908 resultados para service development process


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The two areas of theory upon which this research was based were „strategy development process?(SDP) and „complex adaptive systems? (CAS), as part of complexity theory, focused on human social organisations. The literature reviewed showed that there is a paucity of empirical work and theory in the overlap of the two areas, providing an opportunity for contributions to knowledge in each area of theory, and for practitioners. An inductive approach was adopted for this research, in an effort to discover new insights to the focus area of study. It was undertaken from within an interpretivist paradigm, and based on a novel conceptual framework. The organisationally intimate nature of the research topic, and the researcher?s circumstances required a research design that was both in-depth and long term. The result was a single, exploratory, case study, which included use of data from 44 in-depth, semi-structured interviews, from 36 people, involving all the top management team members and significant other staff members; observations, rumour and grapevine (ORG) data; and archive data, over a 5½ year period (2005 – 2010). Findings confirm the validity of the conceptual framework, and that complex adaptive systems theory has potential to extend strategy development process theory. It has shown how and why the strategy process developed in the case study organisation by providing deeper insights to the behaviour of the people, their backgrounds, and interactions. Broad predictions of the „latent strategy development? process and some elements of the strategy content are also possible. Based on this research, it is possible to extend the utility of the SDP model by including peoples? behavioural characteristics within the organisation, via complex adaptive systems theory. Further research is recommended to test limits of the application of the conceptual framework and improve its efficacy with more organisations across a variety of sectors.


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A great number of strategy tools are being taught in strategic management modules. These tools are available to managers for use in facilitating strategic decision making and enhancing the strategy development process in their organisations. A number of studies have been published examining which are the most popular tools; however there is little empirical evidence on how their utilisation influences the strategy process. This paper is based on a large scale international survey on the strategy development process, and seeks to examine the impact of a particular strategy tool, the Balanced Scorecard (BSC), upon the strategy process. Recently, it has been suggested that as a strategy tool, the BSC can influence all elements of the strategy process. The results of this study indicate that although there are significant differences in some elements of the strategy process between the organisations that have implemented the BSC and those that have not, the impact is not comprehensive.


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The paper gives an overview about the ongoing FP6-IST INFRAWEBS project and describes the main layers and software components embedded in an application oriented realisation framework. An important part of INFRAWEBS is a Semantic Web Unit (SWU) – a collaboration platform and interoperable middleware for ontology-based handling and maintaining of SWS. The framework provides knowledge about a specific domain and relies on ontologies to structure and exchange this knowledge to semantic service development modules. INFRAWEBS Designer and Composer are sub-modules of SWU responsible for creating Semantic Web Services using Case-Based Reasoning approach. The Service Access Middleware (SAM) is responsible for building up the communication channels between users and various other modules. It serves as a generic middleware for deployment of Semantic Web Services. This software toolset provides a development framework for creating and maintaining the full-life-cycle of Semantic Web Services with specific application support.


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A great number of strategy tools are being taught in strategic management modules. These tools are available to managers for use in facilitating strategic decision making and enhancing the strategy development process in their organisations. A number of studies have been published examining which are the most popular tools; however there is little empirical evidence on how their utilisation influences the strategy process. This paper is based on a large scale international survey on the strategy development process, and seeks to examine the impact of a particular strategy tool, the Balanced Scorecard (BSC), upon the strategy process. Recently, it has been suggested that as a strategy tool, the BSC can influence all elements of the strategy process. The results of this study indicate that although there are significant differences in some elements of the strategy process between the organisations that have implemented the BSC and those that have not, the impact is not comprehensive. © 2011 Operational Research Society Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this paper is to propose a conceptual framework for studying the knowledge transfer problem within the supply chain. The social network analysis (SNA) is presented as a useful tool to study knowledge networks within supply chain, to visualize knowledge flows and to identify the accumulating knowledge nodes of the networks. © 2011 IEEE.


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A commonly held view is that creation of excessive domestic credit may lead to inflation problems, however, many economists uphold the possibility that, generous domestic credit under appropriate conditions will result in increases of output. This hypothesis is examined for Japan and Colombia for the period 1950-1993.^ Domestic credit theories are reviewed since the times of Thornton and Smith, until the recent times of Lewis, McKinnon, Stiglitz and of Japanese economists like K. Emi, Tachi R. and others. It is found that in Japan of the Post-War period, efficient financial markets and the decisive role of the government in orienting investment decisions seem to have influenced positively the effectiveness of domestic credit as an output-stimulating variable. On the contrary, in Colombia the absence of the above features seems to explain why domestic credit is not very effective as an output-stimulating variable.^ Multiple regression analyses show that domestic credit is a strong explanatory variable for output increases in Japan and a weak one for Colombia's case in the studied period. For Japan the correlation depicts a positive relationship between the two variables with a decreasing rate very similar to a typical production function. Moreover, the positive decreasing rate is confirmed if net domestic credit is used in the correlations. For Colombia a positive relationship is also found when accumulated domestic credit is used, but, if net domestic credit is the source of correlations, the positive decreasing rate is not obtained.^ Granger causality tests determined causality from domestic credit to output for Japan and no-causality for Colombia at the 1% significance level; the differences are explained by: (1) The low development level of the financial system in Colombia. (2) The nonexistence of consistent domestic credit policy to foster economic development. (3) The lack of an authoritative orientation in the allocation of financial resources and the nonexistence of long range industrialization programs in Colombia that could channel productively credit resources. For the system of equations relating domestic credit and exports, the Granger causality tests determined no-causality between domestic credit and exports for both Japan and Colombia also at the 1% significance level. ^


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An IAPT service and a clinical health psychology team piloted a service development providing Step 2 and Step 3 services for individuals with long-term health conditions. Results indicate that such services may be offered with access to specialist training and supervision.


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Particular strengths of the MRC Needs for Care Assessment Schedule have been used to investigate the treatment status of patients with persistent psychiatric disability in ways that other needs assessment tools are unable to. One hundred and seventy-nine such patients from three settings; a private sector psychiatric hospital, two public sector day hospitals situated in the same town, and a high security hospital, were found to have a high level of need. Although there were differences between settings, overall these needs were well met in all three. The high level of persistent disability found amongst these patients could not be attributed to failure on the part of those treating them to use the best available methods, or to failures to comply or engage with treatment on the patient's part. In some two thirds of instances persistent disability was best explained by the fact that even the most suitable available treatments have to be considered only partially effective.


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Tutkielman tavoitteena oli selvittää, miten uuden palvelun kehittämisprosessi tulisi organisoida strategisessa liiketoimintaverkossa. Tarkoituksena oli löytää prosessissa tavallisimmin läpikäytävät vaiheet, prosessin tuloksellisuuteen vaikuttavat tekijät ja verkostomaisen organisaation vaikutukset prosessin organisoinnille. Tutkielman teoriaosassa käytiin laajasti läpi erilaisia uuden palvelun kehittämisen prosessimalleja ja pyrittiin löytämään tarkoituksen mukaisin malli tutkielman kannalta. Tutkimus tehtiin 34 johtavan suomalaisen sanomalehden omistamassa yhteistyö- ja myyntiorganisaatiossa. Casetutkimuksen avulla selvitettiin, miten case -yritys oli organisoinut oman kehittämisprosessinsa ja miten liiketoimintaverkossa toimiminen vaikutti prosessin kulkuun. Case -yrityksen uuden palvelun kehitysprosessi mallinnettiin ja analysoitiin lähdekirjallisuuden pohjalta. Huomattiin, että prosessi vastasi melko hyvin kirjallisuudessa esiteltyä ”päämallia”, mutta myös eroavaisuuksia löytyi. Eroavaisuuksien pääsyynä oli juuri case -yrityksen verkostomainen toimintaympäristö.


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Suomessa on uudistuneen jätelain tavoitteena jätteiden lajittelun tehostaminen ja jätemäärien pienentäminen. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää miten asiakas voi osallistua uuden palvelun kehittämisprosessiin. Empirian kautta vastattiin kysymyksiin millainen on asiakkaan halukkuus ja valmius osallistua palvelunkehittämiseen ja mikä on asiakkaiden palaute palvelun ominaisuuksista. Tutkimus toteutettiin tapaustutkimuksena, jossa tutkittavana oli Aalto-yliopiston jätteiden raportointi- ja suunnittelupalvelun (Kierrätyspalvelin) palvelunkehitysprosessi. Tiedonkeruumenetelmänä oli yksilö- ja ryhmäteemahaastattelut. Tutkimustuloksena esitettiin Kierrätyspalvelimen palvelunkehitysprosessin malli. Tärkeimpänä tutkimuksellisena havaintona oli, että haastateltavat toimivat lähinnä tiedonlähteinä tarpeistaan. He osallistuivat palvelun ominaisuuksien testaukseen ja määrittelyyn.


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Palveluiden kehittämista on tutkittu suhteellisen vähän. Ensimmäiset palvelukehitysprosessit esitettiin kirjallisuudessa jo 80-luvulla mutta sen jälkeen kehitysprosessia ei ole radikaalisti päivitetty. Tämän työn tarkoituksena on koota kirjallisuudesta erilaisia lähestymistapoja palveluiden kehittämiseen ja näiden tutkimuksien löydöksien pohjalta rakentaa synteesi palveluiden kehittämisen prosessista sekä tutkia sen toteutumista IBM:n ja Fazer Amican yhteishankkeena toteutetun Tulevaisuuden henkilöstöravintola –projektin tapauksessa. Palveluiden kehittämisen prosessin synteesi perustuu kirjallisuudessa esitettyyn perinteiseen 12-vaiheiseen kehitysprosessiin, jota on muokattu päällekkäin suoritettujen vaiheiden kehitysprosessin, teknologian mahdollistaman palvelukehityksen, testikäytön ja interaktioiden kautta oppimisen näkökulmasta. Synteesissä on esitetty prosessin neljä päävaihetta, jotka ovat ideointi, palvelun kehittäminen ja testikäyttö, tuotteistus ja lanseeraus.