895 resultados para power line communication


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A secure protocol for electronic, sealed-bid, single item auctions is presented. The protocol caters to both first and second price (Vickrey) auctions and provides full price flexibility. Both computational and communication cost are linear with the number of bidders and utilize only standard cryptographic primitives. The protocol strictly divides knowledge of the bidder's identity and their actual bids between, respectively, a registration authority and an auctioneer, who are assumed not to collude but may be separately corrupt. This assures strong bidder-anonymity, though only weak bid privacy. The protocol is structured in two phases, each involving only off-line communication. Registration, requiring the use of the public key infrastructure, is simultaneous with hash-sealed bid-commitment and generates a receipt to the bidder containing a pseudonym. This phase is followed by encrypted bid-submission. Both phases involve the registration authority acting as a communication conduit but the actual message size is quite small. It is argued that this structure guarantees non-repudiation by both the winner and the auctioneer. Second price correctness is enforced either by observing the absence of registration of the claimed second-price bid or, where registered but lower than the actual second price, is subject to cooperation by the second price bidder - presumably motivated through self-interest. The use of the registration authority in other contexts is also considered with a view to developing an architecture for efficient secure multiparty transactions


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"Jenny Perry, her husband James and nine-year-old son Ted balanced on the roof of their car until the floodwaters at Helidon took them towards a power line."


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South Africa has an electrical transmission grid of over 25 000 km of overhead power lines with voltages of 132 kV to 765 kV. The grid has been largely designed and built by the power utility, Eskom. This book embodies the planning philosophies, design principles and construction practices of Eskom. It is the culmination of decades of thought, study, research and the practical experience of many overhead power line engineers and researchers. The book covers the main aspects of overhead power line design and construction, from electrical first principles, system planning, insulation co-ordination (including live line working), mechanical design through to environmental impact management and power line communications. The content emphasises the need for close interaction between all technical disciplines involved and the importance of optimising designs for economy and performance. Additional challenges in South Africa are the relatively high altitude of the interior plateau (1 000 m to 1 700 m above sea level), severe lightning in some areas and long transmission distances. The book explains how these factors are accommodated in modern designs. Other advanced work covered includes the use and understanding of polymeric insulators, the judicious reduction of phase-to-phase spacings and the adoption of guyed structures.


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MELECON 2012 - 2012 16th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, 25 Mar - 28 Mar 2012, Túnez


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[ES] Este trabajo plantea y analiza, con un enfoque teórico, el papel que puede tener Internet como factor impulsor clave de la convergencia cultural entre países. En este respecto, se reflexiona en torno a una propuesta teórica central, tomando como base principal la aproximación cultural constructivista dinámica. En esencia, se teoriza sobre cómo los valores compartidos por parte de los individuos (consumidores) procedentes de diferentes culturas en este medio, fruto de procesos interactivos e iterativos de comunicación online, pueden ser transferidos de manera plausible a cada una de sus culturas primarias o de origen, fomentando, por tanto, la aproximación de las mismas en el largo plazo.


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Low Voltage (LV) electricity distribution grid operations can be improved through a combination of new smart metering systems' capabilities based on real time Power Line Communications (PLC) and LV grid topology mapping. This paper presents two novel contributions. The first one is a new methodology developed for smart metering PLC network monitoring and analysis. It can be used to obtain relevant information from the grid, thus adding value to existing smart metering deployments and facilitating utility operational activities. A second contribution describes grid conditioning used to obtain LV feeder and phase identification of all connected smart electric meters. Real time availability of such information may help utilities with grid planning, fault location and a more accurate point of supply management.


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超高压输电线路智能巡检机器人是输电工程技术发展的重要内容.介绍了一种应用于500 kV 超高压输电线路带电巡检智能巡检机器人系统.重点介绍了该巡检机器人系统的视觉监视与检测方法及应用技术.此类机器人系统可在输电线路上实现监控状态下的自主行走与视觉监视,跨越杆塔等作业,可在野外环境下完成连续巡检作业.这种作业方式,将大大减轻输电维护人员的劳动强度与难度,提高巡检效率与质量.对输电工程的安全可靠运行具有重要意义.


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As the commoditization of sensing, actuation and communication hardware increases, so does the potential for dynamically tasked sense and respond networked systems (i.e., Sensor Networks or SNs) to replace existing disjoint and inflexible special-purpose deployments (closed-circuit security video, anti-theft sensors, etc.). While various solutions have emerged to many individual SN-centric challenges (e.g., power management, communication protocols, role assignment), perhaps the largest remaining obstacle to widespread SN deployment is that those who wish to deploy, utilize, and maintain a programmable Sensor Network lack the programming and systems expertise to do so. The contributions of this thesis centers on the design, development and deployment of the SN Workbench (snBench). snBench embodies an accessible, modular programming platform coupled with a flexible and extensible run-time system that, together, support the entire life-cycle of distributed sensory services. As it is impossible to find a one-size-fits-all programming interface, this work advocates the use of tiered layers of abstraction that enable a variety of high-level, domain specific languages to be compiled to a common (thin-waist) tasking language; this common tasking language is statically verified and can be subsequently re-translated, if needed, for execution on a wide variety of hardware platforms. snBench provides: (1) a common sensory tasking language (Instruction Set Architecture) powerful enough to express complex SN services, yet simple enough to be executed by highly constrained resources with soft, real-time constraints, (2) a prototype high-level language (and corresponding compiler) to illustrate the utility of the common tasking language and the tiered programming approach in this domain, (3) an execution environment and a run-time support infrastructure that abstract a collection of heterogeneous resources into a single virtual Sensor Network, tasked via this common tasking language, and (4) novel formal methods (i.e., static analysis techniques) that verify safety properties and infer implicit resource constraints to facilitate resource allocation for new services. This thesis presents these components in detail, as well as two specific case-studies: the use of snBench to integrate physical and wireless network security, and the use of snBench as the foundation for semester-long student projects in a graduate-level Software Engineering course.


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A real-time VHF swept frequency (20–300 MHz) reflectometry measurement for radio-frequency capacitive-coupled atmospheric pressure plasmas is described. The measurement is scalar, non-invasive and deployed on the main power line of the plasma chamber. The purpose of this VHF signal injection is to remotely interrogate in real-time the frequency reflection properties of plasma. The information obtained is used for remote monitoring of high-value atmospheric plasma processing. Measurements are performed under varying gas feed (helium mixed with 0–2% oxygen) and power conditions (0–40 W) on two contrasting reactors. The first is a classical parallel-plate chamber driven at 16 MHz with well-defined electrical grounding but limited optical access and the second is a cross-field plasma jet driven at 13.56 MHz with open optical access but with poor electrical shielding of the driven electrode. The electrical measurements are modelled using a lumped element electrical circuit to provide an estimate of power dissipated in the plasma as a function of gas and applied power. The performances of both reactors are evaluated against each other. The scalar measurements reveal that 0.1% oxygen admixture in helium plasma can be detected. The equivalent electrical model indicates that the current density between the parallel-plate reactor is of the order of 8–20 mA cm-2 . This value is in accord with 0.03 A cm-2 values reported by Park et al (2001 J. Appl. Phys. 89 20–8). The current density of the cross-field plasma jet electrodes is found to be 20 times higher. When the cross-field plasma jet unshielded electrode area is factored into the current density estimation, the resultant current density agrees with the parallel-plate reactor. This indicates that the unshielded reactor radiates electromagnetic energy into free space and so acts as a plasma antenna.


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Trabalho de projeto apresentado à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Publicidade e Marketing.


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Les infrastructures linéaires sont reconnues pour faciliter la dispersion de plantes indésirables dans leur emprise et les habitats adjacents. Toutefois, les impacts des emprises de lignes électriques ont été peu étudiés, particulièrement en milieux humides. Cette étude a examiné la végétation des emprises de lignes électriques et de leurs habitats adjacents dans 23 tourbières ombrotrophes (bogs) et 11 minérotrophes (fens). Dans les fens, la dispersion des espèces indésirables est facilitée le long des emprises et certaines espèces peuvent se propager à plus de 43 m dans les habitats adjacents. Au contraire, ces infrastructures ne semblent pas favoriser la dispersion des espèces indésirables dans les bogs puisque leur présence était limitée à la marge des sites et était négligeable dans les habitats tourbeux adjacents. Finalement, les caractéristiques intrinsèques des tourbières, telles leur degré de minérotrophie (bog ou fen) et leur structure végétale (tourbière ouverte, semi-forestière ou forestière) semblent grandement influencer l’envahissement.


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It has been shown recently that systems driven with random pulses show the signature of chaos ,even without non linear dynamics.This shows that the relation between randomness and chaos is much closer than it was understood earlier .The effect of random perturbations on synchronization can be also different. In some cases identical random perturbations acting on two different chaotic systems induce synchronizations. However most commonly ,the effect of random fluctuations on the synchronizations of chaotic system is to destroy synchronization. This thesis deals with the effect of random fluctuations with its associated characteristic timescales on chaos and synchronization. The author tries to unearth yet another manifestation of randomness on chaos and sychroniztion. This thesis is organized into six chapters.