239 resultados para sterol


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Biotransformation of 3 beta-acetoxy-19-hydroxycholest-5-ene (19-HCA, 6 g) by Moraxella sp. was studied. Estrone (712 mg) was the major metabolite formed. Minor metabolites identified were 5 alpha-androst-1-en-19-ol-3,17-dione (33 mg), androst-4-en-19-ol-3,17-dione (58 mg), androst-4-en-9 alpha,19-diol-3,17-dione (12 mg), and androstan-19-ol-3,17-dione (1 mg). Acidic metabolites were not formed. Time course experiments on the fermentation of 19-HCA indicated that androst-4-en-19-ol-3,17-dione was the major metabolite formed during the early stages of incubation. However with continuing fermentation its level dropped, with a concomitant increase in estrone. Fermentation of 19-HCA in the presence of specific inhibitors or performing the fermentation for a shorter period (48 h) did not result in the formation of acidic metabolites. Resting-cell experiments carried out with 19-HCA (200 mg) in the presence of alpha,alpha'-bipyridyl led to the isolation of three additional metabolites, viz., cholestan-19-ol-3-one (2 mg), cholest-4-en-19-ol-3-one (10 mg), and cholest-5-en-3 beta,19-diol (12 mg). Similar results were also obtained when n-propanol was used instead of alpha,alpha'-bipyridyl. Resting cells grown on 19-HCA readily converted both 5 alpha-androst-1-en-19-ol-3,17-dione and androst-4-en-19-ol-3,17-dione into estrone. Partially purified 1,2-dehydrogenase from steroid-induced Moraxella cells transformed androst-4-en-19-ol-3,17-dione into estrone and formaldehyde in the presence of phenazine methosulfate, an artificial electron acceptor. These results suggest that the degradation of the hydrocarbon side chain of 19-HCA does not proceed via C-22 phenolic acid intermediates and complete removal of the C-17 side chain takes place prior to the aromatization of the A ring in estrone. The mode of degradation of the sterol side chain appears to be through the fission of the C-17-C-20 bond. On the basis of these observations, a new pathway for the formation of estrone from 19-HCA in Moraxella sp. has been proposed.


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Thiolases are important in fatty-acid degradation and biosynthetic pathways. Analysis of the genomic sequence of Mycobacterium smegmatis suggests the presence of several putative thiolase genes. One of these genes appears to code for an SCP-x protein. Human SCP-x consists of an N-terminal domain (referred to as SCP2 thiolase) and a C-terminal domain (referred as sterol carrier protein 2). Here, the cloning, expression, purification and crystallization of this putative SCP-x protein from M. smegmatis are reported. The crystals diffracted X-rays to 2.5 angstrom resolution and belonged to the triclinic space group P1. Calculation of rotation functions using X-ray diffraction data suggests that the protein is likely to possess a hexameric oligomerization with 32 symmetry which has not been observed in the other six known classes of this enzyme.


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An analysis of the Mycobacterium smegmatis genome suggests that it codes for several thiolases and thiolase-like proteins. Thiolases are an important family of enzymes that are involved in fatty acid metabolism. They occur as either dimers or tetramers. Thiolases catalyze the Claisen condensation of two acetyl-Coenzyme A molecules in the synthetic direction and the thiolytic cleavage of 3-ketoacyl-Coenzyme A molecules in the degradative direction. Some of the M. smegmatis genes have been annotated as thiolases of the poorly characterized SCP2-thiolase subfamily. The mammalian SCP2-thiolase consists of an N-terminal thiolase domain followed by an additional C-terminal domain called sterol carrier protein-2 or SCP2. The M. smegmatis protein selected in the present study, referred to here as the thiolase-like protein type 1 (MsTLP1), has been biochemically and structurally characterized. Unlike classical thiolases, MsTLP1 is a monomer in solution. Its structure has been determined at 2.7 angstrom resolution by the single wavelength anomalous dispersion method. The structure of the protomer confirms that the N-terminal domain has the thiolase fold. An extra C-terminal domain is indeed observed. Interestingly, it consists of six beta-strands forming an anti-parallel beta-barrel which is completely different from the expected SCP2-fold. Detailed sequence and structural comparisons with thiolases show that the residues known to be essential for catalysis are not conserved in MsTLP1. Consistent with this observation, activity measurements show that MsTLP1 does not catalyze the thiolase reaction. This is the first structural report of a monomeric thiolase-like protein from any organism. These studies show that MsTLP1 belongs to a new group of thiolase related proteins of unknown function.


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Thiolases are essential CoA-dependent enzymes in lipid metabolism. In the present study we report the crystal structures of trypanosomal and leishmanial SCP2 (sterol carrier protein, type-2)-thiolases. Trypanosomatidae cause various widespread devastating (sub)-tropical diseases, for which adequate treatment is lacking. The structures reveal the unique geometry of the active site of this poorly characterized subfamily of thiolases. The key catalytic residues of the classical thiolases are two cysteine residues, functioning as a nucleophile and an acid/base respectively. The latter cysteine residue is part of a CxG motif. Interestingly, this cysteine residue is not conserved in SCP2-thiolases. The structural comparisons now show that in SCP2-thiolases the catalytic acid/base is provided by the cysteine residue of the HDCF motif, which is unique for this thiolase subfamily. This HDCF cysteine residue is spatially equivalent to the CxG cysteine residue of classical thiolases. The HDCF cysteine residue is activated for acid/base catalysis by two main chain NH-atoms, instead of two water molecules, as present in the CxG active site. The structural results have been complemented with enzyme activity data, confirming the importance of the HDCF cysteine residue for catalysis. The data obtained suggest that these trypanosomatid SCP2-thiolases are biosynthetic thiolases. These findings provide promise for drug discovery as biosynthetic thiolases catalyse the first step of the sterol biosynthesis pathway that is essential in several of these parasites.


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Two previously reported DNA polymorphisms of sterol regulatory element binding transcription factor 1 (SREBP1) and liver X receptor alpha (LXRα) and two DNA polymorphisms of fatty acid desaturase 1 (FADS1) were evaluated for associations with fatty acids in brisket adipose tissue of Canadian cross-bred beef steers. The polymorphism of 84 bp insert/deletion in intron 5 of SREBP1 was significantly associated with the concentration of 9c C17:1 (P=0.013). The G>A single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the exon 4 of LXRα gene was associated with the concentration of 9c, 11t C18:2 (P=0.04), sum of conjugated linoleic acids (CLA) (P=0.025) and 11c C20:1(P=0.042). Two DNA polymorphisms in the promoter region of FADS1, deletion/insertion of ->GTG in rs133053720 and SNP A>G in rs42187276, were significantly associated with concentrations of C17:0 iso, C17:0 ai, total branched chain fatty acids (BFA), 12t C18:1, 13t/14t C18:1, 15t C18:1, and 13c C18:1 (P<0.05). Further studies are needed to validate the associations and to delineate the roles of the gene polymorphisms in determining the fatty acid composition in beef tissues.


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This report provides an assessment of recent investigations into endocrine disruption in fresh and saltwater species of fish. Most work to date has concen-trated on reproductive endocrine disruption. Laboratory studies have shown a variety of synthetic and natural chemicals including certain industrial intermediates, PAHs, PCBs, pesticides, dioxins, trace elements and plant sterols can interfere with the endocrine system in fish. The potency of most of these chemicals, however, is typically hundreds to thousands of times less than that of endog-enous hormones. Evidence of environmental endocrine disruption ranges from the presence of female egg proteins in males and reduced levels of endogenous hormones in both males and females, to gonadal histopathologies and intersex (presence of ovotestes) fish. Overt endocrine disruption in fish does not appear to be a ubiquitous environmental phenomenon, but rather more likely to occur near sewage treatment plants, pulp and paper mills, and in areas of high organic chemical contamination. However, more wide-spread endocrine disruption can occur in rivers with smaller flows and correspondingly large or numerous wastewater inputs. Some of the most severe examples of endocrine disruption in fish have been found adjacent to sewage treatment plants. Effects are thought to be caused prima-rily by natural and synthetic estrogens and to a lesser extent by the degradation products of alkylphenol poly-ethoxylate surfactants. Effects found in fish near pulp and paper mills include reduced levels of estrogens and androgens as well as masculinization of females, and has been linked to the presence of β-sitosterol, a plant sterol. Effects seen in areas of heavy industrial activity typically include depressed levels of estrogens and androgens as well as reduced gonadal growth, and may be linked to the presence of PAHs, PCBs, and possibly dioxins. At this time, however, there is no clear indication that large populations of fish are being seriously impacted as a result of endocrine disruption, although additional work is needed to address this possibility. (PDF contains 63 pages)


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Hopanoids are a class of sterol-like lipids produced by select bacteria. Their preservation in the rock record for billions of years as fossilized hopanes lends them geological significance. Much of the structural diversity present in this class of molecules, which likely underpins important biological functions, is lost during fossilization. Yet, one type of modification that persists during preservation is methylation at C-2. The resulting 2-methylhopanoids are prominent molecular fossils and have an intriguing pattern over time, exhibiting increases in abundance associated with Ocean Anoxic Events during the Phanerozoic. This thesis uses diverse methods to address what the presence of 2-methylhopanes tells us about the microbial life and environmental conditions of their ancient depositional settings. Through an environmental survey of hpnP, the gene encoding the C-2 hopanoid methylase, we found that many different taxa are capable of producing 2-methylhopanoids in more diverse modern environments than expected. This study also revealed that hpnP is significantly overrepresented in organisms that are plant symbionts, in environments associated with plants, and with metabolisms that support plant-microbe interactions; collectively, these correlations provide a clue about the biological importance of 2-methylhopanoids. Phylogenetic reconstruction of the evolutionary history of hpnP revealed that 2-methylhopanoid production arose in the Alphaproteobacteria, indicating that the origin of these molecules is younger than originally thought. Additionally, we took genetic approach to understand the role of 2-methylhopanoids in Cyanobacteria using the filamentous symbiotic Nostoc punctiforme. We found that hopanoids likely aid in rigidifying the cell membrane but do not appear to provide resistance to osmotic or outer membrane stressors, as has been shown in other organisms. The work presented in this thesis supports previous findings that 2-methylhopanoids are not biomarkers for oxygenic photosynthesis and provides new insights by defining their distribution in modern environments, identifying their evolutionary origin, and investigating their role in Cyanobacteria. These efforts in modern settings aid the formation of a robust interpretation of 2-methylhopanes in the rock record.


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A dieta hiperlipídica (high-fat, HF) materna durante a gestação e/ou lactação aumenta a susceptibilidade da prole para o desenvolvimento de doenças crônicas na fase adulta. Verificar a hipótese que a ingestão materna de dieta HF nos períodos críticos de desenvolvimento (gestação e/ou lactação) predispõe à doença não alcoólica do fígado gorduroso e alterações pancreáticas e no tecido adiposo de camundongos machos adultos. Camundongos C57BL/6 fêmeas receberam durante a gestação e/ou lactação dieta padrão (standard chow, SC) ou HF. Filhotes machos foram divididos em cinco grupos: SC provenientes de mães SC; G provenientes de mães HF durante a gestação; L provenientes de mães HF durante a lactação; GL/HF provenientes de mães HF durante a gestação/lactação, mantendo a mesma dieta HF no período pós-natal (do desmame aos 3 meses deidade); GL provenientes de mães HF durante a gestação/lactação trocando a dieta para SC no período pós-natal (do desmame aos 3 meses deidade). Foi analisada ao longo do experimento a massa corporal da prole. No sacrifício (3 meses), o fígado, o pâncreas e a gordura epididimária foram removidos, pesados e processados e o sangue foi coletado para análise bioquímica. Ao nascimento e ao desmame, filhotes GL/HF foram mais pesados (+6% e +44%, p<0,05, respectivamente) que os filhotes SC. Os filhotes G apresentaram resistência à insulina e menor expressão do transportador de glicose no fígado (GLUT-2). A esteatose hepática foi observada nos grupos G, L, GL e principalmente nos filhotes do grupo GL/HF. A expressão hepática da proteína ligante de elementos regulatórios de esteróis (SREBP-1c) estava aumentada nos filhotes G, GL e GL/HF. Os filhotes G, GL e GL/HF apresentaram hipertrofia da ilhota pancreática e dos adipócitos quando comparados com o grupo SC. O consumo de dieta HF durante a gestação mostra-se ser o período mais prejudicial para os filhotes adultos de camundongos. A programação metabólica por dieta HF leva ao remodelamento adverso do fígado, do pâncreas e do tecido adiposo


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A incidência de infecções fúngicas invasivas vem aumentando nos últimos anos. Estas infecções, em geral, apresentam altas taxas de mortalidade. A profilaxia com antifúngicos ainda é a estratégia mais comum na contenção da mortalidade e prevenção contra infecções fúngicas invasivas, porém, apresenta baixa eficiência, e relatos de resistência às drogas. Além disso, a terapia antifúngica é limitada a um pequeno grupo de drogas, como os polienos, azóis e equinocandinas. Desta forma, a busca de novos alvos de drogas é fundamental para o desenvolvimento de novos antifúngicos. Estudos in silico indicaram quatro genes como potenciais alvo de drogas em fungos patogênicos. Neste contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a expressão das proteínas codificadas por dois destes possíveis genes alvo, a proteína erg6, na fração microssomal, e trr1, na fração citosólica, em hifas de A. fumigatus. Visando alcançar este objetivo, foram primeiramente padronizadas todas as etapas de fracionamento celular visando isolar estas duas subfrações celulares de A. fumigatus. Posteriormente, foi otimizado o protocolo de extração e reidratação de proteínas microssomais bem como reidratação de proteínas citosólicas. Estes extratos foram submetidos a diferentes protocolos de fracionamento proteico em um sistema de eletroforese OFFGEL (OGE). Os resultados de Western immunoblot mostraram que estas duas proteínas, erg6 e trr1, são de fato expressas na fase filamentosa de A. fumigatus. O extrato proteico da fração microssomal submetido ao OGE em doze subfrações apresentou três subunidades da proteína erg6, reconhecidas pelo anticorpo monoclonal, com massas moleculares e pI distintos: uma subunidade de aproximadamente 79 kDa com pI entre 5,91 e 6,49, e outras duas subunidades de aproximadamente 35 kDa e 32 kDa, ambas com pI entre 6,49 e 7,08. A enzima erg6 foi descrita como um homotetrâmero em outros fungos. Porém, nossos resultados sugerem que, em A. fumigatus, a erg6 possui uma estrutura heterotetramérica. Quanto à proteína trr1, tanto no extrato total quanto nas frações resultantes do fracionamento em OGE, uma banda única de aproximadamente 40 kDa, com pI na faixa de 4,79 e 5,33, foi reconhecida pelo anticorpo policlonal. Desta forma, esta proteína parece ter uma estrutura homodimérica, assim como descrito em outros micro-organismos.


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Ainda não está bem definido na literatura se uma dieta rica em sacarose, mesmo sendo isoenergética, provoca danos à saúde. Camundongos C57BL/6 foram alimentados com uma dieta controle (10% da energia proveniente de gordura, 8% da energia proveniente da sacarose - SC), uma dieta rica em sacarose (10% de energia proveniente da gordura, 32% da energia proveniente da sacarose - HSu), uma dieta hiperlipídica (42% da energia proveniente de gordura, 8% da energia proveniente da sacarose - HF) ou uma dieta combinada HF/HSu (42% da energia proveniente de gordura, 32% da energia proveniente da sacarose), durante oito semanas. Apesar da massa corporal e do índice de adiposidade não terem sofrido alteração, o grupo HSu apresentou hipertrofia dos adipócitos, o que também foi observado nos grupos HF e HF/HSu. Os grupos HF, HSu e HF/HSu foram intolerantes à glicose e apresentaram níveis séricos de insulina elevados. Os níveis séricos de leptina, resistina e proteína quimiotática de monócitos-1 (MCP-1) aumentaram, enquanto adiponectina sérica reduziu nos grupos HF, HSu e HF/HSu. No tecido adiposo, os animais HF, HSu e HF/HSu apresentaram maiores níveis de expressão protéica de leptina e níveis mais baixos de expressão protéica de adiponectina, em comparação ao grupo SC. Colesterol hepático foi maior nos grupos HF e HF/HSu, enquanto TG hepático foi maior nos grupos HSu e HF/HSu. Os animais dos grupos HF, HSu e HF/HSu apresentaram esteatose hepática, aumento da expressão protéica hepática de elemento regulador de esterol ligante da proteína 1 (SREBP-1c) e diminuição da expressão protéica do receptor ativador de proliferação peroxissomal alfa (PPAR-α). Em conclusão, a dieta rica em sacarose não provoca obesidade nos animais, mas provoca alterações nos adipócitos (hipertrofia), intolerância à glicose, hiperinsulinemia, hiperlipidemia, esteatose hepática e aumento de citocinas inflamatórias. Os efeitos prejudiciais da dieta rica em sacarose, mesmo quando a sacarose substitui isocaloricamente o amido na alimentação, pode ter consequências para a saúde.


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A doença hepática gordurosa não alcoólica é uma desordem multifatorial causada principalmente por excesso nutricional e resistência à insulina, com prevalência estimada de 20-40% nos países ocidentais. A dieta hiperlipídica e/ou rica em sacarose pode influenciar no desenvolvimento da esteatose hepática associada à obesidade e a resistência à insulina. O fígado, por assumir papel central no controle metabólico, é um órgão alvo nos casos de excesso alimentar, ocasionando, principalmente, acúmulo de gotículas de gordura nos hepatócitos. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o início das alterações morfológicas e metabólicas no fígado e no tecido adiposo de camundongos suíços machos alimentados com dieta hiperlipídica e/ou rica em sacarose. Camundongos suíços machos aos três meses de idade foram divididos em quatro grupos nutricionais: dieta padrão (SC), dieta hiperlipídica (HF), dieta rica em sacarose (HSu) e dieta hiperlipídica rica em sacarose (HFHSu). Os animais receberam as respectivas dietas durante quatro semanas. A massa corporal, a ingestão alimentar e a tolerância oral à glicose foram avaliados. Ao sacrifício, o fígado e os depósitos de gordura corporal foram removidos e processados para análises histomorfométricas e moleculares. As amostras de sangue foram obtidas para análises bioquímicas plasmáticas. Os dados foram expressos como média e erro padrão da média e as diferenças foram testadas por one-way ANOVA com pós-teste de Holm-Sidak, e foi considerado o nível de significância de p<0,05. Os grupos HF e HFHSu apresentaram-se mais pesados quando comparados aos grupos SC e HSu. Os animais dos grupos HF, HSu e HFHSu apresentaram intolerância à glicose, esteatose hepática e aumento de triglicerídeos hepáticos quando comparados ao grupo SC (p<0,0005). Adicionalmente, houve elevação na expressão hepática das proteínas transportador de glicose 2 (GLUT-2), proteína de ligação ao elemento regulador do esterol 1-c (SREBP1-c), fosfoenolpiruvato carboxiquinase (PEPCK), glicose -6- fosfatase (G6PASE), substrato do receptor da insulinaI-1 (IRS-1) e proteína quinase B (AKt/ou PKB) e redução da expressão no fígado do receptor ativador de proliferação peroxissomal (PPAR-α) nos grupos experimentais em comparação com o grupo SC (p<0,0005). A administração de dieta hiperlipídica e/ou rica em sacarose promoveu intolerância à glicose e danos hepáticos (hepatomegalia, esteatose, redução da beta-oxidação, aumento na lipogênese e na produção de glicose) em camundongos machos adultos.


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O estudo teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos da rosuvastatina (ST) e darosiglitazona sobre a resistência à insulina (RI), morfologia do fígado e do tecido adiposo em camundongos alimentados com dieta hiperlipídica (HF). O tratamento com rosuvastatina resultou em uma acentuada melhoria na sensibilidade à insulina caracterizada pela melhor depuração da glicose durante o teste de tolerância à insulina e uma redução do índice HOMA-IR em 70% (P = 0,0008). O grupo tratado com rosuvastatina apresentou redução no ganho massa corporal (-8%, P <0,01) e menor depósito de gordura visceral (-60%, P <0,01) em comparação com o grupo HF não tratado. Em comparação com camundongos HF, animais do grupo HF+ST reduziram significativamente a massa hepática e a esteatose hepática (-6%; P <0,05% e -21; P <0,01, respectivamente). O grupo HF+ST, reduziu os níveis de triglicerídeos hepáticos em 58% comparado com o grupo HF (P <0,01). Além disso, a expressão de SREBP-1c (proteína 1c ligadora do elemento regulado por esteróis) foi reduzido em 50% no fígado dos animais HF + ST (P <0,01) em comparação com o grupo HF. Os níveis de resistina foram menores no grupo HF + ST comparado com o grupo HF (44% a menos, P <0,01). Em conclusão, demonstramos que camundongos alimentados com dieta HF tratados com rosuvastatina melhoram a sensibilidade à insulina, com redução da esteatose hepática. Além disso, ST reduziu o ganho de massa corporal, melhorou os níveis circulantes de colesterol e triglicerídeo plasmático, com menor conteúdo de hepático de triglicerídeo, que foi concomitante com menor resistina e aumento da adiponectina.


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This report is the second in a series from a project to assess land-based sources of pollution (LBSP) and effects in the St. Thomas East End Reserves (STEER) in St. Thomas, USVI, and is the result of a collaborative effort between NOAA’s National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science, the USVI Department of Planning and Natural Resources, the University of the Virgin Islands, and The Nature Conservancy. Passive water samplers (POCIS) were deployed in the STEER in February 2012. Developed by the US Geological Survey (USGS) as a tool to detect the presence of water soluble contaminants in the environment, POCIS samplers were deployed in the STEER at five locations. In addition to the February 2012 deployment, the results from an earlier POCIS deployment in May 2010 in Turpentine Gut, a perennial freshwater stream which drains to the STEER, are also reported. A total of 26 stormwater contaminants were detected at least once during the February 2012 deployment in the STEER. Detections were high enough to estimate ambient water concentrations for nine contaminants using USGS sampling rate values. From the May 2010 deployment in Turpentine Gut, 31 stormwater contaminants were detected, and ambient water concentrations could be estimated for 17 compounds. Ambient water concentrations were estimated for a number of contaminants including the detergent/surfactant metabolite 4-tert-octylphenol, phthalate ester plasticizers DEHP and DEP, bromoform, personal care products including menthol, indole, n,n-diethyltoluamide (DEET), along with the animal/plant sterol cholesterol, and the plant sterol beta-sitosterol. Only DEHP appeared to have exceeded a water quality guideline for the protection of aquatic organisms.


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植物通过异戊二烯代谢途径合成多种具有生物活性和功能的三萜及甾醇类化合物,它们在调节植物生长发育、维持膜的完整和功能、抵抗病原微生物侵染中发挥着重要的作用。2,3-氧化鲨烯为三萜和甾醇合成途径的分枝点,参与这一关键步骤的酶被通称为2,3-氧化鲨烯环化酶(OSCs)。本研究系统分了水稻基因组中全部11个OSC基因序列,发现其中四个可能为假基因。亚种间非同义替换率Ka和同义替换率Ks的比值(Ka/Ks)以及进化树的分析表明OsOSC8是单子叶植物特有的功能保守基因,而OsOSC9在水稻两个亚种间发生了功能快速进化,这种快速进化的基因往往参与植物和病原菌相互作用的代谢途径。 根据基因结构、表达谱以及与其它植物已知功能的OSC酶氨基酸序列的比对推测OsOSC3可能具有环阿屯醇合成酶的功能,参与植物甾醇的合成,而OsOSC7、OsOSC10和OsOSC11可能具有β-香树素合成酶的功能,其余OSCs可能参与合成其它三萜化合物。为了进一步分析和验证OSCs酶的功能,将水稻7个OSC基因的开放阅读框(ORF)构建到酵母表达载体并在pichia酵母中表达,发现仅有OsOSC9和OsOSC12能够将酵母内源的2,3-氧化鲨烯分别环化为四环三萜化合物Parkeol和植物中稀有的五环三萜化合物Isoarborinol,目前还未在其它植物中发现参与这两种三萜化合物的基因。另外,水稻所有的OSC基因均不能互补酵母羊毛甾醇缺陷型菌株,表明水稻OSCs不具有合成羊毛甾醇的功能。 RNAi沉默以及启动子融合GUS的表达实验发现OsOSC8可能参与花粉的发育,该基因的下调影响水稻的育性,暗示水稻中存在一个可能与雄性不育有关的三萜代谢途径。水稻其它OSC基因RNAi植株可能在逆境环境和病原菌侵染下才会显现出表型。


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Three brown algae i.e. Dictyota hauckiana Nizamuddin, Levringia boergesenii Kylin and Spatoglossum variabile Figari et De Notaris, collected from the coastal areas of Karachi, have been investigated for their sterol composition. Four sterols with cholesta skeleton including a new one, 17α-hydroxy-24β-vinyl cholesterol have been isolated from them. Their structures were elucidated with the help of spectroscopic analysis. The new sterol has been named as hauckiosterol after its first source of isolation.