977 resultados para organisation model


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We present an efficient method of combining wide angle neutron scattering data with detailed atomistic models, allowing us to perform a quantitative and qualitative mapping of the organisation of the chain conformation in both glass and liquid phases. The structural refinement method presented in this work is based on the exploitation of the intrachain features of the diffraction pattern and its intimate linkage with atomistic models by the use of internal coordinates for bond lengths, valence angles and torsion rotations. Atomic connectivity is defined through these coordinates that are in turn assigned by pre-defined probability distributions, thus allowing for the models in question to be built stochastically. Incremental variation of these coordinates allows for the construction of models that minimise the differences between the observed and calculated structure factors. We present a series of neutron scattering data of 1,2 polybutadiene at the region 120-400K. Analysis of the experimental data yield bond lengths for C-C and C=C of 1.54Å and 1.35Å respectively. Valence angles of the backbone were found to be at 112° and the torsion distributions are characterised by five rotational states, a three-fold trans-skew± for the backbone and gauche± for the vinyl group. Rotational states of the vinyl group were found to be equally populated, indicating a largely atactic chan. The two backbone torsion angles exhibit different behaviour with respect to temperature of their trans population, with one of them adopting an almost all trans sequence. Consequently the resulting configuration leads to a rather persistent chain, something indicated by the value of the characteristic ratio extrapolated from the model. We compare our results with theoretical predictions, computer simulations, RIS models and previously reported experimental results.


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Interest towards Enterprise Architecture (EA) has been increasing during the last few years. EA has been found to be a crucial aspect of business survival, and thus the importance of EA implementation success is also crucial. Current literature does not have a tool to be used to measure the success of EA implementation. In this paper, a tentative model for measuring success is presented and empirically validated in EA context. Results show that the success of EA implementation can be measured indirectly by measuring the achievement of the objectives set for the implementation. Results also imply that achieving individual's objectives do not necessarily mean that organisation's objectives are achieved. The presented Success Measurement Model can be used as basis for developing measurement metrics.


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This paper introduces an ontology-based knowledge model for knowledge management. This model can facilitate knowledge discovery that provides users with insight for decision making. The users requiring the insight normally play different roles with different requirements in an organisation. To meet the requirements, insights are created by purposely aggregated transnational data. This involves a semantic data integration process. In this paper, we present a knowledge management system which is capable of representing knowledge requirements in a domain context and enabling the semantic data integration through ontology modeling. The knowledge domain context of United Bible Societies is used to illustrate the features of the knowledge management capabilities.


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Weather and climate model simulations of the West African Monsoon (WAM) have generally poor representation of the rainfall distribution and monsoon circulation because key processes, such as clouds and convection, are poorly characterized. The vertical distribution of cloud and precipitation during the WAM are evaluated in Met Office Unified Model simulations against CloudSat observations. Simulations were run at 40-km and 12-km horizontal grid length using a convection parameterization scheme and at 12-km, 4-km, and 1.5-km grid length with the convection scheme effectively switched off, to study the impact of model resolution and convection parameterization scheme on the organisation of tropical convection. Radar reflectivity is forward-modelled from the model cloud fields using the CloudSat simulator to present a like-with-like comparison with the CloudSat radar observations. The representation of cloud and precipitation at 12-km horizontal grid length improves dramatically when the convection parameterization is switched off, primarily because of a reduction in daytime (moist) convection. Further improvement is obtained when reducing model grid length to 4 km or 1.5 km, especially in the representation of thin anvil and mid-level cloud, but three issues remain in all model configurations. Firstly, all simulations underestimate the fraction of anvils with cloud top height above 12 km, which can be attributed to too low ice water contents in the model compared to satellite retrievals. Secondly, the model consistently detrains mid-level cloud too close to the freezing level, compared to higher altitudes in CloudSat observations. Finally, there is too much low-level cloud cover in all simulations and this bias was not improved when adjusting the rainfall parameters in the microphysics scheme. To improve model simulations of the WAM, more detailed and in-situ observations of the dynamics and microphysics targeting these non-precipitating cloud types are required.


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Most CRM work focuses on consumer applications. This paper addresses the operational adoption issues facing the organisation deploying CRM practices. There are a plethora of challenges facing organisations when adopting CRM. Previous research is limited to either examining the CRM adoption process at an individual/employees level or an organisational level. Hence, in this paper the myriad of organisational, marketing and technical antecedents that seem to impinge upon employee perceptions and organisational implementation of CRM are structured in a two-stage model. Using a stratified sample of ten organisations across four sectors, seven hypotheses are tested on data collected from 301 practitioners. A two-stage model is analysed using structural equation modelling. Findings reveal that CRM implementation relates to employee perceptions of CRM. This paper deepens our understanding of organisational practices to adopt CRM, so as an organisation properly profits from the expected benefits of CRM.


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I en rapport som Svensk Näringsliv (2010) har utfört beskriver de att företag redan idag och inom en snar framtid står inför den största pensionsavgången någonsin i Svensk historia. 40- talisternas avgång ställer företag inför stora utmaningarna, framförallt att lyckas genomföra en lyckad generationsväxling. De personer som går i pension har under sitt yrkesverksamma liv utvecklat en kunskap som många organisationer vilar på. En stor del av denna kunskap måste överföras för att organisationerna ska kunna fortsätta att vara effektiva på marknaden. Syftet med denna studie var att få en djupare förståelse för ledarskapets betydelse gällande kunskapsöverföring i en organisation, samt bidra med praktiska verktyg till chefer och medarbetare för att undvika att förlora värdefull kunskap vid en generationsväxling. Industriföretaget LEAX har själva identifierat ett problem i att överföra viktig kunskap i och med kommande generationsväxling. Deras önskan var att få hjälp med praktiska verktyg för hur de ska tänka och verka för att mildra kunskapsglappet som kan uppstå. För att undersöka detta och därmed uppfylla denna studies syfte har intervjuer genomförts med fyra produktionsledare, fyra medarbetare som förväntas dela kunskap och tre medarbetare som förväntas ta till sig kunskap. Innan intervjuerna genomfördes läste vi in oss på teori om kunskap, kunskapsöverföring och ledarskap. Eftersom begreppet kunskap har en bred betydelse och kan definieras olika beroende om den är individuell eller organisatorisk, började vi i vårt teoriavsnitt att bena ut detta begrepp. Nonaka och Takeuchi (1995) gör en förenklad bild av kunskap som ett isberg, där den explicita kunskapen benämns som toppen. Väl synlig över ytan på vattnet är den enkel att upptäcka och ta till sig. Under vattnet döljer sig en osynlig kunskap som är svår att upptäcka, så kallas implicit eller tyst kunskap. Denna kunskap utgör en enorm del av isberget och blir därmed viktig att bevara. Dock är denna kunskap svår att överföra då den är osynlig och svår att ta på. För att förstå vad kunskapsöverföring innebär, behöver organisationer identifiera vilken sorts kunskap som behöver överföras för att kunskapsöverföringen ska bli lyckad (Jonsson, 2012). Men även fast organisationer gör detta måste även ledningen förstå att kunskapsöverföring är en strategisk angelägenhet som kan ses som en process som involverar medarbetare. I denna studie har vi undersökt hur ledare kan skapa motivation, engagemang och resurser för medarbetare att vilja medverka och bidra till kunskapsöverföring. För att försöka förstå hur kunskap överförs i en organisation har vi använt oss av Nonaka och Takeuchi, (1995) SECI-modell. Modellen bygger på samspelet mellan den tysta och explicita kunskapen, vilket sker i fyra processer. Dessa processer har vi sedan utvecklat till en egen modell som inkluderar institutionella, organisatoriska och kognitiva faktorer. Utifrån dessa faktorer har vi skapat praktiska förslag på hur ledare tillsammans med medarbetarna kan planera kunskapsöverföring. Dessa praktiska förslag gynnar både individuell- och organisatorisk utveckling, samt bidrar till att mildra kunskapsförlust vid generationsväxlingen. Ett av de praktiska exempel vi utformat är en kompetensprofil, som är ett hjälpmedel för organisationer att identifiera vilken kunskap som medarbetarna besitter, vilket synliggör vilken kunskap det är som kan gå förlorad. Kompetensprofilen tillsammans med vår modell kan appliceras på liknande företag, men även på organisationer som verkar inom andra branscher. Eftersom denna kompetensprofil är utvecklad efter de krav som finns inom aktuell verksamhet, finns det möjlighet att anpassa efter andra verksamheter.


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En upplevelse av att det finns begränsade kunskaper kring vuxna individers väg att lära utgörgrunden för denna undersökning. Utbildningar idag kommer ofta i form av föreläsningarvilket framför allt resulterar i ett assimilativt lärande, det vill säga ett ytligt lärande därindividen saknar förståelse för kunskapen. Pedagogik är ett begrepp som överlag i storutsträckning används när lärande är målet oavsett vem som ska lära sig något. Kursupplägg avpedagogisk karaktär vänder sig främst till barn och kan anses olämplig när vuxna individerska lära sig. Andragogik är begreppet för vuxenlärande, vilken bygger på kunskapen om attvuxna är självstyrande individer och behöver därför själva ta steget till att lära sig något nytt. Iden andragogiska modellen presenteras de förutsättningar som krävs för att en vuxen individska kunna tillägna sig nya kunskaper på en djupare nivå, få en förståelse, denna nivå avlärande kallas för ett ackomodativt lärande.Undersökningens syfte var att studera om de två processledarnas ledarskap och kursupplägggrundas i andragogik för att främja ett ackomodativt lärande i Landstinget Dalarnas Chef ochledarprogram.Undersökningen var en fallstudie där en deduktiv ansats förelåg. En kvalitativ metod i formav observation har använts för insamling av data. Processledarna för Chef ochledarprogrammet har observerats och filmats med filmkamera under en av fyra delar av ettintroduktionsblock. Ledarskap och kursupplägg är två områden som behandlas teoretiskt dåde anses kunna påverka lärandet för vuxna personer såväl kollektivt som individuellt.Processledarna för Landstinget Dalarnas Chef och ledarprogram tog i stor utsträckning hänsyntill de vuxna individernas behov, som kan förstås utifrån den andragogiska modellen. Genomsitt ledarskap och kursupplägg skapade de goda förutsättningar för deltagarnas möjlighet attkunna tillägna sig ett ackomodativt lärande. Processledarnas ledarskap grundar sig i känslor,relationer och med människosynen att alla människor har samma grundläggande behov.Kursupplägget bestod av övningar och dialoger där deltagarna involverades, vilketförespråkas i den andragogiska modellen för att kunna uppnå ett ackomodativt lärande


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Attracting and retaining allied health professionals in rural areas is a recognised problem in both Australia and overseas. Predicted increases in health needs will require strategic actions to enhance the rural workforce and its ability to deliver the required services. A range of factors in different domains has been associated with recruitment and retention in the allied health workforce. For example, factors can be related to the nature of the work, the personal needs, or the way an organisation is led. Some factors cannot be changed (eg geographical location of extended family) whereas others can be influenced (eg education, support, management styles). Recruitment and retention of allied health professionals is a challenging problem that deserves attention in all domains and preparedness to actively change established work practices, both individually as well as collectively, in order to cater for current and predicted health needs. Changes to enhance workforce outcomes can be implemented and evaluated using a cyclic model. The Allied Health Workforce Enhancement Project of the Greater Green Triangle University Department of Rural Health (GGT UDRH) is working towards increasing the number of allied health professionals in the south west of Victoria. Based on themes identified in the literature, an interactive model is being developed that addresses recruitment and retention factors in three domains: (1) personal or individual; (2) organisation; and (3) community.


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To gain the full educational benefits of the major new investments in corporate technologies supporting online teaching and learning it is argued that a strategic, systems based approach to academic professional development (APD) is required. Such an approach requires a clear view of the key areas of potential and enduring teaching and learning benefit which can be realised from online developments, including an understanding of the changing role of the academic teacher in higher education, the identification of the desired professional capacities to educate online, and the implementation of a number of coordinated initiatives to develop these professional capacities in order to engage constructively with the learning and technology opportunities. Based on previous work, we propose a 6three model of Academic Professional Capacities Development for effective APD of online teaching and learning. The model can help inform the actions of policy makers, executives and practitioners in ways that promote an authentic learning organisation.


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To gain the full educational benefits of the major new investments in corporate technologies supporting online teaching and learning it is argued that a strategic, systems based approach of academic professional development (APD) is required. Such an approach requires a clear view of the key areas of potential and enduring teaching and learning benefit which can be realised from online developments, including an understanding of the changing role of the academic teacher in higher education, the identification of the desired professional capacities to educate online and the implementation of a number of coordinated initiatives to develop these professional capacities in order to engage constructively with the learning and technology opportunities. Based on previous work, we propose a '6' by the power of '3' model of Academic Professional Capacities Development for effective APD of online teaching and learning. The model can help inform the actions of policy makers, executives and practitioners in ways that promote an authentic learning organisation.


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In general, there is a gap in research in marketing in relation to understanding the role of marketing employees in organisational marketing performance. An exception to this is the performance of salespeople as a subset of all marketing employees. Broader human resource management research into the people-performance link is also severely limited The proposed model argues that marketing employees are one of an organisation's strategic assets and are essential to the superior performance of the firm. Based on the People and Performance model (Purcell et al. 2003), the current model conceptualises marketing employee competencies as a precursor to performance outcomes and is, specifically, concerned with identifying and understanding the nature of the marketing employee performance relationship. Of note, where current performance research, in the main, adopts intermediate measures of labour turnover and labour productivity, this model proposes a three-tiered approach to performance measurement.


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IT security outsourcing is the establishment of a contractual relationship between an organization with an outside vendor which assumes responsibility for the organisation’s security functions. Outsourcing in IS has had a variable history of success and the complexity of the decision making process leads to a substantial degree of uncertainty. This is especially so in the realm of IS security since the protection of both hardware and software systems is placed in the hands of an external provider. This paper is a fuller and more comprehensive paper of a previous paper outlining the effectiveness of the decision making process by means of a conceptual model using Soft System Methodology techniques that integratessecurity benefits, costs and their respective performance measures. In this paper the methodology used to develop the model is discussed in detail.


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In the workplace, superiors and subordinates may engage in a spiral of aggressive communication and emotional reaction that can lead to negative attitudes and unproductive organisational outcomes and higher staff turnover. In the manuscript, we develop and propose a model of superiors' and subordinates' aggressive communication and emotional reactions. In our model we suggest that organisational context (culture) and individual personal characteristics (personality, trust, self-esteem) influence superiors' and subordinates' aggressive communication. We also suggest that individual emotional characteristics (positive/negative affect, emotional intelligence) influence the protagonists' emotional reactions. Finally, we propose that subordinates' emotional reactions and organisational culture influence their attitudes (organisational identity, perception of a masculine vs. feminine organisation) and their considered behaviours (performance, turnover). We conclude with a discussion of potential limitations, and implications for theory, research, and practice.


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Information is the glue in any organization. It is needed for policy, decision-making, control, and co-ordination. If an organisation's information systems are disrupted or destroyed, then damage to the whole inevitably follows. This paper uses a proven systemic, analytic framework the Viable System Model (VSM) - in a functionalist mode, to analyse the vulnerabilities of an organisation's information resources to this form of aggression. It examines the tactics available, and where they can be used to effectively attack an organisation.


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This paper is a discussion of the B2E e-business model from the perspectives of employee services and organisational management. It includes literature to support B2E as employee services and organisational management with benefits to both. Intranets and portals are technologies supporting the implementation of the B2E e-business model which are also discussed. A case study is included to understand the application of the B2E model in a large organisation. Case study analysis indicates that the B2E e-business model is a service to the employees, however, these services are to support organisational efficiencies.