120 resultados para slips
Three pieces of paper consisting of a one-leaf handwritten summary of unidentified lectures about the divinity of Christ titled "lect. 62 to 66, page 51, March 22, 1803," and two slips of paper with handwritten copies of two declarations about the Christian trinity and divine nature. The copied declarations are in two different hands, and one copy is dated "Cambridge Novr 14th 1804."
Three slips of paper with short notes on The Philosophy of Rhetoric by George Campbell, Quintilian's Institutes of the orator, and Lectures concerning oratory by John Lawson.
Accounting records related to the wood brought by the sloop between May and September 1793 on three slips of paper bound with thread. The last page contains a certification signed by William Winthrop on September 9, 1793 of the sale of wood in Charlestown.
Thirteen statements of trips of the Cyrus between April 23, 1795 and December 9, 1795 signed by Steward Caleb Gannett. The statements list the cords of wood added to the College's supply and the cords sold. The statements are on thirteen slips of paper of various sizes bound with thread.
This series consists of handwritten slips written by the borrower with the promise of repayment with interest to a specified lender. Some of the notes reflect loans made to the Butler by members of the community, and others are promissory notes to Adams signed by Harvard students.
Thirteen slips of paper with fragments of handwritten alphabetical lists created by Isaac Smith presumably in his capacity as Harvard Librarian. Most of the entries are surnames or single-word subjects. For example, one slip with "M" entries includes: milway, miracles, miraculous, Mitchell, and Mitchell. Some of the lists have struck-through words or have entries annotated with numbers and the abbreviations "o" and "bk." The verso of one leaf has a brief, undated note regarding the transfer of books between Mr. Hilliard and Mr. Smith.
Title supplied by cataloger.
A typical fatwa collection covering almost all aspects of law: prayers, ablution, alms, fasting, divorce, capital punishment, etc.
ight standard inbred mouse strains were evaluated for ethanol effects on a refined battery of behavioral tests in a study that was originally designed to assess the influence of rat odors in the colony on mouse behaviors. As part of the design of the study, two experimenters conducted the tests, and the study was carefully balanced so that equal numbers of mice in all groups and times of day were tested by each experimenter. A defect in airflow in the facility compromised the odor manipulation, and in fact the different odor exposure groups did not differ in their behaviors. The two experimenters, however, obtained markedly different results for three of the tests. Certain of the experimenter effects arose from the way they judged behaviors that were not automated and had to be rated by the experimenter, such as slips on the balance beam. Others were not evident prior to ethanol injection but had a major influence after the injection. For several measures, the experimenter effects were notably different for different inbred strains. Methods to evaluate and reduce the impact of experimenter effects in future research are discussed.
"Slips from Shakespeare's tree" (newspaper clipping) mounted on inside front cover.
Errata slips inserted.
"Footnotes" (bibliographical): p. [214]-225.
Addenda slips tipped in.
For a detailed list of contents cf. Heyer. Historical sets, collected editions, and monuments of music. Omitted from Heyer are T. 33: Vokalʹnye sochinenii͡a s orkestrom; T. 48 & 50: Sochinenii͡a dli͡a orkestra.
Errata slips inserted (v. 1)