positive correlations between cadmium and body fat in bivariate analysis were eliminated by control for age and sex. This study found only suggestive differences in cadmium levels between two communities with predicted variation in exposure from traditional foods. However, the data indicate that factors linked with higher cadmium accumulation overlap with those of renal disease risk (i.e. older, females, smokers, diabetes) and suggest that levels may be sufficient to contribute to renal pathology. More direct assessment of exposure and health risks of cadmium to Torres Strait Islanders is needed given the disproportionate level of diet-related disease and the cultural importance of dugong and turtle. This study highlights the need to consider social and cultural variation in exposure and to de. ne "safe'' cadmium levels during diabetes given its rising global prevalence.