126 resultados para struts
El present treball exposa la planificació, disseny, anàlisi i arquitectura d'una aplicació creada amb tecnologia JEE. L'aplicació pretén ser una eina de suport psicològic a nens i nenes que tenen difícil accés a aquests professionals. La idea inicial es va inspirar en els infant d'un orfenat de Katmandú. Les tecnologies emprades per la realització del treball han estat Struts2, JSP i EJB3.0. Com a base de dades s'ha seleccionat MySQL, i el servidor d'aplicacions Jboss.
Desarrollo de una aplicación dedicada a la gestión de pequeñas instalaciones deportivas.
El present TFC es fonamenta en l'estudi de l'ús de les eines open source per tal de reproduir diferents funcionalitats del que generalment coneixem com un portal de venda i, en concret pel cas d'estudi, un portal de descàrregues de publicacions electròniques.
University of Turku, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine, Doctoral Programme of Clinical Investigation, Heart Center, Turku University Hospital, Turku, Finland Division of Internal Medicine, Department of Cardiology, Seinäjoki Central Hospital, Seinäjoki, Finland Heart Center, Satakunta Central Hospital, Pori, Finland Annales Universitatis Turkuensis Painosalama Oy, Turku, Finland 2015 Antithrombotic therapy during and after coronary procedures always entails the challenging establishment of a balance between bleeding and thrombotic complications. It has been generally recommended to patients on long-term warfarin therapy to discontinue warfarin a few days prior to elective coronary angiography or intervention to prevent bleeding complications. Bridging therapy with heparin is recommended for patients at an increased risk of thromboembolism who require the interruption of anticoagulation for elective surgery or an invasive procedure. In study I, consecutive patients on warfarin therapy referred for diagnostic coronary angiography were compared to control patients with a similar disease presentation without warfarin. The strategy of performing coronary angiography during uninterrupted therapeutic warfarin anticoagulation appeared to be a relatively safe alternative to bridging therapy, if the international normalized ratio level was not on a supratherapeutic level. In-stent restenosis remains an important reason for failure of long-term success after a percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Drug-eluting stents (DES) reduce the problem of restenosis inherent to bare metal stents (BMS). However, a longer delay in arterial healing may extend the risk of stent thrombosis (ST) far beyond 30 days after the DES implantation. Early discontinuation of antiplatelet therapy has been the most important predisposing factor for ST. In study II, patients on long-term oral anticoagulant (OAC) underwent DES or BMS stenting with a median of 3.5 years’follow-up. The selective use of DESs with a short triple therapy seemed to be safe in OAC patients, since late STs were rare even without long clopidogrel treatment. Major bleeding and cardiac events were common in this patient group irrespective of stent type. In order to help to predict the bleeding risk in patients on OAC, several different bleeding risk scorings have been developed. Risk scoring systems have also been used also in the setting of patients undergoing a PCI. In study III, the predictive value of an outpatient bleeding risk index (OBRI) to identify patients at high risk of bleeding was analysed. The bleeding risk seemed not to modify periprocedural or long-term treatment choices in patients on OAC after a percutaneous coronary intervention. Patients with a high OBRI often had major bleeding episodes, and the OBRI may be suitable for risk evaluation in this patient group. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a novel technology for imaging intravascular coronary arteries. OCT is a light-based imaging modality that enables a 12–18 µm tissue axial resolution to visualize plaques in the vessel, possible dissections and thrombi as well as, stent strut appositions and coverage, and to measure the vessel lumen and lesions. In study IV, 30 days after titanium-nitride-oxide (TITANOX)-coated stent implantation, the binary stent strut coverage was satisfactory and the prevalence of malapposed struts was low as evaluated by OCT. Long-term clinical events in patients treated with (TITANOX)-coated bio-active stents (BAS) and paclitaxel-eluting stents (PES) in routine clinical practice were examined in study V. At the 3-year follow-up, BAS resulted in better long-term outcome when compared with PES with an infrequent need for target vessel revascularization. Keywords: anticoagulation, restenosis, thrombosis, bleeding, optical coherence tomography, titanium
Am Fachgebiet Massivbau (Institut für Konstruktiven Ingenieurbau – IKI) des Fachbereichs Bauingenieurwesen der Universität Kassel wurden Bauteilversuche an zweiaxial auf Druck-Zug belasteten, faserfreien und faserverstärkten Stahlbetonscheiben durchgeführt. Dabei wurden die Auswirkungen der Querzugbeanspruchung und der Rissbildung auf die Druckfestigkeit, auf die Stauchung bei Erreichen der Höchstlast sowie auf die Drucksteifigkeit des stabstahl- und faserbewehrten Betons an insgesamt 56 faserfreien und faserverstärkten Beton- und Stahlbetonscheiben untersucht. Auf der Grundlage der experimentell erhaltenen Ergebnisse wird ein Vorschlag zur Abminderung der Druckfestigkeit des gerissenen faserfreien und faserbewehrten Stahlbetons in Abhängigkeit der aufgebrachten Zugdehnung formuliert. Die Ergebnisse werden den in DIN 1045-1 [D4], Eurocode 2 [E3, E4], CEB-FIP Model Code 1990 [C1] und ACI Standard 318-05 [A1] angegebenen Bemessungsregeln für die Druckstrebenfestigkeit des gerissenen Stahlbetons gegenübergestellt und mit den Untersuchungen anderer Wissenschaftler verglichen. Die bekannten Widersprüche zwischen den Versuchsergebnissen, den vorgeschlagenen Modellen und den Regelwerken aus U.S.A., Kanada und Europa können dabei weitgehend aufgeklärt werden. Für nichtlineare Verfahren der Schnittgrößenermittlung und für Verformungsberechnungen wird ein Materialmodell des gerissenen faserfreien und faserbewehrten Stahlbetons abgeleitet. Hierzu wird die für einaxiale Beanspruchungszustände gültige Spannungs-Dehnungs-Linie nach Bild 22 der DIN 1045-1 auf den Fall der zweiaxialen Druck-Zug-Beanspruchung erweitert.
The lava Platform is increasing1y being adopted in the development of distributed sys¬tems with higb user demando This kind of application is more complex because it needs beyond attending the functional requirements, to fulfil1 the pre-established performance parameters. This work makes a study on the Java Vutual Machine (JVM), approaching its intemal aspects and exploring the garbage collection strategies existing in the literature and used by the NM. It also presents a set of tools that helps in the job of optimizing applications and others that help in the monitoring of applications in the production envi¬ronment. Doe to the great amount of technologies that aim to solve problems which are common to the application layer, it becomes difficult to choose the one with best time response and less memory usage. This work presents a brief introduction to each one of tbe possible technologies and realize comparative tests through a statistical analysis of the response time and garbage collection activity random variables. The obtained results supply engineers and managers with a subside to decide which technologies to use in large applications through the knowledge of how they behave in their environments and the amount of resources that they consume. The relation between the productivity of the technology and its performance is also considered ao important factor in this choice
Ceramics with porous cellular structure, called ceramic foams, have a potential use in several applications, such as: thermal insulation, catalyst supports, filters, and others. Among these techniques to obtain porous ceramics the replication method is an important process. This method consists of impregnation of a sponge (usually polymer) with ceramic slurry, followed by a heat treatment, which will happen the decomposition of organic material and sintering the ceramic material, resulting in a ceramic structure which is a replica of impregnated sponge. Knowledge of the mechanical properties of these ceramics is important for these materials can be used commercially. Gibson and Ashby developed a mathematical model to describe the mechanical behavior of cellular solids. This model wasn´t for describing the ceramics behavior produced by the replica method, because it doesn´t consider the defects from this type of processing. In this study were researched mechanical behavior of porous alumina ceramics obtained by the replica method and proposed modifications to the model of Gibson and Ashby to accommodate this material. The polymer sponge used in processing was characterized by thermogravimetric analysis and scanning electron microscopy. The materials obtained after sintering were characterized by mechanical strength tests on 4-point bending and compression, density and porosity and by scanning electron microscopy. From these results it was evaluated the mechanical strength behavior compared to Gibson and Ashby model for solid cellular structure and was proposed a correction of this model through a factor related to struts integrity degree, which consider fissures present in the structure of these materials besides defects geometry within the struts
Este estudo apresenta resultados preliminares obtidos com um novo filtro permanente de veia cava, baseado no desenho de Greenfield, com três hastes prolongadas de um total de seis, para dar estabilidade central ao filtro na luz da veia cava. Neste artigo, relatamos sua avaliação clínica preliminar quanto à aplicabilidade, eficácia e segurança. de agosto de 2004 a dezembro de 2006, 15 filtros foram implantados em nove homens e seis mulheres, com idades variando de 38 a 79 anos (média de 57,8 anos). O acesso foi feito sempre por via transjugular. As indicações foram: trombose venosa proximal, com contra-indicação de anticoagulação em 12 pacientes; complicações hemorrágicas com anticoagulação em dois pacientes; e embolia pulmonar, apesar de anticoagulação adequada, em um paciente. Os filtros foram avaliados quanto à liberação, inclinação, mau posicionamento e perfuração de cava. No seguimento, avaliou-se trombose no local de acesso, tromboembolismo venoso recorrente, migração do filtro e trombose de cava pelo ultra-som. Nenhum paciente recebeu anticoagulantes no seguimento. O filtro foi liberado com sucesso em todos os casos sem mau posicionamento, inclinação, perfuração ou trombose de acesso. Os pacientes foram seguidos entre 3 e 23 meses (média de 11 meses). Nenhum paciente teve recorrência de tromboembolismo venoso. Não houve casos de trombose de veia cava ou migração do filtro. Óbito ocorreu em sete casos, todos relacionados com a moléstia de base. Os resultados preliminares indicam potencial eficácia e segurança do uso do novo filtro no período estudado.
Perforation of inferior vena cava (IVC) by filter struts ranges from 9% to 24%, and clinical sequelae and complications are unpredictable. The aim of this article was to report an unusual case of late complication of IVC filter that caused an IVC wall perforation and penetration of the filter's hooks in the aorta, which was treated by endovascular procedure. Molding strut tip by balloon angioplasty, its accommodation with a bare stent, and its coverage and protection with an endoprosthesis is probably the first technique reported so far in this situation.
Aim. The authors assess a modified Greenfield filter (GF) for the long-term patency, filter tilting and histopathologic alterations of the inferior vena cava (IVC).Methods. Adult sheep (n=7) underwent modified GF placement in the IVC. Cavograms were obtained every 3 months and pulmonary angiography at 12 months. Histopathologic and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analyses were performed on the IVC explanted at 12 months.Results. Cavograms showed that all IVC were patent at the end of the study. Filter tilting occurred in 2/7 animals and extrusion of struts was not observed. Macroscopic examination at explantation showed minimal venous wall thickening. Microscopic examination showed minimal IVC fibrosis and intimal hyperplasia. SEM showed endothelium on the IVC surface at the filter implantation site and a presumed endothelial layer covering partially or totally the struts. The interface filter-IVC was covered by deposits of leucocytes and platelets. No signs of pulmonary embolism were found in all pulmonary angiograms of both groups.Conclusion. The modified filter presented good biocompatibility, stability and absence of thrombogenicity at 12 months. It presented low tendency to tilting and extrusion of struts. The long-term histopathologic alterations in vena caval wall were minimal and the appearance of the studied filters in the IVC was similar to stents placed in the arterial system.
This work presents a comparative analysis about the behaviour of pile caps supported by 3 piles subjected to axial loading. Piles with 20 cm and 30 cm diameters were analysed. The main reinforcement was maintained in all the specimens, however, the arrangement of the secondary reinforcement varied. The main reinforcement consisted of steel bars connecting the piles. The secondary reinforcement was made up of: (a) bars going through the piles and through the projection of the column, (b) bars forming a network, and (c) vertical and horizontal stirrups. The main objective was the observation of the pile cap behaviour regarding the cracks and the modes of rupture. The real scale specimens were subjected to experimental tests until failure by rupture. Instruments were placed with the aim to obtain the displacement of the bases, the strains in the main and secondary reinforcement bars, in the compression struts, in the lower and upper nodal zones and in the sides of the caps. None of the caps reached failure by rupture with a load less than 1.12 times the theoretical load. The specimens ruptured due to the cracking of the compression strut and/or the yielding of the reinforcement bars in one direction.
The development of chalcogenide glasses fibers for application in the infrared wavelength region between 1 and 10 μm is a big opportunity. More particularly, the possibility to generate efficient non linear effects above 2 μm is a real challenge. We present in this work the elaboration and optical characterizations of suspended core microstructured optical fibers elaborated from the As2S3 chalcogenide glass. As an alternative to the stack and draw process a mechanical machining has been used to the elaboration of the preforms. The drawing of these preforms into fibers allows reaching a suspended core geometry, in which a 2.5 μm diameter core is linked to the fiber clad region by three supporting struts. The zero dispersion wavelength is thus shifted towards 2 μm. At 1.55 μm our fibers exhibit a dispersion around -250 ps/nm/km. Their background level of losses is below 0,5 dB/m. By pumping them at 1.55 μm with a ps source, we observe self phase modulation as well as Raman generation. Finally a strong spectral enlargement is obtained with an average output power of - 5 dbm. © 2010 SPIE.
In this work we report our achievements in the elaboration and optical characterizations of low-losses suspended core optical fibers elaborated from As2S3 glass. For preforms elaboration, alternatively to other processes like the stack and draw or extrusion, we use a process based on mechanical drilling. The drawing of these drilled performs into fibers allows reaching a suspended core geometry, in which a 2 μm diameter core is linked to the fiber clad region by three supporting struts. The different fibers that have been drawn show losses close to 0.9 dB/m at 1.55 μm. The suspended core waveguide geometry has also an efficient influence on the chromatic dispersion and allows its management. Indeed, the zero dispersion wavelength, which is around 5 μm in the bulk glass, is calculated to be shifted towards around 2μm in our suspended core fibers. In order to qualify their nonlinearity we have pumped them at 1.995 μm with the help of a fibered ns source. We have observed a strong non linear response with evidence of spontaneous Raman scattering and strong spectral broadening. © 2011 SPIE.
Background: Fast post-implantation stent endothelialization is desirable for theoretically reducing the possibility of stent thrombosis. Objective: To evaluate the extent of sirolimus-eluting stent strut endothelialization (delivered from the luminal and abluminal aspects or abluminal aspect only) in the iliac arteries of rabbits. Methods: The iliac arteries of 10 rabbits were implanted with four sirolimus-eluting stents in the luminal and abluminal aspects, three sirolimus-eluting stents in the abluminal aspect, six polymer-coated stents, and four uncoated stents. After four weeks, the rabbits were euthanized and scanning electron microscopy was performed to quantify the area of exposed stent strut as well as the percentage of endothelialization. Results: The area (mean +/- SD) (mm(2)) of exposed uncoated stent struts, polymer-coated stents, sirulimus-eluting stent in the abluminal and luminal aspects and sirolimus-eluting stent in the abluminal aspect was 0.12 +/- 0.08, 0.09 +/- 0.12, 0.60 +/- 0.67 and 0.05 +/- 0.04, respectively (p = 0.120). The percentage of endothelialization (mean +/- SD) (%) of uncoated stents, polymer-coated stents, sirolimus-eluting stents in the luminal and abluminal aspects and sirolimus-eluting stents in the abluminal aspect was 99 +/- 01, 99 +/- 0. 97 +/- 03 and 99 +/- 0, respectively (p = 0.133). Conclusion: After four weeks of implantation in the iliac arteries of rabbits, both the sirolimus-eluting stents in the luminal plus abluminal aspects and those in the abluminal aspect only showed stent strut endothelialization rates similar to those of the other types of non-drug eluting stents. (Arq Bras Cardiol 2012;99(6):1123-1128)
Reinforced concrete columns might fail because of buckling of the longitudinal reinforcing bar when exposed to earthquake motions. Depending on the hoop stiffness and the length-over-diameter ratio, the instability can be local (in between two subsequent hoops) or global (the buckling length comprises several hoop spacings). To get insight into the topic, an extensive literary research of 19 existing models has been carried out including different approaches and assumptions which yield different results. Finite element fiberanalysis was carried out to study the local buckling behavior with varying length-over-diameter and initial imperfection-over-diameter ratios. The comparison of the analytical results with some experimental results shows good agreement before the post buckling behavior undergoes large deformation. Furthermore, different global buckling analysis cases were run considering the influence of different parameters; for certain hoop stiffnesses and length-over-diameter ratios local buckling was encountered. A parametric study yields an adimensional critical stress in function of a stiffness ratio characterized by the reinforcement configuration. Colonne in cemento armato possono collassare per via dell’instabilità dell’armatura longitudinale se sottoposte all’azione di un sisma. In funzione della rigidezza dei ferri trasversali e del rapporto lunghezza d’inflessione-diametro, l’instabilità può essere locale (fra due staffe adiacenti) o globale (la lunghezza d’instabilità comprende alcune staffe). Per introdurre alla materia, è proposta un’esauriente ricerca bibliografica di 19 modelli esistenti che include approcci e ipotesi differenti che portano a risultati distinti. Tramite un’analisi a fibre e elementi finiti si è studiata l’instabilità locale con vari rapporti lunghezza d’inflessione-diametro e imperfezione iniziale-diametro. Il confronto dei risultati analitici con quelli sperimentali mostra una buona coincidenza fino al raggiungimento di grandi spostamenti. Inoltre, il caso d’instabilità globale è stato simulato valutando l’influenza di vari parametri; per certe configurazioni di rigidezza delle staffe e lunghezza d’inflessione-diametro si hanno ottenuto casi di instabilità locale. Uno studio parametrico ha permesso di ottenere un carico critico adimensionale in funzione del rapporto di rigidezza dato dalle caratteristiche dell’armatura.