905 resultados para systematic machine design
Vibrations in machines can cause noise, decrease the performance, or even damage the machine. Vibrations appear if there is a source of vibration that excites the system. In the worst case scenario, the excitation frequency coincides with the natural frequency of the machine causing resonance. Rotating machines are a machine type, where the excitation arises from the machine itself. The excitation originates from the mass imbalance in the rotating shaft, which always exists in machines that are manufactured using conventional methods. The excitation has a frequency that is dependent on the rotational speed of the machine. The rotating machines in industrial use are usually designed to rotate at a constant rotational speed, the case where the resonances can be easily avoided. However, the machines that have a varying operational speed are more problematic due to a wider range of frequencies that have to be avoided. Vibrations, which frequencies equal to rotational speed frequency of the machine are widely studied and considered in the typical machine design process. This study concentrates on vibrations, which arise from the excitations having frequencies that are multiples of the rotational speed frequency. These vibrations take place when there are two or more excitation components in a revolution of a rotating shaft. The dissertation introduces four studies where three kinds of machines are experiencing vibrations caused by different excitations. The first studied case is a directly driven permanent magnet generator used in a wind power plant. The electromagnetic properties of the generator cause harmonic excitations in the system. The dynamic responses of the generator are studied using the multibody dynamics formulation. In another study, the finite element method is used to study the vibrations of a magnetic gear due to excitations, which frequencies equal to the rotational speed frequency. The objective is to study the effects of manufacturing and assembling inaccuracies. Particularly, the eccentricity of the rotating part with respect to non-rotating part is studied since the eccentric operation causes a force component in the direction of the shortest air gap. The third machine type is a tube roll of a paper machine, which is studied while the tube roll is supported using two different structures. These cases are studied using different formulations. In the first case, the tube roll is supported by spherical roller bearings, which have some wavinesses on the rolling surfaces. Wavinesses cause excitations to the tube roll, which starts to resonate at the frequency that is a half of the first natural frequency. The frequency is in the range where the machine normally operates. The tube roll is modeled using the finite element method and the bearings are modeled as nonlinear forces between the tube roll and the pedestals. In the second case studied, the tube roll is supported by freely rotating discs, which wavinesses are also measured. The above described phenomenon is captured as well in this case, but the simulation methodology is based on the flexible multibody dynamics formulation. The simulation models that are used in both of the last two cases studied are verified by measuring the actual devices and comparing the simulated and measured results. The results show good agreement.
Tässä diplomityössä käsitellään Aurinkoa seuraavan aurinkopaneelijärjestelmän kehittämistä Suomen olosuhteisiin. Työ on tehty osana Lappeenrannan teknillisen yliopiston Green Campus-projektia, jossa tarkoituksena on tuottaa yliopistolle energiaa uusiutuvilla menetelmillä ja käyttää niitä apuna tutkimuksessa sekä opetuksessa. Tavoitteena työssä on ymmärtää Auringon seuraamisen hyödyt sekä mahdolliset haitat aurinkopaneeli sovellutuksissa. Aikaisemman tutkimustiedon ollessa vähäistä, on työssä pyritty löytämään laskentamalli tuottavuuden laskentaan riippumatta siitä, missä päin maapalloa aurinkopaneelijärjestelmä sijaitsee. Työ alkaa kirjallisuustutkimuksella, jossa käydään läpi aurinkopaneelien toimintaperiaate, aurinkoenergian ja auringonpaistetuntien suuruusluokat Suomessa, sekä Suomen sääoloista johtuvat vaatimukset aurinkopaneelijärjestelmille. Tämän jälkeen on vertailtu kaupallisia järjestelmiä. Lopuksi järjestelmällistä tuotesuunnittelua hyväksikäyttäen suunnitellaan oma versio Aurinkoa seuraavasta aurinkopaneelijärjestelmästä. Oman suunnitelman järkevyyttä simuloidaan pienoismallilla Matlab-Arduino ympäristössä ja pyritään löytämään mahdollisia heikkouksia. Suomessa aurinkoenergiasta 90 % saadaan maalis – syyskuun aikana. Nykyisillä akkujärjestelmillä aurinkoenergia Suomessa ei sovellu kuin täydentäväksi energianlähteeksi. Aurinkoa seuraamalla voidaan saavuttaa 25-30 % tuottavuuden lisäys kesäaikana verrattuna staattiseen järjestelmään. Talvella hyöty tippuu 0-10 % luokkaan. Pienoismallilla simuloidut ohjaustavat osoittivat, että Aurinkoa on mahdollista seurata ilman sensoreita laskemalla Auringon paikka tähtitieteen kaavoista.
Kartonkivuokien käyttö elintarviketeollisuudessa on kasvanut vuosi vuodelta ja kuluttajat ovat löytäneet kartonkipakkaukset niiden ekologisuuden, graafisen ulkoasun sekä turvallisuuden ansiosta. Vuokien valmistus mekaanisella prässäyksellä kehittyy jatkuvasti ja uusi teknologia mahdollistaa täysin uudentyyppisten prässien valmistuksen. Työn tavoitteena on tutkia voidaanko mekaaninen prässäys toteuttaa vaakatasossa uutta teknologiaa hyödyntämällä kustannustehokkaasti. Lisäksi tavoitteena on selvittää, millä voimantuottomenetelmällä prässiltä vaadittava voimantuotto on edullisinta toteuttaa. Suunnittelussa otetaan huomioon olemassa olevat työkalut, modulaarisuus, EU:n elintarvikelainsäädäntö sekä muut kriittiset tekijät. Työssä sovelletaan metodisen konstruoinnin mukaisesti systemaattista ongelmanratkaisua (VDI 2221). Lisäksi työssä käydään läpi kilpaileva menetelmä arvoanalyysi. Suunnittelua ja komponenttivalintoja analysoidaan SWOT- sekä pisteanalyysien avulla. Suunnittelussa syntyneiden ratkaisujen lujuusominaisuuksia tarkastellaan FEM-analyysillä. Tuloksista havaittiin, että vaakatasossa suoritettava prässäyksen voimantuotto on edullisinta ja yksinkertaisinta toteuttaa sähkömekaniikalla, että halutut ominaisuudet voidaan saavuttaa ja rakenne pitää mahdollisimman kompaktina. Kustannustehokkuuden saavuttamiseksi hankinnat on syytä kilpailuttaa huolellisesti. Työn lopussa esitetään mahdollisia jatkokehityskohteita, joita syntyi tämän diplomityön aikana.
Physikalische Grundlagenforschung und anwendungsorientierte physikalische Forschung auf den Gebieten nanoskaliger kristalliner und amorpher fester Körper haben in vielfacher Weise eine große Bedeutung. Neben dem Verständnis für die Struktur der Materie und die Wechselwirkung von Objekten von der Größe einiger Atome ist die Erkenntnis über die physikalischen Eigenschaften nanostrukturierter Systeme von hohem Interesse. Diese Forschung eröffnet die Möglichkeit, die mit der Mikroelektronik begonnene Miniaturisierung fortzusetzen und wird darüber hinaus neue Anwendungsfelder eröffnen. Das Erarbeiten der physikalischen Grundlagen der Methoden zur Herstellung und Strukturierung ist dabei zwingend notwendig, da hier Wirkungsprinzipien dominieren, die erst bei Strukturgrößen im Nanometerbereich auftreten oder hinreichend stark ausgeprägt sind. Insbesondere Halbleitermaterialien sind hier von großem Interesse. Die in dieser Arbeit untersuchten Resonatorstrukturen, die auf dem kristallinen Verbindungshalbleitermaterial GaInAsP/InP basieren, erschließen wichtige Anwendungsfelder im Bereich der optischen Datenübertragung sowie der optischen Sensorik. Hergestellt wird das Halbleitermaterial mit der Metallorganischen Gasphasenepitaxie. Die experimentell besimmten Kenngrößen lassen Rückschlüsse auf die Güte der Materialien, die quantenmechanischen Wirkungsprinzipien und die Bauelementcharakteristik zu und führen zu optimal angepassten Kristallstrukturen. Auf Basis dieser optimierten Materialien wurde ein durchstimmbarer Fabry-Perot-Filter hergestellt, der aus einer Kombination aus InP-Membranen und Luftspalten besteht und elektromechanisch aktuiert werden kann. Das GaInAsP dient hierbei als wenige hundert nm dicke Opferschicht, die ätztechnisch hochselektiv beseitigt wird. Die Qualität der Grenzflächen zum InP ist entscheidend für die Qualität der freigeätzten Kavitäten und damit für die mechanische Gesamtstabilität der Struktur. Der in dieser Arbeit beschriebene Filter hat eine Zentralwellenlänge im Bereich von 1550 nm und weist einen Durchstimmbereich von 221 nm auf. Erzielt wurde dieser Wert durch ein konsistentes Modell der wirkenden Verspannungskomponenten und einer optimierten epitaktischen Kontrolle der Verspannungsparameter. Das realisierte Filterbauelement ist vielversprechend für den Einsatz in der optischen Kommunikation im Bereich von WDM (wavelength division multiplexing) Anwendungen. Als weitere Resonatorstrukur wurde ein Asymmetrisch gekoppelter Quantenfilm als optisch aktives Medium, bestehend aus GaInAsP mit variierender Materialkomposition und Verspannung, untersucht, um sein Potential für eine breitbandige Emission zu untersuchen und mit bekannten Modellen zu vergleichen. Als Bauelementdesign wurde eine kantenemittierende Superlumineszenzleuchtdiode gewählt. Das Ergebnis ist eine Emissionskurve von 100 nm, die eine höhere Unabhängigkeit vom Injektionsstrom aufweist als andere bekannte Konzepte. Die quantenmechanischen Wirkungsprinzipien - im wesentlichen die Kopplung der beiden asymmetrischen Potentialtöpfe und die damit verbundene Kopplung der Wellenfunktionen - werden qualitativ diskutiert. Insgesamt bestätigt sich die Eignung des Materials GaInAsP auch für neuartige, qualitativ höchst anspruchsvolle Resonatorstrukturen und die Bedeutung der vorgestellten und untersuchten Resonatorkonzepte. Die vorgestellten Methoden, Materialien und Bauelemente liefern aufgrund ihrer Konzeption und der eingehenden experimentellen Untersuchungen einen Beitrag sowohl zu den zugrunde liegenden mechanischen, optoelektronischen und quantenmechanischen Wirkungsprinzipien der Strukturen, als auch zur Realisierung neuer optoelektronischer Bauelemente.
A l'empresa PRAESENTIS S.L. se li proposà la construcció d'una draga per utilitzar-la en el mostreig de sòls marins en expedicions científiques a mar obert. Segons les especificacions del projecte, la draga resultant haurà de ser capaç de recollir mostres d'una capacitat d'entre 60 i 80 l. amb una profunditat de cavat de fins a 20 cm., i haurà de poder assolir profunditats de treball de fins a 500 m. per sota el nivell del mar. El tipus de sòl en el qual es treballarà és de tipus arenós. La draga projectada és un mecanisme basat en una pala bivalva activada per un cilindre hidràulic que utilitza com a bancada una estructura que a l'hora fa la funció de xassís
El Laboratori de Mecànica de l’Escola Politècnica Superior disposa d’una màquina equilibradora de rotors. El projecte consisteix a fer un nou disseny de l’equilibradora i els seus components, realitzar tots els càlculs necessaris per assegurar-ne el bon funcionament i pressupostar la màquina per si, en un futur, es creu convenient construir-la. A l’hora de fer aquest nou disseny s’ha mantingut un principi de funcionament i un manteniment el més senzill possible. També s’ha procurat que l’aparell tingui una gran flexibilitat a l’hora de plantejar casos pràctics, ja que la finalitat d’aquesta equilibradora de rotors és realitzar pràctiques de laboratori. Pel que fa a la part mecànica s’ha hagut d’assegurar una bona transmissió de moviment entre el motor i el rotor, i garantir una bona lectura dels aparells de mesura. El fet de ser un aparell d’ús docent ha fet que es donés molta importància a la seguretat
Una empresa de la indústria farmacèutica vol comercialitzar càpsules elaborades amb plantes medicinals. El procés a seguir per a aconseguir el producte final es realitza mitjançant un molí motoritzat que consta d’unes ganivetes, la funció de les quals és triturar les fulles de les plantes prèviament seleccionades a unes mides realment minúscules, de tal manera que llavors es puguin introduir dins les càpsules. Actualment el procés de trituració es realitza aproximadament a 3.000 rpm i en intentar assolir majors velocitats de treball el capçal de la màquina no les aguanta, cedint un o més dels seus components, patint sobretot l’eix de transmissió i els rodaments, que en ocasions acaben trencant-se. Per a intentar resoldre aquest problema, l’empresa subministradora de maquinària industrial es planteja la viabilitat d’un nou prototipus. La primera mesura que es proposa al client per a solucionar el problema derivat d’aquest augment de la producció és dissenyar un nou capçal del molí motoritzat perquè pugui treballar a velocitats superiors, aproximadament de 18.000 r.p.m, que significaria un canvi total de la transmissió de la màquina
In this paper, a mathematical model is derived via Lagrange's Equation for a shear building structure that acts as a foundation of a non-ideal direct current electric motor, controlled by a mass loose inside a circular carving. Non-ideal sources of vibrations of structures are those whose characteristics are coupled to the motion of the structure, not being a function of time only as in the ideal case. Thus, in this case, an additional equation of motion is written, related to the motor rotation, coupled to the equation describing the horizontal motion of the shear building. This kind of problem can lead to the so-called Sommerfeld effect: steady state frequencies of the motor will usually increase as more power (voltage) is given to it in a step-by-step fashion. When a resonance condition with the structure is reached, the better part of this energy is consumed to generate large amplitude vibrations of the foundation without sensible change of the motor frequency as before. If additional increase steps in voltage are made, one may reach a situation where the rotor will jump to higher rotation regimes, no steady states being stable in between. As a device of passive control of both large amplitude vibrations and the Sommerfeld effect, a scheme is proposed using a point mass free to bounce back and forth inside a circular carving in the suspended mass of the structure. Numerical simulations of the model are also presented Copyright © 2007 by ASME.
This classical way to manage product development processes for massive production seems to be changing: high pressure for cost reduction, higher quality standards, markets reaching for innovation lead to the necessity of new tools for development control. Into this, and learning from the automotive and aerospace industries factories from other segments are starting to understand and apply manufacturing and assembly oriented projects to ease the task of generate goods and from this obtain at least a part of the expected results. This paper is intended to demonstrate the applicability of the concepts of Concurrent Engineering and DFM/DFA (Design for Manufacturing and Assembly) in the development of products and parts for the White Goods industry in Brazil (major appliances as refrigerators, cookers and washing machines), showing one case concerning the development and releasing of a component. Finally is demonstrated in a short term how was reached a solution that could provide cost savings and reduction on the time to delivery using those techniques.
A current trend in the agricultural area is the development of mobile robots and autonomous vehicles for precision agriculture (PA). One of the major challenges in the design of these robots is the development of the electronic architecture for the control of the devices. In a joint project among research institutions and a private company in Brazil a multifunctional robotic platform for information acquisition in PA is being designed. This platform has as main characteristics four-wheel propulsion and independent steering, adjustable width, span of 1,80m in height, diesel engine, hydraulic system, and a CAN-based networked control system (NCS). This paper presents a NCS solution for the platform guidance by the four-wheel hydraulic steering distributed control. The control strategy, centered on the robot manipulators control theory, is based on the difference between the desired and actual position and considering the angular speed of the wheels. The results demonstrate that the NCS was simple and efficient, providing suitable steering performance for the platform guidance. Even though the simplicity of the NCS solution developed, it also overcame some verified control challenges in the robot guidance system design such as the hydraulic system delay, nonlinearities in the steering actuators, and inertia in the steering system due the friction of different terrains. Copyright © 2012 Eduardo Pacincia Godoy et al.
Knowledge of genetic variation in native tree species has helped direct strategies of genetic ex situ conservation, based on provenances and progenies tests. These tests use fixed spacing, not allowing evaluating the behavior of different progenies under this management variable. One way to evaluate simultaneously the genetic variation and different spacing in a small planting area is to use a systematic design. The aim of this study was to estimate the genetic variation and to evaluate its performance in Jacaranda cuspidifolia under different spacing. We used a progeny test in a systematic fan design, arranged in a system of 30 concentric rays, with one progeny per ray, randomly, at angles of 12°. The plants were arranged in rays in geometric progression of ratio 1.21, corresponding to nine for plant spacing: 1,95 m2; 2,86 m2; 4,18 m2; 6,12 m2; 8,96 m2; 13,12 m2; 19,21 m2; 28,13 m2; e 41,19 m 2 installed in Selvíria/MS. The traits height, height diameter of 30 cm to soil (DA3) and survival were evaluated at 12 and 24 months of age. Estimates of genetic parameters and spacing were evaluated using the procedure REML/BLUP (restricted maximum likelihood / best linear unbiased prediction). The progenies showed genetic variation, showing that the sample strategy to ex situ conservation was efficient. The species showed good adaptability inthe field and the best performance in treating five, equivalent to a 3 × 3 m spacing, with 8,96 m2;/plant for all traits. The fan systematic design permitted to evaluate in a small area the silvicultural behavior of J. Cuspidifolia plants in spacing varying from 2 to 42 m2/plant (5.000 to 238 trees/ha); which could hardly be evaluat by the traditional designs.
The field of research of this dissertation concerns the bioengineering of exercise, in particular the relationship between biomechanical and metabolic knowledge. This relationship can allow to evaluate exercise in many different circumstances: optimizing athlete performance, understanding and helping compensation in prosthetic patients and prescribing exercise with high caloric consumption and minimal joint loading to obese subjects. Furthermore, it can have technical application in fitness and rehabilitation machine design, predicting energy consumption and joint loads for the subjects who will use the machine. The aim of this dissertation was to further understand how mechanical work and metabolic energy cost are related during movement using interpretative models. Musculoskeletal models, when including muscle energy expenditure description, can be useful to address this issue, allowing to evaluate human movement in terms of both mechanical and metabolic energy expenditure. A whole body muscle-skeletal model that could describe both biomechanical and metabolic aspects during movement was identified in literature and then was applied and validated using an EMG-driven approach. The advantage of using EMG driven approach was to avoid the use of arbitrary defined optimization functions to solve the indeterminate problem of muscle activations. A sensitivity analysis was conducted in order to know how much changes in model parameters could affect model outputs: the results showed that changing parameters in between physiological ranges did not influence model outputs largely. In order to evaluate its predicting capacity, the musculoskeletal model was applied to experimental data: first the model was applied in a simple exercise (unilateral leg press exercise) and then in a more complete exercise (elliptical exercise). In these studies, energy consumption predicted by the model resulted to be close to energy consumption estimated by indirect calorimetry for different intensity levels at low frequencies of movement. The use of muscle skeletal models for predicting energy consumption resulted to be promising and the use of EMG driven approach permitted to avoid the introduction of optimization functions. Even though many aspects of this approach have still to be investigated and these results are preliminary, the conclusions of this dissertation suggest that musculoskeletal modelling can be a useful tool for addressing issues about efficiency of movement in healthy and pathologic subjects.
This paper describes a practical activity, part of the renewable energy course where the students have to build their own complete wind generation system, including blades, PM-generator, power electronics and control. After connecting the system to the electric grid the system has been tested during real wind scenarios. The paper will describe the electric part of the work surface-mounted permanent magnet machine design criteria as well as the power electronics part for the power control and the grid connection. A Kalman filter is used for the voltage phase estimation and current commands obtained in order to control active and reactive power. The connection to the grid has been done and active and reactive power has been measured in the system.
Bibliographical footnotes.